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Need some new Wii, PS2, and PSX games

Started by Turbam!!!, May 30, 2008, 04:38:28 AM

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My Wii collection is growing, but I'd like it to get bigger, my PS2 collection is...well it could use more..., and my PSX collection is just sad :(

Uh, here is a list of games that I have for the Cube just to give you an idea of what I like.

Animal Crossing
Baten Kaitos: EWaLO
Baten Kaitos Orgins
Donkey Konga
Donkey Konga 2
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat
Eternal Darkness
FF: Crystal Cronicles
Godzilla destroy all monsters
LoTR: The third Age
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Kart
Mario Party 4-7
Mario Power Tennis
Metriod Prime
Namco Museum
Paper Mario:TTYD
Fire Emblem:PoR
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil Code Veronica
Resident Evil 4
Simpsons Hit and Run
Sims 2
Sims Bustin' Out
Skies of Arcadia
Sonic Adventure: DX
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Sonic Heroes
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Riders
Sonic Gems Collection
Soul Calibur 2
Spyro: Enter the dragonfly...(still don't know why I still own this one...)
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Tak and the power of Juju
Tak 2: Staff of dreams
Tak 3: Whatever the subtitle is called...
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Wrestlemania 18
Wrestlemania 19
Day of Reckoning
Day of Reckoning: 2
Zelda: Collectors Edition
Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Zelda: Ocarina of Time/ Master Quest
Zelda: Wind Waker
Zelda: Twilight Princess

The reason that there are so many is because I never really trade anything in...

And here is what I have for PS2, Wii, and PSX


Clock Tower 3
Dark Cloud
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Disgaea 2
Dragon Quest 8
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
God of War
God of War II
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts 2
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Soul Calibur 3
Smakdown vs Raw 2007


Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Mario and Sonic: At Olympic games
Mario Party 8
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles
Resident Evil 4
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Super Paper Mario
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Trauma Center
Trauma Center: New Blodd
Wario Ware
Wii Play
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Link's Crossbow Training


Final Fantasy VII
Legend of the Dragoon

Yes I know that having 3 different copies of Resident Evil 4=Bad Turbam!!!

But since my Cube collection has become pretty big I don't really want to get rid of any of it.  The Wii version I wont sell because it's the best out of all of them.  So perhaps I should sell my PS2 copy...

And I'm a huge fan of Zelda :ehail: So having both copies of Twilight Princess is rather normal for me.

Thank the lord  :lordilsmile: that I was called in for an interview today!


Phantasy Star Online (don't need to go online to enjoy it, but since the official server is down you can look up the private server)

No More Heroes
Metroid Prime 3

Atelier Iris series

Star Ocean the Second Story
Legend of Mana
Final Fantasy Tactics
Parasite Eve
Final Fantasy Anthology
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Rival Schools
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Lunar 2 Eternal Blue
Suikoden 1 and 2 (good finding them though)
Valkyrie Profile (same as above)
Chrono Cross
Vagrant Story
Breath of Fire 3 and 4
Jade Cocoon
King's Field
Megaman Legends
Thousand Arms


What! NO Ace Combat for PS2 and Xbox!
Unheard of!  :sumiyoshi:

Mr Crispy

Since you seem to like platformers, you should try the PS2's big three series of platformers, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper.

You also have a lot of survival horror titles, so maybe you could try the Fatal Frame series.

And I see Dark Cloud, but not Dark Cloud 2 which was a massive improvement.

Also give Okami a shot.


Cool! Thanks for all the suggestions guys!!!

Oh, and what version of Okami would you say is better? Wii or PS2?

Mr Crispy

From what I've heard, the PS2 and Wii versions are identical content wise, just different in control. I'm assuming that Wiimote controls make drawing with the brush easier, but I've heard some complaints about the way the rest of the combat controls are set up.

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I heard that Boom Blox for the Wii is a great game!


I've heard some good things about Boom Blox as well...I suppose I'll need to check it out.


Virtua Fighter 4

Great 3D fighting game.