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Who's you fav Excel saga charcter: vote on 1,post top 3

Started by E-E, May 01, 2005, 11:03:43 AM

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appiness is like a duck...
so watch more T.V.


oh we have to pick a third one alright my third choice would have to be....Hyatt as for some reason I can't picture an Excel Saga Manga or Anime without her (heck I have trouble reading half of volume 14 as she doesn't appear in the second half, I would have ignored it were it not for Excel as well as a little fan service from Elgala in her swimsuit :lol: )


Excel - Ilpalazzo - Elgala FTW  :lol:

Excel is my favourite by miles and miles though... Ilpala and Elgala are pretty close to each other (tohugh they must never be, for Excel's sake  :P )
Run. Jump. Fall. Limp. Try Harder.

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I voted for Misaki but I like Umi the best from the manga. Though I do like Excel, Hyatt and Elgala alot.


Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"
Il Palazzo- There is just something about him that draws me to him... in a non homosexual way...not that I wouldn't... you know...

Odd I feel the same way about Excel. :p I'd totally do her if I were a guy or a lesbain. XD

My top three

Ilpalazzo: Teh Sex, 'nuff said.
Excel: My role model. Though I'm not sure if she's the type of role model I should have. XD
Third place is a mixed bag. A tie between Shiouji, Elgala, Miwa and Iwata.

Seems to be a lot of closet Ilpalazzo fangirls/boys. He's second in the polls.


well that is because he is the Leader of the super secret Ideological organisation of across, we could not have an insane main character with out the love interest either  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Hyate-Im soooo in love with her (really i sometimes cry at night)  :lol:
Excel-She kindof reminds me of myself sometimes
DR.kabapo-ilPallazzo-great men
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


1. god no other immigrant has ever made me laugh so hard.
2. Nabeshin
3. Excel
amn you, just because you are a visually appealing little bastard does not make you cool! You stupid, stupid, stupid I'll kill you! You poser! I'll definately make you die!


1. Il Palazzo
2. Excel
3. Hyatt

I see Rikdo wasn't in the poll...too bad, he was a fun part of the series.



Can I do a top 5?

1. Nabeshin
2. Excel
3. Watanabe
4. Hyatt
5. Elgala


Carl Horn



Besides the UTTERLY obvious answer here, I'd say that after Excel, my favorite characters are...... Hmmm.....

Well, in terms of how funny I think they are and how much I enjoy seeing their antics, my choices would go as Il Palazzo, Iwata, and Shiouji. The thing is that I don't really like many of the other characters by themselves. I like watching the interaction between the Daitenzin guys as a group, but by themselves they'd be pretty boring and uninteresting. I mean, even Iwata. Thick as a brick he may be, but apart from the others he's actually pretty normal. ...... Y'know, 'cept for the cyborg bit.

I think Kabapu's funny, but I don't like him. I ALMOST feel bad for him (lol vol. 16), but I think it's really just divine retribution. He earned it.

So yeah, I stick by my choices.

1. Excel
2. Il Palazzo
3. Iwata/Daitenzin dudes
4. Shiouji



Quote from: Escargotage on September 07, 2007, 12:38:13 PM
Quote from: Carl Horn on September 07, 2007, 12:10:37 PM
Quote from: Escargotage on September 07, 2007, 03:16:18 AM
1. Umi
2. Miwa
3. Elgala

What do all three of these characters have in common? ^_^

Ahem. Great personalities.  :hdead:


Wrong answer. Try again.
