Oh, I ain't arguing that, that's why I said about making that big fat woman in my first post. As I've yet to see it(I've only played the first Crazy Taxi) in a game personally.
I find RPGs are especially guilty, even moreso than fighting games of having "templated" characters who seem like they were just put together using a program that may be called "Generic Anime People" or something.
In fighting games it's kinda forgivable, since in general, fighters will fit a certain style(average karate guy, fat sumo, big muscular wrestler etc.) but in RPGs, where it's meant to be like a real world, where all the guys are either pretty boys, muscular or comedically waaaay overweight and all the women are either super sexy, little girls or skinny old grannies is kinda ridiculous. It's like they can't do inbetweens on the guys(even "average joe" type guys are pretty rare in RPGs) and you can't have a girl who isn't either skinny or sexy. Maybe we could call it Square Syndrome?