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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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What an odd request, why do these things never get caught on tape :D

Also, furthron i have no more interesting things to post for now, so i have photos instead... Here's a pic of my room becasue, i dunno . . .

Look at my lovely poster, because you know you must love it too...

Then 3 weks passed before i finally got to empty my overfilled Mail box (for room of two certain Mangas--*Wink Wink Nudge Nudge* and a DVD for a friend)

Then i saw thise in between all the crappy commercial shit...

I dunno, maybe i should burn this one, before i burry it in a container with rotten food and other decayed matter...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress


Wow, I'm beginning to think it's pretty stupid of me to join up with forums and such because of how too attached and easily hurt I can get. I've just abandoned my DA account because I saw on someone's account that I watch, and who I thought was also a good friend, she was having a conversation with a member of a forum I used to love to go on but was shut down about two years ago. Apparently he's found and recruited all those old members and made a secret forum where they all hang out, including the chick who pretended she was going to commit suicide every week. For some reason I'm not welcome, though.


You got this forum, we love you here..!

Ps i'm REALLY in chat now, i really am, really
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


All I will say is, bloody british weather, rain and wind

Lord Il

Quote from: exckilla on November 21, 2009, 11:41:02 AM
All I will say is, bloody british weather, rain and wind
Much better than snow.

Over here across the 'pond' the weather has been reasonably good so far. But it can't be any worse than last year though... all it seemed to be was snow, snow, snow, and even more snow.


This day has been awfully boring all day now... I've stayed at home because i woke up with a slightly annoying pinchy headache that just wouldn't go away...
But all day almost no one has been around, and i did nothing but slack and draw a bit ...

Tomorrow better make up for that...

PS i'm in chat ..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress

This is BS...

So there's only four weeks left of this quarter at college. I have the same teacher for a residential class and one that's online. I got a strange e-mail from both classes a few days ago saying that a new teacher would be taking over and today during my residential class, although they couldn't get into detail, I learned that teacher no longer teaches for this school anymore. I really liked him so I'm very sad! Worst of all is that because it happened so suddenly the poor lady they have taking over for him is really lost and not sure what to do while the one online is frustrated because my former teacher was really far behind in grades.

*sigh*  :e_crying:


More bloody rain on the way and wind, feel sorry for those poor buggers in Cumbria though, they had it really bad


Quote from: Mad Hatteress on November 24, 2009, 09:04:05 AM
This is BS...

So there's only four weeks left of this quarter at college. I have the same teacher for a residential class and one that's online. I got a strange e-mail from both classes a few days ago saying that a new teacher would be taking over and today during my residential class, although they couldn't get into detail, I learned that teacher no longer teaches for this school anymore. I really liked him so I'm very sad! Worst of all is that because it happened so suddenly the poor lady they have taking over for him is really lost and not sure what to do while the one online is frustrated because my former teacher was really far behind in grades.

*sigh*  :e_crying:

Ah, such, this never happened to me, but it happened to several people I know at Uni. One professor, whom I was friends with, was so prone to getting in severe accidents, one semester he was knocked out for the whole semester and had somebody take over who had no idea how to run the class and the entire tone and intent of the class changed, it pissed a lot of people off. They wanted to take HIS class, not whatever this new teacher turned it into. More than half the class just dropped it if they could, it was bad all around.

This same teacher was my major professor for my thesis committee as well. Guess what? He retired on me last year, but in the end it proved to be for the best. Still pissed me off something fierce at the time though.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move

Mad Hatteress

Well, I lied a little; I guess now there's only three weeks left so I guess it won't be too bad since those two new teachers have promised leniency, but that teacher was involved with a lot of classes I need to take to complete the program so they're hiring new people for those now too. Also, I learned he was involved in a study group on Monday's and now that's all fallen apart right when those people are doing their big final project.

Today was just cursed. Not only did I learn that Borders is closing in January but on my way home I was stuck on the freeway for about an hour because of a big accident which I'm pretty sure resulted in either major injuries or death by the look of one of the cars.  


Happy Thanksgiving to all us yanks! To Micki and exckilla and all you other dang foreigners, have a happy awesome day.
Pample teases because she loves, guys.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Thank you Pample, i hope i speak for all if i say we love you too, and i do hope you enjoy your barbaric Turkey Feast  :elhail:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Mad Hatteress



Sounds like urine for a good time ;)

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move