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Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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Lord Il

Quote from: ElricJC on March 04, 2010, 10:34:42 AMLo, there shall be in the small city of Ames a true Mecca for all nerds. I shall see it done, by god, even if I have to remain flipping burgers and collecting data for a small-time, dead end website while I do it. GO BIG OR GO HOME, RAAAHHHH!
That's the way to do it, ElricJC. Just take the bull by the horns and wrestle it down to the ground. It's the only way it'll happen.

But what a great idea! In fact I was talking with friends about such a store concept and why it seems like no one has done this yet. I mean, why not?? It's brilliant!

I think if you're going to go big, start from scratch - design and build your own building. This way you can have everything exactly the way you want it without having to restrict yourself with compromises over what goes where.

As for a location, I would say get as close to downtown as you can within close proximity to public transport. Such a location will create a good draw to your business.

Keep us posted!

Mad Hatteress

At least one happy thing happened today! Lots and lots of negative reviews for Burton's latest failure. However, that doesn't change the fact that this insult exists and that it's basically the same as if he'd urinated on Lewis Carroll's grave. 


I guess your on about alice in wonderland, thought about seeing it then notice all the talkative brats and kiddies going in for it so I saw legion instead.

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: exckilla on March 06, 2010, 04:12:28 PM
I guess your on about alice in wonderland, thought about seeing it then notice all the talkative brats and kiddies going in for it so I saw legion instead.

I want so badly to rub it in the faces of those assholes at Ever since the film was announced I was furious and expressed my displeasure only to be flamed by the morons who frequent that site and have their heads between Burton's legs.

It's a shame the only real Alice site around has to be filled with people like that. There is no sense of community like this place. I've been a member for years and yet still have no respect or anyone I can call a friend there. Any real Alice fan would be raving mad about what Burton did to our beloved story.

FYI, I wouldn't be so hard on this movie if Burton weren't such an egoist jerk. His interviews give off the impression he thinks he's a god of film making and that the movies he's ripping off were terrible. You do NOT insult Gene Wilder. Although it deviated from the story Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a classic that will be loved long after we're all gone. The same cannot be said for Burton's Micheal Jackson looking Wonka. When I watched that movie I feared for Charlie's life and chastity.


That sounds splendid, Elric! It makes it a lot easier to muscle your way through lame day-jobs if you have a goal. But is it bad that I immediately went to google maps to see what the distance was between Iowa and Ohio? XD I think so... I'm such a stalker, geez. Nonetheless, I would make the 10-hour drive to see the opening of nerdvana for sure!
Speaking of soul-crushing jobs, I'm starting a new one tomorrow! As a collector. For student loans. Yeah, I know, it's ironic since I only got it in order to pay my own loans. Bleeeeh. First days suck, yo. Still, they may take my free time,  but they'll never take my cheery disposition! \o/

I went to see the new Alice. Pretty good, if a bit predictable and far too cut-and-dry thematically for me. Of course, I had also consumed many green beverages beforehand. No matter the adaptation, the cheshire cat will always always be my favorite though! I LOVE IT UNCONDITIONALLY. I really should read the books, though...
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Someone told me the plot of Alice in Wonderland, since no advertising so far has given me an incling as to what is was.
Two queens, an adult Alice, It WOULD be her THIRD time going there. No, it's not real life, and Alice should not have to weild a sword from a stone to kill a mythical dragon!
I haven't felt this messed up since I saw the Adolesence of Utena.

By the way, I have my 'P' licence plates now! i can drive on the road on my own, in my car, playing whatever music i like. Just so you know, Because most P platers in Australia were getting cocky without actually having any skill, they introduced a sceme where in a 18 month minimum, you must get 120 hours of driving practice, recorded in a log book. I went up to 134 Hours, and passed on my first test. all right!


god i'm miserable, been what nearly 3 months since I had a job and I can't find a new one yet (well I found plenty but they wouldn't accept me XO) and they said the Recession was over and there was loads of jobs out there XO

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 08, 2010, 04:57:59 AM
god i'm miserable, been what nearly 3 months since I had a job and I can't find a new one yet (well I found plenty but they wouldn't accept me XO) and they said the Recession was over and there was loads of jobs out there XO

I will trade situations with you. I'm dead serious. I'm such a retard I'm really struggling with the end of this semester with college and I hate my job so much I don't want to even get up in the morning. I'm so stressed by body feels like it weighs thirty tons when I try to get up since I really don't want see what the day has in store for me this time. Not to mention the funny pains in my chest! It sure is a weird feeling when you're walking along and suddenly it feels like someone's reached in and started squeezing my heart. It hurts like heck and gets worse with every breath I take. Nearly 21 years of this... When does life get better?!


Quote from: Mad Hatteress on March 08, 2010, 06:23:53 AM
Not to mention the funny pains in my chest! It sure is a weird feeling when you're walking along and suddenly it feels like someone's reached in and started squeezing my heart. It hurts like heck and gets worse with every breath I take. Nearly 21 years of this... When does life get better?!

At last, proof that my voodoo doll of passion works...
I won't hug it anymore though, seems from your reaction that it's too effective...

On a more serious note, please think of just the positive outcomes... Good money, and that means a wealthy future, for instance...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

In most cases, it still seems that job opportunities are very dependant upon who you know. T_T


Those three themes were repeated a billion times today at my training. UGH. I realize I shouldn't complain since I've finally gotten a 'job' but the turn-over seems really high (new training classes every month) and I'm still skeptical. At least I still have another three weeks of training to decide...

I agree, HA1L, the job market is still extremely sad. I've been programmed to think you'd automatically get a semi-decent job straight-away with a college degree. Silly conditioning.
Alas, I may be weary of it already, but the money will be nice!
At least I'm not Misaki.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


when things couldn't get worse, I just been Leicester today thinking the dole people have paid e. Went to a cash point and....nothing. I had to walk back from leicester today and I live in a small village outside Hinckley. all in all this is 16 MILES OF F**KING WALKING

I just phoned the jobcentre people and they said they didn't put it through because, and I quote this, "they Forgot"......I JUST WALKED 16 MILES BACK FROM LEICESTER BECAUSE SOME F**KING ^&*% $£"& STUPID T**T FORGOT  :e_angry:


If that was me, i'd have left the mysterious message-"thanks for the exercise though"-in their phone, and leave them wondering what i meant...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I'm still F**King annoyed though  :e_annoyed:


Ugh, I'd be too-- that was a super fail on their part. Re-education for all!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.