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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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I'll let you know in a week when I find out! I hope I'm able to get an extra copy 'cause 7 is a great volume :D It would be a shame if your didn't get to read it, so I will certainly try hard! If all else fails, I can send over my copy of seven for ze borrowing! We shall see, I suppose
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Thanks for looking, seriously! :ehail: :g_hail: :elhail: :im_nabeshin: :lordilsmile:


YAR! My 'source' was an ebay auction ( :ehail: ) and i won 14 volumes of excel saga for a greaaaaat price-- $35 shipped! Volumes 1-14, including 7 and 8! ( Do not fret for Senor Horn , I will support the sales by buying the rest I need new!) However, a friend made me paranoid that tiny bedbug eggs will hitch a ride in the books so now i have to bake them in in plastic garbage bags outside in the 90 degree heat we're gonna have next week. Amateur solution, but those things are nasty, yo.
I haven't received them yet, but they look like they're in good condition even!
Foggle, just shoot me a pm with the address you want volume 7 sent to; I will even forego baking yours if you prefer. :D
Of course, because I haven't seen the condition there are no guarantees...  And one shouldn't count their eggs before they hatch~!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.

Lord Il

^Bedbug eggs??? lol!
I've never heard of such a thing happening. Doesn't mean it can't happen I suppose. :e_shocked: Something to think about for sure.

Pample, I'd say you made off like a bandit! Excellent price. Go you!! Woooo!!! :ehail:


Yarrr, I think I'm gettin' me booty tomorrow. I may be paranoid, mateys, but I shall not be invaded by scurvy cabin-dwellers. XD
Anyone quaff some ale for Talk Like a Pirate Day? Or do anything else exciting? I just remembered about an hour ago and oh nooooo it's not even that day anymore here. Oh well, I'll pretend like I'm on Central time and it is still the holiday. I made off like a bandit with a ton of Monkey Island downloads, on the bright side!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Man.... I have an assignment I should be working on. Due tomorrow, only done scraps, not enough to make a report. I hate this class. I need 70% to pass.
I don't caaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... i think? If I care, it's because I take days off from work for this, they expect me to pass. The course cost $1200 and I never really fail things, ever. at least, not at school.
Ever since I left school, I can't concentrate properly. Everything I do is based on my motivation. I guess it's what growing up is like, but these days I can't force myself to do anything.

I need a holiday. At least, not to work so much.

BLAH! Okay, i've talked it out to someone, even if no one reads this.


Thats lucky cus' I has work all bloody week from 7.30 until 5, due to people on leave and sickies. 


Anyone else feel this thread is turning into an agony column?

hee hee, i feel giddy because I finished my assignment. It sucks, who knows if I'll pass.

Those long weeks are terrible exckilla. I work 7-3.15 shifts and I couldn't imagine doing anymore than that! Ohh, it really sucked when I had to do 6-4 shifts at McDonalds - brrr.

Lord Il

Quote from: Randamo on September 21, 2010, 11:47:37 PM
Anyone else feel this thread is turning into an agony column?
nah.. :e_tongue:

Quote from: Randamo on September 21, 2010, 11:47:37 PMhee hee, i feel giddy because I finished my assignment. It sucks, who knows if I'll pass.
Good luck just the same. :ehail:

Quote from: Randamo on September 21, 2010, 11:47:37 PMThose long weeks are terrible exckilla. I work 7-3.15 shifts and I couldn't imagine doing anymore than that! Ohh, it really sucked when I had to do 6-4 shifts at McDonalds - brrr.
I'm finally back to normal hours this week after a month. Getting up at 5:20am wasn't fun. X_x But on the upside, traffic was much lighter on the commute to work.


Thanks for the well-wishes on the assignment. Truthfully it isn't a class im very interested in. I do Horticulture, but i study basically everything. I haven't specialised in any area. I have two classes, one is design where we learn to measure a site, survey, learn to make up drawn designs, use a computer program that architects and landscapers use to design, as well as study famous designers and learn to think creatively. It's actually really interesting with a wide scope of subjects within it.

This class that i dislike is australian natives. Anyone from California here? Seen the gum trees? Yeah, how would you like to learn how to differentiate between 13 varieties in a 2 hour session, knowing there are hundreds more species with little things that make them different? Now eucalypts aren't that bad, but there a many sticky, weedy looking things you wouldn't notice. I don't like natives, as you can tell, but to learn about them for a whole year gets me down.


Ugh, my monitor broke, so I thought it was a good chance to finally do some other things, but I could only last for 2 weeks before a bought a new one. Can't live without a computer.  :e_pleased:

Lord Il

^ I hear ya.
Fortunately my old monitor didn't die on me completely. It allowed me some time to research LCDs.
I love this new monitor.
Out with old, in with the new.


Today I checked my bank account... and what did I find there you ask? My tax return. It sure is nice to see an extra 1000+ dollars... so I just had to do an evil, cackling laugh.

it came at a good time. I've been waitin'for a new T.V. can't play ps3 games (heeeyyy there's something else to buy) on my tv.

i made sure to wave

Lord Il

^*waves back*  :e_tongue:
Congrats on that tax return. Nice!
You could buy a pretty awesome lcd television with 1000 bucks. But prices have gone down quite a bit in the last few years so you should have no problem getting both a TV and a PS3.

Lord Il

Remember, Remember the 5th of November...

Anyone have a good home remedy for ridding oneself of phlegm? :e_embarassed:
I suddenly gots a bad cold. X_x