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Chit Chat thread

Started by Mas, March 07, 2009, 11:20:34 AM

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Lord Il

Hellooooo ?

Oh, thanks a lot, guys! I now have Lionel Richie's song "Hello" stuck in my head. :il_hahaha:

Don't have a clue what the lyrics are, though. heh..


Hi Hi Hi!

I'm about to finish my Diploma guys. It's been a long November. I have to do one worksheet and hand that in tomorrow. I have to pull myself together to do it. But i'm so over it.

Right now i'm watching Sexy Commando Gaiden, so I weep for my final results. If only I had more motivation, the same I have for sitting around and watching anime, then who knows what I could do.


cool you are right it has been a long month lol.

I've perked up finally :-) i have most of my bills paid and i've talked to my friends and family about xmas so its gonna be ok :-) also im 26 now my bday was last friday lol


Hey. I'm done. Woke up so early, but I'm done. Got to go on my excursion today, and you know what that means? I get to spazz out over snakes.
I got to see a legless lizard sleeping upclose too. Kya!

Do you want to see my lovelies?

Here's a harmless one first - the beautiful green tree python. It curls itself over so cutely as it hangs from branches in the rainforest. Sorry it's not a good picture. He was facing the wrong way.

Then there was Taipan, which is the 6th - 4th deadliest snake in the world. It has such a cute tiny face though. Don't move ye bastard!

And then theres the Death Adder, which is the 9th or 8th deadliest snake in the world. There was about 4 in the same enclosure and they were truly one of the most active animals there. These crazy jerks will actually chase after you if you tick them off, whereas the lovely Red Bellied Black Snake is timid and easily scared. 

On top of that we got to see some Australian animals. Hmm, Kangaroos, big whoop. They're lazy, shifty things that aren't cute at all. However, alot of tiny marsupials such as the bilby or native rats (which are way cuter than disgusting European rats) hop as well. It's interesing how they all have this similarity about them. And the sugar-gliders. Oh. So cute. Tinier than mice, they have cute little tails, big black eyes and skit about so quickly you can't catch them.

Ehehe, going to the zoo reminds me of my love for animals. Maybe I should do a zoology course.......... nah!

Good to see things are looking up for you too Hail. I turned 20 not long ago and I look forward to facing the future, not as a teen anymore, but as an adult. In my country, I've been legal for two years now so it's not a big change. Just a mental one.


Snakes eeeeeeeeehhhh XD i love snakes they're awesome always wanted a snake since i held a Boa Constricter in my hands XD even after i got bitten by an Adder i still want a snake XD

what?.......oh why did an adder bite me? Well i got home and saw something on the path. I picked it up thinking it was a cable (dog would have chewed it up). It then sprang back and bit me. I was lucky that all i got was flu like symptons for 2 weeks and now im weary if i see abit of cable incase it happens again. Also it was dark so xouldnt see it that well


Call me crazy, but you're lucky to get bitten by one. I wanna get bitten! I might get a cool scar and be all rugged Aussie, nonchalantely pointing to it and saying "some little bugger got me one day, yeah, had to crawl to the ute and drive out of the desert. Yeah, it was a close one. Shall I tell you the story about how I killed a shark with my bare hands. Yeah, punched through its eye socket and crushed its brain. Wanna see that scar?"

:e_tongue: JK.

Someone said to me once that a non-venomous snake bite can be dangerous because you can get a bacterial infection - which can make you feel sick for a while. That may be what happened. Do you see snakes often where you live. I've never seen one where I live, but I saw some in Queensland. Heart stopping.


where i am in the UK they're uncommon. I live by mainly farmland so if i'm lucky I might see one as they prefer land where cows dont wonder around. I think there are only 3 species in the UK and only the adder is venomous.  Since i moved into my new flat i've seen a grass snake that lives in the field where i walk the dog (i had to put her on the lead so she didn't bother it) that was in august. They're hibernating now so wont see it till around may time. The Adder was a one off i reckon. I have seen an escaped Python that the RSPCA had to come collect as the farmer would have killed the poor thing. If you are gonna have a pet snake please look after it and make sure it cant escape otherwise itll end up dead/escaping/being part of a top gear challenge lol


Ha, no, I don't think I'll be getting one. I just like to look.


I would but i got a dog and she would knock the tank over shes that nuts lol


well it's a new year and a new start and guess what I'm already having problems lmao. First off I didn't get fully paid, as a direct result of that i couldn't pay my phone bill so i've been disconnected. I'm alright though I'm not letting the B*****ds grind me down again I just have to put up with it.


Its been a rough 4 years or so for me (since I was last here). Life has been non-stop since then... how is everyone in 2012? HA1L, keep positive about it all and hopefully you get paid right from now on.

Lord Il

Glad to see you again, excel-kleinwald. :ehail: It's been too long.


it's all sorted out now  :ehail:

Lord Il

^Excellent! That's what I like to hear.

@Randamo: I'm a little late but... those snakes are really cool. I'm especially liking the blue one. Wouldn't want it chasing me, though. lol!
I haven't been to a zoo in a long time.



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