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What does this year have in store for you?

Started by Randamo, July 21, 2009, 06:27:56 PM

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I did this last year, so some should be familiar.
Here's how it's gonna go down, yo. Just talk about what your looking forward to in the coming months, be it some Anime release, upcoming movie or something in your life like graduation.

Here's my bit to start us off:

Eva movies and the Shinji raising project manga.
Eureka 7 movie and finally finishing the TV series.
Getting Peacemaker Kurogane manga - Suzu goes psyco.
Final Cynical Orange release.
More RedvsBlue episodes: I want Church and Tucker back! Doc's a long shot though.
Personal: Getting a job and sending off application to get my diploma.
Turning 18 in a couple months, now I can drink, buy guns and shop online.


Not much apart from when october comes when I will only have one more year to pay off my IVA


Ahh... a music camp coming up, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni first season box set, school, lots of practicing, and a whole truck load of new albums from a bunch of bands I like.


School and work, work and school. That's about it for yours truly.


I wish I worked more... I'm barely employed. Being on call is really annoying.


Trust me sitting in an office a for 5 days a week with not much work to do ain't fun


Mad Hatteress

I guess I'm looking forward to Brutal Legend coming out; it's by the guy who did Psychonauts and Grim Fandango so it has to be good.

Other then that I'm just looking forward to getting closer and closer to graduating so I can fianlly get a job in the gaming biz and leave my awful job at the hospital. I swear I'm almost at my breaking point and I might end up killing a certain wench who doesn't do a damn thing but gets to keep her job because she's a Grade A Ass Kisser.

E^D Crow

Well, there's work...

I'll be going on vacation in October, to visit family in California.

I'm waiting for Arc Rise Fantasia, and Muramasa: The Demon Blade to be released in the fall.

I turn 30, in November.

No other plans, really.