Author Topic: Moments of "Lame"  (Read 1830 times)

Mad Hatteress

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Moments of "Lame"
« on: September 05, 2009, 03:56:36 PM »
You know what I'm talking about. When you encounter a puzzle or a task in a game that's impossible or frustrating and really not that fun to do or even glitches that can be triggered too easily. What are some moments you encountered?

I love Rule of Rose to death but it is so sloppily put together! Cutscenes can be missed if you visit areas too early, items can be missed if you don't play the chapters a certain way (you can pick which ones you want; the game doesn't tell you which order to choose, the hit detection is the worst I've ever seen, and Brown just sucks sometimes.

Brown gets stuck:

Boss gets stuck:

Where's Jennifer?!:

But seriously, the hit detection is AWFUL! For every, like, five hits it only registers one.

In Haunting Ground there was this god-awful puzzle involving alchemy. You're supposed to read cryptic clues and figure out how to create this stone, but I is dumb, so it took forever. Also, while you're running from the final boss at the end, there's a part where the pillar falls and you have to hurry and push it up. The only problem is that there's no commands on the screen. I got pissed and just mashed the controller on, like, my 90th try and that finally worked.

Playing Nocturne is torture. Seriously. It's terribly hard and honestly has few fun moments but tons of people love it anyway for some reason. In particular I hated this one puzzle that takes to finish where you had to move around blocks to solve and pretty much all of the Labyrinth of Amala. There's a part where you have to flip switches and, if Dante catches you, not only do you have to fight him a little before he runs but you have to start aaaaaaaaaaaall over again. What also sucks is that there are ZERO save points inside Amala. After clearing the part of the Labyrinth with Dante the first time I was actually killed in a random battle and had to start over.

Dante's warning:

They make it look easy!:

Dante has a huge man-crush on the Demi-Fiend.

Masters Mode on Gitaroo Man? Impossible. Tried the first level and died after several tries!

This is only the second stage!:

An even bigger "moment of lame" was when I bought the PSP port and saw they replaced the wonderful Japanese song Flyin' to Your Heart, which is in that video, with an English version which sucks.

...Space Channel 5 is one of my favorite games of all time but...

Guitar battles are haaaaaaaaaaard!:

OK, Ouendan is hard enough as it is but then they go and add a mode that takes away the circles that help tell you when to hit the numbers?! No. Just no.

I could never do this:

I'm sure I could think of more, but I'll end with this one: My mother accidentally tripped on a cord and unplugged my Super Nintendo when I was about to beat Donkey Kong Country. Meh.




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Re: Moments of "Lame"
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 06:36:14 PM »
Darn you beat me to Ouendan....

Punch-Out....every single level....minus Glass Joe of course

While it is very cliche, I did have problems with the Water Temple in Ocarina of Time as a kid.

Some of the bosses in Prinny: Can I really be the hero, are very brutal

Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja was the first Rouge-like game I it lauged at me while it kicked my ass.

Assassin's Creed was horrible at times.  You'd do missions and you'd get everything set up perfectly.  You'd surprise yourself with how clever you'd been, and know that no matter how hard you'd try you would never replicate it.  You only have one target left and you throw your knife at him.  He points up at you and triggers an alert, nulling the mission you are on, and then dies from the knife that hit him 3 seconds latter.

Sonic the Hedgehog for the 360 and PS3....oh dear god how glitchy that game was.  While it personally never happend to me, I've heard that someone died after jumping onto a Spring.  The camera was god awful, and I don't mind most terrible camera angles.  Some of the load times were ridiculous.  Lets say that you were on a sub mission, it would take a good 1 to 2 minutes of loading for the person who's sub mission you were doing to tell you what to do.  After they told you, you'd have yet another 1 to 2 mintues of loading to get into the actual mission.  And if you loose you have to do it all over again.

Ok so I may be exxagerating about the time, but it felt that long.  The worst part about the game is that the song playing during the final boss is so damn epic.  But you have to go through hell 3 times to get to it.


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Re: Moments of "Lame"
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2009, 11:54:57 AM »

One of my moments was Ouendan related too, in the second game. Without getting too specific, think last level of Ultra Hard hidden female cheerleader mode.

It took me 4 months on that single level.... :hdead:

Needless to say, it ruined whatever the hell that song is, and I can't ever replay it on ANY difficulty without feeling compelled to smash something. Other controller demolishing games are the Contra series and the first Disgaea. I just did not have the patience to number grind my way to the end, except to get to Level 90 inside a weapon. When I got out, someone had scrubbed the memory card and it was to full of other stuff to make a new save. That was the last time I ever played that.

Mad Hatteress

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Re: Moments of "Lame"
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 06:41:41 PM »
OMG... I can't believe I forgot We Heart Katamari.

After you beat the game there's a rose which asks you to roll up one million roses. I thought "Sure! No problem!" except you can only pick up one or ten roses at a time and they're placed few and far between. I bought the game years ago and I think I've rolled up 800,000 with playing that stage every once in awhile. I should've just bought the rubber bands and cheated like other players.