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Solaria symbol

Started by #55, September 19, 2009, 10:17:14 AM

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Hey, I'm a huge Excel Saga geek, so much in fact that I wanted to make myself a pin bearing the Solarian triangle logo thing. I was, however, quite rightly devastated when I found out that apparently no one on the internet had made a high resolution graphic of the emblem. So I had to make one myself and figured that hey, I hate nothing quite as much as not finding what I want on the internet and don't want anyone else to share that feeling so maybe I should put this thing up somewhere. This seemed like the place where it would be appreciated best.

The symbol looks like this:

The original image is available for download as a 1200dpi (2600x2600) .xcf and .psd file. All the guidelines, paths and layers I used to make this thing are still in place so you can modify it pretty easily if it doesn't match the version you seek to imitate. I made this in GIMP though so I can't vouch that the PSD will work perfectly.

This thing's public domain so use it however you want in your fanart or whatever.


Sweet, it looks well Done..!
Also, Welcome to the Boards #55, hope you didn't just join for this post here alone, we'd love more people to be around :)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Looks great! Nice, crisp edges. You obviously put a lot of effort into this.

I have the .psd downloaded. When opened, it has all layers available - I think there's a total of 7.


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. The GIMP image I made has eight layers. Maybe you're missing the background layer? It should be the only "special" layer in the image, so I can't really think of any other explanation.

Either way, good to know that at least it mostly works. Thanks for the compliments.

Lord Il

Yeah, sorry, it is actually eight. Forgot to count the background layer.

Everything's intact.


Very awesome fan-goodness! I love it, every minute detail is perfect!
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.