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Eureka 7 //Good Night, Sleep Tight, Young Lovers//

Started by WolfeMcGowann, September 26, 2009, 12:24:56 PM

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Hey there everyone! I'm not sure if anyone ever had much interest in the original TV series, but what with it been shown in cinemas over in America last Friday, I was wondering if anyone got a chance to see it, and if they did <I know, a *big* if there>, perhaps they would care to share their thoughts.....

..... Don't all rush now.  :il_hahaha:

Apologies in advance for unabashedly stating my opinions, but I was pleasantly surprised by the movie, as it really departed from the original; completely changing at least two characters personality's completely, as well as many other plot points. It was kind of refreshing to see it change so much as opposed to other 44-episode-anime-series-condescended-into-a-2-hour-movies. <Cough> Gurren-Lagann <Cough>

Oh, and that ending song was beautiful against the credits, but that's probably me getting all sentimental...


Hey hey, you watch your mouth! Gurren Lagann was 27 episodes, not 44, and it's being turned into 2 movies, not one!

That said I never cared about Eureka 7. >.>


Doe's it make much sense has a movie though, I did see the commbined efforts of the ghost in the shell series has movies and was not impressed. 

Lord Il

Quote from: WolfeMcGowann on September 26, 2009, 12:24:56 PMI was pleasantly surprised by the movie, as it really departed from the original; completely changing at least two characters personality's completely
hmm.. One of these characters wouldn't happen to be Holland Novak, would it? I don't know if I've ever seen a more irritating and abusive personality. In the series, the way he used to smack around Renton all the time got my blood boiling on more than one occasion. >_<


I would agree there were times I felt like I wanted to smack him one, it was one of the few things that irritated me about eureka 7, especially since he supposed to some sort of leader to this motley crew of rebels.

super llama

I LOVE Eureka 7. Definitely one of my favorite anime series. I just love how it took such a ridiculous premise as surfing robots and actually made it work, and how they made the romance subplot the main focus of the series without taking away from the actiony parts.

And yeah, Holland tends to act like an unlikeable douchebag for the first half of the series. He's pretty cool when he gets over it, though.
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


Please more like the whole series until the final episodes


Quote from: Lord Il on September 28, 2009, 03:02:27 PM
Quote from: WolfeMcGowann on September 26, 2009, 12:24:56 PMI was pleasantly surprised by the movie, as it really departed from the original; completely changing at least two characters personality's completely
hmm.. One of these characters wouldn't happen to be Holland Novak, would it? I don't know if I've ever seen a more irritating and abusive personality. In the series, the way he used to smack around Renton all the time got my blood boiling on more than one occasion. >_<

No, actually, I was thinking of two less important characters, but since I don't want to spoil anything I'll keep quiet. As for Holland, for some reason I loved him in the anime for the same reason everyone else seems to dislike him: smackin' some sense into that snot-nosed little whelp Renton. 

Its like Bright times a thousand!  :il_hahaha:

Also, I love his voice actor's style. Talks like a man that one.

Anyway, yeah, they change it around so that Holland is definatly not a carbon copy of the T.V. series version. Motivations, relationships with the crew, etc. all very different. Dare I say it, he's a much more tragic figure...?

Quote from: Poey on September 26, 2009, 05:03:16 PM
Hey hey, you watch your mouth! Gurren Lagann was 27 episodes, not 44, and it's being turned into 2 movies, not one!

Please don't understand me, I love Gurren Lagann to bits, as I can testify with the inordinate amounts of money I've spent on merchandise from the show. (Don't ask. :lordilvryannoyed:)

I just felt the first movie was very squashed together. Heard good things 'bout the second thought!


I've just finished watching the TV series, and I love it to bits. Personally, I can understand Hollands personality. My brother can be a bit like him, as someone who needs somebody to ventilate his anger onto, but still be a nice person.
Its not a nice subject matter, but it is realistic.

Lord Il

Quote from: Lan on September 05, 2010, 12:57:01 PM
I've just finished watching the TV series, and I love it to bits. Personally, I can understand Hollands personality. My brother can be a bit like him, as someone who needs somebody to ventilate his anger onto, but still be a nice person.
Its not a nice subject matter, but it is realistic.

Quite true. Some people may not like such people and situations but this is the stuff that carries a story along.

Holland still bugs me though. :il_hahaha: