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SL draws teh pikturs lol!!1!

Started by super llama, June 29, 2006, 11:03:15 PM

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super llama

All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


Haha, i like the simple yet robot'ish design of that :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

super llama

All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


The Beef Jerky one made me laugh :D Hahaha..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

super llama

All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


Those pants on that Lina character look sweet...  :elhail:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

super llama

In Soviet Russia, the KGB silences you for posting links!

Zeek concept pic
Lucy concept pic
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.


I really dig the clothes on that Lucy one, it's so well done...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

super llama

All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.

Lord Il

Really liking the Warrior and that crossover pic Azumanga Lagann. I never get tired of crossovers.

Couldn't see LAEIL-IS-NOT-CUTE as it has a mature rating. T_T

A small critique on "Good Girl"....
What? No sweatdrop??

super llama

All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.

Lord Il

^deviantART required that have a mature rating??
I guess they're strict over there. O_o

super llama

Well, I wasn't sure if it really did require a mature rating, but I figured better safe than sorry. Pics have been pulled from dA for less.
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.