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Ha1ls amazing quiz game XD

Started by HA1L ILPALLAZZO, July 27, 2011, 01:44:57 PM

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:ehail: its been awhile hasn't it since i've been here so i thought first thing to do i a quiz

basically this is a 5 round quiz each round with ten questions to it

the first round is ofcourse Excel Saga related?

1. What were Excel's and Hyatt's original cover names?

2. When Kabapu confronted Ilpalazzo what did Ilpalazzo call Kabapu?

3. What happened to iwata when he transformed in midair?

4. Who is Tenmangu?

5. What connects the two Ropponmatsu units besides who built them?

6. Umi tries to cheer Shiouji up in what way?

7. Who made a short cameo in a speech bubble in volume 11?

8. What was Elgala's nickname in volume 11?

9. after being moved around by Ropponmatsu 2 what did Iwata believe was happening?

10. What did Hyatt do to leave a trail for excel to follow and what happened with the said trail?

thats the first round i'll score each reply and the next round will be this weekend  :ehail:

till then



I'm gonna answer this on the spot, so it might all be wrong!

[spoiler]1. What were Excel's and Hyatt's original cover names?
Excel: Slammin' flowerchild and Hyatt: Convoy Butterfly.

2. When Kabapu confronted Ilpalazzo what did Ilpalazzo call Kabapu?
Xeexs. Spelling is likely wrong.

3. What happened to iwata when he transformed in midair?
His head got turned around 180 degrees. The rest of the horror we do not know.

4. Who is Tenmangu?
Shioji's father, Miwa's husband and the creator of the core used in the ropponmatsu units. A scientist, naturally and a man of discriminating taste.

5. What connects the two Ropponmatsu units besides who built them?
The core, which acts mainly as a power source.

6. Umi tries to cheer Shiouji up in what way?
By making treats made on childrens day and usually given to children. Shioji is not impressed. Or something. Kind of a dumpling, rice cake called Umichango-something or other. EDIT: By making him tea. Usually the problem is caused by her tea making.

7. Who made a short cameo in a speech bubble in volume 11?
Oooh this is the one that gets me.... I can only think of Ishiki.

8. What was Elgala's nickname in volume 11?

9. after being moved around by Ropponmatsu 2 what did Iwata believe was happening?
That ghosts were haunting the apartment complex and they did it to him.

10. What did Hyatt do to leave a trail for excel to follow and what happened with the said trail?
She dropped her pills on the road while in the car with the kidnappers. Birds ate the pills. They died.[/spoiler]

Later: I actually ended up looking for the vol 11 stuff because i couldn't remember. And damn. I got 6 wrong! It's so obvious, how could I forget?!


:ehail: I forgot to mention after each round i'll post the answers followed by the next round ;-) the person with the highest score after the last round will be crowned quiz master lol

Randamo thats a good effort you got 8/10  :ehail:


well here are the answers

1. Slammin Flowerchild and convoy butterfly
2. Xeeks
3. his head was turned 180* (very nasty lol)
4. Shiouji's father, Miwa's husband and creator of Ropponmatsu
5. The Core it powers them both
6. she dresses in cosplay for him to try and cheer him up and get his attention. He's just not that interested in her lol
7. Pedro (look at the panel with the storm in volume 11)
8. Cookie
9. he thought the place was haunted
10. she left a trail of pills. birds came and ate them but they dropped dead.

so far only randamo has any points at 8

if anyone else wants to join in reply below :ehail:

the next round is general knowledge i'll post it up later  :ehail:


ok i know i said general knowledge but i cant actually think of any lol

so instead this is the history round. the questions are in the form of a date and you have to put the event of the date also the date format is dd/mm/yyyy with a location simple

1. 22/01/1901 Isle of Wight, England
2. 28/07/1914 Sarajevo, Bosnia
3. 14/04/1912 Mid Atlantic
4. 09/11/1888 London, England
5. 18/06/1815 Walloon Brabent, Belgium
6. 22/05/1915 Quintinshill, Scotland
7. 01/07/1863 Pennsylvania, USA
8. 26/04/1848 Plymouth, England
9. 09/11/1989 Berlin, Germany
10. 12/04/1665 London, England

good luck to you all  :ehail:


Wah, time's passed since I last came to this thread.

Geh, history dates...

I think I can only answer one there.

If no one else joins in, I may as well be declared winner. How about I pass on this round in the hopes someone else will join?


first a couple of changes

1. at the moment this quiz is for fun for anyone to try. (lets see how smart you are that sort of thing lol)

2. once in awhile i will post a prize the winner will recieve

I'll leave this round up for another week for you all to try out (sorry randamo i can't just go and say your quiz master lol)

as i said this is mainly for fun if you use things like wikipedia to find the answer i dont care (unless its a competition then i will obviously lol)

i'll give you a free answer to the history questions lol

8. 26/04/1848 Plymouth, England

beginning of the construction of the Royal Albert Bridge named after the prince consort prince Albert

lol if history isn't really your subject i dont think you'll like what my next round is going to be. the clue is in another recent post on the site somewhere lol


well no one could get it so here are the answers

1. 22/01/1901 Isle of Wight, England

The death of Queen Victoria (i studied the victorians and didn't even realise this lol)

2. 28/07/1914 Sarajevo, Bosnia

The Asassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, the start of the first world war

3. 14/04/1912 Mid Atlantic

The ocean liner, RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg and sinks with the death of over 1500 people

4. 09/11/1888 London, England

The butchered corpse of the last victim of Jack the Ripper is discovered in her room, her name was Mary kelly

5. 18/06/1815 Walloon Brabent, Belgium

The Battle of Waterloo which leads to the final defeat of Napoleon

6. 22/05/1915 Quintinshill, Scotland

The Quintinshill rail disaster, the worst rail disaster in the british isles where around 230 people were killed (ok this was kinda cruel as only railway nuts would know this one lol)

7. 01/07/1863 Pennsylvania, USA

The start of the battle of Gettysberg, the largest battle in the american civil war and the largest to be fought
on american soil

8. 26/04/1848 Plymouth, England

beginning of the construction of the Royal Albert Bridge named after the prince consort prince Albert

9. 09/11/1989 Berlin, Germany

The fall of the Berlin Wall

10. 12/04/1665 London England

The great plague of London begins

now this next round has a prize. I started a new hobby recently. I'm brewing beer lol. I have 2 bottles of my 2 recent brews up for grabs. Dr Greens medicinal and my latest one (F. now in the uk beer is usually sold at steam railways. in fact most steam railways hold beer festivals and some beer festivals have a railway theme to it. so in honor of that this next round has a railway theme to it. you can use the net for the first 9 questions but not the tenth.

1. What Steam locomotive holds the record for speed

2. What is the most famous Steam locomotive in the world

3. What is the largest Steam locomotive in the world

4. What was the name of the last steam locomotive owned by British rail

5. Dr Beeching is infamous in British railway history what did he do

6. I volunteered recently at the Great Central railway in leicestershire. Whats the main important fact about this mainline

7. what were the 2 railroad companies that built the transcontinental railroad in america

8. What was a merchant navy class locomotive also known as

9. what is the width of standard guage (the width of the track)

10. My latest brew is named after the 9F, a class of locomotive in britain. I named this brew for a reason, look at the picture of the 9f below and guess what that reason is

Lord Il

I need a wee hint for #10. :il_hahaha:


if i were to tell you that out of all the class only one was painted a differant colour. the rest were what you see above

Lord Il

hmm.. I think I know what you're getting at. It's all about color. But I'm still taking a guess at it too.

I've seen pics with red, green and blue engines. And from what I was able to find out, locomotives in Britain were mostly either painted green or just black. Black was far more preferred because it didn't show the grime residue from burned coal.

I'll give my answers tomorrow. ^^;; hmmm..


cool mate  :ehail:

Well as for the clue it was simple enough. When they were built in the fifties almost all the locomotive classes were black. If it was earliar like say 1910s then you wouldnt have got it lol with over 50 colours lol

Lord Il

^That's a lot of colors! lol!

[spoiler]1. What Steam locomotive holds the record for speed
The Mallard. It was clocked at over 202 km/h.

2. What is the most famous Steam locomotive in the world
Besides Thomas The Tank Engine?  :e_tongue:
That would be The Flying Scotsman. Famous because of its long history as a passenger train with quick, efficient service and considered one of the more technically advanced in its earlier years.

3. What is the largest Steam locomotive in the world
This one wasn't easy as there was conficting info over what exactly is the largest. Info I found would seem to indicate that either Union Pacific Railroad's "Challenger," or "Big Boy" locomotives are the largest - the largest of the large being "Big Boy." But the "Challenger" No. 3985 seems to be the largest still in operation today. I don't know if this answer is correct..

4. What was the name of the last steam locomotive owned by British rail
This was tough.... 70013 Oliver Cromwell?

5. Dr Beeching is infamous in British railway history what did he do
He was chairman of the British Transport Commission and did extensive pruning of the British Rail system in order to make it more profitable. It was a very contoversial move since it eliminated thousands of jobs. People living in remote areas would lose important transportation.

6. I volunteered recently at the Great Central railway in leicestershire. Whats the main important fact about this mainline
The GCR is presently the only standard gauge heritage railway in the UK with double track outside of stations.

7. what were the 2 railroad companies that built the transcontinental railroad in america
Central Pacific Rail and Union Pacific Rail

8. What was a merchant navy class locomotive also known as
They were originally known as the 21C1 class, a number which refers to the axle system - unpowered axles, driving axles, number of axles, and their locations.

9. what is the width of standard guage (the width of the track)
1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1/2 in)

10. My latest brew is named after the 9F, a class of locomotive in britain. I named this brew for a reason, look at the picture of the 9f below and guess what that reason is
It's a dark brewski in appearance.[/spoiler]


 you did well lord il you got 8 out of 10.  :elhail: :ehail: :g_hail:

Lord Il

Woo Hoo!!! Not too bad if I do say so myself.  :e_pleased:
I found this to be educational and even managed to remember a few things from history class.  :il_hahaha:

Someone else give this a try too. I don't want to be competing against myself!