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Excel Saga Vol. 1... digitally!

Started by Sean Gaffney, May 04, 2012, 12:45:21 AM

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Sean Gaffney

For North Americans (which may be just me and Carl on this forum...), Viz now has Vol. 4 and 5 of Excel Saga digitally.  5 is OOP, so good news!

They are both uncut, meaning the c*** word is present and correct.  Making my theory completely wrong!  :D

For non-North Americans, keep sending polite letters to Viz regarding international digital rights...


We can send letters to Viz and ask for this..?
Give me the right email and I'll be at it :D

I'd love an international release of this, it's a great way to keep the series alive worldwide, when it's eventually going out of print..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I'm an American!

This is great news, Monsieur Gaffney. I will have to purchase these straight away.

Sean Gaffney

The email is

Note that a lot of the time, it's the Japanese rights holder that may have the international rights issue rather than Viz itself.  But you have to start somewhere!


Done, it'll probably not do much though, but at least they can hang a formal letter from a fan on their wall now..!
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Micki! on January 17, 2013, 08:16:59 AM
Done, it'll probably not do much though, but at least they can hang a formal letter from a fan on their wall now..!
It would be informative to everyone internationally if you hear something back from them. Let us know if you do.


Well here we go, I got this unfortunately anti-climatic response, which was a little sad after writing them such a long message about how much I cared for it:

Robert McCarthy (VIZ Media Support)

Jan 17 12:22 (PST)

We only have the right to sell in the U.S.

Well, short and to the point, I guess that's just how they're supposed to respond so that can't be helped, what a shame though...

I could add in the email I wrote to them as well, but it would just make their sudden one-sentence response feel that much harder of a blow to be honest :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Even though it was short (and not the answer everyone would want to hear), at least you got a response.

Sean Gaffney

And now 6 and 7 are up.  One of the two big OOP volumes!


<3 Viz. Since 8 already had a scan, now people can actually get into the series with ease! :ehail: :g_hail: :elhail: :im_nabeshin:


What a shame it's still US only, I got a friend from the UK who is missing volume 7 and 8, and this would be a great way to at least READ them, collecting the actual volumes would still be preferable though...

Oh well, positive progress, woo..!  :elhail:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Sean Gaffney

And now Volume 8 is up.  With this, the worst OOP volumes are now available.

Sean Gaffney

9 was out with 8 (which I'd missed) and 10 and 11 are out this week.  The digital speedup continues!


This is going fast ..!  :im_nabeshin:
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: Micki! on February 05, 2013, 04:36:52 PM
This is going fast ..!  :im_nabeshin:
Indeed it is.

Wish there was a way we could see how well it's selling digitally. Perhaps the quick releases are an indicator of good sales?