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The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Started by Soske, April 20, 2006, 08:48:56 PM

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*EDITED- for correct episode order sequence, see most recent page*


Just watched the fansub, that was funny, and began to tie together some strings, but just a little.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


i know there are currently 9 novels availible, but roughly how many episodes should there be from this content?



Next week's will be the conclusion to Endless Eight. I don't see why they showed this weeks(it wasn't in the novel, I get why they showed it, but they could've used it to make Bamboo Leaf a 2 parter so that a lot of the skipped details could've been shown) but what can ye do?


to be honest this weeks was a total waste of time. completely boring and bland. so what, they ran around doing little things here and there over summer? big deal...

the bamboo leaf episode a few weeks back was great. can you tell me what they missed out from the novel?


I probably worded it wrong, but basically, they never skipped anything, but a lot of Kyon's thoughts(I can't remember what they were) and Kyon and Koizumi's conversations(again, I can't remember, long time ago) were cut short. In fact, a LOT of stuff was cut short or rushed because they were trying to fit too much into 30 minutes. I mean it probably didn't warrant 2 episodes, but it certainly should've filled more than one. They could've just had the part with Kyon and Asahina in after it. I won't go into it just in case they show it at another point.

But yeah, Endless Eight was meant to be like it was last week, but with a different ending. It does make sense to have this weeks as it was, but I didn't see why they did it, as overall it was a pretty poor episode. I assume next week will be the proper Endless Eight.


I watched that episode on-line, not bad, but as you say could have been better.


Man, I can't believe they've made it a three parter. This means that other episodes are probably gonna shortened as well.


Well, at least this weeks episode puts last weeks in context. But really, I do think some of this story should have been in last weeks episode. A nice 2 parter, not 3 parts.


Well neither this week's or last week's part were in the novel. The novel basically only showed the "last rotation" if you will.

Lord Il

Quote from: Lan on June 22, 2009, 01:50:16 AM
to be honest this weeks was a total waste of time. completely boring and bland.
Quote from: exckilla on June 22, 2009, 12:09:39 PM
I watched that episode on-line, not bad, but as you say could have been better.
I agree. I'm sorry to say the second new episode did nothing for me. Felt too much like an unnecessary filler episode.
Still, I'm optimistic that better episodes are on the way.


Someone said that the main story from this series is Disappearance. If that is true, then we're in for a good one.


Is there any idea on how many episodes there are going to be


I think they said 28 episodes, so I assume that it's gonna be 14 like last series since they're obviously including the first series in the showing.