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CATS! Make Every Day Caturday!

Started by ElTigreNumeroUno, January 20, 2007, 12:53:41 AM

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Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

The black cats liked each other when they were kittens. They used to lay on my bosom together. It was cute <3


This is one of my cats

her names sooty and she's the youngest. She's still near enough a kitten and attacks anything in sight whens she isn't sleeping. SHe especially loves playing with my dog gemma. it's so funny watching them  :lol:  

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Aww, sooty is cute <3
But then again I think most cats are cute <3
Oh and I like tuna salad on my cat loaf <3

Scalding Coffee Cup

Awwwwwwww i love kitties
ow evil is Scalding Coffee? Scalding Coffee is hot enough to cause 2nd&3rd degree burns as well as unnecessary court cases against restraunts, wasting much money and valuable time.


Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I was bored... D:

Lord Il

^I guess you WERE bored! :lol:

WTH?! lmao!

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Yeah, just a little bit.
My sister says there is something wrong with me...

Lord Il

^Omg..! Is she ever cute, cute, CUTE! <3

Well... *ahem!* Took ya long enough, hmm? :e_wink:

Okay, since you've delivered, then so shall I.
This is a pic of my lil hairball puking machine, Pritsy which was taken Christmas morning about a year ago. She's approximately 14 years old now, but still loves to play like you wouldn't believe..


WOW so is this thread just for pictures of cats or can i post my pets.

I have no pics but i have 2 dogs (Doby and a rot)
I have a six foot long yellow carpet phyon. name shilila
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


wow thanks i never would have guessed this was a topic for dogs and birds

but what about the hamsters????? dont they get a thread!!!!!

I like cats too. I used to have one but i accidental ran it over..sob.sob..sob..NOOOO fuzzy!!!!!!!!!!!Dont die!!!!!!!!!

I will preform the drum solo of life!!
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


QuoteInsert Quote
...No, this is a thread just for cats.

you sure?? i thought this was for Turtles


Oh and did you know that the red fox is more related to cats then dogs? its a feline
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Sorry about the other thread, I forgot about this one.

Have some kitties.


Lord Dave

Well since we're showing off cats...

That's me with my "Evil Genius and Cat" look.

This is my other cat, mittens.
"Diligently at work for my own Ego."

-Mr. Fix it.