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Anime/Manga figures

Started by Lord Il, January 20, 2007, 03:37:55 PM

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Lord Il



*steals HA1L's Yukari and runs*


:Eangry: HEY

::drops Lord Il down his own pit  :lol: ::

Lord Il

Quote from: "starcat"Is it really safe to have Yukari by your keys?
*dries himself off*

See?? A valid point has been made (Thank you, starcat ^_^). I did you a favor, HA1L. :wink:

Although, then again, I wanted Yukuri to hang up on the rearview mirror of my car, sooooo.....  gotta wonder which is really the worst of the two evils? O.o

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

Should I post my pictures of my Kon plushie here?
I took pictures of him in dresses! <3

Lord Il

^Y'know, Kon is seriously going to take revenge on you one of these days when you least expect it. You're very brave. :lol:

This thread is as close as any to post those pics though. Go for it, PinkBunny.

Bah... Seems Yukuri is already giving me a bad rep. :Etoung:

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

But I put him in dressies because I love him! <3
I need to take pictures of him next to my hamtaro and hello kitty stuff <3
I use to collect Hello Kitty stuff, but I kinda grew out of it, plus I have to spend money on other things now.

Me choking him for this picture thing I did for these people...

Hooker pose

Pretty Sailor <3

Lord Il

You put him in dresses because you love him?? Are you sure it's not the other way around? :lol:


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

But I do love him!
I'm sure he likes it when I snuggle him! <3
And that reminds me I need to take a picture of me stepping on him <3

Lord Il

^Just make sure you're not wearing a skirt when you do that to the little pervert.

I'm sure you'll remember how it was with Rukia.. :lol:

But yeah, those pics were really cute, PinkBunny. ^^

I'M Eh-chan!

HAHAHa, those key chains are still awesome Ha1l.

Man, I needs me some more anime merchandise.  Right now I have a grand total of.....none.  But that WILL change in the near future.

@Pink Bunny:

Awesome, Kon is hilarious.

@Lord il:



That's cool :D
I'm looking foward for photos... :)
If there'll be any :o
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Quote from: "starcat"I picked up the Excel Saga figure set (woo!)
Awesome! Long overdue I'm sure. ^^
I've browsed through a lot of different mini figures and I'll have to say that the Excel Saga set is probably one of the better ones for detail considering their size.

Quote from: "starcat"an Angol Moa figurine from Keroro Gunso (I was afraid I'd get Creepy Grown-up Swimsuit Natsumi and look like a perv. Angol Moa's just cute!)

lol! That reminds me of something: I know a gal who once had a dilemma as to whether or not to buy a certain figure she liked because she was afraid of being labled as a perv (among other things ^^; ). It was something from the Mon-sieur Bome collection(sp?). Anyone who has ever seen these before knows how detailed, sexy and nosebleed-inducing some of these figures are. I told her to get it anyways and not be concerned. She's pleased that she did.

Edit: Here's the official site of Mon-sieur Bome for anyone interested..
Lots of eye candy! :P


I have three of the Bome figures (Aya Natsume, Maya Natsume, and Ignis) and I plan on getting the Kiddy Grade and Full Metal Panic ones sometime soon.

Bome = Great


:shock: must get hold of Kaname and Tessa. I will do almost anything for those models. isn't there ones of kaname and tessa in bikinis?