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What's the last anime you've seen?

Started by NWalterstorf, January 29, 2007, 10:49:33 AM

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Quote from: Lord Il on November 22, 2009, 11:42:27 AM
Quote from: ElricJC on November 20, 2009, 02:23:04 PM
If you haven't seen it yet, Ergo Proxy was a pretty good series. Very dark but with some odd humor splashed in, you have to watch it at least twice to pick up on the things you missed the first time through, but it was a good, mature series. Last newer anime I really cared much for.
Would you recommend this to buy? The series boxed set has been staring at me at my local HMV for the past few months. I've been cautious because I've heard people say that it's one of those series that you're either going to like or just hate.

I saw episode one a long time ago, but maybe I should see more first.

It's something I myself have been debating, but I am inching towards "Buy" as long as I can find a Slimpack set for under $40. Anything more and no. I plan on watching the series again (4th go) to see if it still holds its rewatchability, but admittedly with mystery shows once you've got it all down they are not as fun to rewatch. The characters and humor, plus the sheer bizarreness keep it alive so far, but if I can enjoy it again a 4th time through, it's a definite buy.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


been watching Higurashi recently, mainly dubbed though as I am useless with subbed plus the fact it's one of the best dubbed series I've seen


I thought Higurashi's dub was absolutely horrendous, to be honest.


I recently saw the first few episodes of Nuku Nuku Dash, not bad but I still prefer tthe original and nuku nuku tv series, since they had humour, and this series lacked a bit


Yeah I thought the Higurashi dub was horrible haha.

Lord Il

What do you get when you cross characters a la Hellsing with the crazy quirkiness of a series like Gurren Lagann?
The answer could be described as Needless.

In World War Three, Japan was hit by a huge bomb by an unknown assailant. A large crater was formed from it and called The Black Spot. After the war there wasn't a whole lot left of humankind. Over time, mutants were known to be appearing around the area of The Black Spot. These mutants look like everyone else but have extraordinary abilities and because of this they are frowned upon by society and are called Needless. (Sounds like I just similary described the X-men. O_o )

Even though I'm only about seven episodes in, so far it's been a great ride. Fun characters with enjoyable personalities. While this could've been done as a very serious story, it does quite the opposite and doesn't take itself overly serious at all - and the formula works. There's been some good laughs to be had.

Mad Hatteress

Watched Dragon Half on the Youtube.

Funny, funny stuff and Mink is adorable.




I own dragon half, but I think I have only ever watched it 3 times, it was funny.


Anyone know about this code geasa anime, the anti-british one as I got the opinion from reading the back of the box.


Yeah, a major 'what if' scenario if our empire never regressed back like it did.
Its a great anime, though its a bit OTT with the Pizza Hutt name dropping.


Rewatched ninja nonsense 1 and 2, bloody funny

Lord Il

Quote from: E^D Crow on January 31, 2009, 02:29:34 PM
I highly recommend The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.  An all-around great movie.
It certainly is. Got it as a Christmas gift and I just watched it this morning. Brilliant!
Highly recommended.

It explores what everyone thinks about at some point: What if a person could go backwards in time to try changing things for the better. While it would seem terrific at first, such a power would surely have its consequences.


^ I read the back of the box and it didn't take my interest, on the other hand I am currently watching happy lesson, and I haven't seen it for a while.

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: exckilla on December 27, 2009, 04:20:17 PM
on the other hand I am currently watching happy lesson, and I haven't seen it for a while.

OMG, I LOVE Happy Lesson! It's so cute! Almost like a very tame version of Tenchi Muyo!.


I would say a more contreversal version of tenchi muyo it least that got released in the UK, I had to by this series on import and this is only the first series and first ova, I think the reason it never got release was due to the teachers living with the student theme.