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Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer Game Resurrection

Started by DarkLightMoJo, February 16, 2007, 06:21:40 AM

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because I haven't got a Target anymore

How well do you take Arrows


Depends on which direction they point

What is that corpse doing on the floor..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

Oh...... that. >_>

That is..... WAS the vaccuum cleaner salesman. I made him a deal this morning that if he'd vacuum my entire home and then eat the entire contents of the vaccuum cleaner bag, I'd buy one of his machines. Unfortunately, he only ate half of the dirt and started choking violently and fell face first to the floor.

Guess he lost out on a sale today. :evilex:  

Wanna help me throw him into the lake?
He's gonna smell if he stays here much longer.


I say we feed him to the unsuspecting masses as pies and pastry and make some money

would you like a pork pie  :evilex:


A:  I would like  porkpie hat please.

Q:  Where do you buy your toaster hats?
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies



Q: Is this going to be on the final?
vil Marshmallow strikes with Marshmalevolence: Marshmallow Obliteration!!!!
-15,000,000,000,000,000,000 HP!!!


A:  No, the final is solely comprised of information we discussed in class on the days you were absent.

Q:  Why is the system down?
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies


Because the kombucha mushroom people are sitting around all day

Can a hit in the solar plexus cure hiccups..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


A: Yes, along with male pattern baldness, sucker punch a bald man today, he'll thank you for it!

Q:  Who do I need to hit to get candy to come out?
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

Lord Il

*holds PinkBunny up to Railun*
Her. :P

Don't hit her too hard or else you'll have to glue her back together if she breaks!

Who do I have to kill to keep this house silent so I can get my voice recordings done for Eh-chan tonight? >_<

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

You don't have to kill, just bag and gag.

Why does Lord Il think that candy will come out of me if I'm hit?


because he thinks (and so does everyone else on this forum) your sweet

what does it take to get a cat off your computer


A:  Block kitty porn sites

Q:  How many people think Pink Bunny is really a guy irl?
quot;Hide a knife behind a smile." The Thirty-Six Strategies

super llama

A: lolz ther r no grlz on teh intarbut!1!

Q: This is not a question?
All these college professors teaching classes about Shakespeare, who was the 16th-century equivalent of a director of summer-blockbusters, makes me wonder if 500 years from now we'll have college courses on the subtle nuances of Michael Bay movies.

I'M Eh-chan!

A:  That depends on how you define a question.  Some people define a question as "a sentence of inquiry that requires a reply".  Others define it as "the act of eating a kazoo whilst standing on one's head and playing a cheeseburger".  We like to call the former "realists" and the latter "those people with whom, when engaged in conversation, it is best to just smile and nod and then slowly back away before breaking into a full run".

In short, the answer is pi.

Q:  Are there any aliens, time travelers, ESPers, or sliders here?