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My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)

Started by I'M Eh-chan!, February 28, 2007, 08:19:55 PM

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I'M Eh-chan!

Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"You sound GREAT for Watanabe... but not so much the little boy in my opinion, too... whiny? stressed maybe? I dunno the word I am looking for.

Too....falsetto...y  maybe?  I'll play around with that.

And thanks again for the compliment!  I never knew I made such a good Watanabe!


I decided to use my own normal voice once my sickness subsided (whatever it was *grumble*) and am very pleased with the resulys, I have Watanabe, Il Palazzo, and even the little boy too.

My own Watanabe impression using Eh-chan's lines, a bit softspoken I believe.

My second try with my own lines I made up of Watanabe finding a dead Hyatt.

Just a little snippet from the great Lord himself.

The little boy asking his mother about something...

I'M Eh-chan!

Hmmm, those were good!  Do you think you can say something a little longer in length for Watanabe and Il Palazzo so I can get an even better idea of the sound?  And for Il Palazzo, also do a normal reading (as in not shouting, just normal talking).

But those were great!  I may definately use you for the boy at the least!

Oh, and:


Hrm, sorry if I was yelling, I guess I was just overdoing it because I was trying to do it in a booming voice.  You want more?  Well I guess I can give more when I get the chance to do some recording. I still hate my voice though... bleh.

And about the Elgalas? She looks high.  No offense to anyone or anything but... yeah her eyes look so droopy.

I'M Eh-chan!

No, I understand yelling the "THIS WORLD IS CORRUPT!" line, but I also want to hear a normal voice (since Il does little to no yelling in my movie).

Round 2:  START!

Lord Il

Here's the voice sample.. ^^;;
I put some slight smugness into it for the Lord's character, but tried keeping it mostly natural.

And plain clothes El looks great! b^_^
That's her!! Woo!

I'M Eh-chan!

:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:

Your voice is quite distinct!  I like it!  I MUST HAVE IT!  *tries to grab voice*  *punches hole through laptop monitor*

Aw man, not again...

This is what lack of sleep will do to yo...*thud* *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

*sends script to Lord il*


I would like to see all characters eyes have that white shiny-spot effect... they look a little too plain atm...

The characters themselves (untill now) look fine... i sent you a few things that i think needs to be modified on the Excel version you PM'ed me about...

It's only minor stuff, but i'm into minor stuff afterall... :o

Those are some nice voice samples... the last one of Lord Il Palazzo sounded nice...

The first one of Watanabe sounded pretty nice too...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


bloody hell lord il you live up to your name

:: hands him Lord Il costume ::

become who you were born to be

::is yet again being clobbered to death by an angry peter jackson

Lord Il

Seriously??? Me..?!

Thanks! ^_^ That's pretty cool that you guys think so. I'm just starting to get over a head cold which I think is making my voice a bit weird, so that's quite a shocker! :lol:

And get some sleep, I'M Eh-chan! Your laptop will thank you. :wink:

I'll check out that script now.

I'M Eh-chan!

Let me know if you want to see the full script (that goes for the girls as well).  I cut out all the unimportant parts (read:  the parts where you don't appear) to make it easier to find your lines.  Also, I wanted to make it so that no one (except myself of course) would know the full script so that everyone would have something they could be surprised by (i.e. the scenes they don't know about).

*puts on ultra director arm band*  Besides!  If something like this leaked out it would be troublesome if someone stole it!


I'll see what they look like with the eye shine.  I thought that the colored outlines added such a greater dimension to the characters that they didn't even need the little white spots anymore.  But you're the artist, so I'll put them in if you want.  Also realize that the location of the spot will be mirrored on the other eye.  This is due to the technique I am using for the eye, I make one movie clip of the eye, then copy and mirror it for the other eye.  Within this movie clip are separate frames where each frame has a different position for the eye (looking left, looking right, angry, etc.) and then I tell flash to display a specific frame of the eye at any given moment (the same technique is being applied to the mouth and the hands).  But anyways, I'll post some pics later.


Lord Il *steps away from the tile with the pit*

I think you sound like an old man, not really old just kinda middle aged like the kinda person Ohno, or Asuna would like.  Yeah, you sound like a Takahata sensei to me  :P


:cry:  My recording got deleted :cry:

just for that I have built a special movable pit for lord il incase people get a bit to cocky

I'M Eh-chan!

Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO" :cry:  My recording got deleted :cry:

just for that I have built a special movable pit for lord il incase people get a bit to cocky

Can you redo the recording?


it'll have to be during the week but I can