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Uncreativity loev fanfic

Started by Uncreativity, April 01, 2007, 03:18:01 AM

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Thanks for the encouragement, guys.  :ehail:

Here's chapter two of Dianetics Another Day!

The way I see it, there are three kinds of fanfics. There are the fanfics that genuinely want to be an extension of a beloved series, the presumptuous fanfics that think they can do a better job of writing the series than the original author, and the fanfics that serve as a substitute lovelife for an author that does not have one. I want this fanfic to be all three.


Haha, that was pretty cool... I had a whole comic of it (with pics and all) running through my head for every sentence i read :D
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Well hey, if you wanna share a little of your artistic vision... >.>


I didn't say that exactly...
Although, i didn't deny either...

I personally hate to think of scenarios myself... so using the works of others really is a nice thought...

If i one day become extra ordinary bored, i will probably ask for your permission to comic-ify one of your fanfics haha  :e_cool:

Meanwhile, please continue writing more fun stuff ..!  8)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Blanket permission granted!  :ehail: Draw anything you want, if you want!


A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Chapter 3!

Excel is back, and Kabapu talks a whole lot! END OF SUMMARY!  :ehail:


Just got caught up.

QuoteMisaki's voice cut into the touching family dysfunction (or rather, the dysfunctional family touching).

Hee, hee, hee!

Great story so far, and I love how you write Excel!



Chapter 4!

Excel's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day continues unabated! Elgala has engaged in warfare with the hobos down the river! Miwa gets her grope on! END OF SUMMARY!


It's cool, still...

How long are you planning to keep on going with this story..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Until it's done.

Which is to say... I'm not really sure! I need a longterm writing project to keep me busy at work, so it's not like I'm in any hurry to finish.

But if you're worried about it getting to be tl;dr... well, maybe you'd best stop now? Because long fic is going to be long.


Why would i stop reading haha

No, i was curious if you had pre-planned the whole story to begin with... in which case, you'd be able to estimate how long it would be...

But i got another response... It sounds like it's something you build up as you go, so obviously (in that case) you can't know at all how long it can get...

But my curiosity will leave me hanging.. i hate liking somethign, and then having to cut out in the middle, having to wonder how it continues (like the last few episode of an Anime being cancelled, so that the edning won't ever be revealed) :o
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Oh, I see what you mean. Don't worry, I'm definitely gonna finish this fic! Probably not before I go back to school in late September, but I can try!  :e_pleased:

I'm not much of a pre-planner. I tend to start out with a basic premise and a vague idea of what kind of ending I want. This fic is easier than most because it's a crossover (sort of), so a lot of the plot kind of writes itself by combining the original story with the Scientology stuff.

Admittedly, part of the fic is just me kind of blowing off steam with some of my issues about the way the plot of the manga is progressing... I'm trying to reserve judgment until vol 16 comes out in English (I know what happens in it because I have a friend who reads Japanese, but not word-for-word), but a large part of the inspiration in this and the next chapter is just me saying, "This is the way Excel SHOULD have met Umi."

Boy, if I had to estimate... ten chapters, maybe? Watch me go back on that.  :e_confused:


Chapter 5!

Excel and Umi's adventures continue, while the second Excel has adventures of her own! Ms. Manager's accent is probably completely wrong! Lord Il Palazzo is Sir Not Appearing In This Chapter, but he's still in all our hearts! END OF SUMMARY!

In case you're curious, here's what I have written of future chapters:

6 - 90% (none if it is typed, though, so it'll still take a few days)
7 - 75%
8 - 10%
9 - 33%

Current projected fic length: 12 chapters


Still fun stuff...

I've been meant to ask...

You have seen parts (or all) of volume 16 right..? if you're taking inspiration from it, would you mind telling if there's any kind of spoilerish moments in your fan fic..?

A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'