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Uncreativity loev fanfic

Started by Uncreativity, April 01, 2007, 03:18:01 AM

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Ah, good question, and I should have said something about it up front. :e_confused: I'm trying to make a point of doing it differently from the actual series; for example, Excel meets Umi in vol 16 (which isn't really a spoiler, since they're on the cover together), so I wrote Excel meeting Umi in my fic. In the fic, though, it's under completely different circumstances, so Excel treats her differently and different things happen as a result of that meeting. Except for that core, 'Excel meets Umi', there's nothing to be spoiled. And if you don't know that she's meeting Umi anyway, it's not really a spoiler; Excel will also meet people in the fic that she hasn't met in future volumes.

So I guess what I'm saying is, small parts of it are inspired by little things that happen in future volumes, but there shouldn't be any spoilers at all.

...Exceeeeeeeeept the two-Excels thing, which I think (hope?) everybody's already caught onto by now.

I will also be writing Excel and Il Palazzo's emo emo backstory later in the fic, but rest assured, I am completely making it up.  :ehail:


Well, it's good to know that not all is a giant spoiler then...

But, the end kinda is..?
So, is the future to-be-done chapter even a safe read for non-vol-16 readers..? :o
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


...actually, what little inspiration I have for the ending of the fic isn't from Excel Saga, it's from Princess Tutu.

But yes, all future chapters should be safe. Even when 16 comes out (and SUPPOSEDLY I should have it by Monday, according to Amazon), I don't really see myself trying to incorporate anything from the English version.


Oh, that's good... almost thought it was a spoiler from Excel Saga vol 16..

Speaking of taking inspiriation from the books...

You seem to make the characters act more like they do in the anime (well, those that ARE in the anime)

Excel for instance says alot of stuff, that i couldn't imagine her manga version to say... her anime version on the other hand, it seems much more fitting...

Sort of a mix of the anime and manga actually, because she's not purely acting like any of either to be honest... Perhaps that was your intention as well to begin with..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Weeeeeeell, not really. It's supposed to be manga-based, but I guess I ended up making it a little cracky anyway.  :e_crying:


It's not that bad really...

It's moer your own style that way... Or, technically it's the style of the anmga and Anime... But since you sorta put it together that way, i think it's fair to call it your own style, haha...

I was un-aware that vol 16 is on sale btw, good you mentioned that earlier, i just ordered it at woohoo..! now there's a week or two before it usually arives...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Finally had time to catch up--still a fun read! :D  I'm curious where the story's going...



Well, in the next chapter...

...wait, what happens in the next chapter.

...oh yeah! In the next chapter, Excel finally gets that weapon she as pining for in volume 10, and Elgala gets in BIG TROUBLE. :elembarassed:

I guess that doesn't quite answer the question, huh? Well, I should have the next chapter up sometime after next Wednesday (I write it at work, and I have me a fiiiive day weekend!  :ehail:)


Hey, guys. I'm taking a little hiatus from Dianetics Another Day, I think. I'll probably get chapter 6 up sooner or later, because it really only needs to be typed, but I need a break so I can write some Phoenix Wright fanfic instead.

I am currently in the process of writing some short stories for a friend who role-plays Shiouji, and those are here. The reason why I'm linking to the comment in my LJ instead of just C&Ping them here (since they're so short) is because there are VOLUME 16 SPOILERS.


I liked those...
Shiouji is one of my favorite characters :)
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Fiiiiiiiiiinally, after more than a month, I finished Chapter 6: The Magic Stick! This chapter was a little long, but the plot is still trudging along! I'm glad to finally be working on this fic again, even if it's because there's a more exciting fic I want to write after I'm done with it, eheheh. :e_confused:


EXCEL VS MIWA, ROUND ONE! "Only Lord Il Palazzo is allowed to touch me like that!"  :e_angry:
FROM ROBOTS TO RICHES! "ACROSS's bittersweet success story..."  :lordil:
NOT TOTALLY FORGOTTEN! We're actually going to get to do something...? :sumydrop:


Cool chapter, i liked how it ended...

Seems like she begins to develop a personality, and act less robotic...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


I'm glad! ?

She's a character I enjoy in canon, too, but I wanted to give her a little more personality, which is why I changed the way she was made. I want to her to become more independent (and unlike Excel) as the story goes.  :e_cool:


The fact that she begins having more of a personality, is that a part of the plot..?
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'


Yep! I didn't want Il Palazzo to be the only bad guy, so I thought it'd be better if she was a little antonymous instead of just obeying his orders like she seems to in the manga. Also, I think it'll be fun to play with how she actually feels about things. I mean, working under the assumption that the Solarian ruler died pretty horribly, was stuck in a core, and has been passed around from robot to robot... I think if she has even a little bit of free will, she can't be too happy about the things that have happened to her, even if there's nothing she can do about it.