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Uncreativity loev fanfic

Started by Uncreativity, April 01, 2007, 03:18:01 AM

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It's been awhile since I pimped out all of the wacky and/or zany fanfic I've written! Most of that is because I am violently disorganized and spread said fanfic all over the internet like Johnny Appleseed plantin' seeds. Seeds of deliciousness. Eventually I'll get it all up on my website buuuuuuuut I am a lazy, lazy, lazy person when it comes to my website, so:

I have started uploading my longer/better fics to, because if there's anything needs, it's more people who can actually write.  And I have a lot of drabbles on my website, because I likes me some drabbles.

This first fic that parodies another fic. That kind of makes me a terrible person, I'm sure, but if the first person's fic wasn't so utterly, horrifically bad, I wouldn't have to make fun of it, now would I? The story behind it is told briefly in the post with chapter one (I started off just putting this on one of my role-playing livejournals, and that's where most of the chapters are).

The title of the story is RAPE: A Fanfic About Rape (In Which There Is Rape), but other than that it's pretty tasteful. Except for the part with the rape in it.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3/4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 (The final chapter!)

Dianetics Another Day
Chapter 1: What the FUK?
Chapter 2: Until Morale Improves
Chapter 3: Exposed and Expositioned
Chapter 4: Party at the Shioujis'
Chapter 5: In Which Plot Points are Stolen from South Park
Chapter 6: The Magic Stick
Chapter 7: Practically Clear
Chapter 8: Kind of Cool
Chapter 9: Party at the Shioujis' II: There Actually is a Party This Time
Chapter 10: Xenu is My Homeboy
Chapter 11: No Hard Feelings
Chapter 12: Tom Cruise Control
Chapter 13: Mission Unpossible


You write very well Uncreativity! And I must say that I want to read more but... I hate you ending to that one :P

"A scene for whom? The minor characters? It's not as though they have feelings."

BEST LINE EVAR (or a very good line)


Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"You write very well Uncreativity! And I must say that I want to read more but... I hate you ending to that one :P

"A scene for whom? The minor characters? It's not as though they have feelings."

BEST LINE EVAR (or a very good line)

Hee, thanks~

And that's not the ending! Just a really, really bad cliffhanger.  :Etoung:

I'M Eh-chan!

OMGWTFBBQ?!?!1!1/!?/!?1eleventy-one YOU NEVAR SAID THER WAZ RAPE!


But srsly, that was awesome.  I was laughing the whole way through.  Your writing is all kinds of l33t, h4wt, ZOMG, and/or pwns0m (not necessarily in that like it like that way >_>)

In conclusion, I give your work:

<(^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^)> v(v-v)v <(^_^)^

6/5 Kirby's (not an average)



roflmao you haven't lost the touch Uncreativity I especislly like the cliff hanger XD


Edited the original post with a link to the seventh chapter of the rapefic! There's only one chapter left, and it's halfway done. Gosh, I'm actually gonna miss it... I hope the ending does it at least a little justice!

Do you guys think that once I'm done with this one, I should write a long, epic fic or go back to short fics?

I do still have the beginnings of that Harry Potter AU already written. (Technically it's a crossover, but Voldemort is going to be the only Harry Potter character that's even in it. Basically, the idea is Excel Saga if they were all wizards.) I might be more inspired if I don't hate the last HP book too much, but it's probably not a good sign that I've already ignored it so long...


There is one particular thing that I like about your fics, it is the fact that you know how to portray the characters, especially Excel.

Job well done, I will be kinda dissapointed when this is all done and over with because I had so much fun reading them!  Good luck, and God Speed Uncreativity the ironically named member of the Excel Saga Forums.

Oh and I prefer epic fics myself but those are kinda long and I am impatient! :P


Thanks! ?

I just finished the story! I hope the ending doesn't feel as rushed as it actually was. I also know what my next fanfic is gonna be! Watch out for it. Mwahaha.


I've started writing another fanfic! It's called Dianetics Another Day, and it's a crossover between Excel Saga and Scientology. The first chapter is finally done and there are more to come!

This fic is going to be pretty different from the last one. I'm trying to use all of the characters and have a plot, which is pretty hard for me! It cheers me up a little when I think it must be hard for Rikdo, too.


I giggled insanely all the way through your first story.  Can't wait to see where the new one is going! It's great so far.



Taking a little break in my big, epic fanfics to write a cute short story! At least, I think it's cute. Probably because I'm a bad person.


Heh, just read the short story.  You're psychotic!  I mean that in a good way. :D



The short story was entertaining, but uh-- I think cute isn't quite the right word.

I want dessert too!

Lord Il

Quote from: Inkwolf on July 26, 2007, 07:19:47 PM
Heh, just read the short story.  You're psychotic!  I mean that in a good way. :D
Well, I'm gonna say she's sick. And I also mean that in a good way! XD
It made me chuckle.

Her Excellency The Pink Bunny

I've only just read the 1st chapter and the start of the 2nd.
I can't stop laughing.  My sides hurt.  I'm crying.
Good job, good job.