She is drinking.
Gaia is a huge forum where you earn gaia gold in various ways.
You get an avatar that you can dress up in anything from a pilgram to a kitty and much more. At the moment mine is a blue and white bunny angel. But I tend to change my avatar alot. It was a yellow and red fire bird...
There are games such as slots, black jack and fishing and you earn gold while playing them.
There are puzzles and you earn gold when completing them.
You have a house that you can make look like a horror scene, like my sister did. Mine has lots of pink, a trampoline and a carrot plush.
There are monthy collectibles. They are special items that only come out for one month.
There is market place where you buy and sell items. I make the most gold there.
You can get a car that you can 'trick' out and race in a game.
There are guilds. They are mini forums that you join to be apart of.
There are shops to buy items from.
You can use ink to get tattoos or to die paper for bouquets.
You can collect bugs to get ink.
You can collect paper to make hates.
You can collect flowers to make bouquets.
You have a profile that people can comment on.
There is a wish list so that you can show people on your profile what items you want.
And lots of other stuff I can't think of...