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Berserk- An old goodie I just found.

Started by R Kenshin, June 13, 2007, 12:33:26 AM

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R Kenshin

Hey guys, I understand that everyone is looking for time to kill before the next excel saga release. Now I know you guys are all busy with your lives and that is awesome. However you guys need to head down to your local library and check out this series. Its called Berserk. Wikipedia the ***********!!!!!

It is a dark fantasy story about humans following their dreams. Well... sortof. It is too complicated and I am not very good at reviews so I'll try to make this short and sweet. The manga is great because of the characters. The characters are so life-like and inspring. I know that you will love all of them.

The manga is also has great artwork- however this is a bloody epic. This is not for people with a faint heart. The elderly and children are better off reading Paradise Kiss.

So... atleast go give it a rent. It s actually a very old series. If you do not want to spend money to preview it then I suggest you just Youtube the anime series or use Whatever your choice of pirating. The anime follows the manga closely (but has some major changes) Watch atleast three episodes as this series needs  abit of time before it gets great.    

Anyways hope atleast one person will find this helpful and maybe get into something new like I have. This is in my top 5 now for sure following Excel Saga, Death Note, and then probably battle royale.
Roar, Roar, fight the power


I've been following Berserk for some time, and if anyone wants to see the anime version, go here ->

It's also a great site to see many, many other shows, from anime to Monty Python, Red Dwarf, the Blackadder, and very old cartoons such as... Biker Mice from Mars!  Wow, anyway, Berserk is good and I'm pretty certain most people here are familiar with it.  But I will say that if you think the anime is too bloody or foul, don't go near the manga, it's far more vicious.

And if I had to summarize Berserk, I would say it is a story about a world plunging into darkness, a world already filled with horror but the horror that is coming from beyond makes it look like a pale shadow, and the main character Guts, seemingly cursed from birth, tries to make a life for himself the only way he's ever known how - fighting.  But any small boon he receives is taken away until he loses it all and goes on a quest to hunt down the one that took it all away.  Bloody, violent, but with some odd dark humor and good characters.  Not for everyone, but I like it and in fact I just ordered Vo. 17 a few days ago.  The last I heard there are over 32 volumes out in Japan and they have been slowly trickling in here.  The art is recognizably older but develops over time - after all, it was originally published in 1989, so yeah it's an older one but great.

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move


Hay beserk is awesome i have All the manga and anime
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!