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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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I cleared out my Ps2 collection and just barely afforded Xenosaga 2 in store credit. They were pretty crummy games. So far XBOX wins. The controller is too thin and everything moves too slowly.
I had Sims castaway. I couldn't figure out what to do next and contantly making stuff and finding the supplies for it got on my nerves.
Rogue Galaxy. Thought the art was ooooooooookay and it was cheap. I actually liked the fight sequences. I actually got to control every move instead of picking one and watching them perform the move themself.
Kidrobot. For the life of me i couldn't figure out to defeat one boss. I just thought to myself 'this is lame' and turned it off.
I also had Matrix and some racing game, but i never played them.

But Xenosaga..... i mean, the cover looked cool, but the game is soooooooooooo slow. They're telling a story, but im not really interested in it. The character i wanted to play at the start was Canaan, but i got stuck with Choas and had to play all these other characters. It's my fault for jumping in the story halfway, but apparantly they only have vol 2 in PAL, meaning i cant even play the others. Even Rikdo Koshi did fanart for KOS-MOS, which makes me think 'If he likes it, there must be something good about it'. But i just don't like it. I'll finish it, but it's taken me 18 hours and im only halfway through. just hurry up already. It takes too long to figure out what to do in some places. It took me forever to figure out what Stock even does or how to get special moves. And the voice acting makes me cringe. I just turn off the sound and listen to my mp3 player. Canaan had a good voice actor, he wasnt a total dork either. And he was the best looking. Why couldn't I play him?!


Okay, after i made that post, the very  idea of continuing seemed like a sentance. So after work yesterday I traded it in for something new. As a kid, i always loved spyro (He's Ka-wa-iiiiii!) and as simplistic as the gameplay is, i enjoy it - so i got a Spyro: a Hero's tale for $11. I got Kingdom Hearts 2, and have jumped on the bandwagon. It's cute and i like the gameplay. The idea of playing with Disney characters is fun and enjoyable.
Maybe i just like kid games, or something that makes me feel i've covered ground in the time i've played it.


Not the most exciting game, but I bought myself grand master chess for the PC


Got these in the last couple of weeks

from steam
AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Street Fighter IV

and Meridian4 gave me these games for free (because I bought the complete pack a while back).
Crash Time 2
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals

IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
I fear no evil, for I am fear incarnate!


I've thought aout getting AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity for some time now... I should probably get a try with the demo, see if it's my kinda thing...
A true genius does not need boundaries such as 'common sense'

Lord Il

^Now that's an interesting name for a game.

Reminds me a lot of how I felt when playing Mirror's Edge. :il_hahaha:

Mad Hatteress

While I was on my trip I found a game store and picked up Parasite Eve 1 and 2 for the Playstation for only $32 all together and they're in great shape!

Upon my return home today I also stopped by Game Stop and picked up Persona for the PSP that I reserved.


I attempted that stream shit when I bought a copy of half life 2, it required me to download the damn thing after buying the disc which was a piss take, so I am no fan of this streaming shit.


I may have the budget of Excel, but I managed to get my copy of Persona for PSP. So excited. I'm gonna have to turn off the background music though. It's cool the first eight million times, but then it gets a bit trying. There are so many random battles too... Otherwise, seems alright, but I'm only an hour in.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


^ Yeah I know how that feels, get paid monthly, usually spent after the second week of the month and hanging on until payday


Bought my self a new laptop, Guilty gear x, Grand Theft auto san andreas, assassins creed and theif collection pack


well, i bought a used ds so that i could play... kingdom hearts (yes, im a fangirl. A roxas one). I got a free donkey kong game with it.
But i want to get the phoenix wright series. I get the impression it's good.


Pre-ordered Borderlands a long-ass time ago. Finally got around to paying it off.

I also tried to import Ryu ga Gotoku 3 while it was on sale for 50% off, but it's been four weeks since it shipped, and it still hasn't arrived. Fucking Play-Asia... >:(


Got rid of theif collectors pack, bought myself sonic adventure dx, Lego Batman and sonic collection plus


Bought myself mercenaries 2 (runs slow), sonic heroes, Kingpin, Capcom arcade volume 3 (cheapo second hand game), midway arcade deluxe, outrun 2006 and lord of the rings: battle for middle earth