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What game did you buy most recently?

Started by BloodShed, August 04, 2007, 11:28:18 AM

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Lord Il

Quote from: Mad Hatteress on December 26, 2009, 03:39:15 PM
For Christmas I got Brutal Legend
Tell me how you like it, Maddy. I was thinking about picking that one up someday.

For Christmas I got Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and Heavenly Sword (one of the first few titles for PS3 that absolutely refused to go down in price until recently). Never asked for either game but heck, I'm not exactly complaining here! ^^


^ how are you getting on with heavenly sword, ifound it a pain in the ass in certain bits.  Bought myself Quantum of solace already completed it on easy, and chronicles of riddick: assualt on the dark athena, a sort of enjoyable game if the stealth mode really did work out


Gave up on chronicles of riddick and guilty gear 2 overture, traded them for the bourne conspiracy and bought myself assassins creed 2

Lord Il

Quote from: exckilla on December 27, 2009, 04:24:31 PM
^ how are you getting on with heavenly sword, ifound it a pain in the ass in certain bits.
So far it's still in the plastic wrap. I'm doing pretty good, huh? lol!

But yeah, I've heard it does have a few annoying areas here and there. I'm mentally prepared for that when the time comes. I think!


^ I found the bit where you had to save daddy annoying from the soldiers and theres a fight where noriko has to defeat her own people without killing them.   Managed at last to beat modern warfare 2 on easy, think I will give it a try on hard next

Mad Hatteress

I played a little bit of Ghostbusters and I'm really bad at it. It doesn't help that you're messing with the analog stick constantly to try and keep the camera where it needs to be, the controls aren't fantastic, it's hard to see where you placed a trap, aiming the damn gun is tricky, you have to vent the back every three seconds, AND there's no feedback at all to show you've even hit the ghost. If you're shooting at it from a distance you have to hope you're on target.

I was really looking forward to this game, too! The comedy is great, as well as the teamwork aspect, but I wish they'd polished it a little more.


Playing assassins creed 2 at the moment, best game I have played for a while and certainly an improvement over the original, no bloody cutscenes involving desmond to much yeah

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: Lord Il on December 26, 2009, 04:45:38 PM
Quote from: Mad Hatteress on December 26, 2009, 03:39:15 PM
For Christmas I got Brutal Legend
Tell me how you like it, Maddy. I was thinking about picking that one up someday.

First off, did you ever play Psychonauts? That was a Double Fine game as well and one of the funnest you will ever play. Once you get your PS2 up and running you really owe yourself to get it.

Brutal Legend is actually better then Psychonauts, something I still can't believe I'm typing. The levels are gorgeous, the world's residents very well created, the voice acting rocks, and I can't wait to see what's going to happen. The only bad thing is that you can't jump and there's no health bar, but otherwise this game was very well done. No camera issues, the car you drive steers perfectly, and Eddie performs his moves flawlessly.


I'm absolutely loving No More Heroes. One of the best games I've ever played. Travis Touchdown is a hero to us all. :im_nabeshin:


Brutal Legend, better than Psychonauts? Pshaw. I have not played it, but I simply cannot believe it.
I, Pamplemousse, do not believe in alligators.


Got Divinity 2.  It's an okay game, nothing special, wish I would've waited until it hit the bargain bin.


I got myself a game dripping with my childhood nostalgia - rugrats, search for raptar. I await it in the mail.
Thanks to certain people, i got elite beat agents. A funny concept, enjoyable, but sometimes it's a pain to perfect.
Also, Rune Factory, Chess (im gonna be as good as lelouch someday!) and Metal Gear Acid. I've never played a solid snake game before and i ask - should i play another one first?
And, DAMN! FFVII doesn't load! This crummy 12 year old game is broken. I demand a refund! Before it got to the big black hole of a region it wont load, the first 4 hours were quite fun.

Mad Hatteress

Quote from: Pamplemousse on January 03, 2010, 07:53:33 PM
Brutal Legend, better than Psychonauts? Pshaw. I have not played it, but I simply cannot believe it.

I know, I was shocked as well. Eddie is so much fun as a main character and the zany heavy-metal action/humor is just great!

Eddie: I shall return covered in the love of the gods!

Ozzy: Eww!


Just beat No More Heroes. Most rewarding. Final boss. Ever.

I raged hardcore when he used his one hit kill move on me when he had only 1 HP left, though (he takes about 45 minutes to an hour to beat).


Bought myself x-men origins wolverine, resident evil 5 (what a load of shit) and a weird little one called fairy tale fights