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American songs or other

Started by FullmetalExcel, September 03, 2007, 07:24:17 PM

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Hay this is for americans and others from elsewhere.

Hay you ever heard a song that truly made you feel love for your country? I mean every time i hear amazing grace..i wanna cry out in praise for my country and so many other songs make me feel the same.

please share
ay im a otuku and a metalhead. put them togeather and i become god. check me out on myspace ..marry me excel!!!


I can't say I've had that experience. Sometimes there are songs/bands that make me proud to live in California, but then again I don't really like actually living here (too hot, I like rain... Washington is more 'me') .

There are a few songs from a European band I really like that has the opposite effect haha (stirs strange emotions but the music is so good I can't stop listening).


American Idiot makes me want to kill every member of Green Day in the most brutal way possible, does that count?


I'll give you a hint - it's from Team America.