i had this 12 pages or so from a website from the post: rikdo doujinshi.
its a chapter from THiRD and is clean for doujinshi standards, with a leettle blood and slight violence. if anyone wants to do a short 'translation' for me, just say so. it has to be funny tho.
I'd be glad to do it. Not until after Excel-Lency is done.
If anyone else decides that they want to do it, they can go right ahead.
I can probly do it
sure, skycloud can do it. send me a message with your email.
Right, sending ya my email
yep, i've got it. i just need to get rid of the original writing. might take me awhile.
kk got it, will start work on it now, how would u like it returned?
um, i'll ask the moderators to open a new gallery and you can just load them up there.
How'd you go?
the lovely people who run the place opened up the gallery for you - feel free to load up in your time.
uh, its been a month. does anyone know what happened to skycloud?
hey foggle, do you want to do this instead?
Sure, I'll do it. :im_nabeshin:
i need you to give me your email address.
Quote from: randamonian on January 26, 2008, 10:36:08 PM
i need you to give me your email address.
You could have checked my profile for it. ^_^
Anyway, it's CBostic@gmail.com. Yeah, really original.
at least you got a cool sounding name.
alright, i'll send it to ya.
Quote from: randamonian on January 27, 2008, 06:48:47 PM
at least you got a cool sounding name.
Chris Bostic? It's pretty boring sounding, IMO. :laugh: Thanks, though.
Sorry for the double post, but as of right now, I haven't received the chapter. Have you sent it yet?
yeah, i sent it.
i havent recieced a failure to send email, so it should be there.
Quote from: randamonian on January 29, 2008, 01:58:15 PM
yeah, i sent it.
i havent recieced a failure to send email, so it should be there.
I didn't get it. D:
Can you put all the images in a .zip folder and upload it to Megaupload or something?
negatory - my internet connection(and setting, servers, programs) on this computer are very sad indeed. i'll just send it again.
Quote from: randamonian on January 30, 2008, 03:20:09 AM
negatory - my internet connection(and setting, servers, programs) on this computer are very sad indeed. i'll just send it again.
Still don't have it. >_<
Can you tell me where you got the chapter originally? I can download it manually.
the website http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/violet/comics/published/third/pages/1.htm (http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/violet/comics/published/third/pages/1.htm)
im sorry, but my email is really stuffing up - i was going to try resending it. the bad thing about this is that you have to erase the writing.
Quote from: randamonian on January 30, 2008, 05:03:07 PM
the website http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/violet/comics/published/third/pages/1.htm (http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/violet/comics/published/third/pages/1.htm)
im sorry, but my email is really stuffing up - i was going to try resending it. the bad thing about this is that you have to erase the writing.
Alright, I'll work on this soon. I'll start it by Sunday and try to finish it before the following Sunday.
take a week - take a month.
Quote from: randamonian on January 30, 2008, 08:48:39 PM
take a week - take a month.
:laugh: You know me all right. I'll try to be quick with this one, though. ^_^
I've finally settled down to start working on this, and I've noticed something. The scans are a lot lower quality than the other ones I've worked with (Daitenzin, Excel-Lency, and Higurashi), so it'll be slightly more difficult to edit and will require more retouching. It's not your fault, of course.
I'll still try to finish it by tomorrow, though.
thank youuu!
i'm wonderin what you're gonna do...
despite how un-NC17 the rest is, will you work to make it that way?
have you noticed how books that swear alot sometimes are rated low, yet movies with even less swearing are rated higher, should it make THAT much difference?
Quote from: randamonian on February 11, 2008, 11:31:34 PM
thank youuu!
i'm wonderin what you're gonna do...
despite how un-NC17 the rest is, will you work to make it that way?
have you noticed how books that swear alot sometimes are rated low, yet movies with even less swearing are rated higher, should it make THAT much difference?
I'm still trying to edit the speech bubbles to get rid of the Japanese text, actually. Taking a while this time. >_<
Uh, I'll probably add some swearing, since that's how I roll, but it probably won't be too bad.
Yeah, I noticed that. Hellsing Volume 2 is rated 13+ even though it has lots of gore and they say "fuck" like five times. I've seen movies with an R rating because of three usages of the eff word, and nothing else.
And I didn't meet my self-implemented February deadline. Shit. I promise I'll get it done soon.
it's fine don't worry.
have you gotten e.s 17 yet?
Quote from: randamonian on March 07, 2008, 03:02:18 AM
it's fine don't worry.
have you gotten e.s 17 yet?
My store hasn't gotten it in yet. ;_;