Well as this is an area for creativity, and that i finally got round to picking up my digital camera I thought I would share some images of a few Warhammer models which I am fairly proud of.
This one is a converted Bretonnian enchantress. Turned her into a Necromancer as i collect a Vampire Counts army.
The Standard bearer and comms operator from my Death Korps command squad
This is my Space marine Command Squad, without the commander.
Well those are the picture I have for now, mainly due to the fact the batteries in my digi-cam has just died and I need to go out and buy some more. Hopefully I should have more up soon.
I really wish I had painting skills like that :ehail:
Thanks :elhail:
I can't paint to save my life. :elcry: So that's why I collected Plaguemarines, It's not mess, it's just slime! :elhail:
I like the detail of paint you put on those figures, personally I can't paint at all, which is a same
Thanks again :elhail:
Quote from: Agent Kego on March 27, 2008, 08:43:43 AM
I can't paint to save my life. :elcry: So that's why I collected Plaguemarines, It's not mess, it's just slime! :elhail:
smart person :e_wink:
I think its all down to a matter of patience...
Which 9/10 i don't have, took me nearly a month to paint that Necromancer.
it's taking me nearly 1 month to paint one dwarf slayer, and they hardly wear anything so it's mostly flesh colour and orange......stuff it I'll not go into detail i'm not after best painted award
Just paint them to you standards....the only problem is when you set them too high :excel_fall:
well I've just finished the slayers, they won't win best painted but it don't matter much as I don't intend to win best painted army at the doubles tournament
Ah tournaments. I entered a Doubles tounraments myself for the 10th May, bit aprehensive as I normally can't roll higher than a three unless its a morale check. You will have to let me know how you get on.
Here are some more pictures for you people:
My Space Marine commander
My Techmarine with his servitor retinue
Finally, I used the special edition Christopher Columbo model to represent Luthor Harkon for my Zombie pirate army, which although difficult to play with add much merriment to the game, seriously they are worse than Goblins when it comes to blowing themselves up.
yeah but like orcs and goblins they're fun to play with
now all together
Green is best! I love my Orkses.