This shit is FANTASTIC. Best animu I've seen in a long time, by far. I don't have much time available at the moment (my home is under fire from the Russian mafia), so I won't write a long description. But, trust me, it's awesome. Anyone else seen it?
I have all of the DVDs that have been released... it actually seems pretty mediocre to me. It has lots of potential to me but honestly it just doesn't do it.
I'm halfway through the first series, and so far it is interesting enough, but doesn't seem to have a cohesive story line - it's a lot of explosions, chases, and yet another violent gun-girl who can't button her pants (personal peeve, it's almost like the punk gun-girl uniform). I've been told the ending is rather abrupt and character development drops off as the series goes on, but I'll wait and see myself. Can't get too excited though, since it was Geneon and we won't be seeing the second barrage any time soon. I see discs 1-3 are available, and that seems to be the whole first season, but finding them is hard. I'll see how the first series wraps up, but I dunno.
It doesn't wrap up. It even has scenes from the next episode and whatnot after the last episode of the series.
I liken it to, say, Firefly or Star Trek, where there's definitely an underlying story, though it really isn't too important, and it's more episodic (though there are story arcs and whatnot). It feels almost like a Western-made show to me, which is maybe why some people (you guys?) don't like it. Personally, I love the explosive action, the rampant dark comedy, and the above-average animation. While there isn't much development, I find the characters to be pretty interesting also.
Quote from: Poey on May 21, 2008, 12:55:18 PM
It doesn't wrap up. It even has scenes from the next episode and whatnot after the last episode of the series.
Because of series 2. D:
And if you mean the last episode of series 2, once they make more manga chapters, they're going to release a third one. They don't want to kill it with fillers, after all.
I didn't say I didn't like it, but I am uncertain about it. Being episodic is all well and good, but I like character development. I'm up to Ep. 10, and more was done there between Revy and Rock, which was good, but then Roberta shows up and, well, it's like I've seen that movie before :D.
Anyway so far I'm rating it above average, and I like dark characters and gallows humor, but while the manga keeps going (and I hear it will be published by our friends at Viz as of August 12 of this year), I just hope there is more in the Second Barrage to build on. Hopefully this Colombian arc is wrapped up to, but I might be interested enough to check out the manga too.
It's not the western-ness of it, it's the shallowness. Like I said, it had potential to be awesome but it never took it deep enough into the story development/story layers.
Also, I haven't seen season 2 as it has not been released yet.
When you really think about it, most anime are extremely shallow. Hell, live action shows and western 'toons, too. A lot are shallower than this one.
But hell, I have no problem with people not liking BURAKKU RAGUN. Considering what it is, I probably shouldn't have expected a positive response. :il_hahaha:
^^ Right... that's why I'm picky with anime and tv/movies in general.
Quote from: Poey on May 21, 2008, 04:19:54 PM
^^ Right... that's why I'm picky with anime and tv/movies in general.
I'd say I'm pretty picky too, but I really enjoyed this series. So maybe not as picky. ;)
Didn't see your post before, haha. >_>
Quote from: ElricJC on May 21, 2008, 03:54:58 PM
I didn't say I didn't like it, but I am uncertain about it. Being episodic is all well and good, but I like character development. I'm up to Ep. 10, and more was done there between Revy and Rock, which was good, but then Roberta shows up and, well, it's like I've seen that movie before :D.
Anyway so far I'm rating it above average, and I like dark characters and gallows humor, but while the manga keeps going (and I hear it will be published by our friends at Viz as of August 12 of this year), I just hope there is more in the Second Barrage to build on. Hopefully this Colombian arc is wrapped up to, but I might be interested enough to check out the manga too.
Yeah, there's very little character development, but I liked what was there. Episodes 11 and 12 were very good, IMO. I haven't started The Second Barrage yet, so I don't know if it's up to par with, better than, or worse than, the first season.
The manga is just like the anime, but the anime is better because the action is animated. I have heard that once there's more manga content, a third season will be made. Perhaps we can hope for a good plot and some more character development in that one, eh?
If there is, I suspect this would be a great great anime.
I do love the animation. There's a lot of detail that tells me they knew what they were doing (ie. fingers kept OFF the triggers of the guns unless they were ready to fire).
Yeah, the series is great in a lot of ways, and not so great in a lot of others. Like you say, it could use a bit extra to make it truly amazing, but I still love it, even in its current state.
QuoteI do love the animation. There's a lot of detail that tells me they knew what they were doing (ie. fingers kept OFF the triggers of the guns unless they were ready to fire).
Yeah, I noticed that too, which was good to see. The animation is very good, and quite a lot of attention to detail is there, but often times such detailed stories are so focused on those little details that they miss what they are doing - telling a story with engaging characters.
I am about to finish the first season, and this far I will give the first series an 8/10, B-
Animation: 10 - exceptionally well done all around
Sound/Music: 9 - very high, with a great OP and other music as needed. I looked up the full OP song from MELL, and I love it, plus some of her other work.
Characters: 7 - enough characterization to prevent them from being two dimensional (in a story sense that is ;))
Story: 6.5 - there is little holding it together until 3/4 of the way through, but this rating is probationary at most since the story goes on. Seeing how the threads woven in the first series appear later on may raise or lower this.
Character designs: 8/10 - for an action anime, there is nothing overly outlandish - no weird purple or neon green hair, a diverse line-up of characters. Some things, such as the aforementioned SPGG (Standard Punk Gun Girl) uniform still apply, but surprisingly, and thankfully, there is little fan service from the female lead (compared to many anime of this type, like a certain gun-themed anime with a dour, serious, violent gun-toting, non-pants-buttoning main female character that shall remain nameless [grrr]). What there is is sparse so as not to wear down on most normal viewers.
My conclusion, I might buy it, but there are others series I would collect first.
Edit: I am now into the second season, so we'll see what else changes, but the switchover is seemless - I can't even consider the 1st season a "season" - there was no real break in the story, no cliffhanger, no temporary stopping point, just more show. Oh, the Taiwanese lady was freakin hilarious!
Quote from: ElricJC on May 21, 2008, 07:27:10 PM
I am about to finish the first season, and this far I will give the first series an 8/10, B-
I love your review, all your points are good, and I agree with most of it. I'd probably give the series a 9, though.
Quote from: ElricJC on May 21, 2008, 07:27:10 PMlike a certain gun-themed anime with a dour, serious, violent gun-toting, non-pants-buttoning main female character that shall remain nameless [grrr]
What series is this? O_o
Ive seen all the current episodes out, that includes the second barrage, and i must attest as i have done on previous boards i love this anime. Although the character development from the beggining is light at best, the burgeoning development of the relationship between Rock and Revy is mature than most anime which have attempted something along the same lines.
QuoteWhat series is this? O_o
Ugh, a shallow little piece of pretty crap called Burst Angel, and the character I refer to is Jo. This anime had the most emotionally two dimensional characters I had ever seen, I stomached about 8 episodes and then just put it down. If Poey complained that Black Lagoon was shallow, it doesn't have anything on this piece of crap. Again, Gonzo hitched their wagon up to another lousy anime, which is unfortunate. At least Revy has some different emotional modes than Jo, who was usually dour, silent, and humorless and what emotion she did show was just anger. I wanted to punch the bitch in the cowboy hat too, she looked kinda like Kaname, only she was pissy and violent all the time and completely unlikeable. Burst Angel existed purely for fan service, explosions, big robots, and some more fan service. That's it. Burst Angel was a solid 4/10, with the only high score coming from animation - Characters, Character Designs, and Music were all in the toilet, it's OP is one of the worst pieces of J-Pop crap I have ever heard, just nonsensical bs.
Ok, need to stop, urge to punch rising... I really hate that anime. Now off to watch more Black Lagoon.
Quote from: ElricJC on May 22, 2008, 06:11:50 AM
QuoteWhat series is this? O_o
Ugh, a shallow little piece of pretty crap called Burst Angel, and the character I refer to is Jo.[snip]
Oh dear god, I've seen that series. I had to stop after 3 episodes, I just couldn't take any more of it. I should've been able to guess that was what you were talking about. D:
Quote from: Necrominion on May 22, 2008, 06:06:07 AM
Ive seen all the current episodes out, that includes the second barrage, and i must attest as i have done on previous boards i love this anime. Although the character development from the beggining is light at best, the burgeoning development of the relationship between Rock and Revy is mature than most anime which have attempted something along the same lines.
So the character development is better in The Second Barrage? Awesome! And I'm glad someone else on this board likes the series as much as I do. ;D
Hah... thanks, now I know to avoid Burst Angel.
Quote from: Foggle on May 22, 2008, 06:38:08 AM
Quote from: ElricJC on May 22, 2008, 06:11:50 AM
QuoteWhat series is this? O_o
Ugh, a shallow little piece of pretty crap called Burst Angel, and the character I refer to is Jo.[snip]
Oh dear god, I've seen that series. I had to stop after 3 episodes, I just couldn't take any more of it. I should've been able to guess that was what you were talking about. D:
Quote from: Necrominion on May 22, 2008, 06:06:07 AM
Ive seen all the current episodes out, that includes the second barrage, and i must attest as i have done on previous boards i love this anime. Although the character development from the beggining is light at best, the burgeoning development of the relationship between Rock and Revy is mature than most anime which have attempted something along the same lines.
So the character development is better in The Second Barrage? Awesome! And I'm glad someone else on this board likes the series as much as I do. ;D
The action scenes get better plus there is alot more gore and violence, you also get to see the vindictive side of Balalaika.....if you haven't seen it already.
I just finished ep. 19, and so far it's been really good, some more Revy and Rock development, though I must say hearing the Japanese seiyuu speaking so much English sounded... odd. Sometimes I couldn't understand them, but Revy actually sounded pretty funny when she started going off in English. The actors definitely didn't have much practice with the language (Balalaika's actress I think had the most experience, while Rock's had very little, and Revy was moderate, sounded like some of the foreign students I taught at Uni).
I'm feeling more "hooked" from ep. 13 and on, there has been more character interaction, and possibly more action, which is odd since the one tends to outweigh the other.
Edit: I have now finished the series, and I must elevate my rating before to an 8.5/10, maybe closing in on 9 - there was a lot more development, more brush strokes that let us into the character's minds. Particularly in respect to Balalaika and Revy + Rock, plus Gin just kicked so much ass. I would now definitely buy the series, especially to see the English dub, I'm curious to see if they pulled it off well. From what I've heard it's a good dub. I'll be waiting for season 3, if it ever comes out.
I'm loving The Second Barrage so far, just finished episode 20, but dear effing god, the Engrish. Hearing several of the characters butcher the language makes me extremely unhappy, though Balalaika's voice actor actually isn't too bad at speaking English.
lol, yes, the Engrish, not a soul in the show is really capable of speaking coherent English, though as you said Balalaika's seiyuu was the best of the lot. Sometimes Revy sounded cute when she spoke Engrish, but most of the time it was annoying. I really want to see the dub now, and if it's good enough I'll likely stick to it.
How much more Engrish is there? It really grates on my nerves, lol.
Hehe, well if you just hit ep. 20 you have quite a bit more to wade through. I'm trying to remember if by 20 they went to the carnival - that was probably the funniest Engrish episode when she starts cussing at the vendor, but beyond that ep. 23-24 have quite a bit of Engrish, and what little Engrish Rock uses is bad, fortunately he only has a line or two of Engrish before the conclusion, but Revy loves the Engrish, and Balalaika talks a bit more, but I can understand her more, though she can't say "atrocious" properly.
Once you get past the bowling alley episode there is practically no more Engrish in the series....I think thats around episode 22.
Oh that's right, the bowling alley, but also in ep 24 you have Balalaika and the last negotiation, but other than that, and the occasional utterance of 'Baby' fro Revy, that's about it.
Also, I rented Vol. 1 now and am watching the English dub. So far, the main characters are well matched and voiced, with Dutch so far being the best, but Revy isn't bad, a little higher in tone than I thought she should be, but not bad. Balalaika is indifferent, I prefer her Japanese voice, but the background characters are as lousy as usual in English dubs. But, if it saves us from rampant Engrish, which seemed far more common in the Second barrage, then that's tolerable :P.
Quote from: ElricJC on May 23, 2008, 04:55:12 PM
Oh that's right, the bowling alley, but also in ep 24 you have Balalaika and the last negotiation, but other than that, and the occasional utterance of 'Baby' fro Revy, that's about it.
Also, I rented Vol. 1 now and am watching the English dub. So far, the main characters are well matched and voiced, with Dutch so far being the best, but Revy isn't bad, a little higher in tone than I thought she should be, but not bad. Balalaika is indifferent, I prefer her Japanese voice, but the background characters are as lousy as usual in English dubs. But, if it saves us from rampant Engrish, which seemed far more common in the Second barrage, then that's tolerable :P.
I've learned to live with the Engrish, as well as "Levi" in the first three episodes. If you ever find a place where I can get the released discs for a good price (original price, cheaper, or a tiny bit more) please tell me. Volume 2 is damn near impossible to find decently priced.
Well it's hard, I ordered Vol. 1 & 2 for $25 each from my local Hastings store (their online site,, said they were out of 2, but the store said they could order it, but couldn't guarantee anything). 3 seems unavailable from them, but on Amazon 1 & 3 were up for $27 + shipping, and 2 was sitting at the exorbitant price of $75 (!!!) I just about shit myself when I saw that. The Second Barrage is simply not available save maybe through ebay at some point. I figured I better order what I can now or I will likely never seem them again. At least I might be able to complete season 1 through Hastings and Amazon. If I get my stimulus money soon I will aim to complete it, maybe.
Yeah, I saw volume 2 on and serioused the fuck up.
Second Barrage is licensed by Geneon but never got released. You know what that means.
QuoteSecond Barrage is licensed by Geneon but never got released. You know what that means.
Bugger, my hopes were up when I saw and they had it listed, just out of stock, so I thought maybe it was floating around out there, having sneaked through Geneon's colossal belly-flop, but I guess not. Oh, further notes, I just switched back to Japanese - the background characters voices are just too annoying to stand, which is a shame because the leads were pretty good. Damn scrub "actors."
Just finished season 2, LOVED the last four episodes. (S-s-s-spoilers!) It's implied that Revy killed Eda after the credits in episode 24, right? Or did she intentionally miss or something? (End spoilars)
I believe she intentionally missed....currently trying to find the last few volumes of the manga to confirm this but having no such luck just yet.
Quote from: Necrominion on May 24, 2008, 08:14:37 AM
I believe she intentionally missed....currently trying to find the last few volumes of the manga to confirm this but having no such luck just yet.
From what I've heard, the manga's actually behind the anime, even right now. But there's no way that could be right.
Well we should know by now that anime are not always the gospel truth when it comes to the original story telling.....
Quote from: Necrominion on May 24, 2008, 03:24:25 PM
Well we should know by now that anime are not always the gospel truth when it comes to the original story telling.....
No, I mean, these people said that the last anime arc hasn't been finished in the manga yet, which can't be true, as one of my friends has read past the ending of TSB.
Only time will tell, since Geneon went under it might be a long time
Well, only Geneon USA went under. Their Japanese offices are still alive and kicking, which is as much of a blessing as it is a curse, since it seems that they don't want to send their anime to non-Geneon North American distributors.
Im in the UK...double screwed
Ah but the question is, is it a Region 1 dvd since its an American site because i don't own a multi-regional dvd player... :hdead:
Ah, sorry, yes, it's only Region 1. I was mainly posting it because I spent five hours going to several different stores and searching the internet to find it. :e_embarassed: I already had volume 1, and I can get disc 3 from easily, so I can now say I own the complete first season. Now let's just hope some other company picks up The Second Barrage. >_<
Too bad Geneon is being so anal about working with other non-Geneon US branches :(. My discs 1 and 2 should arrive in a couple of weeks, and then I'll likely go fishing on Amazon to grab the third, hopefully before they're out since no more are being made. I suppose the only way I can see TSB or the possible 3rd season (whenever that is) will be through Fan Subs.
Quote from: ElricJC on May 25, 2008, 08:05:53 PM
Too bad Geneon is being so anal about working with other non-Geneon US branches :(. My discs 1 and 2 should arrive in a couple of weeks, and then I'll likely go fishing on Amazon to grab the third, hopefully before they're out since no more are being made. I suppose the only way I can see TSB or the possible 3rd season (whenever that is) will be through Fan Subs.
Fuck me in the ass, I'm too late. PLEASE tell me you didn't order from my link. I just found out that it's a scam. I'm very sorry, I didn't know, and am now out $30 myself.
Oh hell, sorry man :(, but I ordered from Hastings, they're legit. Damn, how did you find out they are a scam? I'll remember that site from now on though, but that sucks ass. Freakin scammers, that's why I never buy online unless it's from a store I know personally, too many rip-off artists out there.
Glad to know you didn't get ripped off, too. I poked around Google a bit and looked at the seller rating for the site, noticed that it had a rank of 1.3/5, and read the feedback. Apparently, they used to be a legit business, but now just take people's money, never ship the items and don't answer customer service emails. I'll wait a few weeks so I can have evidence that they aren't even trying to send me the product, get my money back from the credit card company, and order it from YesAsia or something.
Yes, make sure they don't get to keep your money. Really research the sites you find to buy from, it saves a lot of hassle in the long run. Good luck, man.
Everything's settled now, I sent a cancellation email to the people and notified the CC company. I'll still be getting volume 2, though, I just ordered it from a much more reputable source (YesAsia). ;D
Excellent, and I might have to look at YesAsia myself, never used them before, if Vol. 3 is a little hard to get a hold of.
Quote from: ElricJC on May 26, 2008, 01:30:42 PM
Excellent, and I might have to look at YesAsia myself, never used them before, if Vol. 3 is a little hard to get a hold of.
They don't have Volume 3. :(
Damn, I see that. However I see Vol. 1 of Second Barrage? In English? I thought they never released it, or did they manage to squeeze the one out?
If you try to order it, after they process your order, they'll most likely come back and tell you that they don't have any copies. Volume 1 of TSB was 15 days away from being released when Geneon USA kicked the bucket.
QuoteVolume 1 of TSB was 15 days away from being released when Geneon USA kicked the bucket.
>.> Well bloody hell, that sucks... So many good anime went down with those idiots (Black Lagoon, Higurashi, Hellsing Ultimate, god knows what else). Have you heard anything about a season 3, I know they need to catch up to the manga (or is it the other way around?), but how many volumes did the series cover?
Quote from: ElricJC on May 26, 2008, 08:43:02 PM
QuoteVolume 1 of TSB was 15 days away from being released when Geneon USA kicked the bucket.
>.> Well bloody hell, that sucks... So many good anime went down with those idiots (Black Lagoon, Higurashi, Hellsing Ultimate, god knows what else). Have you heard anything about a season 3, I know they need to catch up to the manga (or is it the other way around?), but how many volumes did the series cover?
Season 3 is rumored by many, though it's never been officially confirmed or denied, so signs point to it coming out eventually. If my facts are straight, the first season covered the first three books minus the vampire twins arc, the second season covered books 4 and 5, as well as said arc. Currently there are 7 volumes, so the next season should be coming out pretty soon.
Whether it hits our respective continents is another thing...
Which is why I am thankful and yet again upset with fan subbing - on the one hand it gives us access to anime we might never see, while on the other it is part of the reason why Geneon USA and other anime companies have tanked.
Of course, advertising more would likely have helped them demarginalize themselves but... naw, I better stop, that's a whole different issue :/
I love how this thread is on page 4 and only 4 different people have posted in it. :il_hahaha:
Serious discussionings have been discussed....very serious
Very serious indeed. Now I am going back to rewatching TSB - this series really grew on me with TSB, especially when they humanized Revy more. Maybe it's just the overexposure to it now, but I might have to knock my rating up to 9/10.
I'd prefer to just watch the whole thing a second time, as aside from #20: The Succession, I really felt that there were no "bad" episodes.
The last episode annoyed me at points, I ended up muttering under my breath for it to bloody get on with it. Albeit there were in effect no bad episodes, i did find myself at points throughout both series for them to get on with it, it was like sitting through the ending to the last Lord of the Rings movie.
#20 wasn't my favorite overall either, and #24 did seem rather slow at the end, a little too intentionally drawn out, but I can't declare there were any bad episodes. On a scale of 1-5, most of the eps hit a 4-5, while those two were maybe a 3, though I liked the epilogue to 24 (I know she didn't really shoot her, but it was a good endcap for the series up to that point). It was for the most part a very consistent series.
The English version went a bit overboard with the swearing. ( :il_hahaha:
Wow a good 200 and odd more 'fucks' than the japanese version
Ah I saw that :icon_lol:, 259 in all, hehe, yeah they really did go over the top with the swearing in English. I loved the part where Eda saw the boat was gone though - the Japanese part was better, but I must admit I loled a bit :D.
you know what i like about the series. I like how at the end they have this samurai that can frikkin cut a bullet with his sword. WTF :il_hahaha: That was so awesome I watched it 5 times. In any case, I agree that Black Lagoon is a great series. too bad Geneon isn't releasing the DVD's anymore after they sunk ship.
I just finished reading through the end of volume 7 of the Black Lagoon manga, and I must say, this newest arc (the very long, still ongoing one that takes place directly after TSB) is probably the best one yet. It seems that Mr. Hiroe has gotten better at writing, as there's a bigger focus on plot and character development this time around, and in the 12 translated chapters so far, there has only been one action scene. Also unlike the previous arcs, there is actually a sense of continuity with the rest of the series: stuff from the first Roberta arc, the Japan arc, and the Greenback Jane arc are carried over.
And I'm glad to see that Dutch and Benny are main characters once again. Unlike in previous chapters, Benny actually seems important in this one.
Watched the first half in English, second half in Japanese. Gotta say I liked the English voice actors a lot better. If they ever dub the second half, can't wait for Revi to speak in English so Rock can't understand her...and then switch back to English to talk to Rock. :icon_mrgreen:
No, actually they all normally speak English - on the boat and such, and when Rock was translating for Balalaika (gotta love me some Russian guitar, lol) they were speaking in English between each other. Rock knows several languages, at least English and of course his native Japanese, and likely some more, so when Revi was swearing in Engrish it was done that way since no one else there could understand her, but Rock could. However I agree for the most part that the English dub cast for the main characters was good, but the secondary character voices and background characters were lackluster to poor. I really liked Dutch, Eda, and Benny's English VAs, Revi and Rock were middling, Balalaika's seemed to lack the same flair, and most of them are downhill from there. But if it saves me from Engrish, which is really only common is TSB, which we will likely never see (:() then I would try the dub.
Third season announced! (
Good news, I hope it continues to grow. I'll be looking for the Fan Subs, unless some enterprising anime company decides to be intelligent and buy the rights from the rotting carcass of Geneon USA (along with certain other titles we all like - Higurashi, Hellsing Ultimate, etc).
Well, all of the Second Barrage DVDs are now officially out in America. Anyone else picked them up yet?
I have volume 1 of the Second Barrage, and all the first season. I'm hoping my peeps grab the next two for me this Christmas :im_nabeshin:
Picked up the second barrage over Christmas. Excellent work by the dub cast as expected. Made me really excited for the new season.
So, Season 3 is apparently coming out in July or August of this year. I can't wait. :im_nabeshin:
Hell yeah, and I have the complete series now (thanks to said peeps). Looking forward to more.
heh.. Can't wait to see Roberta, the Terminator Maid back again.
Very kick-ass series.
I finished watching the whole series today. It was really fun, this series sure is great and full of action.
My favorite arc was Greenback Jane, with all these crazy mercenaries (Lotton the wizard :il_hahaha:) !
I'll try to buy the manga and maybe the third season when it comes out.
Quote from: Zozolton on June 08, 2010, 12:43:55 PMI'll try to buy the manga and maybe the third season when it comes out.
It was surprising to me just how faithful the anime was to the manga.
Everything about this series has been top notch quality. It was like a breath of fresh air when you consider (at least in my opinion) how average many new series are these days. Not too much stands out from the crowd.
Yeah, the anime is very close to the manga, and honestly the manga is not that great. It was a concept that likely should have started from the beginning as an anime.
And I agree with Lord Il, it was a breath of fresh air in a fairly stale industry. Oh, Lord Il, if you are looking for something a little unusual you might try Wagaya No Oinarisama (Our Home's Fox Deity), it's a pretty interesting take on harem anime, namely that the female characters (Kuugen and the sentinel, her name escapes me) are entirely non-sexual towards the male lead, and vice versa, they're just perceived to have a relationship, which was kind of funny. Needed to be longer, but I think they ran out of money to properly finish the series. Nonetheless it was enjoyable.
In this world where most of the young teenagers must save the world twice a day or have incredibly complicated relations of Love-you-or-Hate-you-but-can't-decide-which-one with their classmates ; a Man tried the impossible ; a Man created a new and original work !
Rei Hiroe is this Man ! :im_nabeshin:
Just a joke, there are other series like Excel Saga which manage to really distinguish themselves.
Quote from: ElricJC on June 08, 2010, 10:33:10 PM
Oh, Lord Il, if you are looking for something a little unusual you might try Wagaya No Oinarisama (Our Home's Fox Deity), it's a pretty interesting take on harem anime, namely that the female characters (Kuugen and the sentinel, her name escapes me) are entirely non-sexual towards the male lead, and vice versa, they're just perceived to have a relationship, which was kind of funny. Needed to be longer, but I think they ran out of money to properly finish the series. Nonetheless it was enjoyable.
Waitta sec.. Hold the phone..
A harem type anime whereas the female characters have no sexual intentions towards the male lead.. AND vice-versa? Such a paradox in harem anime exists?? How is this even remotely possible?
Was this series created on our home planet Earth? :il_hahaha:
Hey, I'm game for something different.