... Appearantly so...
I look forward to lifesize robot catgirl models :shiouji: :D
Ummm... ummm... ummmm...
What is wrong with the Japanese? I mean for God's sake, Sega makes a little toy girlfriend robot for what, hikkikomori?
:excel_fall: to Sega.
Oh, Japan. :il_hahaha:
I found this rather cute actually, but i can also see it going a bit too far fetched...
(i mean come on, it IS Japan after all, haha)
One step closer to Persacoms...
Quote from: Micki! on June 19, 2008, 11:21:58 AM
... Appearantly so...
I look forward to lifesize robot catgirl models :shiouji: :D
Give it a while longer. It'll happen. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Soske on June 19, 2008, 03:25:19 PM
One step closer to Persacoms...
Scary thing is you're probably right. I know it'll happen and Japan will make it. The future is almost... now. :e_shocked:
Its the bellbottoms on the thing that really get me.
So that is what Sega has been doing instead of making propler Sonic and House of the Dead games.
they've actually already made more reasistic life size dolls that, unless you concentrate you cant even tell that they not real humans. they even have some that dance, and its amazing how un-robotic looking they are while dancing.
im sure its only a matter of time before our adult shops carry some over here and overpopulation may someday stop being an issue ;o
aw man, you had imagining something more impressive than that.
Quote from: randamonian on April 22, 2009, 04:58:50 PM
aw man, you had imagining something more impressive than that.
this might be what your interested in
i cant find the original but japan has some of these now that look like almost perfect replicas of real people.
this is making me think of replica soldiers from FEAR....
now you're talking. that's impressive. now, real girls have no chance. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: randamonian on April 24, 2009, 08:20:47 PM
now, real girls have no chance. :il_hahaha:
lol! Yes, competition shall be fierce. :e_tongue:
pretty soon they'll all be controlled by a psychic commander from afar
I saw this thing at the toystore, $50 Australian dollars, reduced from 100 something dollars.
Maybe the invansion wont happen to my country - everyone's so anti-nerd.
to be honest, i wouldnt pay 20$ for one of those :/
its not that im anti nerd its just....
i've lost interest in most nerdy things ^^;;
i still...rarely watch anime
i do play a lot of games still though!
No thanks, dad. I'd rather make out with my Marilyn Monroe-bot!
Quote from: randamonian on May 06, 2009, 03:24:29 AM
I saw this thing at the toystore, $50 Australian dollars, reduced from 100 something dollars.
Maybe the invansion wont happen to my country - everyone's so anti-nerd.
lol! So it's already at half price.
Seems to indicate that Sega failed big time on this one.