Joker vs Joker (aka: Nicholson vs Ledger) Who was your fav?
Option 1: Let's put a smile on that face! (Heath)
votes: 11
Option 2: Wait'll they get a load of me. (Jack)
votes: 2
Just saw The Dark Knight at IMAX a few hours ago and was positively 'wowed' like I knew I would. This movie may break box office history as the hype over Heath Ledger's performance was more than warranted - Seems everyone is more than a bit curious to see his last movie role. IMO, he really was that good. One of the more scarier incarnations of The Joker.
Oh heck, can't take away anything from Mark Hamill's Joker in the animated series!
And Cesar Romero is certainly not to be forgotten either from the '60s television show.
But just for sh*ts and giggles, how would you compare Jack Nicholson's Joker with Heath Ledger's? Who do you like better?
A vid to compare somewhat.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqAvubu70Yc
[spoiler warning!]
Still recovering from from Joker's disappearing pencil magic trick. I'm becoming very sick as to laugh at such a scene. lol! That was just.... Wow... :e_shocked:[/spoiler warning!]
El Tigre and I are seeing it tomorrow night.
Fantastic movie. After all the hype, I was expecting Heath's performance to be great, but I never expected
[Spoiler]Ekhart's Two-Face to be so well done.[End Spoiler]
Still a shame about Heath dying and all
Amazing film. It's not one of my favorites, but it's damn close, and I've always been a fan of Batman. Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart gave amazing performances as two of my favorite villains, and Ledger's Joker was much better than Nicholson's (which is still a classic performance).
Who does Aaron Eckhart, play in the film then.
Saw it... holy shit.
Quote from: exckilla on July 21, 2008, 01:22:03 PM
Who does Aaron Eckhart, play in the film then.
Two Face.
And omg... the CGI work they did on his face was so good it was uncanny. Damn scary. O_O
It makes the make-up job they did for Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever look laughable.
Who else was rooting for the Joker?
Quote from: Lord Il on July 21, 2008, 02:05:04 PM
Quote from: exckilla on July 21, 2008, 01:22:03 PM
Who does Aaron Eckhart, play in the film then.
Two Face.
And omg... the CGI work they did on his face was so good it was uncanny. Damn scary. O_O
It makes the make-up job they did for Tommy Lee Jones in Batman Forever look laughable.
i'm sorry but any two face must be better then Tommy Lee Jones (he's a good actor and shouldn't have played a comedic two face ) . if they did Forever like the first 2 then i would have liked.
Going see it tomorrow
Honestly, I didn't like it all that much. Objectively it was a good movie, but it definitely wasn't the movie I wanted to see. Far too srs business. Joker wasn't funny.
The Joker isn't meant to be haha funny or whimsical - he's a sociopathic murderer, not a comedian. Frankly it's the most true-to-form portrayal of the Joker to date.
Quote from: Poey on July 21, 2008, 01:50:02 PM
Saw it... holy shit.
Yeah, I thought the same thing...
Quote from: ElricJC on July 25, 2008, 08:40:33 PM
The Joker isn't meant to be haha funny or whimsical - he's a sociopathic murderer, not a comedian. Frankly it's the most true-to-form portrayal of the Joker to date.
"Dark" Batman isn't any more valid an interpretation than "campy" Batman. You don't have to like both versions (I certainly don't), but they've both got a pretty extensive history. I don't think you can really claim that one version is more "true-to-form" than the other.
Besides, you can be a sociopathic murderer
and a comedian.
On the other hand, though, I can't deny that it
was stupid of me to go to the Dark Knight knowing that I only like campy Batman. I was swayed by everyone I know loving this movie.
When I say true to form, I refer to the comics (specifically of the last 20 years), which were definitely not campy or cheesy - that's what I thought when I was young, until I started reading my dad's Batman comics. There was one, about oh, 15 years old now where the Joker lured Batman to a Carnival, and Joker's "fun time" was anything but fun for anyone but him, and definitely not "funny," unless you're Baron Samedi, in which case it's some serious lulz.
Very good film, numb bum afterwards though, the only critical point I have against this film is the fact that two face wasn't in it for very long, I felt they could have left that for another movie prehaps
Saw it, loved it. And while I lik Jack Nicholson more overall, Heath Ledger was the better Joker. But nobody tops Mark Hamill.
Here's something I've been wondering: did the movie commit an act of WiR?
saw it and loved it. best batman movie since the 80s
I have one major - no, two major - gripes about the movie.
1: The treatment of Harvey Dent/Two-Face - did a disservice to the character the way it all played out - he should have been in a different movie, or this one should have set-up Two Face to take center stage in the next. Bad move.
2: I can't stand listening to Batman speak because they make him sound like Dirty Harry with a throat infection - it just sounds so stupid, it makes it harder to watch. Half the time I was like "Oh god, please stop talking Wayne, let's see some more Joker." They either need a voice modulator, or just let the man talk like a normal human being.
Otherwise, one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. And the Joker rocks beyond all belief, best rendition of him ever, and as I have said before, the most faithful to the comics yet.
Quote from: Sweeney_Todd on July 22, 2008, 04:46:29 PM
Who else was rooting for the Joker?
I always root for the home team. :eevil:
Quote from: ElricJC on August 05, 2008, 06:11:14 PM
2: I can't stand listening to Batman speak because they make him sound like Dirty Harry with a throat infection - it just sounds so stupid, it makes it harder to watch. Half the time I was like "Oh god, please stop talking Wayne, let's see some more Joker." They either need a voice modulator, or just let the man talk like a normal human being.
You know, I couldn't agree more. At one point in particular, I couldn't help to laugh at how forced Christian Bale made his voice.
This ytmnd illustrates that very well... (http://darkhabbit.ytmnd.com/)
LOL, and I forgot how bad he sounded in that one part - cheesiest dialogue, and most forced throaty voice ever.
LET CHRISTIAN BALE JUST FUCKING TALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! I mean really, will anyone stop and say "ya know Batman, you sound just like that Bruce Wayne douche bag... heck, even the jawline... yeah, there's a resemblance." I mean, people never figure out super identities that easily in comics or these movies. God's sake...
Any ideas when it will be due on dvd
^I'll bet it'll be out just before the Holidays.
I have a feeling it's going to be around christmas, since warner brothers decided to hold back the next harry potter film until summer 2009, or so the rumour is for it's release
December 12th according to my friend who works at Blockbuster.
That may explain harry being held back
Quote from: Soske on September 15, 2008, 09:21:19 PM
December 12th according to my friend who works at Blockbuster.
I'm sure "it's all.. part of the plan." :icon_wink:
Seriously, a smart move for Warner Bros. to release it early December. It'll sell like hot cakes. Might be one of the biggest selling DVDs ever. God, it could even cause riots if supply is too low. :il_hahaha:
Never did get a copy of Batman Begins (yet) but guaranteed, I'll be getting The Dark Knight quickly.
I would imagine they'll release a nice special edition which may have some sort of tribute to Ledger.
^ batman begins is worth buying
^Oh, I know. It's beyond my understanding as to why I don't have a copy of it now. heh..
I was looking around some movie database sites recently and found this gem of writing from the movie. Joker had many brilliant lines, but I was especially floored by this one. Makes a person think. Much.
Not entirely sure if this is perfectly accurate. But it sounds correct from what I remember.
Joker to Batman
"Don't talk like one of them, you're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak - like me. They need you right now. When they don't... they'll cast you out. Like a leper. See, their morals, their code: it's a bad joke. They're dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see, when the chips are down these "civilized" people will eat each other. See, I'm not a monster... I'm just ahead of the curve."
Not every piece of writing was good in The Dark Knight, but damn, there were some memorable moments like that one.
They did seem to spread the cheese on Batman more, and give the Joker the real meaty lines. I didn't like this movie because of Batman, which is sad; I liked it because of the Joker. They need to really work on the next one, and allow me to put this as bluntly as possible...
I think that would solve a lot of the problems right there. Oh, and stick to one villain and develop them, don't take a well known villain, half ass them, and then dispose of them. That also pisses me off. But not as much as the above.
derrrrr, the reason he sounds that way is to disguise his voice. derrr erghhhhhhhh...
why dont people understand this??
Quote from: Lan on September 20, 2008, 10:50:18 AM
derrr erghhhhhhhh...
Was that you disguising
your voice? Sounds somewhat similar to what Christian Bale did. :il_hahaha:
What's interesting about the Dirty Harry reference is I've heard Clint Eastwood was approached to do a role in a third movie.
Quote from: Lan on September 20, 2008, 10:50:18 AM
derrrrr, the reason he sounds that way is to disguise his voice. derrr erghhhhhhhh...
why dont people understand this??
Durrrr durrrr, there are better ways to mask your voice than pitching it low and growly. Hard to take him seriously, get a voice modulator along with all that other tech he has. It sounds stupid, simply put.
Yet another parody about the whole voice thing.
And it's brilliant. :il_hahaha:
The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2yv8aT0UFc)
Latest date I have here for The Dark Knight DVD release is December 9th.
Joker Interrogation Spoof Outtakes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjBOTT0tr84&NR=1) lmao!
8Th of december on dvd and blu-ray in the u.k.
Certainly better on blu-ray
Quote from: exckilla on January 24, 2009, 03:02:32 PM
Certainly better on blu-ray
Still didn't get a chance to buy my copy yet. But yeah, it'll probably be the first Blu-ray movie I'll buy. Just because. :lordilsmile:
Off topic but the second Blu-ray movie I'll probably get is Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan whenever it gets released in High-def glory. I bet it'll be out around when the newest Trek movie hits theaters...
R.I.P. Ricardo Montalban. T_T
Let me know when wrath of khan will ever be available on blu-ray. But batman the dark knight is certainly worth the effort on blu-ray
Quote from: exckilla on January 26, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
Let me know when wrath of khan will ever be available on blu-ray.
Will do! :ehail:
Quote from: Lord Il on January 26, 2009, 02:38:55 PM
Quote from: exckilla on January 26, 2009, 01:31:44 PM
Let me know when wrath of khan will ever be available on blu-ray.
Will do! :ehail:
^ Just looked on the hmv website and the blu-ray release of the first few star trek films looks set for the end of may, I am a little annoyed that paramount have only release friday the 13th part 2 and 3 on blu-ray, number 3 is not bad but you do see the faults with camera in hi def
This is really old now, but just in case nobody's seen it:
Interrogation spoof
I was kinda surprised at first when some people didn't like the voice. Then I remembered not everybody listens to death metal. So for me the voice was both enjoyable, and very easily understood. Enjoy the vid.
Quote from: ElTigreNumeroUno on May 09, 2009, 02:16:11 PM
This is really old now, but just in case nobody's seen it:
Interrogation spoof
They probably did. :il_hahaha:
(Scroll up a few posts.) :e_wink:
Keeps gettin' funnier every time I see it. ^^