Here's an adventure game I've been running. ( It's sorta based on the RP that I play in but that's not important at all. You guys can come play as long as I'm running it.
That's freakin' awesome! I love those games.
This looks like great fun, would be funny to participate...
I'll drop a comment when I start it up again, so you can all stop by. :ehail:
LMAO!!! That's great!
I've never participated in one of these before.
I created a user on now, dunno if i'll even use it, but i hope i will...
I've started up the second installment of the game here (! :ehail:
Yay posted my first ever entry there... :elhail:
My observation...
FLONNE's eyes are glowing red and appear to be looking in the Lord's direction - She secretly has the freaking hots for Lord Il and wants to do the horizontal mambo with him!!! O_O This is obviously why Excel was kidnapped so Lord Il would eventually show up for a daring rescue (Hence.. this is why Excel's cell wasn't confiscated!)
It's alll part of the pah-lan, people.
Edit: WAIT..! Is Lord Il there yet, or is Excel merely imagining him there? OR is Flonne imagining Lord Il there... GAH... What's happening?