OK, I know that Foggle has played the Persona games up to 3 but what about everyone else? If not you need to go to eBay right now 'cause you don't know what you're missing. Yes, Nocturne can be uber expensive but it's worth it for such an amazing game. Not only is it like Pokemon for adults but Dante's in it!
For those of you familiar with it I'd love to get some discussions going; I'm sure Foggle would agree that although Persona 3 is really, really good the ending is incredibly depressing. P4s, thankfully, isn't that devistating but it's bittersweet.
Out of the whole series Devil Summoner: Radiou Kuzunoha Vs. the Soulless Army is by far my favorite. I love that it takes a break from a dark storyline to offer up some very comedic moments and fun characters. I liked Victor's character design the moment I saw him in the manual but I ended up adoring him when you got to know his personality. It just makes me want to play Soul Hackers even more, though. :(
I've had it forever but still I need to beat Digital Devil Saga; I'm so close but I refuse to go to the end boss until I defeat the final optional one which is incredibly hard. Bleh.
So... Yeah... Hopefully more of you are fans so this doesn't end up just taking up space :il_hahaha:
These games are damn hard. Couple that with the fact that I'm bad at video games in general and that I'm not a JRPG kinda' guy, this series has made me rage on countless occasion. :laugh:
But yeah, I love me some SMT. I haven't played Devil Summoner, but I probably should. ;)
Quote from: Mad Hatteress on July 24, 2009, 05:30:30 PM
I'm sure Foggle would agree that although Persona 3 is really, really good the ending is incredibly depressing.
But what about The Answ--*is shot*
Yeah, Nocturne had me crying out with frustration, especially since if you chose the True Demon Ending there's no save points in Amala. I've never tried the game on "Nightmare" difficulty because Normal is cruel enough! I grinded 80 hours just for a two minuet ending!
:excel_fall: You haven't played Devil Summoner! Go an buy it! NOW!
I didn't like the answer; there's no chart to save your demons and I was hoping you could make two choices at the end. I also wanted the option to go back in time and save Shinji! WAAAAAAAAAAAH! At least P3 was enhanced; I loved dating Elizabeth!
I shall, I shall. Is the sequel any good?
Yeah, The Answer was pretty bad. Also, Shinji was awesome. Ken is such a bastard! >:(
It's actually incredibly amazing how much the sequel was improved over the first game regarding the combat, demon fusion, ect. but it's a much darker story that really depressed me for reasons I can't say because it's a huge spoiler. I also disliked that the "chat with Victor" option was taken out since he said some pretty amusing things. I wonder if you could still get the special edition of the sequel with the plushy; that was one sexy package :il_hahaha:
I have Persona 3: FES, and Persona 4, both of which I have yet to finish. ;^_^
They're both awesome, but I do kind of prefer 4, as 3 seemed a little more tedious with regard to the social links.
Yeah, 4 is loads better. I thought most of the characters in P3 were super annoying but I like most in 4, especially Kanji and Naoto. Good lord there's some funny scenes with Kanji! His dungeon is great and I still think it's funny how I was trying to get my friend into the series but the moment he heard Kanji say "Hey there, pussycat." he just said "I quit." and put down the controller.
Oh, god; some dude cosplayed as Victor!
Heh, that cosplay was pretty sweet.
Awww maaan, Nocturne is hard to find? I just passed up buying a copy a few days ago for 14.99 'cause I'm frugal. I may just have to call that store and have them hold it...
I got hooked on the SMT series with P3. Then came P4, which may be my favorite so far, followed by Devil Summoner, which is pretty amazing. Then came P2 (borrowed from a friend), which I haven't finished because the graphics make me sad and the gameplay is kind of hard! I finished one dungeon at a higher-than-necessary level, then the next one immediately kicked my posterior. It's a good story, though... but the Joker thing made me giggle at first after the Dark Knight.
I'm excited for the PSP port of the original Persona game too! Maybe I'll catch the allusions in P2 now!
In regards to the Raiho plushie package of DS2, there are quite a few still floating around my local gamestops (though they're all in the back due to the beastly packaging) and I think they lowered the price to $35. ...Maybe.
Heh, P4 definitely has more likable characters. I started playing the Answer and all I could think is 'Wow, Yukari's being a hyper-bitch to Aegis'. Then I tried to replay the game itself and within minutes I was like, 'Daaaang, Yukari's doing it again.' Chie and Naoto definitely win over her.
...But it always struck me that Naoto looks startlingly like Raido. Maybe it's the hat... I mean, she goes on about her family's detective heritage and that always makes me laugh in a 'where-is-your-black-cat-then' kind of way.
I tried to get a friend into P4 too (I even agreed to read the Twilight books in return! I am a good friend, guys!) Perhaps it was a mistake to have her start a new game, because the introductory set-up is pretty long and my friend is pretty impatient. Teddy almost saved her, but I think the riding on a bike with Yosuke thing put her off. Le sigh.
FOGGLE! Why aren't you gushing about Devil Summoner?!
...You're cheating on it with Borderlands, aren't you?! AREN'T YOU! JUST ADMIT IT!
EDIT: Oh, yeah! I forgot to mention that, if I manage to get all my homework done (my first class starts in about seven minuets, actually) I'm thinking about scanning a DS comic that I got off eBay. It's all in Japanese but the pictures are pretty XD. It centers around Mary but Victor's in there as well (jee, can you guess why I bought it?).
Quote from: Mad Hatteress on October 06, 2009, 07:20:32 AM
FOGGLE! Why aren't you gushing about Devil Summoner?!
...You're cheating on it with Borderlands, aren't you?! AREN'T YOU! JUST ADMIT IT!
Doing either or both would be nice, but no. I haven't had time to play any vidya gaems lately except for, like, 3 hours of Left 4 Dead with my friend. :pedronooo:
Also, Borderlands isn't even out yet. ;)
Gawd that took forever! I decided to take pics of the comic since it's easier on the book. The quality isn't horrible, but... Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it even though it's in Japanese. It stars Mary but features super special sexy appearances by Victor. I just wish I could find comics that have him when he's a weirdo living in someone's basement and leaps at the chance to molest androids.
i have persona 3 and 4
I played Persona 3 up to the end, but I quit Megaten then and there. If I'm going to pump more than 100 hours into something, I want it to be a game where the battle system is actually fun, like Disgaea or Pokemon.
Quote from: Uncreativity on October 13, 2009, 10:49:30 AM
I played Persona 3 up to the end, but I quit Megaten then and there. If I'm going to pump more than 100 hours into something, I want it to be a game where the battle system is actually fun, like Disgaea or Pokemon.
Ouch! Don't judge the whole series from a really bad decision not to allow the players to control the AI in the third! They change that in Persona 4, and the characters aren't as annoying, so I'd suggest at least renting it if you can.
THe first Devil Summoner has the demon doing it's own thing, but it isn't that bad, and the second lets you give it commands even though it's real time. You really should give the series another chance. Oh, and if you think P3 is bad, I dare you to play Nocturne...
Play Devil Summoner if you like gameplay that's actually fun.
That is all.
^ Whew, I'm glad you still feel that way! I always get scared that when I really encourage someone to buy a game they'll end up not liking it and be pissed at me.
Recently bought the original Persona (port, of course) for PSP. Is tres fun and the plot is good, even if the gameplay does venture into the realm of tedious occasionally.
Hat, Victor in Devil Summoner 2 is hilarious.
Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 14, 2009, 08:17:19 PM
Hat, Victor in Devil Summoner 2 is hilarious.
XD I'm so glad you got to see that! I love how if you refuse to give him the first gem, but if you have the one he wants in your possession, he's like "Woops! My hand slipped! You saw it! It was an accident!"
Oh no... So many things, so little money. Atlus has just announced SMT: Strange Journey for the DS. Oh! But it comes out seven days before my birthday so I can hope for it as a present.
Played more Devil Summoner. Really good game, but hard for me to get into at the moment. With the amount of work I've gotten lately, pick-up-and-play games such as Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike are all I can really afford to devote time to. Fortunately, I get almost all of next week off from school, so I'll try to play it a lot then.
Anyway, this weekend, my friend and I are gonna' gather 'round a huge plate of tamales and start a new game of Persona 3. On Hard difficulty; a real mode for real men. Our character shall be named Awesome McBeastly and his life goal will be to sleep with all the gay kids at the high school. And Fuuka.
Quote from: Foggle on November 17, 2009, 03:53:33 PM
Played more Devil Summoner. Really good game, but hard for me to get into at the moment. With the amount of work I've gotten lately, pick-up-and-play games such as Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, and Counter-Strike are all I can really afford to devote time to. Fortunately, I get almost all of next week off from school, so I'll try to play it a lot then.
Awesome. How far are you now? Don't forget to do the Alice side quest when you have the change; if you fuse her right you get some great skills and she has no weaknesses. She might not be too useful like Belial or Lilith when you get to the final round but for random battles she's great.
QuoteAnyway, this weekend, my friend and I are gonna' gather 'round a huge plate of tamales and start a new game of Persona 3. On Hard difficulty; a real mode for real men. Our character shall be named Awesome McBeastly and his life goal will be to sleep with all the gay kids at the high school. And Fuuka.
Ugh... Good luck with that! With the inability to control your teammates combined with how stupid they are that'll be tough. XD I was so bummed you couldn't shag Bebe.
Quote from: Mad Hatteress on November 17, 2009, 04:00:37 PM
Awesome. How far are you now? Don't forget to do the Alice side quest when you have the change; if you fuse her right you get some great skills and she has no weaknesses. She might not be too useful like Belial or Lilith when you get to the final round but for random battles she's great.
Can't quite tell. Only about 5 or so hours as of right now. How long is it?
And I'll be sure to do that side quest.
Ugh... Good luck with that! With the inability to control your teammates combined with how stupid they are that'll be tough. XD
Yeah, we might have to chicken out and go back to Normal mode. D:
QuoteI was so bummed you couldn't shag Bebe.
Aww, you can't? :laugh:
Quote from: Foggle on November 17, 2009, 04:05:53 PM
Can't quite tell. Only about 5 or so hours as of right now. How long is it?
It's been ages since I played... Umm, if you make the most of the game and do all the quests I'd guess no more than thirty hours. Otherwise I'd guess around twenty-threeish.
Wow. I FINALLY beat Digital Devil Saga. It's a darn good thing there's a sequel or I'd be pissed about the ending. "Are you ready for the real world?", were they in some sort of game? That's an odd message to end with along with Sera laying on the floor naked and covered with wires. I went through all that and the characters seem worse off than they were before!
We bitched out of the idea I posted earlier. I am, however, playing Persona 2 again. I'm gonna' beat it this time. Beat it like a bad stepchild who can't speak proper English.
Played an hour of Digital Devil Saga 2 and LOVE it! Roland scares me, though, because he looks almost exactly like that scientist in Blood+; I keep expecting him to talk with an accent and offer me candy.
One thing that I'm a little mad about is that I found out after I selected Normal as the difficulty that you can only fight an optional boss on Hard mode so I'll have to save it for New Game +. I think I'll be fine since I actually beat Nocturne once on Nightmare mode and the Hard mode on DDS 1 was like Nocturne for pussies. Seriously, playing Nightmare on Nocturne is like bending over in the shower at a mens' prison; you're just asking to get ****ed.
I think I'd pass on that, I can barely handle The Answer in P3... :-[
It's truly an ordeal but it's actually much more fun than The Answer; that just pissed me off. "Oh. So that's what happened. We'll just do nothing. Oh! Holy ****! A monster!" The end.
Oh wow... I don't know if I can finish Digital Devil Saga 2...
So it turns out your characters were creations that Sera made up as company based on people she met in the "Real" world which you are now in to keep herself company while she's sealed up since all she's really being used for is to talk to "God".
So the first dreary thing that happens is that you learn people, whether they be infant or old in age, are being thrown into grinders and used to feed the people of the Karma Society since they're infected with the demon virus.
Next something odd and somewhat funny occurs when an old woman, in response to hearing her colleague say she wants Sera killed and dissected, asks how she can be so cruel and states Sera was made of her "...own sperm and egg." WTF, right? Well, in a conversation you learn that woman is a hermaphrodite.
Then the deaths happen. Wanting to protect Sera, Heat charges at Serph, the main character. Serph does nothing and get Heat's arm straight through his chest before grabbing him and they both fall into a pit. Killing off the MC? Not cool.
Next, a big scary monster is after you. Roland goes after it and Argilla goes to help. Argilla finds the monster munching on Roland and attacks. She had no hope. The two die but take out the monster with it.
So now I'm down to three characters, one of which I neglected, so I had to majorly grind. Next it turns out Serph is alive and well, but you learn a really sad truth: The person Sera based him after was a total dick. It turns out real Serph manipulated Sera with fake kindness to get her to do his bidding, not caring that the experiments were killing her. While the real Heat tried to stop it Sera hears the real Serph tell him that Sera is of no importance and if she died they'd just get another child and has the real Argilla shoot and kill the real Heat. Needless to say, Sera is devastated, and that's why the world is so messed up because her sadness upset "God".
You with me so far? I didn't think so.
So now I'm near the end and it turns out Sera is going to die soon due to all the experiments done on her. It's really upsetting to see so many characters you've gotten attached to bite the dust and I'm not sure what sort of ending I'm in for.
Sounds awfully depressing. D:
I'm glad I mostly play comedy games. :lordilsmile:
Quote from: Foggle on December 07, 2009, 09:48:07 PM
Sounds awfully depressing. D:
I'm glad I mostly play comedy games. :lordilsmile:
Yeah, it totally blew the moment with Shinji in Persona 3 out of the water, although Persona 4 actually made me cry when you thought a certain character had died. It was just so darn emotional and the build up...!
I know these games typically do have a dark twist but it's usually filled with ups and downs. Nocturne is still the game that bummed me out the worst, though. The environments are so lonely because only, like, four humans are left alive and you can really only interact with demons. At the end you actually might have to kill off your friends depending on what ending you chose. I sided with the devil the first time and we marched on to kill God. These games really tend to bash religion. It's a good things they aren't mainstream or we'd have religious wackos freaking out about them.
I discovered Persona 3 FES and 4 last year. They were my favourite games of that year. I wish I'd discovered it sooner.
Persona 5 was pretty much confirmed at E3. Excellent news.