Ok, am I the only one who digs webcomics here? I'm certainly not as into them as I was in college with the urge to procrastinate and whatnot, but there are quite a few quality ones out there.
Among my favorites:
For those of you who like preternaturally smart dinosaurs:
Dinosaur comics
www.qwantz.com (http://www.qwantz.com)
For anyone who likes extreme awesome. And ninjas. But not Greys Anatomy.
Dr. McNinja
http://www.drmcninja.com/ (http://www.drmcninja.com/)
The ultimate anti-superheroine:
The Non-Adventures of Wonderella
http://nonadventures.com/ (http://nonadventures.com/)
Fun fantasy that is sometimes sentimental but still almost always smirk-worthy (yay alliteration!)
http://www.purnicellin.com/lint/2004/01/10/01102004/ (http://www.purnicellin.com/lint/2004/01/10/01102004/)
Caustic, hilarious shorts:
Cyanide and Happiness
http://www.explosm.net/comics/archive/ (http://www.explosm.net/comics/archive/)
Your favorite fairy tales... retold and twisted a bit. Quite funny, despite the poor description.
No Rest for the Wicked
http://www.forthewicked.net/ (http://www.forthewicked.net/)
Historical LAWLS:
Hark! A Vagrant
http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php (http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php)
Amazing choose-your-own-adventure-style comics that make you wonder how one person can be so damn prolific.
MS Paint Adventures
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/ (http://www.mspaintadventures.com/)
Old-timey goodness:
http://wondermark.com/554/ (http://wondermark.com/554/)
Oh shit evil care bears:
Bear Nuts
http://www.bearnutscomic.com/ (http://www.bearnutscomic.com/)
I enjoy qwantz and Dr McNinja, but I still miss The Perry Bible Fellowship and The Lesson is Learned But The Damage is Irreversible.
Similar sense of humor to Excel Saga. It's seriously the best webcomic ever.
my internets being super slow and doesnt wanna load any of them <.<
yet it'll load manga's off mangahut no problem
Foggle, you are a trustworthy person. I mowed through more than half the archive of Platinum Girt last night and finished it off today. Great stuff!
I'm a fan of the daily Cyanide and Happiness strips over at explosm.net
I also once follwed the Perry Bible Fellowship strips, but he eventually stopped making new stuff...
Dr. McNinja is awesome, i loved reading everything i could find there :D
^ how lame, I would rather buy a comic, than read it on the internet
I think you're missing the point of "webcomics"
It's like strips in a newspaper, or a chapter from something in a magazine of some sort... Except, it's on the internet... Much of it is also made digitally, and aren't distributed for physical reading material or even for sale to begin with, completely free stuff that some bored/motivated person, or group of persons, thought they'd share with rest of the people over the internet, without the use of selling it, and probably not get known very well other than locally, unlike the internet which goes worldwide...
Many of the above examples seem very vague too imo, to put in a book that is for sale somewhere... I'd in fact rather have read those things on the internet...
Stories like Dr.McNinja though, i'd love to see that stuff on in actual comic-book form... and i actually think it is available in that format... It's self distributed though, i believe... and i'm sure this effort was caused by the publicity it got from the many visitors from the internet...
So i certainly don't find it so lame at all, i think it's a great oppurtunity to show off, try things and show it to a wide global audience, and probably even get somewhere with it...
And then i end this rant here with a smiley, to wipe off the serious facial expressions that this whole post might have caused :il_hahaha:
...Nobody make fun! I LOVE Super Effective: http://www.vgcats.com/super/?strip_id=0
*sigh* Ah, the days of youth when I was care-free school girl battling my Pokemons with the other youngins. Pokemon Red and Blue were the greatest; screw all the other versions.
I like Three Panel Soul.
Skadi (http://dummcomics.com/index?sid=13) is highly delightful.
Quote from: Pamplemousse on September 28, 2009, 12:40:32 PM
Foggle, you are a trustworthy person. I mowed through more than half the archive of Platinum Girt last night and finished it off today. Great stuff!
Whoa, never saw you reply to my post.
Yeah, it's really funny, and the art is just awesome. Shame it usually takes her about a year between chapter releases.
There's a book out (Volume 1, just released this year) that compiles the first 5 issues. I really recommend buying it (if you can find it, it's pretty uncommon from what I can tell), the comics are so much better in the intended format.
Quote from: Uncreativity on November 17, 2009, 09:57:01 AM
Skadi (http://dummcomics.com/index?sid=13) is highly delightful.
Wow... That artwork is... Interesting. I think I'll read it a bit more when I have time. I wish I would've though of checking these out earlier.
Thanks, Uncreativity! I just finished the Skadi archive and it was highly delightful. :elhail:
Quote from: Pamplemousse on November 20, 2009, 01:48:16 PM
Thanks, Uncreativity! I just finished the Skadi archive and it was highly delightful. :elhail:
I actually read them yesterday and I totally agree. I almost didn't read it since it looked like it was just her beating the tar out of people but it's got depth.
I forgot to mention I'm addicted to Bear Nuts now. The moment I'm done will all my homework I'm just going to sit in front of the computer for hours and hours until I finish reading them. Even if he is a little dick Evil Bear is awesome, but I like most of them as well.
Quote from: Uncreativity on November 17, 2009, 09:57:01 AM
Skadi (http://dummcomics.com/index?sid=13) is highly delightful.
Holy crap on a stick! Looking at the art, I coulda sworn it was drawn by John Kricfalusi (not sure if that's spelled right) from Ren & Stimpy fame. O_O
I used to read stuff from SNAFU Comics (http://www.snafu-comics.com/) quite a bit. Art is very kick-ass. Their original takes on Invader Zim, PowerPuff Girls, and The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy are unlike anything you could imagine. Many other titles too.
*plug*The one Poey and I make (http://www.freewebs.com/unfuncomic/)*plug*
But the ones I like to read that haven't been mentioned so far:
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (http://www.smbc-comics.com/)
Joe Loves Crappy Movies (http://www.digitalpimponline.com/strips.php?title=movie)
Nedroid (http://nedroid.com/)
Rob and Elliot (http://www.robandelliot.cycomics.com/)
-Updated less frequently but awesomely-
Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life (http://www.bohemiandrive.com/) (equal parts comedy and storytelling, with a wee bit of philosophy)
Castle Vidcons (http://www.castle-vidcons.com/)
Awkward Zombie (http://www.awkwardzombie.com/) (name misleading, actually video game related - on temporary hiatus)
My Stupid Life (http://www.mitchclem.com/mystupidlife/)
-Finished but awesome comics-
The Last Days of Foxhound (http://www.gigaville.com/) (about everyone's favorite metal gear solid bosses)
Horribleville (http://www.horribleville.com/)
Yirmumah (http://yirmumah.com/)
Nothing Nice to Say (http://www.mitchclem.com/nothingnice/)
Captain Excelsior (http://www.captainexcelsior.com/?id=1)
Those are many, many webcomics...I guess I procrastinate more than I thought.