Excel Saga Forum

Ye Old Pub => Creativity => Topic started by: Inkwolf on January 25, 2011, 06:24:24 AM

Title: Ha ha ha ha haaaa! Excel Apeiron in action!
Post by: Inkwolf on January 25, 2011, 06:24:24 AM
Some of you may remember about 6 years ago, I made an Excel Saga total conversion of the Mac game Apeiron.  Of course, most of you don't have Macs or Apeiron so you could only see screenshots. :D  (I'm not sure you can even mod the newest version of Apeiron.)

Now I finally have screen recording software, and of course (after many crashes) my first project was to put a video of my Excel game online!


Sorry it's a little blurry: for best results, use hi-def and full-screen. But you get the full sound scape, anyway.  :il_hahaha:  (Just uploaded: It may not be publicly available right away. If it doesn't come up, try later.
Title: Re: Ha ha ha ha haaaa! Excel Apeiron in action!
Post by: Foggle on January 25, 2011, 06:54:49 AM
Oh lord, I think you broke my brain. :il_hahaha:
No, but seriously, this is pretty cool! Good work. :im_nabeshin:
Title: Re: Ha ha ha ha haaaa! Excel Apeiron in action!
Post by: Inkwolf on January 25, 2011, 08:45:16 AM
Ah. yes--brain and ear-drum breakage is an ever-present hazard in the world of Excel!

I couldn't find a good video of the original Apeiron X, but if you're interested in seeing how much it's been altered, here's Apeiron in its original form.  (X only has better graphics)
Title: Re: Ha ha ha ha haaaa! Excel Apeiron in action!
Post by: Lord Il on January 25, 2011, 02:40:07 PM
Very clever! I'm liking the usage of sound effects for it. lol!

Did it take long to put together? (I know nothing of Apeiron) ^^;;
Title: Re: Ha ha ha ha haaaa! Excel Apeiron in action!
Post by: Inkwolf on January 25, 2011, 06:43:54 PM
It was quite a while ago, but yeah, I'm pretty sure I spent several weeks on it. (Maybe months.)  I get obsessive when I'm on a creative project.

When I used to have the original version of Apeiron, I always played it with a Star Wars mod someone had uploaded.  When they made Apeiron X, the old mod no longer worked, and I decided it had to be recreated for the new version. Figuring out how to change the graphics was not much trouble once I learned to open the resource files, but the sound effects were a hassle.  The people from Ambrosia said they had no record of which sound effect was for what action, and they were in some weird sound format that would only play in the game, so I had to install sounds one at a time and play the game to see when they turned up.  There are still a few sound effects I have no clue about the triggers for.  (When Excel yells, "Let's go for it!" it seems to be random. In the Star Wars version, I used Ben Kenobi saying, "Use the Force, Luke!" or something like that.)

Anyway, once I had learned everything making the Star Wars mod, and uploaded a Guide to Modding Apeiron with my file listing, I wanted to make another one, and Excel was the one among my favorite anime with the most perfect scenario.  It's the only way I play Apeiron any more-- somehow it's just so much more fun than either the original or the Star Wars.

Excel was much more complicated to make, too--I modified almost every single graphic, and animated them.  Star wars used a lot of the original game graphics, and the TIE fighters and other ships needed very little animation.

Kudos to Ambrosia for making such a tweakable game.  Adding the afro to the caterpillar in the end animation was sort of an "OMG I can't believe I can do that!" thing. :D