Hello peoples. Meyeselph here. On again off again and completely disloyal member of the army.
Sorry for not being around that often (I wasn't here enough for anyone to miss me though so it isn't too bad of me) but I have to say that this forum is consistently remembered by me as the best most supportive group of so and so I've run across on the internet. Combine that with it being stocked by fans of one of the best (and sadly kind of underappreciated) comics in the world and you've got a big bucket of awesome peeps that I couldn't ignore telling about my newest project.
I have as of a few months ago been brought on as a new writer for http://endoftheworldcomic.com/ A webcomic with an over 400 page history that has been struggling for quite a while. With bringing me on board the team at EOTW has renewed it's intrest in creating quality stories with a healthy mix of character focused drama and cornball humor.
I ain't going to lie, the comic has been spotty at times and since I'm an inexperienced newb I will probably make a few mistakes here and there myself. Still everyone working on it is super nice and really cares about telling a good story.
I would like anyone who is so inclined to go over there and have a look at the comic (I would recommend reading the entire back history if you can stand to just because I'm making use of all of the previous continuity going forward) and use the comments section and the (currently dead as a doornail) forums to tell me what you think.
http://endoftheworldcomic.com/ needs awesome, intelligent, and active fans to survive and I couldn't think of a better bunch to ask then right here.
Now hopefully I'll be around here more often in return. *bookmarks it to remind himself.*
Thanks for your kind words! :e_pleased: It has been quite a while for sure. And you're not what I'd call "disloyal" as you've eventually made it back again. :ehail:
I'll make it a point to check your comic out after work lets up a bit. (I've been so busy lately. :e_crying: )
Oh, hi there Meyeselph! I haven't talked to you in a while.
First off, I actually want to say sorry. I know I said I would help you with illustrations but as I tried to do so, I found myself struggling with the comic book format, as well as making decent character designs that actually suited your ideas. Frankly, I don't have as much knowledge about creating an image of a character rather than just paint what I'm looking at. I feel bad about it mostly because I didn't get around to telling you, but just let time pass by without making any progress. However, as time passed I doubt I would've had time to devote myself to it due to getting a job or two and studying. So, sorry about that.
But also, congratulations for joining End of the World. You're a writer, that's great. I hope you're able to write the stories you want to.
I'll have a look at it from time to time. 400+ pages is a lot to go through.
Best wishes!
No hard feelings Randamo. I went through a lot of people who couldn't find the time or couldn't fit the format before I found my current gig mostly on accident. Whatever happens happens. The good thing is that working with Brian has given me opportunity to get used to working in the format myself (lord knows no one is perfect at something the first time they do it) and given me contacts that will hopefully lead to me working with more artists in the future to explore many different ideas.
Here's hoping something of it leads to success. I'm not a writer yet IMO. You're only a writer when you get paid for it. Everyone else is just aspiring LOL.