Was the forum acting up the other day? I tried to post this before...
Anyway~! I made Hyatt's outfit in Sims 2. (http://modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=183177) I'm working on Excel and Elgala as we speak.
Fantastic! It's great to see someone try this.
Mad props to you for making Hyatt more manga styled. It's my favorite look for her. ^^
Elgala and Excel should be great. Hurry! Make! Now! :wink:
Hyatt looks good but I don't like the Face it's (oh whats the word) Hideous (sorry but thats how I feel about the face in sims but her usual face is beutiful)
Interesting point.
She looks more like someone cosplaying as Ha-chan. Not that there's anything wrong with that either.
Now.... if there was a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth....
Haha, I am so annoyed with people pointing out the face. XD;; The face isn't part of what I have for download. The face and skin are editable in-game. ALL I made was the outfit, which I just slapped on a model to show off. That's not even my real in-game Hyatt.
Well, I could make a trickle of blood, but I'd have to do it in costume makeup form. I'd rather just turn her into an in-game vampire. >D
good job. now, go make excel and elgala's uniform.
Workin' on it! Well, actually, I'm trying to make Excel's hair right now. Hair can be pretty tricky!
...that and I went and bought Dirge of Cerberus. So. It might be a little while, anyway.
Definitely wanted to give you congratz on a very nice Hyatt uniform. Course, with the business pack you could always work towards showing team across in a variety of work outfits :)
Mwahaha. I'm going to have Il Palazzo open a business and then the girls and Key can work there, and... well, I have it installed, but I haven't actually USED Open for Business because I've been too obsessed with meshing to do much of anything, but I'm sure I'll find SOMETHING humiliating for them to do.
Perhaps robot assembly in order to conquer the city?
Or something where they have to wear the scuba diving heads. Those things crack me up.
oo can you have a noodle bar in the game
(it would make sense for the leader of the idealogical group of across to open a non suspicious resturant where he could get more information on the masses plus he runs a noodle cart in one of the episodes :lol: )
Clothing Store: Our Uniform Conquest :)
I got some more work done tonight, and both Excel's hair and clothing meshes are done! I'm way too tired to finish her off, but here's a preview:
I think she actually looks kind of cool like that. I'd be half-tempted to use that in my game if I'd have had the foresight to alpha out the texture around her legs. I COULD GET A BUNCH OF KINGDOM HEARTS CHARACTERS AND OPEN UP A TRON WORLD.
Looking good so far, although I bet Kabapu's hair would be impossible.
i have 2 words for ya - freaking suhweet
Quote from: "Railun"Looking good so far, although I bet Kabapu's hair would be impossible.
Tricky, yes, but I wouldn't call it impossible...
I don't know whether I'll be doing it, though. I guess it depends on what I end up doing this weekend.
you think it would be possible to create the girls' apartment room in the game?
thats if you get futons in Sims 2 but it would be brilliant aswell to do Across headquarters (with a couple little rooms for Ilpalazzo in the back :lol: )
I'm sure I could probably find futons somewhere, but building the girls' apartment wouldn't be very practical. Basically, you could, but you'd have to combine ACROSS and Daiztenzin into one household and play them all at once. Actually, that's almost kind of ironically true to the manga, but it's still kind of a pain to have a house with that many of them in it.
Well at least it's doable with a lot limit of 8. You could always try to craft their personalities as close to the manga as you thought you could get and then watch what they do with free will
now that would be freaking awesome (awesome is not a word I use alot but when I use it it means something is that good)
That'd be pretty hilarious... you might have to do that, because I'm a horrible control freak with my Sims and I don't think I could handle it. XD;;
If this ever gets made, I want screen shots!!
Wooo! ^^
When I play the Sims I like to use the debug cheats and put everyone that walks down the street or gives me mail into a really small room with no exit and a fireplace on each wall. I also put all my trash and dirty dishes in there too.
Killing people who come onto your lot is pretty awesome, especially if you want a nice, fast graveyard. >D
Randomly, I am ridiculously excited for the new pets expansion. Not only can you breed dogs, but you can give them jobs. I am -so- going to hack an "emergency food supply" pet career track.
I smell a Menchi coming along :lol:
From what I understand of the pets expansion, Menchi should actually be the easiest of the bunch to create. You could probably do it in-game.
Damn, I could never find the time to do that! Well, that and the fact that my computer is MIA at the moment (MUST GET SIMS 2).
She's not quiiiiiiiiite ready to put up for download yet, but:
maybe not quite ready, but awful close to being there :!: :D
now thats enough reason to buy sims 2 :lol:
Uncreativity, that is just awesome!! Good job.
Wanna see more. ^^
This is fantastic - almost makes me want to get Sims 2, but all the other good games coming out I just won't have time :(
Wow, very nice uncreativity, one charachter down, tons to go :D
We~el, I only plan on doing ACROSS and maybe Miwa, if I can manage all that before my trial of Milkshape runs out. Getting the most out of my shareware, heh.
So right now my priorities are as such:
* Il Palazzo's hair (with the metal thingy)
* Il Palazzo's suit (can't do the shoulderpads, since they'd look really stupid in-game, but the outfit underneath will work nicely)
* A second set of hair for Excel with her hair down (for President Excel >D)
* Elgala's hair
* The rope
* Miwa hair/outfit (if I still have time on my trial, which it's looking like I won't)
Key won't need any 3D modeling, so he's at the bottom of the list; business suits for their formal wear is the same way. (Why the hell do all the female Sims have evening dresses and stuff like that for their formal wear? NOT COOL.)
The worst part is, even though I want to make them an ILL Electronics building with the ACROSS base in the basement as a business lot owned by Il Palazzo, I'll probably just play them like normal Sims all living in a pre-made house because I hate making lots.
ETA: Oh! And Kabapu is on the list above Miwa. I just forgot. Shame on me. D:
could it be possible to make some of Umi's outfits too?
How Many of her outfits :lol:
Quote from: "Ekuseru"could it be possible to make some of Umi's outfits too?
Yeah, but I don't like Umi, so don't hold your breath.
Check it out, a preview of my Il Palazzo hair:
(Please note that the face/body/etc were NOT created by me; just the hair. Also, this is a screenshot taken from Body Shop, which is why all the colors look so dull.)
The actual
hair part still needs quite a bit of work (I need to test it in-game a bit, since there's only so much you can do in Body Shop), but I'm so proud of his crown!
hair and headpiece lookin good
looking good so far
Excellent, looks very tricky
Actually, Kabapu's hair wouldn't be that bad... I'd be more worried about his mustache, since I've had trouble with the accessories before.
This is my Excel skin (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=197202)
I need to start working on these again... I'm really close to being done with Il Palazzo.
Well, I haven't been making any new Sims, but I have been playint it a lot (http://uncreativity.livejournal.com/437920.html#cutid1).
I've got most of the cast now. :ehail:
Quote from: Uncreativity on June 14, 2008, 05:09:49 AM
Well, I haven't been making any new Sims, but I have been playint it a lot (http://uncreativity.livejournal.com/437920.html#cutid1).
I've got most of the cast now. :ehail:
:il_hahaha: :il_hahaha: :il_hahaha: :il_hahaha: :il_hahaha: