Excel Saga Forum

Ye Old Pub => Creativity => Topic started by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 19, 2007, 03:57:41 PM

Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 19, 2007, 03:57:41 PM
well since the last one got deleted I'll start the thread again and give a slight update.

Starcat is sorting the paneling out then handing it out to the artists while the scriptwriters are focussing on M2

should be fun  :Epleased:  :Evhappy:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: excel-kleinwald on January 19, 2007, 08:09:46 PM
I say do it as they do it in the manga, which it is two words, that is how I always did it
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on January 20, 2007, 02:05:27 AM
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"I say do it as they do it in the manga, which it is two words, that is how I always did it

Yeah , i think so too..!
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 20, 2007, 02:20:52 AM
if you have a problem with character names and how they act or talk consult the manga :Ewink: . Ilpalazzo in the script is how I spelt it sorry I was watching the anime recently and thats where I saw it   :Eembarassed:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 21, 2007, 01:54:54 PM
just wondering but does anyone else get a strange feeling something is going to go wrong  :Econfused:

the other day I was going by a petshop and a parrot shouted out "it's all going wrong"
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on January 21, 2007, 01:58:28 PM
If no piano fell down on you, or pedophile scientists run you over with thier cars (full speed astern), i believe it's no need to worry... that's about the worst that could happen after leaving the store...
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: excel-kleinwald on January 21, 2007, 01:59:51 PM
Everytime somebody says the equivalent of "what's the worst that could happen?" something really bad happens.  And it is not my fault because I knocked on wood
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 21, 2007, 02:02:52 PM
it's alright I found out what would go wrong as I just hit the doorframe with my head and spilt hot tea on my leg and just got scratched by the cat  (:Ecry: it really really hurt)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 21, 2007, 09:35:12 PM
feel better now thats the main thing (considering I have a headache)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 04, 2007, 03:03:30 AM
double post alert I just want an update on how everyones getting on
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 05, 2007, 03:01:50 AM
I reckon so what do the artists think?
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 06, 2007, 02:19:57 AM
thats good to hear I've almost finished editing mission 2 but I might have to redo it as I'm not happy about some of it
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on February 08, 2007, 11:16:35 AM
I'd like to see those Starcat...  :o

And i'm as slow as i am usually... Although, i just returned from the trip to London, so now i might actually have the time (and mood) of practicing doing the characters...
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 08, 2007, 11:28:05 AM
hope you enjoyed london (and found those shops  :Ewink:)

How many pages do you reckon the first mission will be starcat ?
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: excel-kleinwald on February 08, 2007, 01:50:54 PM
It would probably be best to count me out of these things from now on.  I know that I wouldn't be able to keepw ith with the scheduling.

I have got way too much on my workload to be doing this as well, no offense or anything meant guys, gals, and El-gal.

Just got done with midterms, AP exams are coming up soon, state testing for Delaware and SATs as well.  So good luck Dynamonians!
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 14, 2007, 09:43:20 AM
something just hit me who's doing the cript for the 3rd mission (someone might have already said but I probably forgot)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on February 14, 2007, 12:03:51 PM
I'm not aware of who it is...

Actually, it would be nice if we could organize this a bit more... just to keep in track of who's doing what, and when a certain person has made an update... nothing fancy...
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 14, 2007, 03:00:15 PM
well as far as I remember I'm editing, Starcats Editing and paneling, Mickis artist aswell as Daphmine, Elric and phnx are script writing and E-K has pulled out
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 03, 2007, 03:28:32 PM
double post (again!) but was wondering how the panaling is coming along (if the panalings done pass over to Micki and Daphme)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 03, 2007, 03:32:05 PM
I haven't got anything yet, thus, not progressed in work yet :o
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 03, 2007, 03:39:16 PM
you might have something tomorrow micki
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 03, 2007, 04:14:58 PM
Wee  :exhail:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 06, 2007, 10:26:35 AM
sorry was out all day yesterday and this morning. this might be late but heres your reminder Starcat  :ElVhappy:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 10, 2007, 01:43:29 AM
 :Ecry: it's not been a good week for me. first I fall down stairs then I find my phone doesn't work and now the comic might be late ::must think positive, must think positive::
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 11, 2007, 04:44:15 AM
hah hah the paneling has been sent thank you starcat nice job on them (I especially like the knocked out ilpala roflmao)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 11, 2007, 06:30:33 AM
That's great, now i'll just need the time to get a move on...

Finally some real progress, thanks Starcat  8)
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 11, 2007, 06:53:38 AM
all we need now is a little energon and a lot of luck

oops wrong film  :Eembarassed:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 20, 2007, 09:11:22 PM
This project is taking longer then I thought it would do. But then again most great things do so after the artists have done and sent the finsihed work to me we'll have a break before getting started on mission 2.  

Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 21, 2007, 03:56:44 AM
Yeah, i'm sorry... i'm a little occupied with other stuff, and the Flash project :D

It's not much though... i'll return here soon, i promise :o
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: Phnx28 on March 24, 2007, 07:30:45 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"Yeah, i'm sorry... i'm a little occupied with other stuff, and the Flash project :D

It's not much though... i'll return here soon, i promise :o
Ditto. :sumyembarassed: Although I've actually been reading Red Storm Rising again (I have a few homages planned for Mission 3), after getting sucked back in looking some references up, so I haven't forgotten OD as such. :wink: You'll see my stuff soon, especially since M3 is short enough (I don't project much more than 20 Panels) that it almost might make more sense as a M2.5 or such, moving the next Syndicate Plot back to M3. That sound more sensible, organizationally speaking? :Ewink:
Title: The Fan Comic Thread OD
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 25, 2007, 05:24:02 AM
sounds simple enough