well since the last one got deleted I'll start the thread again and give a slight update.
Starcat is sorting the paneling out then handing it out to the artists while the scriptwriters are focussing on M2
should be fun :Epleased: :Evhappy:
I say do it as they do it in the manga, which it is two words, that is how I always did it
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"I say do it as they do it in the manga, which it is two words, that is how I always did it
Yeah , i think so too..!
if you have a problem with character names and how they act or talk consult the manga :Ewink: . Ilpalazzo in the script is how I spelt it sorry I was watching the anime recently and thats where I saw it :Eembarassed:
just wondering but does anyone else get a strange feeling something is going to go wrong :Econfused:
the other day I was going by a petshop and a parrot shouted out "it's all going wrong"
If no piano fell down on you, or pedophile scientists run you over with thier cars (full speed astern), i believe it's no need to worry... that's about the worst that could happen after leaving the store...
Everytime somebody says the equivalent of "what's the worst that could happen?" something really bad happens. And it is not my fault because I knocked on wood
it's alright I found out what would go wrong as I just hit the doorframe with my head and spilt hot tea on my leg and just got scratched by the cat (:Ecry: it really really hurt)
feel better now thats the main thing (considering I have a headache)
double post alert I just want an update on how everyones getting on
I reckon so what do the artists think?
thats good to hear I've almost finished editing mission 2 but I might have to redo it as I'm not happy about some of it
I'd like to see those Starcat... :o
And i'm as slow as i am usually... Although, i just returned from the trip to London, so now i might actually have the time (and mood) of practicing doing the characters...
hope you enjoyed london (and found those shops :Ewink:)
How many pages do you reckon the first mission will be starcat ?
It would probably be best to count me out of these things from now on. I know that I wouldn't be able to keepw ith with the scheduling.
I have got way too much on my workload to be doing this as well, no offense or anything meant guys, gals, and El-gal.
Just got done with midterms, AP exams are coming up soon, state testing for Delaware and SATs as well. So good luck Dynamonians!
something just hit me who's doing the cript for the 3rd mission (someone might have already said but I probably forgot)
I'm not aware of who it is...
Actually, it would be nice if we could organize this a bit more... just to keep in track of who's doing what, and when a certain person has made an update... nothing fancy...
well as far as I remember I'm editing, Starcats Editing and paneling, Mickis artist aswell as Daphmine, Elric and phnx are script writing and E-K has pulled out
double post (again!) but was wondering how the panaling is coming along (if the panalings done pass over to Micki and Daphme)
I haven't got anything yet, thus, not progressed in work yet :o
you might have something tomorrow micki
Wee :exhail:
sorry was out all day yesterday and this morning. this might be late but heres your reminder Starcat :ElVhappy:
:Ecry: it's not been a good week for me. first I fall down stairs then I find my phone doesn't work and now the comic might be late ::must think positive, must think positive::
hah hah the paneling has been sent thank you starcat nice job on them (I especially like the knocked out ilpala roflmao)
That's great, now i'll just need the time to get a move on...
Finally some real progress, thanks Starcat 8)
all we need now is a little energon and a lot of luck
oops wrong film :Eembarassed:
This project is taking longer then I thought it would do. But then again most great things do so after the artists have done and sent the finsihed work to me we'll have a break before getting started on mission 2.
Yeah, i'm sorry... i'm a little occupied with other stuff, and the Flash project :D
It's not much though... i'll return here soon, i promise :o
Quote from: "Micki!"Yeah, i'm sorry... i'm a little occupied with other stuff, and the Flash project :D
It's not much though... i'll return here soon, i promise :o
Ditto. :sumyembarassed: Although I've actually been reading
Red Storm Rising again (I have a few homages planned for Mission 3), after getting sucked back in looking some references up, so I haven't
forgotten OD as such. :wink: You'll see my stuff soon, especially since M3 is short enough (I don't project much more than 20 Panels) that it almost might make more sense as a M2.5 or such, moving the next Syndicate Plot back to M3. That sound more sensible, organizationally speaking? :Ewink:
sounds simple enough