Okay, just some general posting to get some meat back on these bones, and I figured I'd yack something up here. And since it is a personal interest of mine, I want to know what kind of foods people like here?
Personally I am a man of the east - most of the foods I like originate from the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, China, Southeast Asia, and Japan. I am proficient in cooking foods from all these places but I am most well known for my Indian and Thai curries, and I also possess a handy-dandy cast iron stomach and tend to like my food hot, with lots of different spices. On rare occassions I will eat more middle-America type fare, typically centering around mashed potatoes, stuffing, and such, but since I am almost completely Veg now (with the exception of sea food and eggs), most typically American dishes are very meat centered (my home state of Iowa is well known for its pork chops, and yes, there is nothing quite like an Iowa pork chop, though now I can only recall the flavor from memory). And I also like Fish and Chips occassionally, but I don't tend to eat a lot of deep fried foods, and I bake my fish after lightly brushing it with peanut oil, and I bake my fries too. Not quite the same, but still good.
So, what does everyone else here like? Share a favorite recipe if you wish. If anyone wants any of mine I can post them here for those who are interested, when I have more time (tis in such short supply right now - can't even finish my stuff for Operation Dynamo. I will get to it, at some point...)
hmmm this is an interesting thread to me as my tastes are almost world wide as well (except for sprouts) my personal favourite meal would have to be Roast Beef, Roast Potatoes, Yorkshire Puddings, Carrots, Sweetcorn and all smothered in gravy :Epleased:
sortof like this except Don't like cabbage either :Econfused:
At this point, just about anything that doesn't come from the school cafeteria.
i'm not the big eater actually... i bet many here would be surprised how i keep living with what i eat... :o
Though, i actually find that beef rather tasty looking... :o
Tough to post against that beef what is the win, but I'll try. I'm a man of all over, but currently sushi, Mexican, and Italian are my everyday favorites. Indian trumps them all though whenever I get the chance :elcool:, and Thai is growing in my appreciation now that I've had a good deal more of it.
Particular Favorites:
SCALLOPS! :exhail:
Anything with curry.
Spinach. Especially if in enchiladas...
Chicken or Pork Marsala.
Tuna. :Hpleased:
Right, I forgot:
Steak. Medium Rare. 8)
Damn, someone has to do a daitenzin version of that..! (the again, Excel Saga Anime sort of had a similar looking scene) :o
Ah, back during my meat eating days my family's traditional Christmas dinner was roast beef with yorkshire pudding. I miss it :(.
Quote from: "Micki!"i'm not the big eater actually.
"eater"? What do you mean by that?
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anything Italian is ok with me
I like cow.
mac and cheese.
Quote from: "starcat"Whoa.
Is that...can it be?
May i be the first to say "I DON'T LIKE SPAM!!!" :lol:
don't worry micki I'll have yours I love it I'm having spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam and spam
god I love that sketch :lol:
While I was in London, my tour group went to a pie shop. There, I ate a delicious pasty and a box of Ribena, blackcurrent juice drink.
So, now I want Ribena. But, availability in the states is limited to the bottles of concentrate. As hard as I try, I can never get the concentration right when I make it myself.
I also like Ramune.
As for American foods, I like pumpkin pie and popcorn. Those are the only truly American foods I can think of.