Currently playing Persona 2, because Persona 3 comes out this summer. Geez Persona 2 is addicting, I can really get lost in this game's plotlines.
Guilty Gear XX Midnight Carnival, it is very fun to play as Gold Sol :twisted:
Currently I'm playing Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops for the PSP. Also, I am playing Monster Hunter Freedom for the PSP, but not as much as I'm playing MPO. Both great games.
Still playing Cave Story. I finally got to the hard ending. Turns out you have to avoid getting a crucial and almost necessary item early on, play through the hardest boss fight without it, then you recieve an even better version. Then, you have to save your friend Curly and trek through the hardest cave ever and fight the toughest boss rush in video game history. Ouch.
I also bought Guilty Gear Dust Strikers. Don't let the GameSpot review fool you. As far as multiplayer fighters on the DS go, Dust strikers has to be the best. Plus it has Bridget. (BuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuriBuri)
And, of course, F.E.A.R. Best shooter of 2005. Even after the mediocre success of Blood 2, Monolith can still deliver a terrifying and realistic first-person shooter.
Cave Story by Pixia(sp)? Loads of fun.
I'm currently playing Rogue Galaxy for the PS2.
Dead or Alive 4, Phantasy Star Universe, Lineage II, and Wii Sports just to name a few.
And also the Fate/Stay Night game whenever I get around to getting it to work.
I just got done playing Shadow of the Colossus, everyone should play it, and Ico
I just finished F.E.A.R. Now I have to play the Extraction Point expansion while waiting for more details on F.E.A.R. 2.
Monolith was really ahead of its time. In their first FPS, Blood, they tried to create a surreal shooter with a post-apocalyptic horror theme and a deep involving story of revenge from beyond the grave. Except in Blood you play as Caleb, a twisted, vengeful gunslinger who revels in massacre and makes obscure references to cult horror movies and other games of the time, like Duke Nukem 3D and Doom. Except that the beautifully rendered cinematics played from the installation disc, so you usually didn't get the deep, involving story. I need to find a version that runs on XP.
More NationStates than is healthy... :sumyembarassed: I recommend it for those needing a pretend 'chia-country' to call their own. Plus, the forums have something for just about everyone, be it RP or debate or whatever; just so long as you can handle trolls or n00bs on your own though, since Obi Wan's words regarding Mos Eisley Spaceport tend to apply. :Hdead: I'll restart the thread on it that the hackers wrecked when I can...
Hotel Dusk- Room 215 on the DS
and im back on Zelda again
Rented Just Cause yesterday. Decent enough as far as GTA clones go. Not as expansive as Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (my favorite of the lot :exhail:), but at least the Latino atmosphere this game has down perfectly keeps the humor every bit as good as in the proverbial Korean Theater.
Xenosaga: Ep.1
I'm barely inside the story yet, but what a great game so far. Good character development - Makes me feel like I'm playing an interactive movie.
Turn-based combat isn't always my thing, but this is good.
"My exterior appearence is down five percent. Shion, I must be cleaned." :lol:
I have been rocking Disgaea 2 which also recently came out with a manga line and an anime line. It is like I'm really just playing an interactive anime to tell you the truth. It is very cute and funny at the same time but the battle system is getting old after 40 plus hours of getting this done.
Dragon warroir 3 i been playing it for 3 days now and i just got to level 40
-Shouta, The Haibane
I haven't started playing it yet, but I just bought FFVI advance. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to abandon FFIV advance, which is what it gets. Playground for ninjas my ass.
I also want to replay Phoenix Wright, both of them, once I get my DS back from my roommate.
Quote from: "R Kenshin"I have been rocking Disgaea 2 which also recently came out with a manga line and an anime line. It is like I'm really just playing an interactive anime to tell you the truth. It is very cute and funny at the same time but the battle system is getting old after 40 plus hours of getting this done.
My Disgaea 2 game has a good 100-something hours on it by this point... I guess that still makes it short of some of my more obsessive Pokemon games
Quote from: "Uncreativity"I haven't started playing it yet, but I just bought FFVI advance. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to abandon FFIV advance, which is what it gets. Playground for ninjas my ass.
Final Fantasy VI is officially THE best Final Fantasy game EVAAAARRRR!!!
Anywho... I am now officially playing Final Fantasy XII again. I have been putting it off for far too long!
I've gone back to my old C&C games
i have been trying to save some money so I haven't had time to buy any of the latest games and I don't see myself getting one of those next generation consoles anytime soon. I would love to get the new God of War when it comes out. That game is brutal and fun as you go around just wacking everyone in your way. you would think that would get boring like in say.... Dynasty Warriors, but it actually is really fun in this game.
Rogue Galaxy, Lunar Knights, and Romancing SaGa 2.
Romancing SaGa 2 is one of the hardest and most unforgiving RPGs I've played. And the final fight with the Seven Heroes is unquestionably one of the hardest RPG final bosses ever. Probably harder than a lot of optional boss fights that crop up in RPGs, too.
Close Combat: Cross of Iron
Basically a remake of CCIII but with the addition of newer maps and features.
The legend of Zelda Twilight princess and Wind Wakers.
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition for the 360. Online multiplayer is AWESOME.
Playing a crapload of City of Heroes, and Red Orchestra.
On the side: Fear Combat, Guild Wars, and BF2.
Guild Wars is great. I have all three entries right now. What is your name there? I am NWalt the King.
Currently playing entirely too much World of Warcraft (actually trying to cut back), and embracing the greatness of the Mega Man X Collection. Beat Mega Man X last week, at the last few levels of X2 right now...damn I miss these games. 8)
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"
Final Fantasy VI is officially THE best Final Fantasy game EVAAAARRRR!!!
I have to disagree and claim VII as THE best Final Fantasy game in opposition to your controversial statement!
However I've just finished playing Beyond Good and Evil, which was enjoyable for £5, but didn't really live up to it's title as one of the most overlooked games ever.
The Wii's been playing the old mario kart of late, as I'm waiting for the new decent releases.
Well Kirbie, I would love to have an argument over it if you would like, arguments about controversial statements are fun, but I must admit VII was very good and started the new era of Final Fantasy games
On topic I am playing Wizardry V on the Snes
haha have completed C&C games again and have started playing game from japan (Azumanga Daioh Advance) on my GBA
Beat Persona 2 and Growlancer 3, now playing Xenosaga 1
recently got some free time from spring break so I decided to buy a new rpg. I bout Ar Tonelico. It is a really good RPG. Now Xenogears, Lunar 2, Arc the Lad level but it is still good. Those are a list of my 3 favorite rpgs.
I played Battlefield 2 with a friend today...
Fun game, as long you play with people you know... it's not nearly as fun with strangers...
Also, the first game to test my new 8800GTX on :D
Awesome, i'm gonna have lot's of fun with gaming in the future :lol:
now im fully on Wind wakers. (finished Twilight princess today... awesome)
I beat Rogue Galaxy, and now I'm mostly alternating between playing Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night...
Still need to buckle down and seriously attempt beating Seven Heroes in Romancing SaGa 2... *sigh*
Currently i only have Battlefield 2 and 2142 installed...
So obviously, that's what i play atm... i have to isntall the rest of my favorite games though...
Duke3D especially..! 8)
Animal crossing and guitar hero!
Rainbow six Vagas.
Phantasy star universe (beta)
it's free, and its more addictive than smoking caffine
(if you have a 360 get it)
(stop reading this post and get it)
Playing STALKER...
Despite some evil bugs, it's a great game... very addictive, and contains the best atmospheric feel i've ever seen in a game (thunder storms at night is cool B))
has anyone ever played lunar the silver star story? best anime game ever!
Counter-Strike: Source. Here's a screenshot I took while playing:
Some people are so stupid, haha. Add me on Steam if you want. :) Username is Foggle (who woulda' guessed?).
If it had been Gmod, it would have been fun if both were holding a glass to the wall while they try listening to the other side, with a caption saying: "bet he's near, i think i hear him beyond that wall"
Haha, I do have Gmod (though it stopped working, damn you Garry). What's your steam name? I'll add you. >_>
Been playing Civilization III again. My puter isn't sophisticated enough for IV so I went back to the next best thing, and presently I'm teaching the Aztecs why they should've remained my pet puppy civilization rather than annul our mutual protection pack.
And if they keep raiding my roads and my workers, I'm not taking over their cities, I'M BURNING THEM! Mwa ha ha ha ha!
The conquest of the world shall be mine! :ehail:
Quote from: Foggle on August 08, 2007, 02:23:14 PM
Haha, I do have Gmod (though it stopped working, damn you Garry). What's your steam name? I'll add you. >_>
The same as here... "Micki!"
Remember the exclamation mark
Quote from: Micki! on August 08, 2007, 02:32:37 PM
Quote from: Foggle on August 08, 2007, 02:23:14 PM
Haha, I do have Gmod (though it stopped working, damn you Garry). What's your steam name? I'll add you. >_>
The same as here... "Micki!"
Remember the exclamation mark
Not found. :e_shocked:
that's odd...
Try "micki_exclamation" ...
(those bastards didn't accept the actual "!" sign)
Added. :D
Quote from: starcat on August 25, 2007, 01:06:15 PM
I'm playing the "Watch Me Update my Wii" game. It's not much fun. :(
After that's done, I may just get me the original Paper Mario -- or finish Super Paper Mario. ^_^;;
Original Paper Mario is <333. No idea about the new one 'cause I have no cash for the Wii.
same her starcat. I did play it awhile ago but I was to late in owning it though as they stopped selling N64 games after it came out. have downloaded it now though :ehail:
you want tp play the Gamecube one (thousand year door)
Its a classic :e_love: :e_love: :e_love:
Quote from: starcat on August 26, 2007, 11:42:38 AM, N64 graphics were bad... o_o
You kidding? They feckin' own. :im_nabeshin:
Quote from: starcat on August 26, 2007, 01:36:17 PM
Quote from: Foggle on August 26, 2007, 01:10:50 PM
Quote from: starcat on August 26, 2007, 11:42:38 AM, N64 graphics were bad... o_o
You kidding? They feckin' own. :im_nabeshin:
heh. I still have my N64, and I love it. But looking back on these, especially Zelda:OoT, it makes me amazed that they were GOOD for the time...o_o
I still have my N64 too. I luff it like a son.
me too and an imaculate copy of Paper mario.
im playing tekken 5 Dark resurection on the PS3 at the moment.
Training up for when it gets the online patch in the next couple of months.
Steve Fox
Ling Xiayou
Devel Jin
are my characters of choice.All customised to look awesome.
I have just re started Dragon quest 8. Its a nice old school RPG for playstation 2