Since my old thread disappeared, i repost my thread, witha a slightly different name (this time i will probably show other things than just my manga stuff)
Anyways, i'm too lazy to put all my stuff in here just now, so i'll post only one drawing for now
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It's excel, drawn in free hand using my (cheap, veeeery cheap) tablet for drawing... made in MS Paint with the pencil tool only...
It would most probably have looked much more detailed on paper :o
Pretty good, I can see the roots of being designed from the earlier volumes of the series (more like middle actually) but I can't figure out what she is doing... the egyptian? balanceing on one leg?? Kung Fu fighting???
Maybe he doesn't do well drawing chesticles?
Need i say again that it was a cheap piece of junk i used to draw with..? :Ecry:
That said, that is why it would most probably look so much better on paper, so don't mind the quality on this one... i fully agree with anyone here, that her proportions look a little strange, her pose wierd, and other stuff... Please don't mind that, it's just a cheap-tablet drawing in MS Paint...
The tablet was bought for 299 DKK (that is about 52 dollars) it was with an optical mouse (bleh, won't use it) and 3 software CD's
It was more or less woth the money, but i only got it because i wanted to know how tablets are like before i got a good one (though, it's hard to judge with this one... especially because it's so tiny)
About her pose, she's running off, while saluting to the viewers
Anyways, here's some paper stuff
I posted this one last time too, i'll repost some of my earlier stuff hre as it got lost
Yes, i know her waist is too small, her face looks inaccurate, shading looks strange, eyes are too close to each others etc... it's the first manga drawing i made where i bothered using shading
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Alien form the movie Alien
I draw these creatures alot too
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Haha, I like it. Your pencil work, that is. Plenty fun to look at. I perceive a future manga-ka in the making.
However, I noticed a couple things I thought I should tell you. I really like the first pencil image compilation of Excel, Hyatt, Menchi and Rikudo. I did notice, however, that Excel's bodily proportions are a bit off. For example, the large image of Excel with her right arm out. The arm is a little short compared to her body structure. Secondly, her torso-to-waist formation is awkward. Her hips should be a little teeny-tiny-bit higher. Third, her left hand should normally be resting upon the hip, not higher (unless you were intentionally putting her hand higher, which is unnatural); and it appears her hand is resting on the fabric of her shorts, where it should be resting upon her hips, the fabric pulled in.
The rest I would mention are just little things. I love the artwork, a pleasure to look at. I especially enjoy Excel reaching for Menchi (hence the intentional super-deformed structure of the image).
If you want to study anatomy, there's a pretty good book out by Graphic-Sha about bodies and anatomy. Also, are you using the traditional stick-figure body format? From what I can tell, it doesn't appear that way.
Thank you..!
The stuff you mention is stuff i'm already aware of i'm affraid... (proportions and stuff) i have a clear image in my head of how exactly it should be... i have photographic memory (it's part of some symtoms i have, but that's irrelevant to the subject :o)
I have a really bad habit (this is true, it's a real-life bad habit) in realizing my mistakes, first when i'm near done with my stuff... i always refuse to edit it, as i have already come so far
I also hate using time on drawings, so i often rush when doing pretty much anyhting
I vary in using techniques... the stick/line method you mentioned was not used with this one...
I use it sometimes, i'm not used to it like any professionals do though, so that's why i only do it sometimes... i'm not familar enough with it to use it always...
My ways of drawing is quite (almost even too ordinary) simple...
I use normal paper of any kind i find, mostly just A4 papers for printers etc... i could use thicker papers or stuff, but for me it really doesn't matter much
I never use different kinds of pencils either... i feel uneasy with them, as i have no idea how to use them properly
Therefor i always use the regular pencil kind (i think it's called H2)
since i have never learned, or been educated in the ways of art, anything i do is stuff i have learned to do myself... Since i've come so far as i have now, i'm simply not used to use any existing techniques (or equipment), that is why i only try them out sometimes
I realize it will be of great help to learn at least basics of these methods, and i don't know really why i don't try and learn them... i guess i never really pull my act together to make it happen
Anyways, having said all this, i'm still glad that you like it... means alot to me... maybe i should really try doing the stick-character thing more often... the times i've been using it i haven't had as many flaws as when i didn't use it
Forgot to post this one it seems...
A girl, and a tree... it's still not done
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Wow! I'm jealous now! I really like that pencil drawing with Excel and Hyatt and the drawing you just posted is awesome!
I wish I could draw like that. :Ecry:
Thanks :) I should draw more... i don't have much new stuff...
I'm just re-posting the old stuff that got lost since the last "incident"
Here's Osaka from Azumanga Daioh... made her make some typical thoughts
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And this Ropponmatsu II :Epleased:
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Feel like i could have made her pose better... i should draw her again..!
Nice to see Osaka (I especially like Kamineko)
also I think you posted Ropponmatsu II before (it's still good though)
Quote from: "Micki!"I'm just re-posting the old stuff that got lost since the last "incident"
This would be why HA1L :P
And that tree girl seemed interesting, reminded me of Slayers (I guess the earrings did) and Osaka was pretty good but her face seemed a bit long
The Osaka one is pretty old, i got better since 8)
Man, wish there was manga school where i live..!
I want professional help
And yeah, re-posting stuff...
I did some small sketches today though (Excel Saga stuff)... i'll have to do more stuff, i don't want to post old things i made all the time... :shock:
Are you planning to go professional and make some sort of living out of this?
I'm trying to get a job by drawing stuff, but i don't know what i'll be drawing
I'm either trying to be concept artist, or Comic Book artist...
I don't know how i'll manage to be either of both, i really wish ways to do it were easier for me (need some help, or knowledge i guess... who the hell should i contact for instance)
I would mostly want to be comic book artist, because everyone could see my work then... Being concept artist dopesn't really influence people around me the same way, i'd rather want to be known as a person who made people happy with what i made...
That said, yeah, i'm trying... :)
I'm telling stories again, better keep on topic:
Here's the first stage of the girl i posted here earlier... before i decided how her clothes should look like...
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SHE'S NOT NAKED!!! :Eangry:
I made this Sakaki Vampire yesterday...
I hate when i get in the mood of drawing, and use paper like this
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And a Simplified version of Excel, testing out my skills for that flash project thing... :)
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Quote from: "Micki!"I made this Sakaki Vampire yesterday...
I hate when i get in the mood of drawing, and use paper like this
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Just in time to commemorate how I finished watching Azumanga Daioh last night. Awesome!
Quote from: "Micki!"
And a Simplified version of Excel, testing out my skills for that flash project thing... :)
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OMG! *grabs picture and runs off to Flash*
I just made this one a few minutes ago... Chibi versions of the three Across Girls :)
Excel is the same as before since i wouldn't really want any changes, so i traced it over a blank piece of paper (with NO squares) and additionally added Elgala and Hyatt on it
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It's also supposed to be used for I'm Eh-Chan's flash movie
I hope you like these, i feel like i'll do all characters like this, since i'm at it...
Quote from: "Micki!"I just made this one a few minutes ago... Chibi versions of the three Across Girls :)
Excel is the same as before since i wouldn't really want any changes, so i traced it over a blank piece of paper (with NO squares) and additionally added Elgala and Hyatt on it
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It's also supposed to be used for I'm Eh-Chan's flash movie
I hope you like these, i feel like i'll do all characters like this, since i'm at it...
ALL characters like this, eh? That would come in quite handy for the sequel :Ewink:
Just doing it for fun... i might not hurry so much with hard though... i wouldn't want them to just stand there, stiff like dolls... makes sense with the ACROSS girls, because they are standing before thier lord... however, Doing the others, would mean i'd want them to have witty poses... just to make them more fun
I don't know, i'll only do them when i get time anyways
I hope you get good use of them... i'll try and make the remaining stuff later
they are very nice Micki :Ewink:
oh and Eh-Chan...I'm gonna have to nick your family guy picture :evilex:
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"they are very nice Micki :Ewink:
They are EXTREMELY nice. They are superb!
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"
oh and Eh-Chan...I'm gonna have to nick your family guy picture :evilex:
Fine with me :Evhappy:
ACROSS girls in chibi format again... This time, rear and side views of them...
For the Flash project
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Thier heads appear to look "pushed forward"... i didn't bother to fix that, maybe nobody minds it anyways...
Quote from: "Micki!"
Thier heads appear to look "pushed forward"... i didn't bother to fix that, maybe nobody minds it anyways...
I CAN FIX IT!...perhaps!
I think it may not be the head so much as the chin appears to stick out a little too far. From what I can remember, for the side view, the line that connects the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin is relatively straight. I'll play around with them a little until they look right.
But thank you so much!
I actually tried making it straight from nose to chin... that made them look fat though :?
I didn't want that, so i did it this way...
I think it may be that Hyatt's head just seems to be a little bit too big in the side view. I'll play around with it once I start tracing.
I'd like to see that 8) (colored version) if you ever think of doing that...
Quote from: "Micki!"^^
I'd like to see that 8) (colored version) if you ever think of doing that...
LOL, you WILL be seeing a colored version. :Etoung:
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"Quote from: "Micki!"^^
I'd like to see that 8) (colored version) if you ever think of doing that...
LOL, you WILL be seeing a colored version. :Etoung:
I thought more like "photoshop-ized", like with shadows and stuff...
The flash movie will be more simple styled in colors (not that i mind it though)
Quote from: "Micki!"Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"Quote from: "Micki!"^^
I'd like to see that 8) (colored version) if you ever think of doing that...
LOL, you WILL be seeing a colored version. :Etoung:
I thought more like "photoshop-ized", like with shadows and stuff...
The flash movie will be more simple styled in colors (not that i mind it though)
Ah, I see. My mistake.
i have a bunch of little sketches i made... however, because my PC was formated recently, i don't have the necessary programs to adjust the pictures in a good way
Here's one of them though, it's bad quality though but i feel i should post it anyways, since i got it scanned and all (i'll repost it when i'm able to make better quality versions)
Wow, that's super-awesome (as expected, lol). You really do have a lot of talent!
How long did that one take to make?
It doesn't take much time... it's really just a sketch... the paper i used is about 1/4 of a normal A4 paper... i draw lot's of stuff on such little notepads...
Thanks though, it's sad with the bad quality... i gotta do something about that...
Or i could send in the original scanned version, which are huge :o
Bad quality in what way? I think it looks great!
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"Bad quality in what way? I think it looks great!
The compression is poor, because i had to use Paint to do it :? since i didn't have any other smart programs to do that with atm...
You can clearly see jaggy lines and stuff, which could have been avoided with proper adjustments... Usually i use Microsoft Image Manager, it has everything i really need to adjust an image to something acceptable, and good looking... plus, it's easy to use...
oh, okay. I still don't think it looks bad though.
that is great, splendid, magnifico
Quote from: "Micki!"
Here's one of them though, it's bad quality though but i feel i should post it anyways, since i got it scanned and all (i'll repost it when i'm able to make better quality versions)
If thats bad then I can't wait to see what your doing for the OD comic :Evhappy:
Hopefully something similar i hope, i can't tell...
I really draw differently in quality, depending on what mood i'm in... Sometimes i just feel i'm in perfect mood of drawing stuff, other times i just don't want to, and if i draw anyways at such times, the drawings usually turn out either pretty bad, or surprisingly good... :?
I suddenly got in the mood of drawing again, after seeing someones fanart of Excel... i liked the art so much, that i felt like trying to make it like that myself...
I said earlier that i dislike using the same style of drawing as others do (meaning, the way they draw... not what it ends up looking like in the end)...
So don't confuse this with me suddenly changing mind :o
That said, i sometimes do feel like drawing exact copys of existing artwork...
So here it is
This one i didn't draw, it's what i used as reference... i post it here to compare with the ones i did
This is my (slightly exagerated) attempt
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Gee, her head looks a little too flat imo...
One of my Favorite Excel Expressions... looks sort of cute while weaing a towel around her
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I accidentally erased a little line on her bra... the one that goes around teh breast area... whoops...
I began to love this towel+Excel Thing...
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Then completely without towel...
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Heh, maybe i should make a full body version of that :lol:
And today, i finished making Lord Il Palazzo, for the flash project...
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i made some personal notes about this one in the other thread...
I have more... if a little reduced quality doesn't bother anyone, i will post those..!
Pic 1: (the pink one) Suhweet picture! Woo! That is a very very very well done fanart of her, I love the eyes. And that expression is so great too.
Pic 2: (The copy) I dunno... I think the pink really helped the last one and I wonder if you can do the shine like they do... because that shine is very captivating.
Pic 3: (Yo!) I love that expression as well, very Excel but her face seems a bit wide mebbe?
Pic 4: (Mo' towel!) I like the towel idea too! :P I just love to see that happy expression on her face seemingly carefree kinda... don't see her like that enough *sigh*
Pic 5: (ONOESNEKKID!) Honestly man, that is so not Excel, she wouldn't be sitting there embarrassed trying to keep someone from looking, she would be kicking your ass on her way to find some new clothes!
Pic 6: (The Lord) Is he smirking? Does Lord Il Palazzo smirk? He seems a bit too happy :D and the first uniform of his... I just love how it seems to be like some sort of changing curtain or something.
Overall? I give you an 8.7 out of ten Micki coefficient to !
Hehe, i get ratings all of a sudden
And yes her face on my version looks wider...
How annoying, i gotta remake them i guess...
Since it's fanart, i am allowed to alter thier personalities... so nekkid excel acting like this is ok... in my world :D
But i agree that she'd probably do what you said she would in "her" world...
And il Palazzo is smiling yes... not really smirking, just a smile... like, being amused... not a grin or "haha fun" smile... just his neutral smile expression... :o
I wish i did the detail as greatly as on that pink version...
Well, these of mine where made on small sketch pads once again anyways... Here they're scaled up in size... 1/4 - 1/6 being thier original sizes...
Those are hot. In all connotations of the word.
hehhehheh...nekkid Excel.
"As long as those three points are covered, what more do you need?"
Quote from: "Micki!"Then completely without towel...
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Heh, maybe i should make a full body version of that :lol:
Noooooooez..!! Poor Excel..! How could you?! She's in enough distress already in that shot - No more perversity from you! :P
I agree with excel-kleinwald that Excel would never allow someone the chance to see her with such an expression, but I definately like it though. It's different as well as original. Great! :exhail:
Now at first I thought Excel's face seemed too wide in those pics, but it's actually not long enough. This isn't any fault of yours because the fanart you based these drawings on has the same problem. But don't get me wrong as the fanart and your drawings are well done just the same.
However, this sizing of her face would be perfect if her head was tilted downward (with eyes looking down towards the floor).
Not sure if you know what I mean by this. ^^;;
:Eangry: Hey where did you get that picture?
:Hshocked: oh my senior, I think he was the person who was hiding in the cupboard this morning.
:elembarassed: senior Excel, you let someone draw you naked? a young lady does not do that sort of thing
you've done fantastic jobs there micki ::passes him a pint of foster (ran out of guinness):: very nice :exhail:
Aye, thanks for the comments
@Lord Il
I know what you mean with head tiled down, i think
Hehe, those Excel, Hyatt & Elgala comments made me laugh...
I made an enhanced version of Il Palazzo's rear, and arm stretching..?
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Triple posting for an update...
All the comments for the last addition here got commented in the other thread :D
Anyways, i just made this on my little sketch pads
Shioji & 2'nd... Shioji's upper head is hidden, to save you too much of his perverted expression... (joking, it simply adds more creepiness to the scene)
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I have a smaller version as well, it's lower Quality though (still use MS Paint to resize :?)
Quote from: "Micki!"Shioji & 2'nd... Shioji's upper head is hidden, to save you too much of his perverted expression... (joking, it simply adds more creepiness to the scene)
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I have a smaller version as well, it's lower Quality though (still use MS Paint to resize :?)
I think it's really cute. I'm not getting a creepy vibe from Shiouji in that pic at all. It's more of a fatherly sort of thing.
You've got a point there... I intentionally added shadows onder Shioji's eyes, to enhance teh creepiness factor... :o but appearantly it can be understood in more ways than just one...
I thought of making a bigger version of that sometimes later (on a piece of A4 paper)
lol! Seems I didn't pick up on the eye shading. ^_^;;
If the shading under his eyes were darker maybe it would've hit me differently because an ominous vibe would've been achieved.
That's noted for a possible future re-make... :P
Yeah, the eye shading should definitely be a bit darker. Also, I bet if you showed just a tiny bit more of the upper part of his head (at least to the top of his glasses) and gave the glasses that reflective glare that you can't see his eyes through, that might help enhance the creepy-osity.
But great job on that one!
A glare in his glasses he'll get in a bigger re-make then...
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"Also, I bet if you showed just a tiny bit more of the upper part of his head (at least to the top of his glasses) and gave the glasses that reflective glare that you can't see his eyes through, that might help enhance the creepy-osity.
I agree. A lot of the time that effect is used to convey something ominous about the intent of a certain character. If the character does wear glasses, the eyes are not seen for the reflective glare... Or sometimes only one eye can be seen.
If a character doesn't wear glasses, both a lot of their forehead and eye area is blackened.
And also with glasses, I think using a little of both would create that creepy-effect really well.
:shock: this is probably your best so far micki. fantastic stuff :Ewink:
:Elconfus: err senior Excel that guy looks so creepy !!!
:Econfused: just back away slowly and don't make eye contact
It's really just a sketch :o on a tiny paper even
But thanks :)
I can't wait to make a bigger (and hopefully better) version soon...
I want to send it Carl, perhaps there's room for another fanart... or maybe it can come in the 17'th issue at least...
I'm sitting here, hoping for that...
Quote from: "Micki!"It's really just a sketch :o on a tiny paper even
But thanks :)
lol! But it's so awesome! That's why we're helping to critique it where needed (and it's not needed much). ^_^
Your art is fantastic. It'd be nice to see something of yours featured in the Oubliette.
(cries of joy)
at least your not doing the opposite (sucking water through your eyes)
I was very bored today, so i used a few hours of my free time to draw a bigger remade version of the previous drawing...
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I personally find it better... Except, that his glasses may be placed a tidbit too far up
I added a glare to his glasses...
shadow under his eyes reduced a bit, but also made clearer
Shioji is Awesome, i think i should do more stuff with him...
Oh man, that is the perfect look right there.
His face has 'pedophile' written all over it. :lol:
You now have what you were going for.
:Eshocked: woah Shioji's even scarier then before great job micki :Ewink:
Quote from: "Lord il"
You now have what you were going for.
Not really...
I need to make more of this kind :twisted:
It's good you guys find it better now though..
Btw, i registered at some days ago... Anyone of you guys there..? :o
Great job as always Micki! but... I get the feeling he seems more like Harry Potter rather than Shiouji :(
And also I am surprised we have not seen more of Second-chan from you ;), she is one of my favorites of the series too.
Something else I have been wondering... would it not be more proper to refer to the doctor as loli rather than pedo? ;)
I do have alot of sketches i've done of 2'nd... I thought i posted those already... :o
Those are just more small sketches though, no real drawings like this last one i posted...
He looks like Harry Potter..? Harry Potter looks like a LOLICON..? :shock: :D
But true, Lolicon sounds more correct, for Shioji's case...
More of Second-Chan
Most are just doddle work of her head... so they're not very special
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For this one i used a certain existing reference picture of Ropponmatsu II...
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An Alien and Mince
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Awesome! The sparkle in his glasses is great! He's definitely up to something...
And the other pictures of the second are great as well.
Silly excel-kleinwald, Shioji isn't a rolling computer.
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Silly excel-kleinwald, Shioji isn't a rolling computer.
Haha :D
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Silly excel-kleinwald, Shioji isn't a rolling computer.
lol that was a great line :Ecool:
I don't get it :?
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"I don't get it :?
It's a joke Excel did in one of the Anime episodes... She was hinting to Shioji appearing in some later episodes
"R" in Japanese is pronounced like "L" as you may know, and she thought "Lolicon" was short for Rolling Computer ("Rollicom" it does sound sort of similar if you try to say it )
Quote from: "Micki!"Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"I don't get it :?
It's a joke Excel did in one of the Anime episodes... She was hinting to Shioji appearing in some later episodes
"R" in Japanese is pronounced like "L" as you may know, and she thought "Lolicon" was short for Rolling Computer ("Rollicom" it does sound sort of similar if you try to say it )
actually the line is referring to herself in the new year special.
:Evhappy: "Hi, I'm Excel and just a short while ago I thought a Lolicon was a rolling Computer but then again I'm a huge idiot."
I believe thats what she said but you are correct on the L's for R's (the Japanese don't have the letter L in their language)
The idea of using this line was to hint for Shioji appearing though... those ADV nmotes said that at least... :o
Quote from: "Micki!"Quote from: "Lord il"
You now have what you were going for.
Not really...
I need to make more of this kind :twisted:
That's just plain sick! lol! :P
Then let the illness begin... :P
Boredom strikes again...
Another two sketches i did at school and at home
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Quote from: "Micki!"
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Quote from: "Micki!"
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"Oh noes, teh expensive equipment!"
The Shioji sketch is freaking awesome!
2nd-chan looks a little off for some reason...her face is a little skewed and for some reason, her torso looks strange, like it is shaped incorrectly (or there aren't enough fold lines in her clothes to show she is twisting her body or something).
But great job! Keep it up!
Don't mind teh lack of detail and incorrectness on those...
It's REALLY just sketches... sometimes i put some effort into them, but mostly it's just some doodling around...
The one with Shioji of those two i posted last, is the better of the two...
He's cool when you can't see through his glasses 8)
I got Myself a Tablet last week (those digital drawing boards)
Now i can make sketches on the PC... still not as detailed as with pencil and paper, but it's a fun way of doing it... Although, it's pretty wierd to use...
Anyways, here's some stuff i made with it...
This one was drawn using MSN's handwriting feature
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This is with Photoshop
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This one is made using MS Paint (with that cheap-line brush thingy)
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The tablet is pretty cool
I can even trace some of my existing drawings with it... But i doubt they get any better by that...
I made this one recently...
Quoting myself from another forum
And to clarify something... the "RedSplat" guy, is someone from the 3Drealms forums... he's very good at photoshopping, and helped me with some stuff via MSN
QuoteRecently i bought myself one of those Wacom boards, and i've been playing around with it alot...
I made this Pigcop entirely with the Wacom in Adobe Photoshop CS2
It's my first time using Photoshop to draw an entire drawing with, i'm very happy with the final result :)
[Click to enlarge]
Here's something that might be of interest, and that is the stages the drawing had gone through...
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1) A simple quick doodle using MSN's handwriting feature... Duke3D's cartoony styled version of the Pigcop
2) A modified version, where all lines are connected to each other, and some other minor stuff and details
3) I thought it would be fun to see how it would look with a more realistic style of looks... The nose has been resized, And RedSplat told me that using the "smudge tool" helps on strokes, to make realistic looking hair, so tried using the smudge tool on a new hairstyle for the Pigcop
4) I decided to make up a final design, of a more realistic looking pigcop... i liked what i came with here, and proceeded form there
5) Added additional details and better looking armor for the final design...
6) I colored it, and added more additional details...
And it all started as an MSN doodle... :o
I'm very happy with this result... i didn't expect this of my first time using Photoshop (though, i've been playing once with GIMP before too...)
I can't wait to learning all the features Photoshop has...
Meanwhile, enjoy, or i'll kill you
It's not manga as people might had noticed... but this thread was not only for manga styled stuff anyways :)
I attempted to draw a Pig again.. but with the mouse instead of the Wacom board...
I liked wacom better, it sucks with mouse :?
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Here's a photo of my Folder in which i keep my Manga styled drawings
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Excel... it's an old one done with mouse...
Since i got my wacom board i've mostly been using that for drawings
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black cat...
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I made this Sam and Max drawing today...
Notice, it's the Lucas-arts HQ
^I used to watch that show back in the day. It didn't have a very long run, but I used to get a kick out of it. ^^
So...... What else is on that To Do list, Micki!? :P
I recently registered at TellTale's forum... a friend wanted me there, to participate in some thread, and then i made this...
What else on my to-do list..?
One thing involves visiting Rikudou, renting a prison, and a shortened release date for the up coming Excel Saga mangas...
And a few more prank calls against certain companies... :o
^Renting a prison?? :lol:
Can't have him leaving at nights when i sleep now can we..? :D
Suddenly it allllll makes perfect sense now.
Be certain to supply plenty of food and drink to him though. Can't be properly creative and motivated on an empty stomach. :wink:
lol! You should try drawing this type of scenario. It'd be great for a laugh.
I could actually need ideas... the reason i don't post stuff in here every day (believe me, i would like to) i that i simply don't get appealing enough ideas myself for stuff i wanna draw...
I got bored in the bus today, and made Ropponmatsu II stuff...
Nothing new on this one...
I made her wear Shioji's clothes and glasses... Admit, she looks cute in it :)
It's too big for her of course, so it's all baggy and wrinkly... i tightened it up with that button in the middle... Then all her "curves" are visible too :D
I gotta make a big version of that last one...
Those posted are made one my small sketchy papers
hold on you were on a bus and got bored so you drew this? was the bus moving? if so O_O these are good
I love the way second looks in the second picture, I mean the galsses are just an awesome bonus and the way she wears the lab coat... you are definately making her go up in my favorite characters list.
oh my lord il is gonna go crazy over that pic :lol:
Thanks (we need a :love: smiley) :)
I love her in the lab coat too... i wanna make more of her in that... :P
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"hold on you were on a bus and got bored so you drew this? was the bus moving? if so O_O these are good
Yeah, the bus was moving... i hate that... :? i usually "polish" the drawings when i get home (or if the bus isn't moving)
The results really are the same, it just takes longer, and it's annoying...
Quote from: "Micki!"Thanks (we need a :love: smiley) :)
Asketh and though shalt recieveth
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"Quote from: "Micki!"Thanks (we need a :love: smiley) :)
Asketh and though shalt recieveth
Thou i shalt thanketh... (
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"oh my lord il is gonna go crazy over that pic :lol:
O_O^_^ Oh, you're definately correct on that, HA1L.
Omg, that is
soooo darn cute! Fantastic originality! I love it! A meganeko to which all other meganekos shall be compared. Faulty optic sensors or (most likely) not, Shiouji's glasses are a fun addition to an already great character.
(I'm still getting over Misaki wearing glasses as a disguise in vol. 15. lol!)
Micki!, if you have the time to do so, I would really like to see this pic of Ropponmatsu finished with some coloring. Absolutely NO pressure for it though! Only if you can.
This is something I'd print and put on my wall because there's nothing like this.
I actually want to make a big version of it first... Then i might think of coloring it...
I'm not fond of using colors, i'm not used to that at all... (i normally only use my pencil, or greyscale colors...)
I might try though... especially because you want it on your wall at home (hehe, i like the thought of that... someone hanging my stuff on thier wall :))
That said, i'm VERY happy you like it... :D
Quote from: "Lord il"Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"oh my lord il is gonna go crazy over that pic :lol:
^_^ Oh, you're definately correct on that, HA1L.
Omg, that is soooo darn cute! Fantastic originality! I love it! A meganeko to which all other meganekos shall be compared. Faulty optic sensors or (most likely) not, Shiouji's glasses are a fun addition to an already great character.
(I'm still getting over Misaki wearing glasses as a disguise in vol. 15. lol!)
Micki!, if you have the time to do so, I would really like to see this pic of Ropponmatsu finished with some coloring. Absolutely NO pressure for it though! Only if you can.
This is something I'd print and put on my wall because there's nothing like this.
¬_¬ *gives Lord Il some tranquliser and sits him down on a chair with a blanket and a pair of glasses* there we go
anyway go for it micki we're rooting for ya :D
That's HA1L :)
I actually scanned some of my own doujin, based on Excel Saga... it's a mini story, i have all dialouge erady on a script file... right now it's only on a sketched stage... but people might wanna see this rough, and unfinished version still..?
Meanwhile, more sketches i made in the bus... I do that often... I made these recently
O_O excel in the *sniff* thats so amazing Micki O_0
Sometimes i just don't feel like making the clothes...
I mean that without being a pervert... :o
Quote from: "Micki!"I actually want to make a big version of it first... Then i might think of coloring it...
I'm not fond of using colors, i'm not used to that at all... (i normally only use my pencil, or greyscale colors...)
I might try though... especially because you want it on your wall at home (hehe, i like the thought of that... someone hanging my stuff on thier wall :))
That said, i'm VERY happy you like it... :D
Micki!, you certainly do have a great talent for drawing. I've tried drawing on the bus before in the past and there is no way I could come close to that calibur of what you do.
Colored or not, I certainly don't mind. However, I do have plenty for confidence in your ability to pull it off if you wanted to.
Someone I know from the states at another board drew me an Excel Saga related pic a few years back. I made sure to print and put it up on my wall. I even took a picture of it to show her as proof. heh..
It's fun to do this as I can show others (locally) about the people I know abroad.
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO"¬_¬ *gives Lord Il some tranquliser and sits him down on a chair with a blanket and a pair of glasses* there we go
anyway go for it micki we're rooting for ya :D
*slowly sways back and forth on the chair with stars in his eyes while chewing on the arms of the glasses frames and drools a bit*
Quote from: "Micki!"I actually scanned some of my own doujin, based on Excel Saga... it's a mini story, i have all dialouge erady on a script file... right now it's only on a sketched stage... but people might wanna see this rough, and unfinished version still..?
*raises hand* Eee-yup. I would.
Oh, and Micki!, your latest Excel pic is nothing but cute, cute, and even more
CUTE!Very tastefully done.
(I hope that isn't the look Shiouji is giving by looking at her! O_O *thinks* ....... Nah, he doesn't like boobs. Annnd she's
wayyyyyyy too old for him anyways. :lol: )
I'll post those unfinished pages then, when i get home... (at school atm)
Quote from: "starcat"MICKI!
I have a large monitor and with my Favorites pane open (which it often is) I can't see the whole picture! >_<
They're nice pictures. But they're also
Sorries :oops:
On another forum, i'm used to big pictures being automatically resized whenever they are too big... normally i use thumbnails too... :o
Bleh, new page now anyways, i'll make them smaller from now
I've gotten home...
Here is the comic at it's early stages, enjoy the roughness
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I don't want to spoil all of it, so i won't show you the dialouge script
Several pages still need to be made...
Also, i made this in the bus on my way home...
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This is the pose i will use for the re-make of Ropponmatsu II in a Lab coat... this is A4 paper, it's gonna be much more detailed
O_O those are brilliant micki!!!!
oh that reminds me of something......................I'll Pm ya :D
I found myself amused by Excel cooking and the curious look by Hyatt peeking around the corner to see what she's up to.
"Senior is cooking..?? ..... oh dear..."
No, I'm not implying that Excel can't cook! :lol:
Love the facial expressions on Excel!
I'm happy the facial expressions are likable... (It's hard catching a similar style of the Manga when overusing expressions...)
Anyways, i finished this today... Used damn 6½ hours straight on it today... I was bored, and wanted to be done with it...
Click the thumbnail... it's pretty big, but i think you'll like it... i'm very happy with the final result
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Is 6½ hours fast..? :o Because i'm pretty exhausted
*right clicks and saves*
Yep, this is going on the wall soon.
I am just amazed. Amazed, I tell you. Lots of detail with clean lines. Thank you for this. ^^
I wasn't expecting it so soon! lol!
You're awesome with a pencil, Micki!
If you hang that on the wall, please make photos of it for me... i'd love seeing that happen :D
And yes, i was in a hurry... simply wanted it done today :)
I'm far by done with the lab-coat-Nishiki style though... I need to make more stuff like this... MORE..!
It'll be displayed on the wall up behind my computer monitor.
I have to take photos of my two latest figures someday soon. I'll make a photo of your labcoat Ropponmatsu art at the same time. ^_^
At 6½ hours with that level of detail, I know I'd be a bit tired as well.
hahaha this is also going to be hung up next to aload of Excel and Azumanga Daioh pics :lol: when I get the printer working
Haha, sounds cool... :D
I feel like i' on the wall of fame now (need that damn love smiley on the forums)
Don't confuse this with the earlier drawing... it's more detaield now and shaded...
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Lord Il, please get this on your wall instead :P
O_O Wow...
*right clicks and saves!*
I didn't get around to printing the other one out yet. But this... THIS is a bonus! Adds a whole new definition of depth.
As always, great job! ^_^
i'll be laughing when i actually DO make a coloured version, the day you print this one out :P
Not saying that i will color it though :o I prefer greyscale... i'm used to that...
*Right clicks, saves and ambushes Lord Il's printer to make two copies.*
I could print it out and color it like it was a page in a coloring book <3
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I could print it out and color it like it was a page in a coloring book <3
I wouldn't mind :lol:
Quote from: "starcat"This may end up on MY wall. >_>
Please do so :oops:
I tried (out of boredom) to colorize above pic... I'm not familiar with Photoshop's features at all yet though, so the result looks strange :?
( (
I tried removing any trace of pencil lines, by using one of the many filters available with photoshop... What happened, is that pretty much no actual pencil lines can be seen snymore, but detail got degraded... I do infact regret that i used filters, and it seems to be too late to remove
That said, i myself don't like it that much, and i prefer the original which i made...
Perhaps it's more likable to some of you though... :)
Quote from: "Micki!"I tried (out of boredom) to colorize above pic... I'm not familiar with Photoshop's features at all yet though, so the result looks strange :?
( (
I tried removing any trace of pencil lines, by using one of the many filters available with photoshop... What happened, is that pretty much no actual pencil lines can be seen snymore, but detail got degraded... I do infact regret that i used filters, and it seems to be too late to remove
That said, i myself don't like it that much, and i prefer the original which i made...
Perhaps it's more likable to some of you though... :)
I like it ^_^
I will send you some links to help you with coloring with photoshop.
RedSplat from 3DR (and has excellent knowledge in Photoshop... he gave me some useful tips...
But any additional help is appreciated 8) I want to optimally use it afterall :)
Y'know Micki!, that's actually not that bad. I know it's not the look you were going for, but you have succeeded in creating an original piece of art in a style all of it's own.
If you have some spare time you should try another coloring without the filters. Experiment a little. It's amazing what the power of Photoshop can create.
I think i will redo it later... Without filters... if possible, making it look more clean, and not as messy
Quote from: "Micki!"I tried (out of boredom) to colorize above pic... I'm not familiar with Photoshop's features at all yet though, so the result looks strange :?
( (
I tried removing any trace of pencil lines, by using one of the many filters available with photoshop... What happened, is that pretty much no actual pencil lines can be seen snymore, but detail got degraded... I do infact regret that i used filters, and it seems to be too late to remove
That said, i myself don't like it that much, and i prefer the original which i made...
Perhaps it's more likable to some of you though... :)
Hey, you did a hell of alot better than what I could do. Of course, seeing as I only have a shitty program called "PhotoStudio" and a crappy PC, that ain't really saying much.
Hey, Micki!......
hahaha nice idea Lord Il, I'll have to get some pictures of my pictures :lol:
Quote from: "Lord Il"Hey, Micki!......
Hahaha, that's awesome... :D
Thanks for liking it THAT much 8)
Y'know Micki!, it's just a great piece of art. It absolutely HAD to be on my wall. ^_^ I may even print out the colored version yet. When my cousin first saw it, she thought I started drawing again. I told her "no" and that it's from an artist I know in Denmark. She goes, "Wow! Really??"
The drawing to the left of it is from a gal I know in the US. It's supposed to be what she'd look like as an agent of ACROSS. She's got a thing for monocles (single eyeglass pieces), so she drew one on herself. lol!
The pic below them is a scan done by another friend in the US. It was colorized in Photoshop.
If I weren't so lazy (or just made the time), I'd draw something myself. It's been too long since I last went crazy with a pencil in my hand. (No, not killing people with it!) :lol:
If you have a sister who likes Manga, (and she probably likes Excel Saga too..?) Why not make her join here..? :o :D
Ifi was a agirl, i'd totally draw myself as an ACROSS agent aswell :D
Your US friend knows of this forum..?
Quote from: "Lord Il"
If I weren't so lazy (or just made the time), I'd draw something myself. It's been too long since I last went crazy with a pencil in my hand. (No, not killing people with it!) :lol:
But you can...
... you can kill with a pencil, and it's not even that hard, really...
But let's save that for an "ACROSS Liquidation" thread later :D
Is that really just A4 sized..? Looks sort of bigger for some odd reason :o
If you haven't already I suggest you find out how to get in contact with Carl Horn and send him the picture yourself! I am sure that he would love the picture as much as us and maybe even put it into the Oubliette ;)
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"If you haven't already I suggest you find out how to get in contact with Carl Horn and send him the picture yourself! I am sure that he would love the picture as much as us and maybe even put it into the Oubliette ;)
Well, he accepted the 3 first i requested to be added, i hope he won't mind a 4'th one :)
//Goes to amail to compile a mail about this
Thanks for kicking me, i forgot i wanted to do this :D
I sent it, and he responded shortly :)
Quote from: "Micki!"If you have a sister who likes Manga, (and she probably likes Excel Saga too..?) Why not make her join here..? :o :D
Nah, my cousin is very computerless as well as clueless about Excel Saga. ^^;; She always manages to get me laughing anytime I show her any manga or anime related stuff. Doesn't matter what it is, she'll almost always say something like, "Omg...! Look at the size of that girl's boobs!" :lol:
Yeah...... she's not what you'd call 'desensitized' to this sort of stuff yet. Funny as hell really.
Quote from: "Micki!"Ifi was a agirl, i'd totally draw myself as an ACROSS agent aswell :D
Your US friend knows of this forum..?
I don't think so. She's tied up with her new job now. I'd like to see her join here, but I know she can't. Too bad really because I know she'd enjoy being here. >_<
Quote from: "Micki!"Quote from: "Lord Il"
If I weren't so lazy (or just made the time), I'd draw something myself. It's been too long since I last went crazy with a pencil in my hand. (No, not killing people with it!) :lol:
But you can...
... you can kill with a pencil, and it's not even that hard, really...
But let's save that for an "ACROSS Liquidation" thread later :D
hmm... You have many vampires where you live, Micki!? O_< :lol:
It's said that a pen is mightier than the sword...
BUT a pencil can also be sharpened! :P
Quote from: "Micki!"PS
Is that really just A4 sized..? Looks sort of bigger for some odd reason :o
Yup. It's standard A4 paper.
I knew someone who used to have a larger commercial type printer which could make good quality mini posters. Unfortunately, it was old (circa: mid '90s) and parts became impossible to get for it. Now, alas, it's in computer printer heaven sharing stories with all the other printers that had met untimely deaths due to ever-progressing technology of the masses.
And that is really awesome of Carl! ^^
we're gonna see more of micki's work in the obliette wahay XD
Nothing that you all haven't seen before though :o
But i'm sooooo happy i got the chance to share it with EVERY Excel Saga manga fan now :mrgreen:
Difficult to say, but after your art is published in the Oubliette section of the manga, more artists may join here in hopes of showcasing their work on the site.
I created this for a website, which requested a front-page pic that somehow explains what manga is like...
It's pretty big...
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well it's not entirly an explaination of what manga is but it sure as hell is funny to look at :lol: :lol: :lol:
I especially like Osaka asleep XD
Awesome! Nice pen work.
I don't recognize many, but I don't read many manga. Who's the guy getting smacked (and the girl whacking him) over the nurse's head in the lower left, there?
Quote from: "Inkwolf"Awesome! Nice pen work.
I don't recognize many, but I don't read many manga. Who's the guy getting smacked (and the girl whacking him) over the nurse's head in the lower left, there?
Something i mad up myself...
Among the rest i made up myself, is:
the upper left girl (bog boobs),the guy wanting to grab the boobs, the girl popping one of Osaka's "Z's", the boy and girl, hanging on top of the pic, the little guy shouting "yay", the little guy saying "oooh", the girl jumping, in Ropponmatsu II's uniform, The nurse and the patient, the girl getting surprised in the bathroom (and the boy) and the boy eating noodles...
That's all something i made up myself...
The rest is: Professor Shioji, Excel with Mince, Osaka sleeping, Puni Puni Poemy and comic strip of a Tachikoma-Tank stepping on Puchuu Alien
Cool! You should draw your own manga! (or do you?)
This reminds me of one of the Genshiken after chapter panels. Where Sasahara asks Madarame if the Genshiken will make its own Doujinshi and Madarame just closes one eye and puts a finger to his lips...
Quote from: "Inkwolf"Cool! You should draw your own manga! (or do you?)
Well, i'm making my own mini-chapter of Excel Saga... I got my own orginal script for it...
Does that count..?
I guess so :lol:
I guess that would make it classed as a Excel Saga doujinshi work since it's based on a well known anime/manga series.
I hope you'll post it here! :)
Of course i will post it here...
Of all places i could post it, this forum would be the most relevant one of them, as it's dedicated to the series..! :)
I am not much of a Naruto Fan, but a friend of mine is, and she wished to recieve a drawing of "Hinata" made by me before i left school...
That i promised a whole year ago... And just a few days before summer break, i got so extremely bored that i atempted to draw Hinata in one go, quickly...
It turned out pretty decent, for a rushed piece of art..!
( (
Does anyone still care for the Doujin sketches i posted on last page..?
Because i have updated those quite a bit, and besides that, i have ALSO finished all the remaining pages... in all, 10 papers filled with loose drawins, which all need re-working in Photoshop, wher ei will re-arange them, and improve them additionally
I could show you all how this personal project of mine is looking like right now... of course, i don't want to spoil it if no-one wants to see just yet (some of the final sketches need polishing, then i'm ready to go on Photoshop)
Once i am done, i am sure you all will like this short fan-made chapter :) (Too bad i couldn't put in Elgala in there...)
Nice drawing! (I never watched Naruto, though, so I can't say anything about the likeness...)
I haven't watched much Naruto either... But i have Internet, so finding out how exactly she looks like wasn't hard...
Of copurse i wasn't drawing her from an existing picture... that would be sort of cheating, and more of a "trace work" (even though it wouldn't really be tracing)
I shallst update thy old threade
I'll show you all what that comic i am in the middle of is shaping like :) i'm at the phase where all my sketches need tracing in photoshop, this is how it looks untill now (page 1)
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Keep in mind that there is still no dialogue added, and neither is there any paneling or shading on the artwork...
I'm in the middle of page 2 right now, and there is 10 pages in all, it might change when i start sorting out all pictures, and put them in the panels they belong into
I hope you like the art direction, because this is somewhat like it'll all look like in this comic :) Just, with shading, and paneling, and dialogue, haha :D
(Dubs in words)
"Cooking is so fun!
Cooking is so fun!
Now it's time to take a break
And see what we have done.
Mmmm, it's Menchi!"
:p Seriously, though, looks cool!
Haha, There's more behind it that having fun cooking...
I have thought it very well through, and made up a whole "typical Excel saga regular-moment-among-the-ignorant-masses-trying-to-make-a-living" kind of scenario...
I can't wait to finish, and show you all my project, because it's my first time trying to draw a doujin (even if it's quite short) :D
Quote from: Inkwolf on July 22, 2007, 03:31:23 PM
(Dubs in words)
"Cooking is so fun!
Cooking is so fun!
Now it's time to take a break
And see what we have done.
Mmmm, it's Menchi!"
:p Seriously, though, looks cool!
heh... I was pretty much thinking the same thing when I saw that. It would make a cool Azumanga Daioh parody.
Gah...! Now I have that singing stuck in my head. >_<
Anyone good at performing exorcisms? I have a demon singing in my head and her name is Chiyo-chan. ^^;
"Cooking is so fun! ?
Cooking is so -" @_@
Git 'er done, Micki! ^_~
Quote from: starcat on July 22, 2007, 09:13:14 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on July 22, 2007, 08:52:13 PM
Quote from: Inkwolf on July 22, 2007, 03:31:23 PM
(Dubs in words)
"Cooking is so fun!
Cooking is so fun!
Now it's time to take a break
And see what we have done.
Mmmm, it's Menchi!"
:p Seriously, though, looks cool!
heh... I was pretty much thinking the same thing when I saw that. It would make a cool Azumanga Daioh parody.
Gah...! Now I have that singing stuck in my head. >_<
Anyone good at performing exorcisms? I have a demon singing in my head and her name is Chiyo-chan. ^^;
"Cooking is so fun! ?
Cooking is so -" @_@
Git 'er done, Micki! ^_~
Try it in Japanese:
Sate sate nani ga
dekiru kana!
Hai! dekemashita!
Note that the last bit may not be quiiite right, as it's going off my admittedly spotty memory. But the first four lines are correct. :D
there we go (I know it doesn't sound liked it but she does say dekimashita)
cannot wait now micki
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on July 23, 2007, 06:45:40 AM
cannot wait now micki
I'm afraid you must, it's not going very fast haha :D
I spend way too much time on MSN's drawing feature
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Good ought to get yourself some good graphics software and a tablet...if you don't already.
Hmm, i have adobe photoshop CS2, and a Trust Tablet A4 size... I even use it for these doodles (you may notice pressure sensivity being used) ...
The tablet is a cool thing, but doesn't beat pencil :o
Photoshop does beat it though, haha, the eraser is 10x more effective :D
Not to mention the hallowed glories of the 'Undo' command. :D
(Lord I wish I had one of those for real life)
Haha, yeah, no traces of a bad pencil line... Layer's are very very nice too...
Hmm, I should continue on my comic, instead of sitting here doing nothing :o
Your art is really nice; I just looked through every page.(
Quote from: Micki! on July 28, 2007, 06:32:32 AMHmm, I should continue on my comic, instead of sitting here doing nothing :o
We're thinking the exact same thing, I see. 'Cept I'm thinking about Daitenzin.(
I made this out of boredom (85% of my stuff does that haha)
I didn't use any reference for this one, so there's bound to be found some errors on it
( (
It's done one those small sketch papers i have...
Il Palazzo looks very unclear because of the tiny paper size :o
So i thought about re-making it on an A4 paper... Meaning, it being the same case as my "Shioji and Second" and "Professor Nishiki" drawings, which both had mini versions too, before i made bigger ones haha :D
Great art... as usual.(
Aye, thanks... Althought it's a rough piece of sketch rather than art :o
Still better than anything I could do. I liked your drawing of Excel. :o
Can you be more spicific, i made alot of her :D
Or you meant the recent one i just posted..?
heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.
Quote from: Lord Il on July 30, 2007, 02:17:38 PM
heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.
You gave me an idea that i thougt of putting in a re-amke of it with that sentence...
I should draw my actual hand holding a pencil, hovereing over part of the drawing, so you actually See what she's refering to...
Like that episode of Looney Toons where Bug Bunny is teh artist of an episode, and freaks out Duffy by doing all sorts of stuff against him haha :D
Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 02:13:53 PM
Can you be more spicific, i made alot of her :D
Or you meant the recent one i just posted..?
The recent one. :O
Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 01:46:21 PM
I made this out of boredom (85% of my stuff does that haha)
I didn't use any reference for this one, so there's bound to be found some errors on it
( (
It's done one those small sketch papers i have...
Il Palazzo looks very unclear because of the tiny paper size :o
So i thought about re-making it on an A4 paper... Meaning, it being the same case as my "Shioji and Second" and "Professor Nishiki" drawings, which both had mini versions too, before i made bigger ones haha :D
I see you have been watching the anime recently as this Excel and Ilpala look like the anime XD
Quote from: Micki! on July 30, 2007, 02:35:18 PM
Quote from: Lord Il on July 30, 2007, 02:17:38 PM
heh.. That's pretty funny. ^_^
Reminds me a bit of some of the old classic cartoons where the characters interact with their creators... An episode of Betty Boop comes to mind.
You gave me an idea that i thougt of putting in a re-amke of it with that sentence...
I should draw my actual hand holding a pencil, hovereing over part of the drawing, so you actually See what she's refering to...
Like that episode of Looney Toons where Bug Bunny is teh artist of an episode, and freaks out Duffy by doing all sorts of stuff against him haha :D
that sentence? lol!!
Yep, I know the one.. Daffy was being driven absolutely insane (not that he isn't already!) by Bugs' editing his backgrounds and then editing Daffy himself. Loved that. Very clever.
I did something similar to this a loooong time ago in one of my 'bored' moments at school. It featured me drawing Lydia Deetz from the Beetlejuice cartoon and having her complain after she realizes I drew her onto the piece of paper...... er..... yeah, kinda lame, but anyways.. ^^;; Don't know what was in my head to do that at the time. bwahaha..
Well, i'm not going as far like Bugs did with Daffy... But i might at least draw my hand being "there"...
Haha, ias i said, no reference used...
I did however watch the anime some days before though... it might have influenced my recent memory of Excel and Il Palazzo :o
Excellent picture, and funny, too! :D
cool cosplay pics starcat..your hot lol. nice im trying to get some pics of mine but i cant seem to find them
I believe you are posting this in the wrong thread..?
Starcat's Cosplay thread is somewhere else in the creativity forum... ;)
yet again, i post nothing else then sketches... i should go finish some real drawings for once, if my laziness didn't stand in my way...
It's shioji... i like drawing him... hehe
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It's a part of Second's head... i have no idea why i made it in this perspective... i just felt like it...
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Note that these first two are very greyish in color... it's because it's originally drawn on pink phone note papers... i just grey scaled them
There's no eal reaoson why the heck i made this one either...
( (
It's Misaki... It sucks not using a reference, because i can't tell what i'm doing wrong (didn't have any manga with me, was in scool)
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This isn't manga... it's Duke Nukem...
( (
( (
( (
It also sucks using pen only, because i can't erase and fix them :/
Reminds me of episode 26. :hdead:
He's just coming to do some ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. It's for her own good.
Quote from: Uncreativity on August 16, 2007, 09:07:55 AM
He's just coming to do some ROUTINE MAINTENANCE. It's for her own good.
excuse to use guess there... that's exactly what happens...
I made these two yesterday evening...
Yes, out of boredom...
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I tried re-making a bigger version of an earlier drawing i posted here
I should have put more effort to it, i don't like it all that much :/
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Small one you can see more of Excel's body... i might have to re-re-make it
I just finished this Excel Saga fanart just now...
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I think it's a shame Excel's complete body isn't on it, so i concider to make several other pieces of paper to extend the parts that aren't there...
And perhaps a another page with Kabapu and his "municipal force"... Sort of a group pic...
Applying CG..? you mean Computer Graphics..?
I'm sorry, but i don't really understand... :icon_surprised:
Haha, if i could make CG work, i could have tred that, haha
But unfortunately i can't... if you can, you are welcome to use this drawing as a reference :)
And thanks for the shading part... I did try something different with the shadows on this particular drawing, i'm happy that people actually take notice of it
I made this sketch in school
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As the thread says, "...and non manga if i feel like it"
So i came to think of the sketch i made at school the other day...
It's because i am a great fan of the original Alien Movies...
Too bad these papers are so small... i couldn't really make the complete lower jaw... haha
That's just awesome. You get bonus points because I love the Alien movies (well, the first two anyway).
The first two were the best, i especially liked the second...
It sorta had it all...
Not that i dislike the third movie, but it was a little messy storywise...
fourth was just a popcorn movie... Not a sci-fi horror "Alien" -movie as one had expected...
Quote from: Micki! on August 23, 2007, 03:46:26 PM
The first two were the best, i especially liked the second...
It sorta had it all...
Not that i dislike the third movie, but it was a little messy storywise...
fourth was just a popcorn movie... Not a sci-fi horror "Alien" -movie as one had expected...
I pretty much agree with you...except I think that the first one is also a bit long-drawn-out and slow-paced, onbce you've seen it one time. I absolutely love the second, though! (Quite funny, too, that Ripley's daughter is buried in Little Chute, WI, in the deleted scene--that's near where I live.)
Great sketch!
Quote from: Inkwolf on August 25, 2007, 10:19:53 AM
Quote from: Micki! on August 23, 2007, 03:46:26 PM
The first two were the best, i especially liked the second...
It sorta had it all...
Not that i dislike the third movie, but it was a little messy storywise...
fourth was just a popcorn movie... Not a sci-fi horror "Alien" -movie as one had expected...
I pretty much agree with you...except I think that the first one is also a bit long-drawn-out and slow-paced, onbce you've seen it one time. I absolutely love the second, though! (Quite funny, too, that Ripley's daughter is buried in Little Chute, WI, in the deleted scene--that's near where I live.)
Great sketch!
Completely agreed, but I still luff the first one.
Some of your fanart got put in volume 16 of the manga!
I had been just skimming the back extra stuff and I saw a picture of Ropponmatsu and I thought that looked fimilar...
So I read the paragraph above it and it said it was by Micki from Denmark!
Yay, awesomeness..! (thanks for the congratulations)
I can't wait for the next volume, as i have sent more than just this one to VIZ Media (Carl, that is)
I haven't gotten my vol 16 yet :elcry:
It's our lord... horribly simplified because of small paper size, but it's him...
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Iwata... one of my all time favorite Male Manga characters...
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I think Randamonian will like this one... She thinks Iwata is cool too i reckon..!
yet another set of great work there Micki
If I am not mistaken your work has become better in the detail department, great work as always man.
Details usually depend on the boredom-factor and the pointy-ness of my pencil...
But thanks, and i believe you are right, making fanarts for these series have indeed seemed to improve slightly, when ilook back on the earlier stuff
It's also the only series of which i simply can't stop trying to keep drawing my own verions of haha...
I'm still in the middle of a greater project, man i'm so impatient, it kills me to take so long with this ...
Hay micki!
i saw some of your pics on another site!! cant remember what the name of the site is but it has alot of excel pics.....i'll get back to you on that
That must have been either's forums, Mimitokyo, or (Danish, English, and German website, for each respectively)
I don't remember many other places where i submitted my collections of Excel Saga stuff...
Unless someone found them, and put them on 4Chan... :e_confused:
it was Mimitokyo,
It's Ropponmatsu II stadning *gulp* naked..? In a lit-up doorway..!
Hey, no worries, it's just the back, hehe...
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It resembles her coming out from one of those cryo-chamber-design-ish thingies that sci-fi robot individuals are usually stored in for some reason... Here she 'awakens' from one of these devices, with a cable in her neck region, one pulled out lying on the floor, and her looking towards the lit-up doorway that lights upon her...
Aye thanks..!
Just too bad the phrase of me he posted in there was about an actual discussion of where i live over email... no spicific comments regarding my submissions, haha...
I made this when i had math at school today...
I drawed instead of studying, the teacher didn't seem to mind, hehe...
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In some other forum, one asked if this was one of those small papers that i tend to use
so i took a pic of me and one of these papers, to demonstrate thier actual size
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wow that is pretty small >.>
Ding for post 100 and upgrade to Toilet Cleaner ^^
Yeah, i'm tired when people always say "sharpen that pencil, looks kinda unsharp, could have put more detial to it" etc
Gee, it's just a little piece of paper on which i sketch stuff :e_confused:
I don't draw on actual A4's that often
I did draw a sketch on a A4 today though... i was at my siser school, and made this out of the papers they had...
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It's a mixture of all kinds of random animals, i just, felt like it...
Yeah it's not Manga, but i didn't create this thread for manga only afterall hehe
Congratulations with your promotion btw, Skycloud...
Now go clean that restroom... :P
Yeah I totally understand about the sharpening pencil, though I always draw with a mech pencil so that kinda thing isnt the prob, its just the little details that you have to watch out for...
and no I wont clean your bathroom!
Quote from: Micki! on September 13, 2007, 11:51:50 AM
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It's a mixture of all kinds of random animals, i just, felt like it...
I saw THAT in my garden! :icon_eek:
I'm serious! :icon_eek:
Quote from: El Sargento on September 13, 2007, 04:49:50 PM
Quote from: Micki! on September 13, 2007, 11:51:50 AM
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It's a mixture of all kinds of random animals, i just, felt like it...
I saw THAT in my garden! :icon_eek:
I'm serious! :icon_eek:
You too? :icon_eek:
It escaped from my laboratory again, goddamnit...
Don't, look into it's eyes ok... :icon_surprised:
Today i was going tired to school as i am every morning, actually...
It made me want to draw a sleepy Ropponmatsu II head
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It looks like Ropponmatsu at the moment without the core doesn't it :ehail: good on you Micki another good piece
Thanks HA1L :)
I had math today, Teacher didn't sem to mind that i sat there drawing instead of doing my work...
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Also, here's an old comic i made many years ago... i translated it to english, the original is in Danish...
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Quote from: Micki! on September 19, 2007, 01:07:36 PM
Also, here's an old comic i made many years ago... i translated it to english, the original is in Danish...
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You are a fucking god. That wins so hard that I refuse to talk like a pirate in this post.
That was... distrubing >.>'
Quote from: skycloud117 on September 19, 2007, 07:40:06 PM
That was... distrubing >.>'
In a pleasant way..?
Thanks though :)
Seriously though, that comic was gold. :im_nabeshin:
"Say goodbye to your nuts, squirrel!"
Hee, hee, hee, hee, hee!
Sick, but funny!
Hmm that makes me think of posting my comics series that I draw for local papers in this forum section, maybe i will >.>
Quote from: skycloud117 on September 20, 2007, 11:19:37 AM
Hmm that makes me think of posting my comics series that I draw for local papers in this forum section, maybe i will >.>
I think you should... Afterall, there's not much of a chance many of us outsiders get to see your local newspaper...
So, it kinda spreads the word :P
I sketched stuff at school again..
This Is Sumiyoshi with Ropponmatsu on his back... Inspired of one certain artwork by Rikudou...
Although, no reference used for it... I mean, it's just a sketch :o
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These are sketches that i might use for my fanart Comic of Excel Saga
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O-o is Ha-chan wearing a prty hat!?!!
Excel looks pissed in that second one, bout to break out her hollow mask!
I could explain, but i think that would sorta spoil my comic for you guys, when it's done... :hdead:
It's my first manga styled comic ever, and my first comic done in Photoshop as well... So i'm heading a new direction with this project... In a direction that ufnortunately is very new and unkown to me, so it's taking forever... I have to improvise alot, i have no idea howthose real artists create them...
very true, the amount of detail i see in manga is truly insane, how do they make all those things like showing someone in partial motion or moving fast....
Quote from: skycloud117 on October 05, 2007, 09:06:28 AM
very true, the amount of detail i see in manga is truly insane, how do they make all those things like showing someone in partial motion or moving fast....
They make those moving-lines, and don't draw all parts of the body part that is moving, to add the illusion of something moving so fast that you don't clearly see whatever is moving...
You know, like when you move your own hand rapidly back and forth in front of you... From the middle part, of wher the hand is moving, you can't possibly clearly see year hand in all detail... the most clearly seen parts when moving it fast, is the end of each side where the hand stops moving in one direction and to the other...
You know, it would be easier to draw this, and clearly explain exactly what i just said here... But is that really needed..?
Oh I fully understand, but the amount of detail needed to create that illusion is so much more complex then simply drawing it as if it was standing still, like looking close at some of them there are hundreds of tiny lines in place of the line that would be the outline of the body. The shading that gives the body its three dimensional look, its just seems so vastly hard to get all the details in...
It's just a matter of style used... Some manage to create something like this in the most simple ways...
It's like when people create this overly über detailed looking model of a character, with shading and all... But in reality, it's just a mess of lines, and not carefully drawn lines as one would have thought, the style however, makes it look pretty much equally as detailed as those carefully-drawn-out lines...
So it's the same case here, it really doesn't have to be complex, as long as the style used (assuing you've developed one) does the job well... I think it's a matter of placement and angles and stuff, that makes these speed-lines look as complex as they do, simply because they fit so well where they were placed, but in itself, they are fairly simple to create...
So again, just an illusion, but it's not only how to draw them (like i assumed, only requires a certain style that fits) but mainly just hwere they are put, and how they are used...
I quickly made this one at school before going home... It's two chibi styled teenage students standing with an empty sign... Empty, because i made it for Skycloud, as he asked for examples of how i make chibi like characters (well, i ASSUME you meant that) So i thought, why bother, this is how far as i had to go haha
Bleh anyways, the sketch
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Hmm good this was about what I was looking for. Keep hands kinda glove looking, no nose, keep the hair and eyes detailed with simple limb styles. Imma try this with excel and post it in my comic section to see what yea think of it micky
Oh, of Excel..?
I once made one spicifically with Excel Saga, for a flash Movie Project we had going on before (Still waiting for Eh-Chan's return :()
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The style is kinda different, it differs for no real reason... (like, just playing with new style and stuff)
The biggest difference on this one compared to the first one is that they liik more square-ish
Anyways, i look forward to your version... good luck with it :D
The name is with "i" at the end of my name... as well as my beloved "!" following it :)
QuoteI once made one spicifically with Excel Saga, for a flash Movie Project we had going on before (Still waiting for Eh-Chan's return )
Details man! details!
This thread
He suddenly disappeared though... i'm still trying to reach him, we made a pretty good team...
Ah I see it is a shame, I wish I was more skilled in paint/drawing (though im slowly getting better) and had the ability to create flashes so that I could do something like that
He used drawings that i made, then he traced them and gave them colors, and animation...
The animations he intended to make looked cool (he had examples of how they were earlier)
We only needed very few pieces of art to continue and finish the project, then he disappeared...
His like Ten Shouji!
I wonder if he just lost interest. I was really behind on my voice acting, too... :e_crying:
Quote from: Uncreativity on October 10, 2007, 05:16:16 PM
I wonder if he just lost interest. I was really behind on my voice acting, too... :e_crying:
I don't think someone would just disappear because he was behind on his work. I have an online friend who disappeared mysteriously for over a year because his computer literally exploded.
But you never know.
Quote from: Uncreativity on October 10, 2007, 05:16:16 PM
I wonder if he just lost interest. I was really behind on my voice acting, too... :e_crying:
I was looking forward to peoples voice acting :(
That would be the closest to a new Excel Saga video since the current Anime...
I bet it would have brought some attention to those ignorant masses who forgot, or missed Excel Saga, grr...
And also be the first movie with an actual moving, and talking Elgala
Dont give up its still possible if Eh-chan comes back!
I felt like drawing alot of Etna lately...
Before anyone makes the notice:
Yeah, indeed, thier clothes are mostly (always?!) missing...
It's a matter of being lazy and, personaly tastes... Everything's censored though, there's always something on the sketches that block the view...
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I kinda sorta looked at an existing pic for this one... I liked those eyes, and i had to make rest of the head with it
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And these two were made just today
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Don't get any ideas, she burnt her fingers, that's all
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The style differs here and there... i like to jump a little back and forth for the sake of variety...
Cool new pics! Who is Etna, though?
Quote from: Inkwolf on October 25, 2007, 07:01:54 PM
Who is Etna, though?
Yeah, those are great drawings, but I, too, must ask the same question.
Have you ever done "those" kinda artwork before?
Why thank you, and sorry for not mentioning where i know her from...
Etna is from a PS2 Game (which i have never tried, as funny as it is) Called Disgaea...
I got introduced to this character when i saw the anime that is appearantly based of the first game... i loved it (at some points it even reminded of Excel Saga)
There is also one manga based on the first game, and two based on the sequel (the game)
Quote from: skycloud117 on October 25, 2007, 08:39:44 PM
Have you ever done "those" kinda artwork before?
Bet you'd like to know, but i ain't tellin' :icon_eek:
I generally like to draw stuff that can be misunderstood though, haha...
I sketched Flonne yesterday night...
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Flonne is Also from Disgaea, she is an Angel
Though I feel I must protest that Etna doesn't have boobs, not even tiny ones.
It's weird to me to see that people like the anime, because all the Disgaea fans I know HATE the anime, myself included.
The manga is good, though. Flonne even has an almost blatantly Excellish moment where she prays to Lamington-sama for guidance and his head appears in the sky and laughs. And while I'm not as big of a fan as the characters in Disgaea 2 as the original series, the Disgaea 2 manga is amazing and only makes me love them more and more.
I ordered the Disgaea 2 manga's as well
I checked, and today they shipped \o/
Anyways, i must protest your protest, Etna does have boobs, not big, but they're there...
At least her top clothing makes it seem so... :o
I was appearantly easily amused of the anime... i guess the Manga can only be better (that was the case with Excel Saga, how fun is that, haha... It's like re-experiencing it all)
Anyways, the game seems to be soooo superior... most probably because it's simply longer, and much much more things happen (plus you take part of these things, kinda imerges you more into the whole thing), and not to mention, it's the original outcome...
Anyways, awesome characters :D That's all i need
I recorded videos of me making quick sketches of manga girls (thier heads that is)
I made it mainly in hope that a friend of mine would find them usefull... although, the lack of proper lightening in my room result in a ratehr crappy pic quality (on my otherwise, great digital camera)
Anyways, it's said, i need a table lamp or something, but untill then, i have these dark looking videos...
The charactes are From Disgaea, the soundtrack is from the game
For gods sake, don't judge that awfull video quality, i'm glad the lines are at least visible
Bleh, stupid links won't work that way, i changed them...
Apologies for this triple post, it was an accident, but i might as well notify my changes here...
Lack... of, posts... Kills... Thread...
Must, keep, thread... Aliiiive...
I draw stuff in MSN... I think sometimes, too much... I never do these kinds of drawings on paper
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This one isn't msn... it's a sketch i made at school... It's funny though, because of the unusual hard strokes i used thise time, it looks more detailed, and it's actually hard to recognize, that it is a small piece of paper that it has been drawn on
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Or maybe i'm wrong..?
Dont force yourself to draw if yea dont want to lol I only do my comics once a week (or when i fear a good idea pops into my head and I might forget it)
But ive come up with the final 5 characters I need for my t-shirt design
Magician Yuki
Flying Chiyo
and Inuyasha
Have to get em done before thanksgiving to have them turned in, the pres sister is a pro and inputting color so she will handle that part.
I never force myself to draw... These are just some recent stuff i made
I do it almost exclusively out of boredom...
Boredom isn't killed by just making one drawing though... i make several to kill time, untill i get something else to do in mind...
Anyways, good luck with those characters... it's great to hear you decided who to chose in the end (and in time) :D
have you ever done colorization for your drawings?
No, i don't color my stuff, because i fear i ruin it...
Maybe if i colored it in photoshop though, but then i'd have to bother with that, and i would rather start doing such, only when i am in the mood...
I actually DID try coloring one of my drawings in photoshop... but i don't think it turned out very well...
This all reminds me that i have still not finished that mini comic of Excel Saga i had been working on...
I made these at school today...
This is Iwata, trying to get revenge for the train accident he had in Vol 15 (caused by Ropponmatsu II)
And this is Shioji, stalking up behind Ropponmatsu II...
Awesome stuff! :)
Thank you..! :D
Funny as ever
An ax in one hand and a gun in the other...
Gee.... I don't think he's angry or anything. :icon_lol:
Quote from: Lord Il on November 20, 2007, 02:42:52 PM
An ax in one hand and a gun in the other...
Gee.... I don't think he's angry or anything. :icon_lol:
If you think it's his ways of showing appreciation, then there must be something very wrong with you..! :icon_eek:
I made this today...
I am bored in school quite often... I'm happy teachers mostly ignore that i actually don't do any work sometimes... :o
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I was bored in my Room today, for a change though, instead of playing games, i actually started drawing...
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More stuff, i edited this post in now...
From the request of HA1L, i made a drawing of Excel Hugging a Shy-Guy
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and now it's my Avatar :ehail:
At least on eof my drawings got commented on ;_;
Nowadays, people seem not to comment much on other peoples work at all on these boards... I see more users around, whos should comment on Uncreativity's fanfic-version of Excel Saga... Yet, not many post in there, even if it most likely wouls interest them...
And who doesn't like comments on the work that has been made..? That's what encourages them to keep going (me included)
In short:
If anyone looks in our threads, please say SOMETHING :e_angry: :p
(i'm not angry, not at all)
well I'm new here, and it took me a lot of time to read all the 19 pages of the thread and watch all your drawings, but I have to say that it was really worth it! :) I enjoyed especially the close-ups, the eyes that you give to charachters are more than perfect, I expect to see them suddenly blinking on the monitor ;)
Oh thanks alot <3 (-in a totally straight way)
I made this a few moments ago... I edited it in *ahem*CRAPPY*ahem* Windows Movie Maker...
It's a video of me drawing this pic
(video link is below it)
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Quote from: Foggle on December 11, 2007, 03:06:40 PM
Quote from: Micki! on December 10, 2007, 11:20:47 AM
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At the risk of sounding slightly less masculine, that picture is just too cute. <3
It is fairly cute, but I think it would have been cuter if she was hugging him from under the arms like if he was a doll, it kinda looks more like she is playing guess who with him.
It's more like, he's walking, and suddenly gets picked up from behind... you see his feet are still moving in a walking-kind of manner... it's like a sudden grab, and not the proper kind of carefully-pick-up-a-dolly... :o
Not to worry, Micki! I, for one, visit your thread regularly to see what's new. Your creations always leave me smilin'. ^_^
But you're right though:
Let's keep the feedback happening. :e_pleased:
Quote from: Micki! on December 10, 2007, 11:20:47 AMFrom the request of HA1L, i made a drawing of Excel Hugging a Shy-Guy
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"Don't worry, little guy. Excel won't eat you like she said about Menchi. Really!"=P
The vid is great. Not something I could do myself - It would turn out to be more of a comedy sketch with the amount of time and erasing I'd likely do. :e_embarassed:
Quote from: Lord Il on December 11, 2007, 05:08:51 PM
The vid is great. Not something I could do myself - It would turn out to be more of a comedy sketch with the amount of time and erasing I'd likely do. :e_embarassed:
Thanks... :ehail:
But actually, it's quite a suck-ish situation to draw like that... I need to hold up my camera tilted beneath my chin, so i can look at the actual paper... And thus, i can't hold on the paper with my other (left) hand, and the paper moves alot around the place...
So i had to make very soft strokes, so i don't move the paper too much... That's btw, again those small sketchpads...
Afterwards, i refined the original drawing with a finer pencil (sharpened) to clear out the lines and stuff... At that time i already made the video of course, so i was able to actually get a grip on the paper while polishing it...The final version is the one pictured above, and showed in the eend of the video... It's alot more rough in the making of the video...
The camera is under your chin? Eep! Must be difficult to line it up with your work. O.o And concentrate on your drawing at the same time.
I speeded up the time to double, so it may not be as easy to see, but i made occotional pauses, which were caused when i had to check if the Camera hasn't moved out of sight, and other times where i was concidering how to draw something... -This happens because i don't have the drawing in my head, i'm just improvising, and starting right away... There's no such things as help lines to indicate the head position, or placement of eyes and such (i dislike those, and prefer to predict where to draw instead)
I kinda feel like visiting youtube, and checking how OTHER people draw manga... to see if more professional people use some nice useful technique..!
Belatedly, Excel and the Shy Guy are really adorable! I bet he's delicious.
:e_very happy:
I tried to colour with photoshop a pair of the drawings I liked more...
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I enjoyed using photoshop for once not for work... :) Thanks Micki! for this drawings :ehail:
Cool stuff :D :ehail:
I especially like the hair on both..!
thats not to bad
Haii, i made more for the new year...
A friend kept asking me to draw soap (there's a reason for this which i do not bother to explain) But i was more in a mood of drawing girls... i sorta ended up doing both...
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And a fell in love with a certain pic by Rikudou from one of his Doujins
This pic:
So i felt like drawing it myself, slightly edited... Mostly the background
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I did not trace the picture, i looked at my monitor, and back at my piece of paper... it's a stressful method, but i feel like it's less than cheating, as when you actually trace it...
If anyone has a bigger version of that doujin back-cover, PLEASE send it to me or post it here... i'd absolutely love to have a bigger version
Almost a day has past since i posted my last message, the lack of comments is quite sad ;_;
I'll keep posting my stuff here though
I drew this moments ago, it's late now, so good thing i finished it before bed time...
It's actually a for-fun remake of my earlier "shioji and 2'nd" drawing...
I thought of remaking that particular drawing at some time anyways...
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you're getting better at this micki XD
Haii, thanks...
I rarely get any comments these days ._.
Maybe it's the lack of full sized artwork...
But i'll post whatever is new, and that is usually these small pics :o
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She ain't naked, you know it too...
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I made her with all her joints.. having no idea if it's correct, isimply guess that this is how it could look...
Maybe i should check sometime, i know the manga has a few scenes, and that there are very few pics around showing her actual joints...
Ultimate love for the Whiteboard..!
I got one on my birthday, which was this month (January 19'th)
I've been doodling much on it, here are photos of it which i made...
Roppon II quickie
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Another quickish one of Etna, but i also used the red pen this time
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A sweet rhyme of a kitten (yet, quite disturbing, visually)
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Excel Hailing and falling
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And this is my first time drawing Roppon I actually... I had to use the cover of Volume 9 to get her looks straight...
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Besidees doodling on my new Whiteboard, i also used pen for a change on real paper
This is Etna from Disgaea
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Roppon II
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I might sound like a broken record half the time but it's true you are getting better micki :im_nabeshin:
Thank you...
...Dear broken LP ..! ^^
Pretty cute stuffs here :3
Quote from: Ragathol on January 23, 2008, 04:39:36 PM
Pretty cute stuffs here :3
Thank you very much, i was hoping you'd be responsive to the other threads here as well :D
I actually wanted to post this though, a photo of a drawing i just began on few minutes ago...
Still in sketch phase, you can't see all the evil bad lines because of the blurriness
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By mickimatsu (
If boredom strikes me hard enough, i'll be done when i get home tomorrow \o/
Watch out with the eyes there, so they don't get crooked. It's hard to create volume in the face with huge eyes like these, but try to think about the form of the skull. The hands could be a bit bigger too, even for a small stylized figure like this.
It's still in a sketchy phase ^^
There's alot to be fixed, and in the 10 minutes it took to come up with this current look, i'm more trying to find the right look...
Eventually i'll be fine tuning it with a sharper pencil, and clear-ify those lines to look harder...
I should have taken a better pic of it because it's very blurry, but there's not much detail to look at anyways for now...
I don't like replying after one of my own posts, but editing my last message won't notify people for new stuff here...
I just kinda finished the above sketch tonight...
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I have a reeeaal bad habit of pressing way too hard when making the eyes... it's a bitch when i want to edit or redo it, there are till marks of my first strokes...
Also i dunno if i should have grey-scale colored it at all... I sorta did it to distinguish one part of clothing from another... You decide if i succeeded with that...
Enjoy, or be struck by lighting shot by god himself damnit..!
it's so cute No....must...resist....KAWAI!!!
Oh, that looks really nice when finished :3
Thank ye... :e_pleased:
Quote from: Micki! on January 24, 2008, 04:06:06 PM
I don't like replying after one of my own posts, but editing my last message won't notify people for new stuff here...
I just kinda finished the above sketch tonight...
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I have a reeeaal bad habit of pressing way too hard when making the eyes... it's a bitch when i want to edit or redo it, there are till marks of my first strokes...
Also i dunno if i should have grey-scale colored it at all... I sorta did it to distinguish one part of clothing from another... You decide if i succeeded with that...
Enjoy, or be struck by lighting shot by god himself damnit..!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! er... no! NO! Kidding!
I'm enjoying!! Don't shoot!
But there IS something severely wrong with this latest drawing though....
Love it. Grey-scaling may not've been necessary, but it does compliment what you have.
I used to have a similar problem with eyes - I used to get too focused on their design where I'd end up pressing too hard on the paper. As a result, eyes would end up being a main focal point for the entire drawing because they'd be darker than anything else. Not that this is always a bad thing because eyes tell such a great deal about the character's personality.
But it looks good though. The contrast between the eyes and everything else isn't too noticable on this.
I'm happy you people like it ^^
I thought of redrawing her in Photoshop... Since i have the scan, i guess i could additionally add the rest of her legs and the missing top of her hair, and also "fix" some of the stuff that i feel seem flawed (or needs changing)
Lawds Micki, I find it amazing just from this thread how much your artwork has developed over little more than a year. That last picture is exceptional, very well done.
Cool thanks, i probably wouldn't have kept drawing manga all the time if it wasn't for Excel Saga...
More so of a reason to love it <3
I made a Mafia Rozalin
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And a recently done Ropponmatsu II on a normal sized paper... I wanted her legs to be longer though, it's a little sad when i look at it now and imagine what i had for an image in my head
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that is amazing work there Micki mind if I nick it XD
You may nick it, haha :ehail:
Both are very nice!
Quote from: Micki! on February 28, 2008, 11:53:09 AM
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I like the way you've detailed her clothing so well in this one.
Her expression and clenched fists give her a look of confidence.
Either that or she might be a bit pissed. :il_hahaha:
Yeah i tried to make her a bit more serious-ish for a change... For no particular reason... :lordilsmile:
I'm actually a bit turned off by the clothing, it must be the vest (erh, that dark piece of clothing you know, is that a vest..?) I made some lines too hard/thick, and compared some other details such as the hair, it looks a bit out of place...
Also, i wish i had more room for the legs i actually wanted to give her...
Quote from: Micki! on February 28, 2008, 11:22:59 PMAlso, i wish i had more room for the legs i actually wanted to give her...
Then you know what you must now do. :e_wink:
Y'know, an artist is their own worst critic and I'd have to say her clothes are awesome. :e_pleased: The vest looks good. And the contrast between thick and thin lines works great.
Now don't argue with me as I'll only plug my ears and sing something like
?la-la-la, I can't hear youuuu!? :e_tongue:
Ropponmatsu looks kinda nice, but would be more proportionate if her head was half the current size... The details are nice.
Quote from: Ragathol on March 03, 2008, 04:54:35 PM
Ropponmatsu looks kinda nice, but would be more proportionate if her head was half the current size... The details are nice.
I can assure that it would look more accurate with the same head size, if just i had more room for the legs i wished to add... ;_; But the head is kinda big, but it definitely doesn't need to be half the current size... The hair that almost covers the shoulders emphasizes the overall head size, which probably makes the head itself (what's beneath the hair) look bigger than it is... The head IS a bit too big, but half the size is very much to cut away...
Unless you meant like, trimming the hair a bit and adjusting the proportions of the head to fit accordingly with the bodie's size..? :^
The legs btw, have to be the length of both the torso and to the head... These legs fail at acheiving that length...
I observed the length of the legs from the Nishiki Figurine in my room ^^
Gee i wish i used A3 paper, to get all dimensions of her body as i had it in my head :elcry:...
I drew Etna today... But in a Gothic-ish outfit...
The idea was to make her a new member of ACROSS, so i kinda made up my own design here based on typical gothing clothes, and the outfit of the 3 other girls... Most notable must be the shoulder pads...
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She looks exhausted, that's because i am not completely done with the drawing yet ( i think) i had something special in mind...
I thought of adding Excel in there too, and perhaps the two others, plus a witty line to make it all make more sense...
And this is Iwata, being, stalked..? by Ropponmatsu I
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Is she trying to backstab him or something..?
No, really, i don't know, i just felt like drawing them like this
nice pictures micki but Iwata and Ropponmatsu in that picture look abit more like Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 10, 2008, 07:36:38 PM
nice pictures micki but Iwata and Ropponmatsu in that picture look abit more like Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach
I have only heard the name of that series, but i've never seen it...
Do they really look more like people from another series..? haha
yep they sure do i'll show you
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heres your normal picture
heres Rukia
and heres Ichigo :ehail:
I don't think the similarities are THAT big afterall :o
but i didn't use any references of Iwata or Roppon 1, so they are bound to have some kind of flaw...
I finished editing together those two drawings i spoke of \o/, read it yourself, i'm sure you'll get their point...
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This thread has had more lively times in the past...
Cool, Etna as an Across member xD I like Elgala's comment at lot.
Thanks ^^
Your pencil shading is getting to be really incredible, Micki! I'd never have that much patience. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Uncreativity on March 22, 2008, 11:09:23 AM
Your pencil shading is getting to be really incredible, Micki! I'd never have that much patience. :il_hahaha:
Thanks <3
The shading actually doesn't take that long, the thing that takes took time for me was getting them looking right in their own respective positions..!
Heh... The mystery behind Etna's tired look has been revealed to the masses. :il_hahaha:
Again, I like the incredible detail you put forth into their clothes. Well done!
very nice just one little question.....whos Etna?
I kinda sorta drew her alot, also submitted those pics here, and also explained her whereabouts... But i'll spare you for looking back and explain here and now instead...
She's a character from the game series "Disgaea"... :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Micki! on March 23, 2008, 11:22:29 AM
I kinda sorta drew her alot, also submitted those pics here, and also explained her whereabouts... But i'll spare you for looking back and explain here and now instead...
She's a character from the game series "Disgaea"... :il_hahaha:
A game series which everyone should play, because it is freaking amazing.
I saw your drawings in book 17, nice!
I'm next >:3
Quote from: Ragathol on April 02, 2008, 03:59:06 PM
I saw your drawings in book 17, nice!
I'm next >:3
Let's overflow the upcoming books with fresh art from us fans and reliable consumers ..! (v ' ,')7 ~Hail..!
Some girl in a swimsuit...
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[[Yo, slight nudity warning]]
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And sketches of Duke Nukem
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Of course, as usual all these were done on these A6 papers, because i'm too lazy to make anything on A4 paper
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Oh it was you :D Yeah i commented back to you, i find it great to have more Excel Saga manga fans around...
I liked the old one you made, with Excel hodling a sword, and Hyatt dead in El's arms..!
What a coincidence to see you here too ^^
(and thanks)
So, i got to ask this, but how sensitive are people to nudies..?
I got few of those <.<, And since it's mostly also Excel Saga related, i thogut people would be interested...
If we have wanna keep it clean, i can also upload edited censored versions...
Tell me peoples..! It's only for your own viewing pleasure i ask this :elhail:
In the mean time, as i let you ponder over my question, here's more of the usual :o
I doodled on my Whiteboard, still haven't erased it, in case i thoguht of more to add
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A Duke Nukem Octabrain Comic strip i made
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Roppon 2 eating icecream
i exaggereated a bit with the hair unfortunately
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Sketch of Excel
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Duke Nukem in some kind of ... Adult Bar...
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Duke Nukem Blowing up shit
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Duke and an Octabrain
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Ehehehe... Dunno how i should appropriately comment this
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ugh... I don't know how you can use the whiteboard! :e_wink: I'd never want to erase pics on it. It would be torturrrre...
hmm... Rop must have tried a new human shampoo that doesn't agree with that artificial hair of hers. Looks frizzy and dry - I would recommend something with moisturizers to ph balance it. Most cyborgs don't realize the importance of using a good conditioner too. She should be careful to not damage it any further or Shiouji will need to add new hair plugs into her scalp.
The Duke pics are great! Especially like the one where he's sitting at the bar.
Shiouji checking out Etna now, is he? Shameful!
:elcool: "Hey, you know what they say: If you've got it, flaunt it."
:e_angry: "Excel is not amused! Excel's bare bodkin is not for the mere masses to gawk at!"
:h_embarassed: oh my... I'm not so sure about this... at all...
:watanabe: OMG...!! YES!!!!! Muah-ha-ha-haaaaa!
:matsuya: Watanabe, it's about time someone told you that you're a sick bastard. So... without further ado.. *ahem!*
You're a sick bastard, Watanabe!
Thanks for the comments :D
Hair does look dry, i improved on that on latter drawings of her, no worries :o
So, Nudies alright..? I mainly need approval from moderators/admins... I can make evil censoring as well, and i don't mean blur, but a piece of text that covers just enough to make you rip the hair out of your heads...
No explicit stuff, just... Nudies, mainly for conceptual/sketchy purposes...
Quote from: Micki! on June 12, 2008, 12:15:59 AMSo, Nudies alright..? I mainly need approval from moderators/admins... I can make evil censoring as well, and i don't mean blur, but a piece of text that covers just enough to make you rip the hair out of your heads...
No explicit stuff, just... Nudies, mainly for conceptual/sketchy purposes...
*opens Death Not... er... Black List*
:e_annoyed: Subject: Micki!. Offense: Sexual harassment.
*closes Black List*
Ragathol didn't get in your blacklist despite his nudies :C
It is, only sketches, unclothed sketches to get body proportions right... While most of them do look lik finished drawings, it is, in fact, just a polished sketch...
JESUS. Yes, post nudes. Lots of them.
Well goddamn i was hoping to hear that..!
This is a random sketch of Excel
See, nothing naughty..!
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This is an early sketch when i was in the middle of an earleir drawing i posted here
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Ok, so here's an actual nude one...
But look how thougthful i am, i link it instead of thumbnailing it...
Here's a sketch of Roppon II, fairly recent drawing too
Beware, there's one, evil, artificial nipple !!! :shiouji:
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Here's an even recent'er one... She's trying to pull out teh cable, or something... I just wanted that pose, the meaning of it isn't significant
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It all.... Looks so pale... Without clothes doesn't it..? Haha..!
Quote from: Poey on June 12, 2008, 03:18:29 PM
JESUS. Yes, post nudes. Lots of them.
LOL :il_hahaha:
I knew your material would be in good taste, so I figured there would be no problem to post 'em. :e_wink:
These are very good conceptual sketches.
hmm... Excel wearing thigh-highs, eh? Something I'd like to see you do at some point, Micki!
In fact, I'd like to make a request for this. Please? :lordilsmile:
Quote from: Lord Il on June 12, 2008, 04:50:59 PM
I knew your material would be in good taste, so I figured there would be no problem to post 'em. :e_wink:
These are very good conceptual sketches.
hmm... Excel wearing thigh-highs, eh? Something I'd like to see you do at some point, Micki!
In fact, I'd like to make a request for this. Please? :lordilsmile:
Thigh-highs/stockings, oughta be my favorite clothing (ahem, on a female) -ever..!
90% of the females i draw wear them, if they don't i was either lazy or did it for a good reason... But if it can be there, and must absolutely BE there..!
Request taken, i've done plenty of Roppon wearing them, Excel Was a bit missed out on those :o
I shall change this from this day on :elhail:
I like these alot but the Excel ones in particular because there in the bottom is a chibi Micki going mad :ehail: now in the second picture with all three in you should have done the chibi having a nose bleed XD
The Chibi Micki!'s only appear when too bored and when i want to fill out unnecessary space, haha...
The one with all three should better not have me in it, afterall it was just an earlier version of this
You can see putting me in there would kinda ruin it... :O
Made, stuff... Again...
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Very nice!
I like how you rendered the first three. Looks like you had fun making these.
Were they done in marker? Ink? Maybe it was the Whiteboard again? O.o
Quote from: Lord Il on July 28, 2008, 08:12:42 PM
Very nice!
I like how you rendered the first three. Looks like you had fun making these.
Were they done in marker? Ink? Maybe it was the Whiteboard again? O.o
All three were done in MSN's handwriting feature... The thing supports pressure sensivity, so using tablet is actually fun in there...
In many, maaany ways, i kinda like doodling in MSN alot more than anywhere else on the pc, so i do it often, very often :o
I made this one recently too, it's some Excel-ish person
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I drew Iwata sketches
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I've been practicing so much with him, to get his eyes and typical expressions right and stuff, i finally think i got it here...
Yarh, no reference used other than memory, i'm not cheatin' :elhail:
I can look at that and immediately say, "That is definately Iwata".
Great stuff, Micki! ^_^
I'd like to see you make Iwata and Watanabe in one of their usual arguments. I bet it would be hilarious.
Yarh, that's actually a good idea that i hadn't thought of :o
thank ye
Your Iwata looks good. ^^
Yeah, draw him with Watanabe!
hey i've been looking at your pictures and i think the best thing to improve is your torso. i'd recommend that you draw the body without the arms so that you can focus on the movement on the rest of you body. plus, arms really can get in the way of drawing torsos by blocking it. Also, when your drawing excel's chest, ah, she's got a pretty small one, right? i think she does...? Any way, the chest would look better if you didn't draw it out, but rather use that top she wears to show it. If that made sense, good.
It's pretty hard to perfect. I've been drawing manga and have had actual art classes on drawing real people for about 4 years. practice makes perfect, right? My problem is i put too much attention to the face and lose interst in drawing the rest of the body.
Quote from: randamonian on August 13, 2008, 04:59:14 AM
It's pretty hard to perfect. I've been drawing manga and have had actual art classes on drawing real people for about 4 years. practice makes perfect, right? My problem is i put too much attention to the face and lose interst in drawing the rest of the body.
I actually have that habit as well, paying too much attention to the face than anything else... You're absolutely right with the torso stuff, i do actually, always 'guess' how bodies look, rather than doing some anatomical correct line-work...
Because i have not have any such things as art classes, so i am not familar with how to progress things correctly...
So yeah, i should practive practice practice... And stuff like that...
Keeping in mind what Randamonian just said, i made a quick sketch of a torso only, wearing excel's uniform...
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I beliee it's easier to aid me doing this correctly if there's an actual reference of my stuff to base it of, so here's a torso, tell me how to improve it please :elhail:
looks pretty good, remember that spacing is important.
from neck to bust, imagine an outstretched hand. The thumb would be at the collar bone indent at the bottom of a neck, and the pinkie would hit the start of the underarm (if you can imagine that :/). The bust would start that low down. Then the ribs underneath the bust are one handspan wide down. you're doing alright with the rest. Comparing the length or size off something with another object is something you should often do.
I suggest you get a human model of which to get basics off of.
I do compare sized of one limb with the size of another as you suggest... But i rarely do them helping lines along with it though, i draw stuff out of the blue...
To exlpain this further, i really have to ellaborate on how i made this torso sketch here to begin with, the progress of it may- (uhh, or may not, i don't know many artists and their ways to draw, to be honest haha) -appear kinda untraditional;
I've drawn out my lines with color, each indicating which came first, and when something was added around it... (yellow needs to be highlighted i see, haha)
Notice that no helping lines such as bubbles or squares to indicate the position and size of stuff are there, i used none such, but started drawing details right away
1) Red was my first line, it was the breast
2) Green was my second line, the other breast
3) Blue was my third lines, down the belly area, and adding plating on the breasts and such
4) The brownish red, the shoulder pads were the fourth details i made, to kinda find the shoulders location... Note, that i didn't use help lins there, i actually guessed where they'd look 'right'... Afterwards thugh, i added shoulder through the shoulder pads as seen, but those were actually a final touch to the whole sketch, and not something i added before or right after the pads
5) The yellow was the neck and colar... It was also here i overlooked the sketch to see if it seemed anatomically right, after which i refined the lines everywhere to make it prettier and stuff
Reference image is here below
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So, rather than making a set of bubbles or squares and all that to determine how what looks before detailed parts are added, i add tehm right away, and reefine them at the end...i also like to draw each set if limbs out completely, like one fully detailed arm with fingers and all, and when it looks right, i make the other arm, instead of making two undetailed sketches of the arms to figure if they look right that way...
I really dislike using references... I feel i'm by cheating using anything beyond my memory of how things should look, although i KNOW professional artists use references as well... But it still feels not right when the memory is perfectly capable of knowing how things should look...
It's partly also because it saves time to just draw them out right away, assuming i DO get it right the moment i draw it (-since if i make a mistake, i end up erasing and changing more than i wanted to)... It takes longer to make out a complete sketch and then add things to it... It's faster making them right away, but not as safe, but it helps unpatient people like me getting done in the wanted amount of time though...
I ended up writing awfully much here, i hope it's not too confusing ...
Anyhow, don't take this on a means of me defending myself (it would be awfully arrogant if i didn't take well against constructive critism, rude too)
I am explaining what direction i took when i made the sketch though, so assuming it's not too confusing to see what i explained, it should be easier to tell how to improve on that... Since, i believe i don't follow the traditional way of doing things, so getting suggestions based on traditional ways wouldn't really do me any good, unless i changed of course... But as i explained, the traditional ways take more time and i hate using much time on stuff...
-It's still not too confusing is it..?
the most important thing is you're having fun, yes?
but if you just want to do drawing by memory, first do some practise by references and go on your own. or observe people. I admit that the observing people thing might have bad repercussions, yet i haven't been caught yet(I'm no pervert)!
or else, completely ignore realistic bodies. Manga is about distorted proportions. Thats why its so fun to draw!
I do have fun if it looks right, haha...
I don't draw as much as it may appear like though... i draw maybe 2 things a week on a little piece of sketchy paper on A6 size... A full A4 comes more like once every 2 months, i'm just not too motivated for the time being...
But yea, i do observe people... (not peep, observe, haha) that's how i do it by memory, but when using the word reference, i think like, drawing something --more or less-- precisely as it looks, something existing... Like a chair seen from a certain angle... That's alot easier than actually making the same chair in any other angle without looking at it, but at least it's not based on something...
But, i guess references aren't as evil as i make them sound like, Painters do it, professional artists too...
I think i really should give in with using references more often too... I often compare my stuff with professional things, and frown over how theirs look too much better, but i never concider the fact that in cases, they used refernces... So in a way the comparison i make is not fair...
Yarh, erh anyways, i made a list in my head of what i need to draw now, haha... But i'll write it here in case i forget...
- Iwata and Watanabe doing thier usual fight-thing
- Ropponmatsu 1-2 and Excel and Hyatt, swapping clothes with the robots...
- Comic that i had going since forever, and haven't worked on in months
This one --
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I need to work much on the hair which i'm not happy with, well it's months old, and i focused more on doing direct tracing over my original scanned sketches, rather than doing them seperatel, which i think would look better and less stiff-ish
No comment on the comic itself, it's a seeecret
- A set of panels/mini strips of several Excel Saga characters swapping personality mode... Maintaining their original roles, but their personalities are different...
- A misunderstood line of words involving Ropponmatsu II and the Cable in her head
Again i must appoligize for posting after another of my own replies, but edits simply do not notify the thread of being 'newly posted'
Here goes something i made last night (it was actually 5 at morning, but i went to bed afterwards, haha)
I finished it off with the mechanical pencil the next morning...
It's Ropponmatsu II in Excel's uniform... Which appears a little too big for her in the chest and waist area, it's not her uniform afterall, haha...
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Quote from: Micki! on August 16, 2008, 04:08:51 AM
- Comic that i had going since forever, and haven't worked on in months
This one --
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I remember you giving a sneak peek at this project some time ago. It looks amazing!!! O_O I look forward to its completion!
Quote from: Micki! on August 16, 2008, 04:08:51 AM
- A misunderstood line of words involving Ropponmatsu II and the Cable in her head
The idea has me laughing already. :il_hahaha:
lol.. Ropp II taking Excel's wardrobe now.. :ropponmatsuII:
Gotta wonder if she has the real Menchi clenched in her hand, or a stuffed one.
I look forward too, when i'm not being lazy and finally finish this project...
It's anly about 20 pages, it's a little mess atm, and many panels i think, should be redone...
The amount of reworking and finishing touches kinda kills my motivation before i get to do any work...
Quote from: Lord Il on August 20, 2008, 02:44:55 PM
Quote from: Micki! on August 16, 2008, 04:08:51 AM
- A misunderstood line of words involving Ropponmatsu II and the Cable in her head
The idea has me laughing already. :il_hahaha:
lol.. Ropp II taking Excel's wardrobe now.. :ropponmatsuII:
Gotta wonder if she has the real Menchi clenched in her hand, or a stuffed one.
I should have given Mince some real tears then :D
So she takes BOTH Excel's clothes AND Menchi! :e_shocked:
... I wouldn't want to be in Ropp II's shoes right now.... or Excel's boots that she's wearing. lol!
I dunno... If the other panels look as good as the one you posted, I wouldn't worry about touching them up. :e_wink:
Quote from: Lord Il on August 23, 2008, 01:50:37 PM
I dunno... If the other panels look as good as the one you posted, I wouldn't worry about touching them up. :e_wink:
It's kinda big deal to me really... I see something i made, and then realize 'Seriously, why didni't i do that better..? i CAN' -and i really can, so it bugs me that i didn't do it the first time around, and bugs me even more because that means a major reworking on the whole thing... I mean, sometimes it's just small things like, hair looks too stiff and not natural, and folding in clothes look awkward on most characters... That's not bad on a single drawing, but this goes on for nearly every panel on 20 pages, which makes it to like 150-200 Things to rework... And that's clothes and hair alone... Some actually need to be completely remade...
And i absolutely can't take it if one thing one the same drawing looks better than anotehr, so then i suddenly have to make everything on par with the best looking part in it... It's really annoying, but seriously, it'll look so much better, i'm actually embarassed to show anything yet because it doesn't look like how i want it to...
I recently reworked the first page slightly, when i'm completely done with it, i would like to do a comparison between older versions and the (more or less) finished form...
//rips out hair
But it's cool, and simply do the Duke Nukem Forever... Say 'when it's done' and keep going till it's likable... --Well to me...
I drew... Stuff...
Octabrain enemy from Duke Nukem series
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Roppon 2 sketchy thing paper
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Etna from Disgaea Sketchy thingy
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And i drew a witch girl on my whitebord last night...
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-It made me draw another witch girl in class the next day...
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You probably wouldn't think that, but this image is actually A6... Today i tried setting the scanner to 400 DPI, and i love the change of quality from my earlier 200 DPI's :o
Great work. you always amaze me Micki I can't draw to save Knumlabs life but you know what your doing
Thanks for the nice words :sumyembarassed:
I wish i could appeal and compete the more demanding crowd out there ( grr)
There's a so-so chance I could possibly maybe (although highly unlikely!!! :e_wink:) draw to save knumlab's life, but unfortunately I continue to procrastinate. We'll probably never know.
I can tell you're continuing to have fun with making different expressions and you're doing it really well. As HA1L has said you definately know what you're doing!
The witch drawn on the whiteboard looks really slick! Looks great on paper too. Who is she?
Quote from: Micki! on October 03, 2008, 05:31:39 PM
I wish i could appeal and compete the more demanding crowd out there ( grr)
Are you serious?? :e_shocked:
I just made up the Witch, it's not some existing character of a show or anything...
Let's call her Pew Pew though, it sounds like the standard semi-gibberish name choice some characters have, haha...
But yes, i hate to say that there are way too many i envy for being able to draw better than i do in extreme levels... (and color them too) Granted, they probably had art study and stuff to evovle faster and better while i haven't, but all in all it's a question of ability, and if they got a hand and a mind and that's all they use to draw, then i should damn well be able to as wll, i got hands and the ability to think as well...
I post my stuff a few places, of course they are missed by a whole load of people, especially those who only look for fully colored and really well done artwork.. My stuff alcks colors and that professional touch... And i like to compare what i do with whatever looks better...
I'll have to do the infamous Chuck Norris (TM) Roundhouse kick delivered to the face of anyone who says i'm close to those people, because obviously i am not... And that sucks... And that's what bugs me, there are way too many people that aren't pleased with this stuff by far, since there is too much other stuff that surpasses this... For the record, Drawing seems to be the only thing i excell at as for talents, so it's the only oppurtunity i have to make a career that i am happy to live with, so i hate the competition taking all the damn attention.... It only makes it harder for me to make something out of my life with the things i like and am decent at...
I'm done with the self ranting, please enjoy the things i make here...
It's disappointing to think that DeviantArt has become that closed-minded. The important part of having an art community is to help others through critiquing their works to offer suggestions on how to improve. It shouldn't matter what level of experience anyone has - Everyone needs to start somewheres.
At any rate you do have the ability to make some incredible, polished art. I was stunned by the Excel Saga comic art you posted here. It ranks right up there with the best of 'em!
Just remember this, Micki!: DeviantArt is just an online art community. And while it can be a good resource for artists, not everything needs to start nor stop there. Nope.
If DeviantArt has failed you, look elsewhere.
Ever check out Lots of tutorials there you may enjoy.
It's not like i put all my faith on deviantart haha :D It's just one of those 'big places' that i liked to use as an example...
I never heard of the place you suggest though, if the tutorials they have also include tutorials for comic layouts and such, then i'm all for it...
I just made another drawing of that witch... now kneeling to the floor and shutting out loud noises with her hat...
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It's not as good as the first though, since it's a bit rushed, it also has some funky errors, like the dress looking too short in the front...
First time i make this 'uhh it's loud' pose though, so i don't care much for those errors afterall...
"Damn it..! Those neighbors with their loud music again! I... ARRRGHH! I'll get them for this. Ohhh yesssss, I'll take their speakers and shove them straight down their ... their.......... er.. heh.. eheheh... uhm.......
.. you didn't here me say that!"
Quote from: Lord Il on October 07, 2008, 06:37:09 PM
"Damn it..! Those neighbors with their loud music again! I... ARRRGHH! I'll get them for this. Ohhh yesssss, I'll take their speakers and shove them straight down their ... their.......... er.. heh.. eheheh... uhm.......
.. you didn't here me say that!"
Didn't hear you at all, yet i get the urge to suddenly shove something up my neighbors rear, because of an inspiring unidentified source... :il_hahaha:
Curses... (Just realized my spelling error in that last post.) :lordilsmile:
I like how the bird on her hat mimics her emotions. I've seen this sort of thing done before either in an anime or manga. It's quite clever. It's a cute way of conveying what she's feeling.
Quote from: Lord Il on October 08, 2008, 02:24:37 PM
I like how the bird on her hat mimics her emotions. I've seen this sort of thing done before either in an anime or manga. It's quite clever. It's a cute way of conveying what she's feeling.
I am happy you noticed that..!
I too had the inspiration from random animes/mangas that had that sort of thing, although i can\t recall which ones it were...
The idea is simply that the hat is enchanted, and mimics the personality by movement, of the one who wear the hat... It basicly functions as another set of eyes... Look away, and it may notice things that you wouldn\t have seen with your own eyes... Effective, and highly inappropriate in classes, so it has to be removed under those occations :il_hahaha:
I had quite some ideas of a typical manga story with this character, as usual i have written it down as a text file, and it will stay there and collect virtual dust untill i get bored enough to pull it out and start drawing...
I call it 'Roppon MARK 3'...
( (
Why would Shiouji create such though, with... Breasts...
It's a mystery indeed :shiouji:
( ( (
I call this
'Roppon Le Jump and look back'
I put 'Le' in there for no reason at all, i just found it funny to call it that...
Too bad the split on the back of her shirt looks awful, it is the first time i draw her from behind... With clothes...
Quote from: Micki! on October 19, 2008, 04:08:46 PM
Why would Shiouji create such though, with... Breasts...
It's a mystery indeed :shiouji:
Quite simple actually.
He just seriously messed up his calculations when he created the body mold - his greatest epic failure to date. Tears of sadness ran down his face that day when she was created. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Lord Il on October 21, 2008, 02:36:08 PM
Quote from: Micki! on October 19, 2008, 04:08:46 PM
Why would Shiouji create such though, with... Breasts...
It's a mystery indeed :shiouji:
Quite simple actually.
He just seriously messed up his calculations when he created the body mold - his greatest epic failure to date. Tears of sadness ran down his face that day when she was created. :il_hahaha:
Hahaha, good theory there... :il_hahaha:
I drew Excel Hailing, the way she always does it...
Was at school when i made it, it's funny sitting there drawing, instead of paying attention to class...
... Wonder if i'll fail exams harh harh
( ( (
I think it looks rather dull... Screw the line works, what i need is a better style...
:e_shocked: Wow...
I'd be lucky to draw something close to that kind of quality at class.
I'm happy you like it, but i do still find it very dull looking...
I already said that the linework has nothing to do with it, she just seems not as energic as she should actually be...
It might be something simple, like a too casual pose, or some part of her that is just a bit off and changes the whole feel...
Maybe her eyes aren't closed tight enough, maybe her mouth isn't as cheerfully open, as her usual 'Hail' uttering...
I can't tell, so next time, i'll use a godamn reference... (i don't like doing that, but for authenticy's sake, it's pretty much required i guess)
It was the dull surroundings that infected the artwork, nothing that you did.... :e_wink:
Ze Nagitive aura of deh school affects mii, ahhhhhh :hdead:
I seriously should make more 'action' stuff i guess... (no, not explosions and racing :il_hahaha:)
But moving characters and such... I don't make many of those now that i think of it...
Hur hur... It's so quiet...
I made stuff, please act as if you cared, thank you <3
I'm rather fond of this one, i had a certain pic of xcel in mind from the manga, and changed it to have more of a pose to it... There's somethign HR Giger'ish over the hands, i would gladly show pics of what i mean when i say that...
( (
Yarrhh... Nothing unusual here, looks kinda sorta alright though, i think...
( (
I pushed too hard with my pencil, so it's a bit jerky with the eyes and stuff, doesn't look as good as it would have when i pushed softer...
( (
This one is bleh
( (
Great Talent, Talent, Talent!!! Praise, Praise, Praise! :ropponmatsuII:
Thank you, thank you, thank you..! :elhail:
micki you work is so good we could make a shrine to you now :ehail:
Thanks alot, a shrine might just be too much... Haha
I wish i could push myself into drawing on a fully sized paper sometime...
But it's always too late, bad timing, me being sick, or something interesting on the internet that distracts m from doing anything... Yuck..!
And that goddamn comic i was planning to make, i should finish it... It's roughly 15-20 pages, i just need to remake some of them (ack, outdated art) and add dialogue...
Wow, you've been keeping it up. Still, some anatomy lessons wouldn't hurt. You've got nice lines though.
I never do lessons GRRRR and i refuse to ever do so...
even though, ibought myself a big big big book that has something to do with drawing human anatomy... i'll look inside it once when i'm frustrated or stuck with something... I have always been very unfond of looking at references and such, it feels like: "oh i give up, i must look at something now to get it right", although i know it's perfectly fine to do that... I can't possibly explain in english why i refuse to do it :(
Thanks though...
I should try and put some effort into things one day, and see if i do things right or something... Like that comic... i've had a years break now, from it...
Izza Chibi made in msn...
( (
I also drew an Emo in msn
( (
Sorry for HIM likers, the shirt is just very commonly seen among these people...
Also, every year i tend to draw Duke Nukem in a chrstmas drawing, for and the official forums over at
This year, he'll have a sack over his shoulder, stock full with alien limbs and parts, with blood dripping through the bottom of the sack, and he'll utter a most appropriate line: "Just Finished Decorating for Christmas" Followed by a Christmas Greeting...
( (
When i'm not lazy, i'll finish it, but hopefully in good time... Yay
I finally finished that Duke Christmas Drawing, in time as well
Here it is...
( (
It's on the front page of as well, i mainly draw it for that website afterall...
Okay, that duke nukem picture is just ridiculously good looking. :lordilsmile:
Thanks a bunch \o/
What needs to be done with your Emo pic is making it as an actual t-shirt design - An anti-emo shirt if you will. :il_hahaha: Seriously!
As for the X-mas Duke Nukem pic... that's everything I could expect of Duke. ^^
Thank yeee
I recently drew myself in "i'm boooored" format
That's basicly what "Jeg keeeeder mig" means, it's Danish
I'm not even gonna bother doing the pointless question of asking if you recognize these two...
So, authentic, isn't it... Not really, haha...
I had absolutely nothing in mind when i drew this, i just let my mouse fly around on it's own, fueled by boredom
Both his and those mario brothers were made in ms paint using the mouse... Had no idea how useful the zoom feature was in ms paint, hahaha...
I called it "Windy"...
Why, it makes sense, doesn't it..?
This Octabrain from Duke Nukem was made transparent by me, so it actually even looks nice on dark backgrounds
And the horns on this demon suck bowling balls... But i like rest of her...
Beware of exposed breasts... :o
I drew an internet-friend of mine in school one day, and added a quote he once said in a chat...
And i drew a sketch of Shiouji, doing the thing that he does...
I drew Ropponmatsu II on msn today... Using my little wacom board
If my monitor was bigger, i'd be able to add feet, hahaha...
I bothered to try and color it...
I hate colors, and colors hate me too, so it looks sorta funky...
( (
;D This came out very well... I can see the improvements in the dynamism of your drawings, I mean to say, the naturalness of the pose and the fact that I don't see a static charachter but a moving one, without artificiality. :kabapu-1:
eheheh good work! :laugh:
good to see your keeping the drawing up Micki
Quote from: Al Giordino on January 25, 2009, 06:49:09 AM
;D This came out very well... I can see the improvements in the dynamism of your drawings, I mean to say, the naturalness of the pose and the fact that I don't see a static charachter but a moving one, without artificiality. :kabapu-1:
eheheh good work! :laugh:
Thank you, i'm happy to hear that, because i actually tried to achieve exactly that, making it have that non-static feel :o
Quote from: E-E on January 25, 2009, 11:14:19 AM
good to see your keeping the drawing up Micki
I'm definitely never going to keep it down...
Whatever on earth that means, haha...
It's the only thing i'm decent at, so i have nothing better to attend to anyways...
Quote from: Micki! on January 25, 2009, 11:34:47 AM
Quote from: Al Giordino on January 25, 2009, 06:49:09 AM
;D This came out very well... I can see the improvements in the dynamism of your drawings, I mean to say, the naturalness of the pose and the fact that I don't see a static charachter but a moving one, without artificiality. :kabapu-1:
eheheh good work! :laugh:
Thank you, i'm happy to hear that, because i actually tried to achieve exactly that, making it have that non-static feel :o
Yeah, you can instantly see the fluidity (is that a word? lol!) in Nishiki's pose. Looks full of life.
Oh, and give yourself more credit with the coloring job. I like it!
I really don't feel comfortable with colors though... I am completely lost when i need to place a certain color somewhere...
You should see the layers i used in Photoshop of it, it's a complete and utter mess... Hahaha...
Y'know what? If I only had more free time we'd be a terrific team as I enjoy coloring a lot
(This is why I hate working so much because it kills chances of getting much free time. T_T )
And for some reason I enjoy coloring even more than drawing stuff. I like the challenge in selecting a light source to use and the shades of color that are created from it. It's very self-rewarding in the finished piece whatever it may be.
But as I've said, you did good with the coloring on that one.
I tend to be fussy with layers too.
I don't mind if you picked any drawing in here and colored it... In fact, i would encourage you, i'm way too lazy and don't like doing it either...
I'd love to see what i drew in colors, and the fact hat i don't have to bother with it myself makes it that more appealing...
So go ahead if you have the time, would be cool seeing them in colors for a change :il_hahaha:
I drew this in msn just now
I actually drew both of them seperately, but added them together using ms paint
( (
Here's Hyatt
And here's Excel
I thought of adding Elgala later just to make it more complete, haha...
Excel looks good, cant get hyatt to load
Funky, they didn't load on imageshack either...
Might be because they contain a "dying" character... ... But, they never found my many other uploads to be that explicit and inappropriate though, so i see no reason why that should be why...
I believe i fixed them now though, the thumbnail and hyatt should load now...
I drew Excel in a more default kind of style of mine...
Her shorts are hanging kinda low, hahaha... There's plenty of room for improvement though, i actually rarely draw girls this way, and i should do it more often, so i think i may draw this kind of stuff some more...
Here's Excel after presumably failing another mission or something...
( (
This is once of my avatars, drawn out on a folder for stuff at school...
( (
The less worthwhile ones, are a girl smoking (i hate cigarette smoke, but i drew it on msn, for a friend who has way too many smoke breaks :C) And some freaky, thing, also smoking, since it's for the same friend... Beware of mild nudity, that even a 3 year old could draw out more detailed, hahaha...
( ( ( (
I updated the drawing, it's now called "mickistyleexcelv2"
hey great work micki but that pic of excel after another mission
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on February 21, 2009, 03:49:40 PM
hey great work micki but that pic of excel after another mission
*pulls rope*
I also changed my avatar to something more recent, yay...
I drew Ropponmatsu 1 in the same style as above...
[edit 2:]
now it's called "mickistyleropponv3", i just updated it with some slight changes...
[edit 3:]
Now it's called "mickistyleroppov4, i just updated it yet again...
Quote from: Micki! on February 19, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
I drew Excel in a more default kind of style of mine...
Her shorts are hanging kinda low, hahaha... There's plenty of room for improvement though, i actually rarely draw girls this way, and i should do it more often, so i think i may draw this kind of stuff some more...
This reminds me of the art style that Andy Park did in the Tomb Raider comicbook a while back. Interesting to see Excel non-manga/anime.
Quote from: Micki! on February 19, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
Here's Excel after presumably failing another mission or something...
( (
"Did I, Excel, do something wrong? Well, obviously Excel did and probably deserved that..... *sob!*" :e_crying:
Somebody please give that girl a hug!! Looks like she needs it! lol!
Quote from: Micki! on February 19, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
This is once of my avatars, drawn out on a folder for stuff at school...
( (
She knows that a Xenomorph is behind her but is not the slightest bit worried. At all.
Quote from: Micki! on February 19, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
( (
Smoking is bad, but that's a cute pic.
Quote from: Micki! on February 19, 2009, 03:03:00 PM
( (
The hell......!??? :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Micki! on February 21, 2009, 04:09:02 PM
I drew Ropponmatsu 1 in the same style as above...
Kicks serious ass!!
I'm sorry to say that the skirt needs something more. (Don't hit me! :il_hahaha:)
Thanks alot, i'm happy they aren't too awkward to look at ni this style...
What exactly does the skirt need more of though ..? I'm all for constructive critism...
Doesn't it look detailed enough ..? Should i add more creases (i'd rather refrain from making too many)
I'm curious how i end up making the guys... Especially Sumiyoshi, haha...
Let's see.. looking at my Ropp II figure right now.. I find that the skirt you made doesn't match up well with the style of her coat.
The coat has lots of character to it - it flows out around her. Looks awesome! The skirt is just.. there. Mind you, her skirt
is normally short and kinda tight. Maybe if the cut pleat (don't know the exact term) was opened and flowing outward at her left thigh to mimic some of that flow her coat has, it would tie the two together and complete the look.
And no, I'm not being ecchi for giving such a suggestion.
I'm not! Don't look at me like that! :e_tongue:
Quote from: Micki! on February 22, 2009, 03:14:11 PM
I'm curious how i end up making the guys... Especially Sumiyoshi, haha...
Sumiyoshi might be your biggest challenge to date! :il_hahaha:
I like what you're doing with this style so far. Don't stop now.
Well the clothes are heavily based on this artwork here:
The pleat you're refering to, is that the middle piece that is seperating the two parts in the side..?
I tried going for a different style overall though, so it's a bit different, more loose and practical looking, to fit with the more realistic style that i used here... So instead of making a direct copy of what i saw, i just made my own based on the same type of clothing...
And besides that, i'm a goddamn amateure :D But thanks for pointing stuff out, i can impossibly notice all flaws myself the way that others see them...
Man i'll keep the guys for last, i haven't even dared testing this style on males yet, and how can i make Sumiyoshi look realistic without removing his trademark handsome looks..? :il_hahaha: Giving him a normal mouth, transparent glasses, and heck, a nose, it would just be awkward...
I have slightly updated the Ropponmatsu pic btw, if anyone saved the earlier one, please save this one instead...
Quote from: Micki! on February 22, 2009, 03:14:11 PM
I'm curious how i end up making the guys... Especially Sumiyoshi, haha...
I think they should be drawn normally (give them something to complain about XD)
That would be a shame though, haha, i plan to compile all of them in one drawing, somehow...
gonna be annoying though, legs are missing...
Work on realistic faces and hands. The "default style" Excel has a lot of issues, while Ropponmatsu is better, but the hair is way too big.
Well she was the first i worked on afterall, so there are some obvious issues like the hair you pointed out... The hands sure need work, but i'm not able to make them very detailed, they're really small on the paper i use...
Mind, the drawings actual size is just A6, i can not draw out certain things very detailed (or in any case, i'm forced to sharpen the pencil really often, hahaha)...
I'd probably need bigger paper like A4, but i'm too lazy to go with that, A6 is much easier to get done with, even if it's not as pretty... Takes less time, too, i hate using much time on drawings...
I only ever drew like this when i have drawn Duke Nukem drawings in the past... It's a new experience with girls though, hahaha...
I just slightly updated both of those two girls now, but i'm not happy with the middle part of Roppon's hair, looks so plain, and i'm too lazy to go fix it again... Blargh...
you made the ropponmatsu avatar you had? I love that picture! I've always wished I had a large copy [hint, hint].
It was too big to scan, haha :D
Would probably be cooler using the image of her that i based it of anyways (that of one of rikudou's doujins) My current image is small enough as it is...
I've never seen any large scans of it though, it's such a shame, it looks kinda cool...
I drew a devil-girl of some kind... Whatever she is... It's a girl with horns, i like girls with horns...
I know you can tollerate the nipples...
Here's th same pic, but with a facelift in photoshop, grey color for instance, to make her stand out more from the white background
Kinda sad though, the paper had no place for the whole left leg her hers, i should use A4's again, ssssometime...
I drew this Alien in an online browser based image editing program called "Sumo Paint", i made this alien all Fuzzy with one of the brushes for fun...
The demon woman looks... cold. :il_hahaha:
The Xenomorph pic is solid win.
Hey, they're people too like everyone else...! .... when they're not using humans as hosts to procreate and burst out of their chests and all that wonderful stuff. >_>
And yes, use larger paper. Keep it on hand at all times. :e_tongue:
atanomically correct! good work, but the chest could use some work. Although try convincing people you're not a pervert... "No, it's not what you think, i'm practicing drawing busts for artistic principals!"
Thanks, Aliens are cute, they're just being portrayed as being evil... :il_hahaha:
Quote from: randamonian on March 16, 2009, 11:18:21 PM
atanomically correct! good work, but the chest could use some work. Although try convincing people you're not a pervert... "No, it's not what you think, i'm practicing drawing busts for artistic principals!"
Thank you, the pose was made up over time when i created the outline, i don't use the method some do, with making circles and lines and rough sketching everywhere... That's also why her leg got cut off... Still happy it looks more or less correct though, because this is the very reason the proportions i do tend to look exaggerated, or even completely
The chest had been going through several stages before it looked like it does, i admit, i don't draw breasts much, i often get that hangy look wrong and such...
Adding horns to the girls definitely helps with the "i'm no pervert"-thing though... I mean, i don't imagine actual demons like that to
wear anything to begin with, so it should make her appear pretty natural'ish, moreso because she's having this on-knees beast'y pose, that make her appear less human, which would just looks weird, if she wore anything...
It doesn't make me appear as a naughty person though, does it ..? Because then i'm doing something wrong...
Last night i drew Roppon 2 in a white coat, again...
I should practice in natural looking clothes and such... Her expression is supposed to be less cheerful, since she's supposed to look semi-similar to Shioji...
So serious! :e_shocked:
Uncharacteristic of her usual self, but looks great though!
Thank yeee...
Internet has been down at home for 4 days now :(
So i haven't been able to be around much, on the other hand, it made me draw alot more than usual, i hope i finish a certain project to post here anytime within this year at least...
In the mean time, Alien is saying hi...
Quote from: Micki! on March 31, 2009, 12:00:15 AM
i hope i finish a certain project to post here anytime within this year at least...
I could only guess what that would be. :e_love: <--(Might be the first time I've used that smiley? lol!)
*waves back to the alien and bows* (Gotta be nice to those xenomorphs so they'll leave ya alone!!!)
Well i wouldn't know what you had in mind yourself :x
But i revealed some of it in here a long time ago, it's a fan comic i'm in the middle of, and i am re-doing 90%-100% of the artwork atm, it's so, out-of-date now that i look at it...
^That's exactly what I had in mind. :e_wink:
I've got to see it finally finished.
Re-drawing it is annoying, haha... I hope i pull myself together to get it finished...
I skipped page one, it's too much work needed on that one, so i'm on page 2 instead...
Man, after this i have to re-add all the shading again, nyaaah...
Forgot i made this stuff recently...
Ropponmatsu 2, the perspective looks awkward, should have sketched it out better in the beginning i guess...
Shioji being himself, his nose looks a bit pointy doesn't it ..?!
Shioji again, at first i tried drawing him in profile looking back, then i remembered the cover for vol 12 looked identical to what i had in mind, so i used the hand and some of the hair as reference to make him more authentic looking
Iwata doing a strange expression, he looks better there from the side and front (the small ones of him) imo, i need to practice on those weird expressions that Rikudou does so well...
Last one is Watanabe, creepy eyes and stuff...
The pic of him looking sorta shocked is from vol 12, he his his shoulder on he pirates ship, shortly after Hyatt/Ayasugi fell into the ocean... I didn't do any evil cheap tracing though, hurhhh... The rest is obviously made up by myself... I found it difficult to draw his hair seen from the side...
if you were drawing people from a birds-eye like view, then the head should block the view of the neck and some of the shoulders. kinda like this, but i made a mistake on the legs, but the rest applies.
Yes, you are right, i guess i should have checked some references before i made it...
Then again, i made it in the firs tplace because i had no internet for 4 days (!!!) So i couldn't have checked, haha... --At least not the internet...
i'm not good with different perspectives, i should practice with that more in the future...
I decided to draw Roppon II in a sortaalmostrealisticstyle like those two others i made, a bit more detailed though, i think...
Except the eyes i guess, that's still rather manga'ish unlike the others i made... Thought the big eyes were needed for that "i'm young"-touch...
Nice censor blocks too, aren't they ..? :il_hahaha:
The uncensored version is right below of course, i just don't want blast all the naughties in your faces as a first first, that's rude to those who might take offense to such...
Here it is, click it, you know you want to, those evil censor letters block the artistic touch you're looking for... (
Drawing a pretty girl like the one above didn't get too much attention, so i hope this drawing of a constipated looking sweaty Action game hero with exagerrated facials will seem more appealing...
It's Duke Nukem, let's pretend he's dealing with the Swine Flu or something...
Again it's not actually this big, more like 6 times smaller, A6 was used to draw this on...
Quote from: Micki! on May 05, 2009, 04:18:40 PM
Drawing a pretty girl like the one above didn't get too much attention,
I forgot to comment. ^^;;
In that style, Ropp 2 looks like a perverted cosplayer. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Micki! on May 05, 2009, 04:18:40 PMso i hope this drawing of a constipated looking sweaty Action game hero with exagerrated facials will seem more appealing...
It's Duke Nukem, let's pretend he's dealing with the Swine Flu or something...
Again it's not actually this big, more like 6 times smaller, A6 was used to draw this on...
Yep, that's the Duke battling the Swine Flu the best way he knows how -
To kick its @$$ and chew bubble gum. And he's all out of gum!
A shame about 3D Realms shutting down. geeeze... T_T
Yeah those news are sad :(
At least is getting flooded by people because of the incident, we haven't had that many visitors ever... I had never hoped this would happen under these circumstances though ...
Roppon II a perverted cosplayer ..? :e_embarassed:
But i haven't even dressed her yet..! I should, i don't know what keeps me from finishing it already...
Quote from: Micki! on May 13, 2009, 01:15:47 AM
Yeah those news are sad :(
At least is getting flooded by people because of the incident, we haven't had that many visitors ever... I had never hoped this would happen under these circumstances though ...
I have to believe that someone else will take over the work on DNF. Seems ridiculous to have had all those years in development only to just be a drop in the bucket. No finished product to show for it. O_o I mean, wow..
Quote from: Micki! on May 13, 2009, 01:15:47 AMRoppon II a perverted cosplayer ..? :e_embarassed:
But i haven't even dressed her yet..! I should, i don't know what keeps me from finishing it already...
Yeah, it's not necessarily Ropp II but rather a nekkid cosplayer being her.... with no clothes. :il_hahaha:
that pig is great. did you use a reference?
No i didn't usea reference, but i wish i did, because the big teeth look really off to me, haha...
I just recently drew these:
There's no real reason why she's holding a mop, it just makes the pic appear less plain and empty...
Here's an adult version of Ropponmatsu II that i made, i once again didn't bother with clothes, i honestly had no idea what to dress an adult Roppon II with, haha...
nipples removed...
Here's a link for the full unedited version (pretty much just nipples added)
Quote from: Micki! on May 27, 2009, 04:30:58 AM
Here's an adult version of Ropponmatsu II that i made, i once again didn't bother with clothes, i honestly had no idea what to dress an adult Roppon II with, haha...
nipples removed...
Shiouji's nightmare...
Oh man, you're right :o
Quote from: El Sargento on May 31, 2009, 04:40:47 AMShiouji's nightmare...
Micki!, are you purposely trying to give Shiouji a heart attack? :il_hahaha: Looks as though you've aged her at least... 20 years? lol!
Anatomy isn't too shabby. ^^ Her right wrist seems a bit thick to me but the left looks good!
And as for the mop girl, she's a great example of manga style character design.
A friend of mine taught me how awesome Monkey Island 3 is, i began making fanart based on the game... Nothing exciting though, i just draw them in his msn window...
They look fun though, remind me of bobble heads, i feel like bobbing their heads to make it swirl around, haha...
( (
And a roboooort... Because sometimes when you're bored you do random silly things... You know it to be true..!
^Wha..? No Murray, the Mighty Demonic Skull? :e_tongue:
Robots yessssssss.
That picture reminds me of Scribblenauts [a game coming out for the DS]. There are zombie robots in it, apparently.
Quote from: Lord Il on June 17, 2009, 06:55:28 PM
^Wha..? No Murray, the Mighty Demonic Skull? :e_tongue:
Murray told me not to portay his evil, as he'd rip my soul apart with his
own bare hands demonic dark powers... :o
Quote from: Integration on June 18, 2009, 01:02:07 AM
Robots yessssssss.
That picture reminds me of Scribblenauts [a game coming out for the DS]. There are zombie robots in it, apparently.
That name makes me think of psychonauts, haha :D
Maybe it's related..? The psychonauts characters have pretty large heads too i reckon :o
Ahaha, I've never played Psychonauts, so I dunno. XD
I made this last night, it's my take on Yoshimitsu (my favorite Tekken fighter, wee)
It's a mess though... I need to make up for this by actually using a reference next time (it's kinda made out of memory and sortof just made up in my mind, i mean, it's just a guy with a creepy mask and fancy clothes, that's about all trademark acessories he needs to be recognized :il_hahaha:)
The poorly drawn Ninja Samurai thingy appeared to scare people off... (Come on, Who the hell can hate Yoshimitsu..?!)
Anyways i drew Excel tonight...
*looks over the collected drawings, claps* Mad skillz is you.
Thanks alot, comments motivate me, silence breaks my will :C So i'm happy you went through it all..! :elhail:
Wow, starting to look really good now! Keep polishing anatomy and natural stances and expressions, and you'll be pro in no time.
another great piece there with Excel and Yoshimitsu awesome Micki
hey micki
::YOINK!!:: XD
Quote from: Micki! on June 28, 2009, 05:54:58 PM
I'm really liking the eyes! Very Rikdo-like style.
The fact that she's standing so close to that infamous rope and doing the "V" sign says that she avoided having Lord Il pull the rope on her recently. :ehail: But why is she not smiling? O_o
Thanks alot, yeah i will continue to practice anatomy, i don't practice much though, in fact, this drawing in itself was practice... I'm not very creative with scenery and stances/poses etc either, i'm pretty terrible at thinking of good stuff actually..!
About her expression and the rope... I just made her face for fun, like i said, for practice... I had no finished image in my head, so it was just an on-the-go drawing, and the stuff i practiced was authentic eyes, nose, the mouth (and not just a smile, i do that too much, so here's a change) and later while i was at it, the glose and how it reflects light...
At first she wasn't even supposed to have her hand showing, but it looked so bland and empty, so i put her hand there... Then i thought i'd try putting the rope there too for no particular reason... Used no reference either, and that's showing, since i forgot certain things, like how the middle piece armor/uniform thingy btween her breasts looked like, i later checked and realized there's no plating at all, haha..
I drew this tonight, it's pretty unlike me to draw like this (male person in profile) but that recent certain fanart of Il Palazzo motivated me to try it myself... His hair is pretty messy, i have to practice on that sometime again, harh harh...
The girls in the background are obviously Excel and Elgala, Hyatt is there too, at least her arm and inner fluids... The rope is being seen as it flips upwards again after just eing pulled, similar to the earlier drawing that i made...
Usually i draw a random female character posing in some appealing'ish looking way, so i'm trying something new today, here stuff actually happens...
This drawing below is a random girl i made up, it's a pity her feet didn't fit on the paper... I gave her a coat, it's the first time i give girls that i draw clothes like that, so that's something new again...
yay more great stuff to yoink XD
"to yoink" haha, :D
I feel bad for double posting so much in here, but there's no helping i guess...
I drew a colored mustache with face and shoulders attached to it...
Here's an uncolored version as well, click the link:'s nice miski.......but........I don't have the urge to yoink it
Who on earth wouldn't want to yoink that mustache at least once..?! :kabapu-1:
oh alright. :yoink: :yoink: XP haha yoinked it twice take that Kabapu
Watch it now, it could fall off, and we don't want him to lose his balance or anything like that again xD
Omg! That abstract style of Kabapu is fantastic!! The colors, the expression.. it's all there. ^^
..... Nice to know that HA1L finally thought it to be yoinkable. lol!!
And you're really good making Lord Il too.
The random girl reminds me of Hyatt a lil bit.
I think it's the girls eyes :o
Thanks alot though :elhail:
speaking of yoinkable Lord il your avatar....:yoink: XD
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on July 11, 2009, 05:26:42 PM
speaking of yoinkable Lord il your avatar....:yoink: XD
Is there no end to this yoinking madness??! :il_hahaha:
I'd say it's more "doll style" than "realistic style", but I see what you mean.
Even if you aim for realistic, it may be better not to draw the lips and teeth in detail, since every pencil line makes everything so definite.
I like the hair, and the hand looks good too.
I agree with the teeth... The doll'ish look must be because she appears so lifeless... Bleh i'm working on it...
I'm concerned about the clothes, i'm not used to draw realistic and correct looking clothes, especially if it has to capture the shape of who's wearing it...
Thanks though, you have no idea how little feedback i really get everywhere (it's next to nothing, mostly just nothing though), or even comments in general, it's nice that i get that here at least...
Quote from: Ragathol on July 19, 2009, 06:45:10 PM
I like the hair, and the hand looks good too.
I agree.
That hand looks terrific. Looks just like it should in such a profile.
Well i'm happy it appears to look correct, because all the reference i used was my own hand for the whole drawing... :elhail:
^Good thing your hand didn't lie to you then! :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Lord Il on July 24, 2009, 04:08:02 PM
^Good thing your hand didn't lie to you then! :il_hahaha:
I still don't trust it, whenever i look away, i swear it's flipping the bird at me... ._.
Quote from: Micki! on July 20, 2009, 03:21:14 AM
The doll'ish look must be because she appears so lifeless...
Well... she's, technically, a doll...
Well yeah, that's true afterall, haha...
Quote from: Micki! on July 26, 2009, 01:50:57 AM
Quote from: Lord Il on July 24, 2009, 04:08:02 PM
^Good thing your hand didn't lie to you then! :il_hahaha:
I still don't trust it, whenever i look away, i swear it's flipping the bird at me... ._.
That only becomes a problem when it starts flippin' the bird at everyone else. lol!
I scribbled this tonight, man i should go practice again, i make way too hard linework...
^Omg.. I love it!!!
Any plans for polishing this to finish it? I hope you will anyways. ^^
Plus, this is great material for a future Oubliette.
Quote from: Lord Il on August 02, 2009, 03:47:26 PM
Plus, this is great material for a future Oubliette.
I totally agree. Send it! Send it!
Also... Since you're such a good artist, may I suggest the idea of drawing them as Alice characters if you feel like it?
If that was going in the oubliette, it would be as a remake Ò_Ô D:
I usually have a very fine linework, but i used a thicker pencil today, and it ended up smushy and jerky, and lines wer pressed too hard... Overall, the drawing shouts "DUUHR" at my actual skills, so i think i'll remake it...
If i do, i'll go use references this timea round :il_hahaha:...
Thanks though, but i'm NOT throwing this at the oubliette as it looks, way too embarassing D:
Ms. Hatteress spoke, hahahah, i could totally imagine the characters as Alice characters, dunno if i'm up to that though, i'm so thoughtless and plain with ideas like that :D :o
There we have another reason why she could be hesitating :D
Anyways blah, i drew expressions and stuff like that for practice for fun tonight...
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I also Drew the zombie pirate LeChuck from the Monkey Island series...
I must be going ever so slightly mad.... OR maybe a lot. :e_shocked:
Because I think I just saw smiley faces on bewbs. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Lord Il on August 05, 2009, 02:24:01 PM
I must be going ever so slightly mad.... OR maybe a lot. :e_shocked:
Because I think I just saw smiley faces on bewbs. :il_hahaha:
I did it to bring a smile on the faces of those who thought it was something naughty :D The hair is more or less that of Misaki btw, you probably noticed the resemblance, maybe...
Coincidentally, i actually returned here to post another such sketch
I tend to write things to fill out empty space or to acompany a certain expression... I did that on the earleir picture too, but it's all in danish... Here's it's english... It's random what language i do it in...
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If you want to know, the comments in the earlier one (in danish) are stuff like "hair" "yaaaawn" "I am disappointed" "my clothes..?" "where's my head..?" and "burp"...
KAWAI!!! ^^
I worked on this thing for a while, but i think it has been "done" since last week now...
"done" in quotes, since i actually concider drawing clothes on her... i actually did to begin with, but i'm not good at clothes, so i don't know when i get to that ...
It's made entirely in ms paint, using only the mouse to draw and color with...
It's in a link because i must advise, she's pretty naked...
It's gone through several phases now, many of which i saved individually, but i'm usnure if i want to share those... hurhh...
^Absolutely fantastic job!
It's rare when you color a piece but when you do.. wow! O_O
Now you just need to design some clothes. I bet you'll find it a lot easier than you think.
You're not expecting her to stay nude for very long, are you?! :e_tongue:
Thanks <3
Not sure with the clothes, i have no idea what a demon girl could be wearing... It would have to suit her too, it's so bothersome to me, but i really want her to be dressed, i originally inteded that afterall...
^ Maybe something pretty tattered and worn? She looks like a pretty "wild" girl so I couldn't really picture her in anything fancy.
i tried thinking of something leather'y like... sorta like what Etna from Disgaea wears... but i wouldn't want to rip off that series... I guess something gothic styled would be cool, but making the fabric tattered and worn might look cool with that...
I saved like 5-6 diferent versions of this pic now haha, i wouldn't be surprised if i ended up saving 3 seperate versions of her clothed version as well :D
Quote from: Micki! on August 24, 2009, 07:45:43 AM
i wouldn't be surprised if i ended up saving 3 seperate versions of her clothed version as well :D
Nothing wrong with that. Go for it and have fun with it.
Just be sure to post the results. ^^
I can imagine her wearing leather for sure.
Also I agree with Hatteress in not putting her in anything overly fancy.
Heck, a simple t-shirt and black pants might look good.
I'm definitely goign further than just at-shirt and pants :D
Although, it would be fuanny dressing her with some casual looking clothes... Hahaha
Anyways, i drew this just now, i watched the Daitenzin Episode of Excel Saga anime, and came to remember that i never tried to draw them in these suits... Naturally i start off with Ropponmatsu II
Mind, there's a tiny roppon II in here throwing away all her clothes as she prepares to dive into the suit... (actually i was just practicing poses in mini-format, but endd up drawing her instead and then added the text to make it less creepy and more amusing)
It requires some scrolling to see the whole first pic (wish pics rezised accordingly in threads) for an uninterrupted full view you can always just right click and select "view image"... It's bothersome only seeing half of stuff like this...
Along with this, i came to think of two other drawings i made, which were asked by Mad Hatteress, it's Victor from the game Devil Summoner
Here he is as well, but pushing Professor Shioji aside, because i thought it would be funny having two wicked men of science in one drawing...
I have larger versions of all these, but these sizes should be sufficient to look good enough on a forum...
I'm still amazed by those drawings every time I look at them; I can't believe you can draw something so amazing in just a few hours! It was really something that I just mentioned it in the chat and BAM! that same day you drew it. Once again I really can't thank you enough for drawing Victor.
It's just a sketch :x i promise i'll make something more substantianal sometime ..!
It's been ages since i drew stuff on an A4 paper, i can't remember when i last did that..!
Blabla newpost...
I drew stuff today
Some Excel face oddity, where i couldn't decide how i wanted to draw her, so i made a few versions...
You can survive some female buttocks, it's nothing scary...
Face at the bottom is kinda like Excel + Roppon 1 + Motoko Kusanagi (-GITS) i think, that's what i find it to look mostly familiar with at least...
This one is Excel being dropped down the pit again, saluting despite the punishment, like any diciplined ACROSS agent should...
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Boobs too big..? You don't want to see the earlier version, that chest was FLAT...
Here's even more stuff... It's two random comics that Mad Hatteress and Foggle made me create while in chat D:
It's a mix of Devil Summoner, Excel Saga, Duke Nukem, Vin Diesel, and a touch of Wolfenstein...
First comic is a little simplistic, but for the second comic i spent about an hour more to make it prettier to look at...
wtfcomic 1
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wtfcomic 2
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yay! :ehail: :g_hail: :elhail: :im_nabeshin: :lordilsmile:
It's still awesome, Micki! ;D
First panel on page 2 is so epic.
XD In the second comic I just LOVE Victor's face in panel 4!
...Of course, if Excel really wanted to make sure Victor stays out of her hair she'd just need to come get me. :il_hahaha:
I like the comics. Drawings are good, though you might want to work on your layouts.
Thanks <3
Quote from: Uncreativity on August 28, 2009, 07:47:23 AM
I like the comics. Drawings are good, though you might want to work on your layouts.
No kidding, i suck at comic panelling and layouts, that's why i never post comics in here, and only drawings... :(
I'd love to be better at it though...
Hey Micki!, was just reading through all this, and Christ on a bicycle, do you have talent! It was pretty fun seeing how much you improved since the first post in 2007. I especially loved the coloured in Kabapu, he just so.... businessy! Oh, and the Ilpallazos as well. I can't pick any more favourites 'cos I'd feel guilty for leaving out all the others I like. But yeah, your skill is such that it makes me vomit with rage towards my own lack of said skill! :elhail:
That's a compliment by the way... :il_hahaha:
Kind words Wolfe <3 Despite the word "vomit" :il_hahaha:
wtfcomic 1 & 2 pwns!!!
Damn, that got a good laugh out of me. MOAR! :ehail:
I drew stuff...
A bunch of moving characters, because i suck at moving characters, so i started practising on it
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Here's some of the individuals on that pic, they're a little larger
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This one i drew recently, it's kinda naughty, but keep in mind that it's just but maintenance...
That's what i pretend it is at least... I'm not too happy with the bent leg, and after many faulty tries, i even looked up for reference, but i was unable to find a picture of a lady doing exactly that from a similar angle...
Beware of nipplez...
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This pic here is more detailed, it's unfinished though, plenty of space behind her...
...plenty of space to make it look even more suggestive
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I just refined the last pic, but it's still far from finished
If I have to see Iwata in his underwear one more time...
Bang! Zoom! To the Moon, Micki!
I was sure some colored art would have attracted some kind of attention and at least a couple of comments, but i guess not...
Anyway though, i drew the Powerpuff girls today, it is for a friends birthday, he's a big fan of the series... (ohh i like it too, funny i didn't get around drawing them untill now)
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For the record, i'm referring to the original western version, i've never seen the anime rendition of it ever... Just saying, since it's drawn in some kinda manga style, i guess...
Quote from: Micki! on September 20, 2009, 06:40:06 PM
I was sure some colored art would have attracted some kind of attention and at least a couple of comments, but i guess not...
Sorry, I only got around to seeing it recently.
Whenever you do colored work I need to encourage you!!! It's rare when you color and you
are good at it. ^^
Having said that, I'm now going to be a total hypocrite (Just for a sec!! :il_hahaha: ) and say that the Ropp 2/Xenomorph alien edit looks awesome in B&W! Blends together great!
Quote from: Micki! on September 20, 2009, 06:40:06 PMAnyway though, i drew the Powerpuff girls today, it is for a friends birthday, he's a big fan of the series... (ohh i like it too, funny i didn't get around drawing them untill now)
( (
For the record, i'm referring to the original western version, i've never seen the anime rendition of it ever... Just saying, since it's drawn in some kinda manga style, i guess...
I like it! Interestingly, your teen version of the PPGs is very similar to the anime look. I've never seen much of the anime version either except for some screen caps and a very bad quality opening video.
How did I miss colored Micki!art???? You really do rock at colors!
That is one adorable Ropponmatsu 2. Even if she is about to be munched...
sorry I was away for 2 weeks what did I miss? O_O colored art work from micki :yoink:
I don't think i'm good at coloring... decent maybe, but i honestly have no idea what i'm doing when i attempt to color stuff... My amateurish ways of doing it fall flat compared to those who actually understands how to colorize stuff...
I still prefer working with monotone colors, and i think Black and White has a certain style to it...
Looks sweet on my desktop too..!
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Here's something Sam and Max related, i drew it because my internet had died in one of the recent days, so i had nothing better to do that draw a dog and a rabbit'y thing in bikinis...
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Haha, sam and max. Brilliant... I also just realized their initials are "S&M". Significant? :il_hahaha: I love their expressions.
In the Original Sam and Max comics, it wasn't always a smiling dog with round teeth, and a rabbit with shark jaws... Often their mouths and expressions were completely hidden or very subtle, depending on the situation... But most of the time they're not portrayed like that...
Here's a good example...
The dialogue is always the highlight in the comics :D
Yay i finished it...
Next i'm going to color it, since i already did half the work for Roppon, it shouldn't take too long with Prof Shiouji...
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Quote from: Micki! on September 28, 2009, 01:00:06 PM( (
That sounds wrong...
:watanabe: Hur hur hur...
...I love it and yet at the same time feel like I'll be going to Hell for looking at it.
We'll meet down there then, looking forward to it... definitely cheaper than a plane ticket...
And that Watanabe emoticon fits in so well El Sargento :D
I also made a colored version, though i don't like is as much...
The following ones are pure color, B&W version of the full colored one, and an alternate colored version using a diffeent layer style, causing the colors to blend in very differently...
Personally i like the B&W one the most
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Thanks sooo much for comments...
Love the new versions... in the same way as Hat. :il_hahaha: You need to make me a Miwa though, for serious. I'll give you a... uhhh.. special award?
Ok, that sounds dirty. A gold star? ...nah, still sounds vaguely dirty. Confound it!
Oh god... Micki! doing something with Miwa is giving me all sorts of bad thoughts! Especially if he puts her with Umi! Wait... I'm super tired today so I'm having a brain fart. Umi is Shioji's cousin's name, right?
An award O_O
But yeah, Umi is Shiouji's cousin, Miwa his aunt..!
It's soon halloween and stuff, and although we don't celebrate that here in Denmark, i always get into editing mood for avatars and such... This yeah i colored an older drawing i made in photoshop, i'm quite pleased with it actually, so i am sharing 4 versions of it here...
Here is the colored version, a brownish-red dress, and the same picture without the linework, if i could vector, i'd have tried to re-create the linework on there or something...
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Here is the same as above again, but with a black and white dress instead, because it looks more shady and dark you know... the last is a completely black and white version with no lines, i thought it had a neat style to it like that...
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The original scan is bigger than these, but i only uploaded them in these size here...
WHAT?! That's my favorite holiday! Do you guys have something else or is the 31st treated like any other day?
Gawd, that witch ROCKS! You need to draw more original characters; they always look so great!
We have a costume thingy called Fastelavn, but it's just a kiddy thing really, and nothing big at all...
Thanks alot though ..! I'm too lazy to think up original character all the time, i like to stick with fanart usually...
This time each year I usually make a Halloween-ish type theme with my avatar and sig.
Micki!, could I use your witch design this year?
yeah sure you can, here's a transparent and full size version i just made (how convenient that i finished this just now :o)
It should be easier to edit it into other stuff if you plan to do that, with this transparent version...
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I am as a matter of fact using it as avatar myself on a different forum...
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The actual image used is this one, where i removed the glitterly shiny stuff from her finger and put an Alien Facehugger on it instead...
So cute! If it weren't for the panty shot, this would be my Halloween wallpaper. Aw, heck it still might be! But I don't think I can get rid of That Panda anyways. :D
...judging by my previous post, I think I owe you an award.
Okies, there you go. Ha, I commandeered your art thread. Hahahaha! Now everyone will admire MY art skills. Oh yes.
You decide: creepy eye or shittily rendered ribbon!
Halloween, only for kiddies? :O No traipsing around in cosplay with a drink in hand and your dignity folded away with your normality in a tiny origami crane of shame?
Aside from that, no pleading for gut-poisoning sweets from strangers? Umi quite fiercely disapproves! :umi:
Tip for all the kiddies out there in fiction land: DON'T GO TO THE SHIOJI HOUSE TRICK-OR-TREATING. EVER.
You will get abducted, poisoned, and smothered. In which order is anyone's guess. There may be robots and amnesiacs about, too. Or a cyborg battle. At any rate, it's not worth the full-size candy bars they hand out after Umi's popcorn balls poison that one kid.
The candy is a lie.
It's laced with Spanish fly.
A poem for you in honor of me derailing this thread. <3
Seriously though, look at me, so US-centric. You must forgive me. I'm surprised that Halloween thing surprised me. :il_hahaha:
Thanks for the award, i'd totally wear that if i could <3
It took me like 3 hours or something to properly colorize and finish that pic... It takes me quite a while as i'm not used to coloring, but i hope i become better and faster at it some day...
Also, i meant Fastelavn was for kiddies, the Danish costume party... It's a Scandinavian thing, nothing big and only for kids really...
It's kinda like a mini-hallloween + Piñata party in one...
I'd love halloweeen here, spooky decorations and awesome costumes, CANDY...
micki ::grovel, grovel, grovel:: could you draw a ghost and excel please :: grovel, grovel, grovel ::
Quote from: Pamplemousse on October 06, 2009, 09:36:41 PM
Tip for all the kiddies out there in fiction land: DON'T GO TO THE SHIOJI HOUSE TRICK-OR-TREATING. EVER.
You will get abducted, poisoned, and smothered. In which order is anyone's guess. There may be robots and amnesiacs about, too. Or a cyborg battle. At any rate, it's not worth the full-size candy bars they hand out after Umi's popcorn balls poison that one kid.
The candy is a lie.
It's laced with Spanish fly.
A poem for you in honor of me derailing this thread. <3
:il_hahaha: I love you so much, Pample! That's twice now in less than five minuets that you've had me laughing hysterically!
And I love you, Hat! <3
Pample is goofy, fo' real. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: Micki! on October 07, 2009, 02:44:56 AM
Also, i meant Fastelavn was for kiddies, the Danish costume party... It's a Scandinavian thing, nothing big and only for kids really...
It's kinda like a mini-halloween + Piñata party in one...
I'd love halloweeen here, spooky decorations and awesome costumes, CANDY...
Fastelavn has piñatas? That is sweet.
I haven't thwacked a piñata in over a year. (That's what she said?) This is sad. I had one for my 21st birthday, and that was such uncoordinated fun.
Anyhow, I really like the avatar version of witchy, too. XD You and Alien are so win, Micki!
Thank yee <3
Actually it's not a piñata, but a barrel, full of candy and stuff...
And kids don't get blind folded, they just twack the barrel very hard with a bat until it breaks, each get a turn and then go behind a line where the next person gets a shot...
The one who breaks the barrel so stuff falls out becomes "Cat King", and when the barrel still hangs there (although empty now) the game still goes onw, untill the whole barrel has beeen slammed off the rope... And those who get to do that get the "Cat Queen" title...
Story goes: (it's a bit sinister, don't read if you like kitties and get sensitive) Black cats back in the oooold days were thought to be Witch-cats, cursed evil cats that were aided adn loved by evil witches, so people caught those cats and put them in a barrel so kids could whack the shit out of the barrel and scare that poor furball until the barrel broke...
Evil old days, but today we all love cats, so we only have a cut-out piece of paper with a black cat one it, and loads of candy...
Also, I drew that spooky pic for you HA1L, it's in your PM Inbox now ..!
Pamplemousse is a RIOT!! Seriously. Omg.. :il_hahaha:
*regains some amount of composure after laughing so hard* ^^;
Thanks a lot, Micki! I wouldn't do it without your permission.
A wee bit o' editin' and I'll have something soon.
....... Alien Facehugger.... lmao!!!
Please share whatever stuff you make with it \o/ once you're done..!
I got it now thanx Micki it's AWESOME XDD
Cool, whatever it's for :D
Probably one of your spook stories..?! :O
HAHA it's a secret XP
I like dirty secrets, herh herh herh :eevil:
Dirty secrets for a filthy mind, eh? :e_tongue: bwahaha..
Micki!, I'll post my new av and sig here sometime soon made from your witch design. Just have to tweak a few things.
Okay, here we goooo....
I cropped the av in such a way to give off a mysterious aura about it. heh..
Thanks for the use of your art, Micki! It's stunning. ^^
EDIT: Hope you don't mind the effects I made. ^^;;
It's like zomfg :D
I really like the avatar version, it's not too heavily edited, but still suits greatly as an avatar..!
I don't mind the other effects either, it actually adds a certain kind of 3D'ish depth to it... :O
Man, that's so impressive Micki... So much skill.... It sickens me....
Thanks alot, and i hope you'll feel less ill from it in the future... :o
Oh noblest of Danes?
Nay, do not blush.
After all, you are far superior than any Great Danes or Hamlets or Dane Cooks...
That being said, you totally want to do your pal Pample a favor, right?
Will you pretty please make me a simple chibi-esque template that I can lovingly copy?
The ES puppets I'm working on are protesting my lack of artistic ability. Every time I try to make the basic form, they turn into:
A) weird looking pointy star people
B) blob-people approximations (Elgala does not appreciate this)
C) triangles
D) puppets with really long legs and sad little torsos. You don't want Excel to be some kind of freakish stilt-walker, do you? Or worse, Ropponmatsu?!?!
I didn't think so.
Therefore, if you don't want to see the really creepy fanart of overweight!blob!Ropponmatsu I recently unearthed from its unholy grave, my demands are as follows:
a base that is sort of cartoony/chibi (and/or voodoo doll-y) and is puppet sized (smaller than a normal sheet of paper?)
That is all, and I would totally appreciate it.
You will not be blamed and/or burned at the stake for the end product. In fact, you can have all the credit you want! It might get these villagers pitchforked ignorant masses off my back.
They don't like abominations.
Dearest of Mouses, i have fulfilled thou request, and shall scanneth it to further upcsale it and to bring they superior image quality of said accomplished works...
For now, i'll have to do with a photo i took here at school where i drew it 15 minutes ago... Please tell me if i need to add things on it that might be essential or helpful...
The O's on the limbs indicate where seperate parts are, so the O on the neck for instance means the head is seperate from the upper body etc... Of course you just do it your way if there is an easier and prettier way for it :O
and then i made little arrows that show which direction lims and stuff are supposed to bend in, so that you can give then a proper sitting position... Unless of course you'd want them to stand upright, in which case you should ignore that...
Then i made an incredibly ugly mockup of a finished one, but it was just to show how it's supposed to "sit" if you'd end up trying that out...
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Thank you, it's wonderful! <3
Now to banish excuses and actually work on them! :P
You have to be honest though, and tell me if i must add things that could be helpful... Can't say i did this kinda thing before, so i might have missed something essential that dolls need, dunno... But if there is, i'd love to add or fix stuff to be of more help...
btw, the profile view has a cut on the head, that's because i imagine you'd sew these parts together to get the right shape for the chin so it won't look too round, and to the front of the head, where the face it... Kinda like the monitor part of old fashioned TV's, where it bulges out, that's how it was meant to be like...
Good luck with it, if you make many puppets, please make a thread for it, then we can encourage you into creating more, MORE, MOOOORE!!!
Really, this is perfect for now. I'm not ambitious enough to start sewing real dolls yet (as my sewing hands are full of improvised cosplaying at the moment) but rather little foam 2-d mockups. It's just a mini-experiment of sorts, nothing too awesome.
Thanks for the detail, and may I say the limbs are adorable?
So if they mockdolls turn out passable I'll totally let you see them. I definitely need something to make my Miwa cosplay more recognizable, though that is a losing battle from the start. :D
Merci, Micki!
Omelette Dú Fromage, Pample :il_hahaha:
Cheese omelette? O_O WHERE?! :e_tongue:
Hey, Pamplemousse! You'd best show us the results o' this! I'm intrigued. :e_wink:
Quote from: Lord Il on October 19, 2009, 02:16:13 PM
Hey, Pamplemousse! You'd best show us the results o' this! I'm intrigued. :e_wink:
I totally want to see them, too!
Look, it's Excel ..!
But it's not quite Manga, is it ..?
Who the hell cares, because i just tried working on a different style today... Only downside with it imo are the sinister looking eyes...
^Holy....! :e_shocked:
Should i make another in a different style, and earn an "Unholy" comment ..? :il_hahaha:
I like that style. Cooooool.
She looks so edgy and vaguely sinister. It's brilliant!
I love the angles too.
But you already are unholy, Micki. Hehe... :eevil:
It took me longer than expected to make it though... i should keep it up just to make sure i adapt well to this style, for the future...
I think i might draw the whole Across team like it as practice...
I'm afraid one might be better than another though, so i will have to start over on that one to make them on par...
The face is quite scary but other than that I think it's pretty nice! However...
You did just get into a new series, you know (hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge) that has pretty girls you might like drawing... Trying to draw other stuff like oh, I dunno, Captain Haddock, might challenge your skills as well... *cough*
I sense a vague amount of skillful hinting from your end, Maddy, i wonder if you're implying something... :il_hahaha:
bet you thoguh i had more to show ..! HAH...
Well i do...
What, the angle seems off..? Yes it does indeed, give me a break :elangry:
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And a generic looking catgirl, that i made of request of my little sister and a friend of hers...
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I used a reference for this one, although the face is kinda made up myself
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I made these a while ago, it's funny how i forget to put them up here...
Quote from: Micki! on November 05, 2009, 02:11:04 PM
Should i make another in a different style, and earn an "Unholy" comment ..? :il_hahaha:
lol! I've never seen anything done quite like this by you. Reminds me of the style of current DC and Marvel animated designs. It's as though you've western-ized Excel. What's interesting about it is that it actually works. O_O
Quote from: Micki! on November 06, 2009, 07:57:44 AM
What, the angle seems off..? Yes it does indeed, give me a break :elangry:
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Okay, I'll give you a break then. :e_wink:
Oh, and "generic looking catgirl" FTW!!! ^^
Thanks <3
And yes i was told it looked sort of DC-cartoon styled as well, and i thought it looked similar to SOMETHING the moment i finished it too, and i have to agree, it does seem similar, but a bit more caricature'ish (limbs and stuff seem more distorted than the recent DC cartoons)
I took photos... It's funny how this idea never occurred to me, until today...
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I'm especially liking this one..
Quote from: Micki! on November 10, 2009, 12:38:39 PM( (
The look on that poor dog's face is too perfect.
Really nice Alien figure too!
How's your comic coming, Micki!?
Slow, because i'm slacking... i just refine one panel or two per day, and leave it be after 10-20 minutes work/looking at it
I just can't finish or begin with anything before i'm in the right mood :hdead:
And the panelling is as confusing as ever... I must absolutely take some online lessons or something regarding comic panelling...
Still didn't finish that thing, i could have finished it in like 3 hours, it's funny how i just never get to it isn't it..?
Anyways, i made these instead, in class, while having math, i drew on a Danish assignment (that i never began working on anyways) and then i made another in science class on a piece of (ultra easy) german work... There are even notes from the sceince class near the top...
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I'll work on the eyes some day, they look kinda empty and lifeless...
Quote from: Micki! on November 20, 2009, 07:22:06 PM
I'll work on the eyes some day, they look kinda empty and lifeless...
I dunno... depends on how you look at it. I still like them.
These two pics are really cool though. And with them drawn on your school material.. lol! Awesome!! (You probably shouldn't be doin' that. :il_hahaha:)
I can see it now...... The girl with the gun is gonna be a new forum avatar for me in 2010 :e_wink: (With your permission, of course!)
I just need you to finish it.
Pleeease..? :e_tongue:
The Teachers actuall don't care if i blow all my time doodling over their papers instead of working... They're pretty cool talking with too, and they're actually not bad teachers either, they let us work at our own pace...
But sure, go ahead and use it :O
If that is the case, perhaps i should try coloring it as well, maybe i'll actually look decent... :elhail:
I'm done with this comic now, i rushed the ending, so it looks a bit plain, the panelling is also screwed as it was last time...
It's Leaft4Dead Themed, it pays off knowing the game a bit first, but it's not necessary i guess...
Read it from right to left...
Also, as if it wasn't confusing enough, i accidentally wrote 13 instead of 12 in page 2 ... Forgive me ... ugh...
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lmao!!! Interesting twist with Excel among it all.
Yet.. it's strangely appropriate? :il_hahaha:
I propose you add Hyatt to the mix at some point. :eevil: .. The possibilities!
HAHAHA Micki you've been playing Left4Dead alot haven't you :ehail:
on the drawings it's awesome as ever XD I can't wait till your done now
Thank yoouu...
Actually i haven't played it that much at all, i've played it occasionally with friends a few times... Foggle came with the Idea of putting Louis in the next comic though, so i did that, because i always liked his strange enthusiastic connection with pills... :D
Speaking of which, i like the sequel alot too, i hope you got it as well Foggle, so we can play that... although, we haven't even played the first one together yet :o
Not really new stuff, but i colored that thing i drew on my school papers earlier
I kinda like the style i used, so i thought it was worth giving it a shot with colors, i'm still practising with the coloring part though...
Colored clothes, Grey clothes, and completely Black and White, except that metal thingy, because i thought it looked neat with the contrast it creates...
The backgrounds are transparent
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Bueno, my friend; she is so cool-looking.
Here I yoink again.
Thank yew Pample <3
Quote from: Pamplemousse on December 06, 2009, 09:19:24 PM
Bueno, my friend; she is so cool-looking.
I'm liking the style too. This is great.
Quote from: Pamplemousse on December 06, 2009, 09:19:24 PMHere I yoink again.
NoooOOoooOooO! Give it back!
I'll be yoinking her as my new avatar to start next year with!
AND... uh ..... Let me be the first to say how bad that sounded just now. :il_hahaha:
The problem now lies with which one of the three to pick. O_o
I felt like drawing a pic of Maddy... It features me in it as well...
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^ Except in real life I think the situation would be reversed. Of course, you're quite taller than me, so I'd have to surprise you by dropping down from a tree you pass under or some other high place. :il_hahaha:
Please DO IT, tie me up, and d- ... interrogate me . . .
Saved that pretty well 8)
it's a nice pic sort of reminds me of someone '?'
can you do another one a sort of retaliation punch (sort of like in most anime and manga where the girl punches the pervert) XD I would like to see that XD
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 26, 2010, 02:18:43 PM
can you do another one a sort of retaliation punch (sort of like in most anime and manga where the girl punches the pervert) XD I would like to see that XD
I second this!
Do i deserve that ..?!
You guys are mean ;_;
Quote from: Micki! on January 26, 2010, 06:49:44 PM
You guys are mean
we're not that mean otherwise we would have said kick in the nutz XD
Too true, HA1L. Too true. :il_hahaha:
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on January 27, 2010, 09:38:27 AM
Quote from: Micki! on January 26, 2010, 06:49:44 PM
You guys are mean
we're not that mean otherwise we would have said kick in the nutz XD
Hit him! Torture him! Make him bleed!Ok, ok. I didn't say anything... (
I was doing nothing, and i was thinking of someone, so it got me in the mood of starting to draw this to pass time...
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the madhatter lol
Grrr.... Imageshack is being a biotch with me. T_T
Edit: Yayy! There it is. ^^
I forgot to show these, i made it with colorz !!!
It's not really super impressive, but i don't think it looks too wrong either...
I made my own version with blond hair and a green coat, and pink hair with a coat more true to the colors from the Mad Hatter from the Disney Cartoon (at least how i recalled it)
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Here it is in black and White
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Quote from: Micki! on February 10, 2010, 09:52:40 AM
It's not really super impressive, but i don't think it looks too wrong either...
Lies. It's awesome and you should be proud of your work! :ehail:
Never ever never ..!
I made it just for you, feel honered, and stuff... :il_hahaha:
I was going to suggest coloring it but you did it anyways. ^^
Great job!
I drew this Drawing for Maddy as a birthday Present... It was sent to her in a letter, and arrived recently... i finished it some days ago, but didn't want to spoil it to her, but now that she received it, i can put it up here...
It's Haddock in Wonderland..!
^That is freaking amazing!
I'll bet she loves it!
Quote from: Lord Il on March 16, 2010, 02:00:30 PM
I'll bet she loves it!
That's an understatement! I honestly freaked out when I saw it and am very, very grateful! I've never received such a wonderful gift before!
I'm happy you like it, i don't normally make drawings like that for people, and even giving the physical copies away for no price ..!
But since you're so really really cool you deserved it :D
I drew Excel, falling down the pit, again...
Next to her is all kinds of random encounters she had with various creatures in the bottom of the pit
I drew her in pose looking like she had gotten used to this kind of punishment...
Oh wow, that really came a long way from what you first showed me.
The blurriness of the webcam didn't show much detail to begin with anyways...
I had to google Piranha fish and Grasshoppers to make those look more or less correct, haha
OK, sorry. What was there before was just a one-armed Excel and you added a lot to it.
Hey don't say sorry xD
Blame the webcam :O i just finished her arm and added some texture on her clothes and such... I n a way a regret "coloring" them, since some details such as creases and such seem lost or harder to notice now...
But screw all that :O, i don't feel like erasing all that just to see if it helps with adding some detail or not... :D
Damn, I love that! ^_^
The locusts! THE LOCUSTS!!! :il_hahaha:
I like that nonchalant type look on her face ('Ho-humm, I'm going down the pit once again'). That look is so good it's nearly indistinguishable from how Rikdou draws it. Nice!
Thank you very much ..!
I made her expression (well all of her, actually) from my memory, so it really makes me happy that you think it's similar to that what Rikudou would make himself...
Although the rest is probably a bit off from his style...
Btw, your new avatar is great, quite yoinkable as HA1L likes to put it, so consider it yoinked by me as well :il_hahaha:
quite right I yoinked it as soon as it appeared (it was a stealth yoink XD)
Curses....! :e_tongue:
(Btw, if my current animated avatar should happen to cause pages to load sluggish for anyone, let me know. I realize it's kinda large graphically.) ^^;;
Great stuff, Micki! I love the locust bit too, though I thought for a moment that her head had exploded until I realized it was tiny bugs instead of a spray of blood. :D You are too good, no fair.
Admittedly, I sat staring at Lord Il's avatar for a few minutes as well
Yeah i realize it looks kinda sorta like her head exploded, hahaha
That's why i had one of the bugs appear close to the viewer, it makes you realize what on earth she's dealing with..!
I also drew this very random comic in school...
It's read from the Right to left, i didn't realize that i made it that way until i was halfway done with it, haha..!
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Might've been a random thing, but that was an accurate take on evil female characters... So many seem scantily clad..
This raises the question: When a person is evil, does it make that person warmer than normal to justify so little clothing? :lordilsmile:
i just never imagine a female devil wearing huge pieces or armor, or a dress... Hell is a place of Sin, right..? Might as well dress them sinful as well...
It's random though, it's not like i planned anything ahead, i find it amusing that it is actually possible to read it in a correct order, with the correct dialogue applied...
It's a girl, she's equipped with a bat... I drew it partly at school, and partly at home where i finished it today...
just had a really funny thought wouldn't it be great if Excel met the Doctor XDD
Wow, your art is getting better and better. Keep up the good work!
I had such a good mood, then I looked at this thread and I no longer have it.
I kid, I kid.
You're good. Very good.
I like your style n'all.
I'm just trying to learn to draw myself (read: I scribble things for five minutes, after which I give up) hence the opening statement of this post. : P
Also, kneesocks and a bat. FOOK YE!
hey Micki is it alright to nick a couple of your pictures to put in the Alcon convention book?
Quote from: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on August 01, 2010, 10:16:26 AM
hey Micki is it alright to nick a couple of your pictures to put in the Alcon convention book?
Oh yeah DO I- ah 2 years late...
Well another time then, wait for more recent stuff though, all this is like super OLD now :D
It's something like 2'ish years since I put anything up here, since then I haven't actually been very active at all, but I still made stuff of course, here's some of it:
I don't think I showed the earlier versions of this before, if I did, let's pretend that I didn't, to add to the suspense and freshness of it being here for the first time..!
It's Etna, on the Lookout..!
On graphed paper, because I was practising a pose, which embarrassingly ended up than more than a sketch of a pose, and now has those dreaded square lines all over it!!!
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This is a girl I drew, in the style of a wasteland-bounty hunter, which I got inspired by from Borderlands art style and such..!
Originally she wasn't sitting on anything, so I dew a dragon creature thing, which is a tiny bit half-butt'ed and doesn't really have much of the same style to it as she does (no random lines and other detail'y gizmos to fake in some unnecessary but pleasant detail)
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This here is a knight-girl-woman-warrior something, I thought I drew too much of the same, so I tried medieval stuff..! I'm actually not too fond of creating medieval stuff, and I'm not super interested in medieval stuff as it is, but it's definitely different from anything else I made, I even forced in a background, which like the above picture, kind of almost feels out of place because it doesn't have the same amount of detail, style or anything to it, but I guess filling out the paper helps making it feel more complete..! (let it be said, I almost, still, only draw on A6 sized paper, so technically there's not much to work on)
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I also drew Brick from Borderlands, my favorite class of the game, or at least his head (and shoulders ..!)
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Last for now, to prevent spamminess in a single post, I actually drew something recently, a fanart of Excel Saga, first one that I made since ever, it was made in OpenCanvas, and started out as a cheerful head, and ended up with a relaxing Ropponmatsu II sitting with her legs curled around Sumiyoshi, probably sorting out his... Collection..?
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It's sure hard getting used to drawing these characters again, so obviously, my mission now, is to draw Iwata doing something only he'd do (or something anyone else wouldn't, and shouldn't, which is probably more appropriate..?)
And Kabapu's mustache, along with him, of course...
I want to continue putting stuff in here that I made throughout the years and months, but I really hate posting a reply to myself, so please hop in and comment, or just make an appropriate sound effect (which may or may not represent how you feel about what I posted) to at least simulate activity..!
All of them look great!
Thank youu..!
And since there's a reply here, I can continue spewing out more that I have..!
And totally without having to reply to myself (Yeah I really hate doing that, I find it so obnoxious if I must bump my own threads, it's like I'm shouting for attention!!!)
Here is more, and I am considering if time-stamping them with more than just the year might be a good idea...
This is the face of "Hel", the Nordic Goddess of death, I made it as a Tattoo, and since I don't know how a Tattoo should be drawn, it's actually just a drawing of a face, hopefully being suitable for a tattoo, if not, well at least I have a drawing of her face now, if that should ever come in handy...
Click for full size (which I for once must warn, it's actually pretty massive)
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This is a character from a game I created, but in some overly exaggerated style, I call her MinceFSupply, I actually call myself that in quite a few games, along with 2 other names, which is completely irrelevant...
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Here is a portrait of a British good friend of mine, we make our own small inside-jokes and comics, usually in the form of "Tam & Micki!", Tam is to the left, Micki! is to the right, it reflects our characters personality pretty well..!
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This is a random girl I drew, in a very different style, which is inspired by several modern day cartoons, of people with round bubbly eyes and heads...
As a funny twist, I put her in a pose which I like giving quite a lot of my "stand there and do nothing" -characters...
In fact just look above, I did that earlier, too..!
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Last again, I have another Borderlands inspired drawing, this time it's more within the concept art style of the games actual concept art style, rather than the ingame look, so I drew Mordecai on a Space bike (think the cruiser thingy from Star Wars and Harley Davidson, and you got this..! Probably)
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More great stuff! I especially like the guy on the space bike. :) The cartoony girl somehow reminds me of Candace from Phineas and Ferb, though it doesn't really look anything like her.
Know what you mean about dividers. I created a fictional forum member on one of my other forums just to divide fan-fiction chapters! :D
Thank youuuu again ..!
It's nice you understand, it's just so annoying if I am forced to do that, it kind of breaks the natural flow of posting in a thread too, and gives the illusion of "wall of text" if it's just the same person writing again and again...
Anyway, this gives me yet another opportunity to pour out even more stuff, and none of these were made on paper for a change, let's go digital..!
(not sticking to that, I still prefer pencils...)
Here is my game character once again, MinceFSupply, a cat loving woman, with the appearance of a punk-rock girl, dyed hair, tattoos, and all sorts of gizmos on her arms and legs to look random and almost sinister young lady, but I tattoo'd "Meow Mix" on her back, and "Kittysnax" on her left shoulder and arm, she's really all about kitties..!
Yeah, despite being named of a dog... If there's a connection, I didn't intentionally make it :menchi-1:
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This picture is a product of random doodling, turning really REALLY twisted... It started with a funny almost constipated expression, but ended up as a mix between Kanye West, Nabeshin, SOMETHING with a tight, tight, TIGHT leather suit, all along with a great package...
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This here is how I portray Patricia Tannis from Borderlands, along with a tiny Claptrap..!
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And from here, I also got some that probably require a warning, slight/partly nudity contained, so I'll use the fantastic newly added and convenient spoiler tags for this..!
I'm actually sure I posted this one before, it's actually pretty old, I'd say 2 years at least, I recall showing unfinished versions of it in the old chat, asking for suggestions, but I honestly forgot if I ever posted it, I'll just do it anyway, and be ashamed later it it turns out I did it once before:
It's a demon girl, sitting on a rock in what most likely is hell, or something...
I drew it in MS paint, so it's all pixellated'ish, and I drew it entirely with a mouse, THAT was actually pretty frustrating sometimes, but in the end, it was easy to fix bad lines and such with single clicks of a misplaced pixel, it's one of the few things I made that is actually fully colored, kind of, so I am kind of proud of it since I actually bothered going all the way with colors for once..!
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Here is another demon girl, and I am making fun of how I often (TOO OFTEN) and admittedly draw thigh highs on female characters I draw, so the demon girls in hell have them raining from the sky (our pouring out of brimstone geysers, heck if I know)
and are basically forced to wear them or something like that...
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After this, I should really look up what else I made throughout the years, and hopefully I'll also make REALLY NEW stuff to actually share here too..!
The rock star's pants look reeeeally uncomfortable! :il_hahaha:
Great stuff! Can't post you any more divider posts tonight, though, I'm off to anime club! Bye.
It's all good, replies for another day, or by the rare chance someone else gets online and posts here, haha :D
But have fun at where you're going..!
Here is even more crazy/weird/mentally unhealthy (but possibly pleasant) stuff..!
This is more of myself and my friend, here we used OpenCanvas, to collaborate on some drawings, we do that occasionally, and it's very fun, and doesn't even lag..!
The result it two styles drawn on the same drawing, with mixed bits by one and another here and there:
This is Tam & Micki! in id Software's RAGE, Click for full size
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And this is Tam & Micki! in the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Click for full size
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This is what my Math notes look like when I do school work
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This is a random girl, sitting on a bench, but otherwise I still stick to that one familiar pose...
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This one has some strategically covered up skin, so I don't have to use the spoiler tags, yay for spiders and band aids..! Everything else is completely random, try and Find Waldo and his random belongings, and why not look for the oxygen molecule and other little pieces of "stuff" while you're at it..!
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This is a picture of a black cat, that often stares into the window and ogles over a friend of mine, I felt like drawing it, because a cute black cat needs worship through art..!
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Lastly, here is a drawing I made, based on one of my friends, I wanted to practice a style where I kept kept in expressive and characteristic details without making it look exactly like someone certain, it turned out pretty well I think..!
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Damn, now that's what I'm talkin' about!! :ehail:
Micki!, your versatility with different drawing styles is astounding! Really liking what I'm seeing here.
Quote from: Inkwolf on May 19, 2012, 04:30:14 PM
The rock star's pants look reeeeally uncomfortable! :il_hahaha:
He's gotta be hitting those high notes with no problem! :il_hahaha:
Kinda reminded me of a caricature of Bootsy Collins without the top hat, base guitar and the star sunglasses.
Thank you so much ..!
The thing with the styles though, I love doing things like the wasteland girl I made, which looks simple and is easy to make, I like doing that kind of stuff alot, and I've been going it more and more, my linework looks the same in most of the stuff I make with pencil though, so there is still that one trait when I use pencil... I really like the thick outlines on things too, like Mordecai on the space bike and such, it adds a fake kind of detail, which makes it appear much more in-depth and generally more interesting to look at, despite being really simple looking if you look closely at it..!
Anyways, MORE!!!
A Chihuahua throwing up
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Tam & Micki! as Succubus's (I was certain it was Succubi when it's plural..?) together with the dreaded vampire, BL... It's all an inside joke, I don't expect anyone to get it :D
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Someone I know moved to her own place recently, so I decided to make a drawing to congratulate her, I used to make birthday cards like this to all kinds of people I knew and in my family before, I've started doing it again..!
The box says (mispelled) "Samantas Home", the rest should be self explanatory...
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This is Powdered Toast Man from the cartoon Ren & Stimpy..!
I drew him in the public paintchat program online, it's fun, but the fact that you can't (seemingly) save anything you drew, makes using print screen a real hell if half of the picture you made is halfway out of the screen, I'll stick to OpenCanvas for future stuff, they're very similar anyway..!
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Hippo, that is all...
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Claptrap from Borderlands, drawn in Photoshop..!
DON'T Click for full size
I bet you did, but you don't have to, it's no bigger..!
A cute nurse who wants to make you feel better, drawn in MS Paint...
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I made more, but I haven't uploaded that yet, now requires premium membership to keep uploading there, and I refuse to use photobucket, and it seems reduces quality on images if they're too large in filesize, plus I think it's limited with how much you can put on there, before also requiring a premium account...
I am considering just getting a yearly membership and never think of it again until I must renew it... Still, how annoying...
I really like your cats and bulked-out superheroes. :D Not so much the pukin' puppy....
Quote from: Micki! on May 21, 2012, 05:03:12 AM
Here is a portrait of a British good friend of mine, we make our own small inside-jokes and comics, usually in the form of "Tam & Micki!", Tam is to the left, Micki! is to the right, it reflects our characters personality pretty well..!
This is Powdered Toast Man from the cartoon Ren & Stimpy..!
Claptrap from Borderlands, drawn in Photoshop..!
My favorites! :e_love:
Micki!, you
must post the Frenchman...!
It's slightly disturbing, nothing worse than what we're used to though, and not more expicit than what your brain may twist it into...
That said, it IS just a baguette, nothing more...
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^lmao!! I have this overwhelming urge to say "Ewww..!"
But.. as you say, it's just a baguette. With a snail on it. :il_hahaha:
Also: "Powderrred Toooast Maaaaannnnnnnnn!!!!!"
Thank youu :D
About French stuff, and this is truly a coincidence, it came out of nowhere, but my friend, that I drew those Tam & Micki! drawings together with and I, started making some terribly silly stuff...
We call it "Kabapu's les bons vieux jour"
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...Or "Excel Saga + French revolution and Nazis, with French parkour Kabapu"..!
I obviously like making fun of countries and stereotypes, but I mean no offense with that of course..! I hope no-one takes it the wrong way :x
It started out as Kabapu drawing practice, holding out the books in one hand, and drawing with the other to get his expression and stuff right, but we ended up going freestyle over the rest, when my friend started drawing a baguette hidden behind Kabapu's back...
And from there, we suddenly had Nazis, Napoleon on a rocket-thruster horse-plane, and other silly things going on, and the rest of the crew are obliviously wondering (or actually seeing !?!) what he's thinking... :kabapu-1:
SO GREAT :elhail:
Is it wrong of me to be thinking of you when I draw his Mustache..? :D
This is great. I'm liking the randomness with this one. Awesome!
Kabapu's french beret hat looks suspiciously like a headcrab from Half-life. :il_hahaha:
Yooouuu dooonnn't saaay..? :P xD
That's not the only silly reference hidden there, hahaha :D
I've been over at iScribble tonight..! I met some really nice people there, so I think I'll be there more often, it's fun seeing random stuff by others or collaborating with people there..!
These pictures aren't very large
Someone drew the creepy guy with the spoon from that funny fake movie trailer :D
I've been drawing The Tick and Kabapu..!
Most people had left at the time we made this one, but it was silly anyway, I drew the kicking leg and popeye being hit, in retrospect I should have looked him up online first to make sure it really looked like him, that would have been funnier :D
I also made the judges in a shower in the background rating the kick and the womans smile, the apple and peach (that we made into a bra) were by some other person who just came in and drew at random and left immediately...
This one I made alone, nobody else was left so I kept going with what I started and had the entire drawing space for myself, which was convenient..!
So much Kabapu in this thread. BUT NEVER ENOUGH
Quote from: Micki! on May 30, 2012, 12:22:57 PM
Is it wrong of me to be thinking of you when I draw his Mustache..? :D
Your post totally works..!
^Yep! Now if it'll work with the PC...
Edit: Holy crap, it actually worked! But I can't seem to post very much without getting the Forbidden page.
Test. Test. Test........................... :elangry: :elangry: :elangry:
My friend and I were at it again, and made another bunch of really odd random stuff..!
Click for full size
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Can you catch all references..? :il_hahaha:
This is a test.
Erhm, a little warning on this one, because of slight nudity, and a... "shaft", with a hard-hat work helmet...
Nothing worse than what this community has seen online, and it's not like there's much to see, but I better be decent and include a:
I made this hen I invited a Norwegian friend of mine that I once visited, and suggested me to draw some things, bottom left is him and me when we were surrounded by alot of cattle..! In fact, I even have a video of all those cows when they were that close to us:
The rest in the image is random stuff
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I don't like posting right after myself, but here's something my friend and I drew once again in OpenCanvas:
We call it the Guv'ner Band
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The Death Metal singer is a parody of Krauser II from the anime Detroid Metal City :D
I live for the randomness of your art thread! :il_hahaha:
The collabs you've done are great. It's great to have opportunities to work with others to come up with something totally different from the ordinary.
Oh, nice! I hadn't seen that newest one yet. Love your art, man. :elhail:
Thanks alot..!
I have something fantastic/mindblowingly idiotic to share soonish, I'm working on it with my friend that I collaborate with occasionally, we can't wait to make something proper out of it, because all of our current sketches don't do our original idea justice, and we want to make it look nice before we share it to (and possibly kill braincells... It's part of enjoying it, really..!)
I have other stuff too, but I better wait for working spoiler tags first :o
ERgghrgr -posting after myself, but what can you do..! (Yeah I suppose I could actually just edit it, but don't we all hate reading a post, and then missing that it was updated afterwards..? It's a rhetorical question, don't answer it, I mean unless you agree, yeah that's how rhetorical questions work for me..! :lordilsmile:)
This one is in a spoiler tag..!
Why..? Well the lack of clothes perhaps, there's no explicity, but bare skin is bare skin afterall..!
I drew this lady in OpenCanvas, I am actually experimenting with coloring stuff, and as you can see, my linework doesn't get along with it very well, I should have used a color the blended in better I guess..!
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Originally she had pale white skin, as she was supposed to look almost ghostly and haunting-like (like praying to a spirit or stuff-stuff) Who cares, the mystery of her pose helps, let's not explain it..!
Here is the pale-skinne version:
In the end, I ended up experimenting with darker skin colors, and I liked the almost exotic look of using darker skin like this, and it suited her face and hair very well..!
^It's kind of interesting to compare the two skin colors. Strangely, the pale skin version gives off a slight creepy vibe.. while the darker skin version has a nice, exotic look.
Yeah the pale skinned version is supposed to make her appear almost dead'ish, when I tried dark skin, she looked surprisingly alive, I found that interesting..!
But still prefer the dark skinned version... :D
I drew this tonight, Tiny Tina from Borderlands 2, having a Tea Party together with Brick..!
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I still haven't heard anything of Brick's role in Borderlands 2, maybe it's better I don't look into it, I think I would enjoy it to be surprised..!
Still, I could see a scene like this happening, in one way or another..! They almost look like they're siblings don't they..?
Oh how I hate replying to myself, but it must be done..!
I took my time tonight to colorize the last drawing I posted:
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I also made a version where I kept the shading but removed all colors: (
Coloring stuff is definitely not my strong side, but I think it turned out alright here..! I would have liked to use watercolor tools, but being the newbie I am, i can't actually find that damn feature in Photoshop, Aaargahrghaga !!!
So I've been doing borderlands fanart some time ago, I'm getting really into that..!
These may be really vague though, even to those who have played it..!
Click on either of them for their full sizes..!
Patricia Tannis has a conversation with Leslie the Bandit on her birthday..!
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And this is Boundarylands!!! The incredible twisted parody of Borderlands, get acquainted with the Soulja, The Softshooter, the BADASS and the Trapper..!
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Sometime I hope I will get myself to make crazy adventures for these characters..!
I have something else dangerously crazy that I want to share really badly, I hope I can show it here sometime soon..!
Nice!! :il_hahaha:
Unfortunately I've not played Borderlands yet but I've heard good stuff about it.
You're good with coloring! The tea party drawing for example is first rate. I like how the different colors never overpower each other. Good soft tones of color throughout. It works!
Thanks alot for the nice comments Lord Il ..!
It's actually one of my highest favorited/commented drawings on deviant art as well, but doubtlessly that's because of the sudden recent outburst of fans of the game, looking for fanart, and inevitably falling over the one I made, it's probably no different than how Naruto and Bleach fanart gets crazy much attention I guess :D
So anyway, here's a stereotypeish japanese horror woman with a kitty mask, and Kim Jong Il in the background..!
Quote from: Micki! on October 23, 2012, 04:21:55 PM(
Combine all in one body and you'll have a Silent Hill monster :3
Quote from: SWamP on October 25, 2012, 05:06:07 AMCombine all in one body and you'll have a Silent Hill monster :3
Indeed! :il_hahaha:
But I'm still trying to figure out who is the scariest of the two.
Well, both are dead, but only one ever wore a kitty mask :D
I tried drawing Phio and Piola from Holy Brownie swapping heads, on a piece of one of my A6 papers, but as it turns out, the smooth surface of the paper (yeah, it's super duper SMOOOOTH !!!) doesn't work with a pen at all, despite trying to be careful, I smudged up alot, and pretty much messed up all of Piola's head... Oddly Phio's head looks almost fine, despite using so muuuuuch ink on it, how annoying..!
Anyway, Phio's not-so-utterly-messed-up expression makes it worth showing afterall, look, LOOK..!
I love how you included the sled in the background! :il_hahaha:
Well you changed the idea with them on a sled after I already had them swap heads, so after the ink messed it up, I just put it in there randomly, it's not like it ruins the picture, it's already smudged up :D
That's great!
I remember once having the same smudging problem. I totally messed up an art project because of the smooth paper I selected. I think the ink wouldn't absorb into the paper and just stayed wet on the surface. And I had a difficult time not resting my drawing hand on the inking I did.
The problems was exactly because it wouldn't get absorbed, it will dry over time though, but the layer on it will take some time to dry away, after that it's all fine though, but no way I'll let a bunch of lines dry out just so I can continue elsewhere to avoid smudging..!
It's not a big problem, I think I might have to check out other types of A6 paper blocks for pens only, because I really like these papers for when I use a pencil..!
btw here are some Danish sharks
This is Phio from holy brownie, she's surrounded by flames, she probably started it herself..!
I made this recently, after one of my teachers told me a good way to create shading in a less thoughtful process..!
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Foggle had OpenCanvas running so we could have some silly things going on..!
At first I decided to make incredibly ugly Excel Saga figurines, admired by Kabapu and Il Palazzo, and below them is Elgala, about to toss Mince at a target on the table leg to sabotage the abysmal looking figurines..!
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Foggle then Suggested to Draw Deadpool doing something with Excel, but I couldn't think of anything so I drew him waiting for the microwave to finish up his next batch of Chimichangas..!
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I actually had a ton more made since the last things I added in this thread, but I really don't like posting so much at the same time, so I'll just leave the latest thing I made for now instead..!
So amazing! :elhail:
Does the Hyatt figure include lots of extra blood for many hours of playtime fun? :e_tongue:
Great pics!
I'm liking the outfit you gave Elgala as she winds up to throw that poor, abuse-prone dog at the table leg. It gives her a neat badass look.
Thanks :D
I always felt that Elgala got her clothing from something you'd see in fancy or obscure fashion magazines, and I never really see her wearing 100% "normal" clothes..!
I bet Rikudou looks up all these crazy clothes somewhere whenever he's going to draw her, hahaha
Foggle and I stayed up all night again, during that time we decided to get into OpenCanvas once more, and had me create this beautiful Bikini Contest, the only regrettable thing is that I ran out of space for the Quik Bunny from Nesquik to be added, what a qatastrophiq cirqumstance :elhail:
Click on it for the full size to witness glorious pooped fruit loops:
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I also finished a drawing that I wanted to finish and submit to VIZ, for the last volume of Excel Saga, luckily it wasn't too late:
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Quote from: Micki! on May 30, 2013, 01:40:05 PM
I always felt that Elgala got her clothing from something you'd see in fancy or obscure fashion magazines, and I never really see her wearing 100% "normal" clothes..!
I bet Rikudou looks up all these crazy clothes somewhere whenever he's going to draw her, hahaha
I have to agree with you. El's fashion sense seems to step away from the norm - not at all a bad thing!
Quote from: Micki! on May 31, 2013, 06:41:13 AM
Foggle and I stayed up all night again, during that time we decided to get into OpenCanvas once more, and had me create this beautiful Bikini Contest, the only regrettable thing is that I ran out of space for the Quik Bunny from Nesquik to be added, what a qatastrophiq cirqumstance :elhail:
Click on it for the full size to witness glorious pooped fruit loops:
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I think I threw up in my mouth a little. :il_hahaha:
Now we all know where Kellogg's Fruit Loops come from! And.... I may never buy them again. :e_shocked:
Quote from: Micki! on May 31, 2013, 06:41:13 AMI also finished a drawing that I wanted to finish and submit to VIZ, for the last volume of Excel Saga, luckily it wasn't too late:
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If there's one word to describe it: Awesome!
Such a triumphant scene with Iwata. :ehail:
Thanks Il :D
As you notice, I reply super late, I do that because when I say something right away, my last post will still be here, and I'll end up replying to myself, and that just clutters this thread with unnecessary many posts by myself (I mean more than it should have)
Anyway, I made other things recently'ish in OpenCanvas:
Superman serving a drink to the Quik Bunny, I feel your sadness if you get the reference:
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These are random things, part of it was suggested by a few guys on a Skype call, like the parts of that creature in the middle, the octopus girl thing was actually from a sketch of a friend of mine who had problem finishing his drawing, so I made my own version based of his sketch and added colors, I'm definitely not going to take credit for that, and I kinda regret not giving her a bikini or something, it seemed suitable..!
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This is a tip to young people:
(I can't write)
Nisemonogatari + Antoine's (from Sonic) foot fetish + Photoshop drawing:
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Oh boy! You've certainly improved, I'm impressed! So many different styles too. The vegetarian sharks and the T-rex are great.
I should have sent in something for the ES books, and now it's all over... oh well.
Thanks Ragathol, it's pretty obvious by now that I still haven't gotten a hold of any consistent art style after all these years though, but some of those were intentionally made to look different, haha..! Also It's great you understand the shark dialogue, I forgot that you were Norwegian :D
It's a shame you missed the submissions for the last book, I would have loved to see anything new by you as well..!
But that's what we have the forums here for I guess, it's the next best thing to the oubliette anyway :elhail:
Here's more stuff for relevancy's sake
This is a some kind of space hero, I made it with a fineliner and water colors that i borrowed from a friend, It makes me want to get my own watercolors to play around with..!
This is a woman in a Pringles can, and I gradually added details I was told to add while i was on a skype call
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This is a boy who is being served a glass of refreshing chocolate milk by a rabbit on drugs:
And to end my Quik bunny obsession (I blame that one old superman comic for this) here's a drawing of a fat Quik bunny scratching his junk !!!
Now, even as a moderator, I can't even make out whether this is offensive, or just plain ridiculous, but it's not explicit so it should merely give people a chuckle at most, or not, or against all logic make them thirsty after a glass of Nesquik...
This is an undressed woman with amnesia (I think, honestly, or rather I didn't think at all when I made this) with walrus teeth, who is wondering why she has to escape Mexico in a boat, while being chased by a dolphin with an afro, an alligator and Speedy Gonzales, but unfortunately my PC killed itself during the MS Paint session and the monitor froze as well, so I took a photo of it before I could finish the drawing, you can still see the cursor in MS Paint on the top of the pyramid thing, hahaha..!
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I made most of these at school on a sheet of paper, the only actual effort put into it is obviously the girl scout though haha
Excel is also there, it's sort of half-assed though, I just wanted to draw her shorts for fun and they didn't turn out that great, and it looked so empty so I drew her being disgusted over her large chest..!
It's pretty massive though, I was too lazy to actually resize this one, but on the other hand, it gives you an insight of what paper actually looks when you get really close to it..!
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I also drew this on a strip of tape on one of the drawing boards at school..!
I'm Swedish, but it's pretty much the same. You're doing really well with the more cartoony stuff especially, and that kind of versatility is good. I can only draw one style, even if it's starting to become more stable.
Oh, and I thought book 26 was the last, but there's one more! Maybe there is still time to send something in..?
Oh Swedish, well yeah it's all close enough, I was actually going to check on that, but then I somehow was certain it was Norwegian, and blah i was wrong haha..!
I'm pretty sure the last submissions were actually for the last book, but maybe I'm totally wrong..!
Maybe you could email Carl about it just to make sure..!
Quote from: Micki! on August 26, 2013, 03:49:23 AMI'm pretty sure the last submissions were actually for the last book, but maybe I'm totally wrong..!
Maybe you could email Carl about it just to make sure..!
:e_crying: Sadly, I think time has run out..
Dat Nestle Quik Bunny...... My childhood has been
soooo raped by Micki! :il_hahaha:
End on May, yeah... Damn these long printing times.