I want to get a hi-quality scanner that's sold at, say, Best Buy. But I don't know which one to get. Previously I've drawn manga on B4 sized paper (the really big one which is standard format of manga-ka in Japan). The printers I gave it to shrunk it down to 8 1/2 x 11 (also traditional of manga in Japan) and they sent me back the materials, yada-yada-yada.
Anyways I want to get a scanner, but I haven't found any big enough for the B4 size paper. I could work on 8 1/2 x 11 copier paper, but I really can't stand it, and the paper isn't of the usual thickness to hold the ink.
Also with this scanner, I want it to be able to produce the images in hi-quality format (no JPEG! FOR ALL THAT'S HOLY NO JPEG!!!), maybe PNG, or perhaps the ability for the image to be moved to different formats. Then I wish to move it to Photoshop or some other coloring software.
Anyways, here are my questions:
1. What kind of scanner should I purchase? How much money should I expect to spend (no thousand dollar ones, please)?
2. What program should I use to add color and edit?
All help is greatly appreciated.
Wish i could help, but i don't know what professionals would recomend :o
In response to your third inquiry on the matter at hand:
Seriously though, I have no idea. I might be going through the same predicament in the coming months though...
^ You have no chance to survive make your time.
Anyways, Thanks for the response, guys. I'm thinking about getting one of those scanner/printer/copier machines, as long as the scanner is of high quality. And I may even save up some money to purchase that Manga Studio ($300 shouldn't be too long, it's just that I can't get it until I purchase a scanner first).