Original Creator: Me
Tool used: Paint Shop Pro 6
Source: Front page of gamefaqs.com
What you say?! :Eshocked: (Hint: Very cool. 8))
Haha..! 8)
I guess i'll be the first one to say this...
Welcome to 2001.
OH! OH! OH! MY TURN! MY TURN! :exhail:
I made this a while ago. It was the first flash animation I ever made. My friend helped me a lot by helping me learn how to actually use flash.
Sonic AYB (http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/flash/mfzayb.swf)
Sprites: Mystical Forest Zone
Panel Assembly: Me
Voices: Microsoft Sam and LH Michael
P.S.: It was made to be displayed at 215x150 size, so it won't look as good stretched out. I recommend opening it in a new window and then shrinking that window down a bit.
Haha :D