Excel Saga Forum

Ye Old Pub => Creativity => Topic started by: I'M Eh-chan! on February 28, 2007, 08:19:55 PM

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on February 28, 2007, 08:19:55 PM
ATTENTION!!:  You can always find the most updated information on the progress of my new Flash animation Excel Saga! by viewing my most recent post in this topic!

Hello everyone!  I thought I would share these since I have had them lying around collecting dust...or something...

They are all on a Freewebs page I made a while ago.  NameOf_A_VGChar is the username I use on gaming sites.  And they are all kind of Sonic the Hedgehog related.  So I'm just providing a link to the page with the flash movies.  I've disabled the links to the other sections of my home page since they aren't really relevant and only contain a bunch of strips from my aborted sprite comic.

So there are about 4 flash movies on one page, so it may take a little bit of time to load if you aren't on broadband.  So watch 'em if you want, enjoy 'em if you feel so inclined.

Oh yeah, you might want the website:
Linky! (http://www.freewebs.com/nameof_a_vgchar/flash.htm)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Soske on February 28, 2007, 10:09:31 PM
Those were good.  Plan on making any more?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 01, 2007, 03:09:07 AM
Haha... i liked number two... :)

That sig rocks...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 01, 2007, 05:09:33 AM
@ Soske:  Hmmm...I don't know.  I might, but I haven't been inspired by anything lately.  I would like to do something Excel Saga related, but I really can't draw despite what I'd like to believe....

@ Micki!:  #2 is one of my favorites too because it is like...well, an actual movie with backgrounds and lip syncing and what not.  And I'm glad that so many people like my sig!  Thank you!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 01, 2007, 06:09:56 AM
Yes, that's why i liked the second the most... more like an actual little music video... :)
I wish io could do Flash... i can't even play around with GIF's correctly :shock:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 01, 2007, 12:22:39 PM
same here micki

Eh Chan I liked those videos (especially no 2)
Title: Artists needed for new flash!
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 01, 2007, 07:01:40 PM
Well, I've just been struck upside the head with the inspiration mallet and now I would like to do an Excel Saga flash consisting of several different short scenes set to different music.  I want to do it in this style:


I figure I can just trace some simple poses into flash and then work from those.
First off:  what episode is this picture from?  I want to know so I can develop a prototype trace of Excel (from the front).

Once I get a trace done, I will post it, and that's where YOU *points in general direction of computer screen* come in!

Being without a tablet PC, or any drawing skills for that matter, I am left with the only option of tracing.  Once I develop a trace of Excel I am satisfied with, I will need some sketches of the other characters in the same style!  I will need Hyatt, Elgala, even Menchi in front, back, side, and 3/4 views.  So let me know if you are interested (like I said, the characters will be very close to the style of the above picture), and I can start off a list of who is doing what.  Of course, I will give full credit for anything anyone does.  All I will need are simple sketches (no color needed).  Multiple uniforms would be appreciated, but I will see what I can do myself (I'm already asking a lot, I know).

So as soon as someone tells me what episode that picture is from, I can get to work!
Title: Re: Artists needed for new flash!
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 01, 2007, 08:04:03 PM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"

I figure I can just trace some simple poses into flash and then work from those.
First off:  what episode is this picture from?  I want to know so I can develop a prototype trace of Excel (from the front).

this episode ah this is episode 18 (I'm watching it at this moment) its the daitenzin episode
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 01, 2007, 08:12:32 PM
Awesome!  Thanks, I'm gonna start some traces!

Edit:  Okay, done.  Please note that the final images will be colored much better.  This is just a quick trace I did:


So this is the basic style I would like.  I'll start three lists:  Needed, Promised, Finished.  Sketches I need will be put in the needed list.  Once someone signs up for some, I'll move them to the promised list.  Once the sketch is complete, I'll move it to the finished list.  Remember, I only need a simple sketch.  I just need a simple standing base position for each category, preferably with the arms held in a position such that they don't cover the body.  It doesn't need to be colored.  I'm going to group front with rear, since for this style, the rear view is simply the outline of the front with additional hair/less detailed clothes.

-Hyatt front/rear view.
-Hyatt side view.
-Elgala front/rear view.
-Elgala side view.
-Menchi several views.



Once again, here are the screen caps to give you views of the style:


By the way, I'm planning on calling this flash simply "Excel Saga!".  The exclamation point makes it completely different  :Etoung:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 02, 2007, 11:24:53 AM
This sounds cool... :)

We already have this Fan comic-thing going on, but it seems a bit on hold just now... this however, sounds pretty simple...

I'd like to help (I read the PM :o)

I'd need some more information... for instance:
- do i need knowledge for flash..? (let me say already, that i have no idea how flash works)

- What size should they be..? (characters)

- Would pencil+paper versions be sufficient... (i am much better with pencil and paper... i have a PC with tablet, but it's cheap, and i can't handle it well enough)
I can also draw with the mouse though... would you prefer it to be digitalized (on PC) or done in real-life (pencil+paper... or permanent marker if you want)

- Expressions needed..? (if so, which..?)

- Certain poses needed..?

That's about it i think... at least i can't think of more just yet

And yes, the exclamation mark deffenately make s adifference... i have one in my name too...

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 02, 2007, 01:05:47 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"This sounds cool... :)

We already have this Fan comic-thing going on, but it seems a bit on hold just now... this however, sounds pretty simple...

Yeah, like I said, these should be really simple (especially for you).  The pictures don't need any fancy shading or coloring or anything.  You can even just give me outlines and that would be perfect.

Quote from: "Micki!"
I'd like to help (I read the PM :o)

I'd need some more information... for instance:
- do i need knowledge for flash..? (let me say already, that i have no idea how flash works)

Absolutely not.  You need no knowledge of flash.

Quote from: "Micki!"
- What size should they be..? (characters)
I would say that this size would do:
You see, the cool thing about flash is that flash drawings scale extremely well.  This size should be big enough to trace, then I can shrink and enlarge as needed.

Quote from: "Micki!"
- Would pencil+paper versions be sufficient... (i am much better with pencil and paper... i have a PC with tablet, but it's cheap, and i can't handle it well enough)
I can also draw with the mouse though... would you prefer it to be digitalized (on PC) or done in real-life (pencil+paper... or permanent marker if you want)

Pencil and paper would be perfect!  I mean, if you are better with the paper and pencil, then there is no reason for you not to draw them that way.

So basically:  draw it with paper and pencil and scan it in.  If you want to use a marker, only use it for outlines, not for shading or anything.

Quote from: "Micki!"
- Expressions needed..? (if so, which..?)
Not really.  Just a neutral expression should be fine.  I can always change the expression as need be.

Quote from: "Micki!"
- Certain poses needed..?

Just a basic standing straight up pose.  I would like the arms to be extended to the side, so that I can trace the full body detail.

So for front/back views:
Standing straight up with arms fully extended to the side

For side view:

Standing with arms extended forward

For Menchi, I would like a view of her standing from the front, standing from the side, and standing from the rear.

Quote from: "Micki!"
That's about it i think... at least i can't think of more just yet

And yes, the exclamation mark deffenately make s adifference... i have one in my name too...


Thank you so much!  So for Hyatt and Elgala, you can draw them in their their Across uniforms, and possibly another normal outfit if you have time.  If not, I'll see what I can do myself.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 02, 2007, 02:03:11 PM
I'll try and see when i get time for it (though, actually, it's more a matter of which mood i'm in... i simply can't draw when i'm not in the mood to draw)

I hope i get something done fast... I wouldn't have you waiting for weeks...

Gotta look through the comics again to see how Elgala looks from behind... that's a little hard to remember
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 02, 2007, 02:11:55 PM
Thank you so much!  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:

I can't wait!  Yeah, just post stuff as you complete it.  For now, I'm going to work on the title screen and any section that only requires Excel and Ilpala, since I can trace those now from screen caps.  So that's 2 out of ten sections.

Maybe I'll give you a sneak peek at one if you need help getting in the mood  :Epleased:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 02, 2007, 02:16:57 PM
Heh, it's a bit late now, i doubt anything will be done today :P
I'll see if i will get some time tomorrow... Depends on what else i get in mind :o

If you want, you can get my MSN Email address... (well, it's my yahoo mail, but i use it for MSN too)
I don't have anyone from this forum on my list anyways (damn you guys, nobody wants to talk with me in real time..? :Ecry: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 02, 2007, 03:04:20 PM
:Eshocked: I'm sorry!  But I don't use MSN messenger!   :Ecry:  :Ecry:

And like I've said many times, you really don't have to make them all that detailed.  That's partly why I chose this style, since it is so simple (but mainly because I also find it very attractive).

So without further ado, I hereby take control of this topic (...from myself?) and claim it in the name of Across!  It shall now be used to provide detailed information on the progress of the exciting new Flash animation Excel Saga!

Excel Saga! Progress:

Song acquisition: Complete
Cutting to appropriate size:  Complete

Basic script: Complete
Segment ordering:  Complete
Storyboard:  In progress

Initial sketches:  In progress
Base models:  In progress

Title screen:  Complete
Segments:  1/10 complete
Credits:  Not yet started

Title screen is finished!  And you can get an exciting sneak peak of it right NOW!  Make sure your volume is on, and whatever you do, don't click play!  I'm warning you!  Something completely disappointing and pointless just may happen if you click play!  Click at your own risk!!!111!1!!1

Clicky! (http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/flash/ExcelSaga.swf)

Yay, I finished one of the Il Palazzo and Excel only sections!  Here's a special preview:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 03, 2007, 03:24:58 PM
this looks promising
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 03, 2007, 04:01:03 PM
El with a voice? :: thinks :: if you do give her a voice ask Stacat (our own Elgala) :exhail:

:ElVhappy: I Elgala would like that very much
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 03, 2007, 04:24:22 PM
:Ecry: Sorry, no voices (this time around).  Basically, I'm giving Excel Saga a kind of AMV Hell treatment.  I've made clips of ten different songs and am going to make little scenes with the characters in that hand-drawn style with two frame animations and such.  So for example, that particular scene looks like this in motion:


Very similar in style to that part of episode 18.

But I've got some good stuff planned.  A lot of it is going to be scenes from the manga re-imagined in this style, but there are a few surprises thrown in.

And just to be clear, that gif you see above isn't going to make up the entire segment for that particular song.  So there is animation, it just isn't very complex...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 04, 2007, 07:49:33 AM
Sorry for the double post, but:


I FINALLY finished Excel's front base model (yes, I know the shoes look weird, I'm going to fix that, but that is extremely minor compared to the main thing)!

It was so frustrating (http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/Board/E_Cryingblood.gif)  I had to make a bunch of alterations to that screen cap because she was in a weird pose.  And then I got hung up on the eyes.  Every time I tried to trace them, they ended up looking weird and dead until I finally figured out the solution.(http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/Board/E_Cryingblood.gif)(http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/Board/E_Cryingblood.gif)(http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/Board/E_Cryingblood.gif)


Let me know what you guys think!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 05, 2007, 03:15:09 PM
Hmm, normally when Excel is hailing, she puts her feet together...  :o
Else, they look nice  8)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 05, 2007, 03:22:10 PM
:Eembarassed: Oopsies...I'll be sure to remember that when I get to putting that pose in the flash.

As for everyone else, I'd still like to hear any comments you have right now (good or bad)!

Excel Saga! Progress:

Song list revised!  1 song dropped, two more added.
Song acquisition: Complete
Cutting to appropriate size: Complete

Basic script: Complete
Segment ordering: Complete
Storyboard: Complete (in my mind :Etoung: )

Initial sketches: In progress
Base models: In progress

Title screen: Complete
Segments: 2/11 complete
Credits: Not yet started
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 06, 2007, 12:34:39 PM
I've been making this one today for fun
(http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3892/excelhailvd5.th.png) (http://img223.imageshack.us/my.php?image=excelhailvd5.png)

I should have used normal paper...
Anyways, if this is how you'd like them drawn, tell me... if it's too detailed, let me know too... i might make the others done in time (today) :)

This one is based of the Manga version of Excel (clothes and stuff)... so it's slightly different from the version above, that is from the anime
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 06, 2007, 12:46:29 PM
:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:


:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:

I love it!  I'm going to redo the character model right now!  This is perfect!  I was thinking that the modified trace I did looked weird anyway...like mine wasn't detailed enough.  And based on the manga is perfect, since my flash is based on the manga!

This is awesome!  Don't change a thing!  So I'm going to replace all the front shots I already made of Excel with this model.  I think I only need to make some slight modifications to the existing Excel back model (like the arms and legs), otherwise, it matches this one.  I'm also keeping Il Palazzo  as is because I'm very satisfied with it.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 06, 2007, 02:35:32 PM
cool, then i don't need to re-do anything... i'll start right away with the other ones... and post them once i'm done
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 06, 2007, 02:38:29 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"cool, then i don't need to re-do anything... i'll start right away with the other ones... and post them once i'm done

Awesome!  Can't wait!  This Excel pic is so awesome!




I've decided to fill in the characters' colors completely while staying with scribbled backgrounds.  I've also updated Excel's color scheme.  BANZAI!

I've also increased the size of Il Palazzo's head to match this style:


I've also increased the size of Il Palazzo's head to match this style.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 07, 2007, 02:18:18 PM
Here's a front view of the Across girls... i need Mince, and the side views of them, then i believe i've done my part (unless you wish there's more to be done..!)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 07, 2007, 05:55:01 PM
I also need the rear view of them (or at least Hyatt and Elgala (and Mince))  :Ewink:




Oh, and does anybody know the name of the font they use in the English manga?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 09, 2007, 03:22:51 PM


I'd like to take the time to thank Micki! again!  If it wasn't for him, none of this would have been possible at all!  (And he's still working on drawing more models for me!  What an awesome guy!)  Give him a round of applause!  *claps*

So, what do you guys think?  I'd really like to hear everyone's comments so far.  Don't like the font?  Disagree with the coloring?  Are you even still interested?

Let me know!

Seriously!  Say something!  I'm desperate for attention lol

Edit:  I've added a poll to the topic.  Please vote in it!  I would like to know which kind of written sound effects you would like me to use in the flash.

Also, I've changed the title of this topic.  The fraction in the title is the amount of segments completed/total segments.  (13 comes from title screen + credits + 11 real segments).  So far, I have the title screen and two real segments complete.  The .5 comes from a segment that is complete for all intents and purposes, but will have to be changed slightly once Micki! gives me those back models.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 10, 2007, 11:59:41 AM
I'm sorry to point this out but el kinda looks well...fat
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 12:10:26 PM

Maybe it's the arms...she really doesn't look fat when her arms are moved away from her body.

Maybe it's just an optical illusion caused by the color of the uniform?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Uncreativity on March 10, 2007, 12:14:34 PM
She seems rounder about the crotch than Ha-chan does. I think that's the problem.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 12:44:15 PM

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 10, 2007, 12:48:38 PM
surprisingly much
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 02:47:14 PM
Awesome!  Thanks for the advice!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 10, 2007, 02:52:37 PM
like the new avatar by the way (brilliant)

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 02:56:43 PM
Thank you!  :Ewink:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 10, 2007, 06:35:08 PM
Seriously, you and Micki! make a great team for this project.

I'm liking these chibi designs a lot because of the level of originality which is brought into creating them.. they weren't made to look exactly like Rikdo chibis which IMO, (and pardon my Martha Stewart) is a good thing. ^^ The expressions in their eyes tell of their individual personalities perfectly; The always energetic Excel, the exuberance of Elgala, and the... well, dazed sickly-ness of Hyatt. And Lord Il is just a big mass of curtain with a head anyways, correct? heh..

The font you've been using seems to match quite well with the style of how the manga is written. Were you using Comic Sans MS? Maybe something similar? Regardless, I think it works for what you're going for here.

Any written sound effects would be best to keep in japanese and have actual sound effect sounds to compliment accordingly. There's many sites out there which offer downloading of just about any sound you could want (Although, I'm not sure of how far you're wanting to go with this). ^^;

If you were to add any music, I would suggest using an Excel Saga MIDI. It would suit the styling of this flash really well. That's up to you.

The colors are great for the style. It may not be good to have too much of a complex palette of colors to be concerned with - no need to kill yourself. lol.

Props on thinning out El's belly just a tad. Even though they are in chibi form, HA1L was right about that. b^_^
But then, perhaps El has been letting herself go just a bit..
Shameful if that's the case. :Elconfus:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 07:16:45 PM
Wow!  Thank you for the comment Lord il!

As I've said so many times before, I'm also loving the chibi characters!  It's funny, because it started out as a copy of those shots from episode 18, but it's evolved drastically in such a short time!  I agree about the eyes, too.  In fact, I was showing my friend (who I recently finished showing the anime too) the designs and he said Hyatt looked dead.  I laughed and said that was perfect, since that's how she actually looks a lot of the time anyways  :Epleased: In fact, just about the only thing that has really remained from the original conception is the scribbled hand-drawn backgrounds.

As for the font, it is something I found online called "Web Letterer" that I got for free from a site called BlamBot.  This is another thing that has evolved.  Originally, when I was going with the whole hand-drawn scribble effect, I was just going to hand write all the text (with a mouse, that is).  I later decided it would be nice if people could actually READ what it said on screen, so I decided to switch to using that ubiquitous font that is used in every single webcomic/manga ever.  I don't know if this is the exact one, and I think the real font is called "Wild words", but that one costs $130, so that was out of the question. :Econfused:

As for the sound effects, there are only going to be written sound effects.  This movie is going to be something along the lines of AMV Hell, except with all Excel Saga (my friend showed me the first one a while ago, and I recently watched a youtube video of all the Azumanga Daioh clips from the third).  So it is a series of short music videos covering scenes/ideas from the manga with music that fits the scene in whatever way.  Since this is the case, I don't want to have actual sound effects in there since I feel they will clutter or overpower the music.  In all, there are 11 segments and the final flash will clock in at around 5 minutes or so in length.

This is my fifth flash, but my first flash working entirely with non-sprite objects.  As such, this one is a sort of "testing-the-waters" experiment.  It's only going to have some simple animations and run at 12 fps.  It's actually really part of the style of the flash.  But I'm planning on doing a sequel (Excel Saga!!) that will run at 24 fps with much smoother animations, actual lip-syncing, all of the characters, and lots of other improvements.  In fact, I've already started a little text file where I keep adding ideas in for the sequel.  Some of them I'm super excited about!

But yeah, I'm glad HA1L pointed the Elgala thing out to me.  That's why I've been posting these pics for everyone!  I love getting feedback and sharing my progress!  In fact, I have to stop myself from posting more screenshots as I want to keep the rest of the movie a surprise!

Thanks again for the comments!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 10, 2007, 07:21:29 PM
I think we all (except I'm Eh-chan!) know my opinion Elgala >.>  it doesn't matter how much you trim her she willa lways be fat in my mind's eye!  :elembarassed:  Chubby little spoiled brat!  EXCEL 4EVA!!!! :exhail:

And I just wanted to say it all looks great  :Etoung:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 10, 2007, 09:57:27 PM
I think I've seen you mention something like that before excel-kleinwald (P.S.:  Excel is my favorite too  :exhail: )

Well, I've made another design decision.  The problem with long flashes is that they tend to lose sync with the music as time goes on.  There is a way to remedy this, but if I do it, you won't be able to pause the movie whenever you wanted because if you pause by right clicking and selecting pause (or unchecking play) the music won't stop playing and the whole thing will go crazy.  The payoff (perfect sync) is much greater than the cost (loss of pause), but I'm going to add a scene select anyway so if you need to stop the movie for any reason, you can just return to where you were without having to watch the whole thing over again.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 11, 2007, 06:29:19 AM
Nice that people like it  :Ecool:
And it's good HA1L pointed the thing out about Elgala... I noticed too after i read it

I look forward to the finished version, but i'm a little Curious Eh-Chan... Will you need help for expressions too..? I asked before, but i want to be completely sure... perhaps you need closed eyes for them all, or closed mouths, wide opened mouths, shock expressions, happy, disgusted etc...

There's alot, but this all depends on what kinds of scenes will be in that flash movie of course (could be of minimal use, therefor you might not need my help afterall, that's why i ask)

Do you need a different version of Lord Il Palazzo..? He only haas these closed eyes, and happy expression in that anime version of him... maybe you'd want him with a more serious expression..? (and also original-ize it more, by not using existing art from the anime)

Anybody else here might want to throw in a word or two regarding these suggestions too
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 11, 2007, 07:46:28 AM
Nope, I'm actually all set with the expressions.  I actually have a lot of fun making the different moods and feelings with body language and facial expressions!

As for Il Palazzo, I'm going to keep him as he is for this flash.  For the sequel, I'm definitely going to use an original version (if you still feel up to making them, that is!).  In fact, the sequel is going to have both caped and capeless versions of Il.

The only reason I want to keep him as he is now is because I've already integrated this version into the flash in such a way that it will cause me major hardship if I have redo the model.

As for his expressions, I've got that covered too.  I actually didn't give him eyebrows, but I have the yellow eyes and I shape them in combination with the shape of his mouth to pull off all the expressions I need to.

Like I said, I find the expressions to be a lot of fun to play with, so I don't need help with that.  (But thanks for offering!)

It's really funny, because when you draw the faces on, you can see that if you change the shape of the mouth even just a tiny bit, the whole mood of the character can change!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 11, 2007, 09:50:09 AM
when wil it be finished
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 11, 2007, 10:06:12 AM
Lol, I have two exams this week and a third exam next week, but then I have spring break.  I'll still be working on it when I have some free time though.  For now, I am putting together as much of it as I can without the side and rear models, then I'll just go back and put those in.

I just finished messing around with the actionscript and buttons, so that's out of the way now.  Like I said, I've added a scene select, but I've also added an invisible button that only appears when you put your mouse on the top or bottom edge of the screen that displays the current scene number and will take you back to the title screen when clicked.

But I expect to be finished by the end of the month if everything goes well.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Kirbie on March 13, 2007, 03:46:51 PM
These are great, loving the avatar by the way.  :D
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 13, 2007, 05:14:32 PM
Thank you!  I like your avatar (and sig) as well!

By the way, here's an updated version of the title screen:

Linky! (http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/flash/Excel%20Saga/ExcelSaga_Titlescreen.swf)

Any button that would normally play a part of the movie will just bring you back to the title screen, but I assure you they all work when the entire movie is compiled.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 14, 2007, 03:09:03 PM
That's cool...
i have some fun ideas to add for interactive title screens like this...

You'll probably rather want to hear these for the sequel though ( i believe)...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 14, 2007, 03:21:00 PM
Yeah, I'll probably wait for the sequel to go really overboard with everything.  I'm planning on redoing the existing models also.  I want to make them completely symmetrical, so I'll probably re-trace one half then copy and flip it or something.  I'm also probably going to make some "naked" models off of these that I can clothe as I wish (can't have them wearing those uniforms ALL the time, lol).

But I still have to finish this one first!  (how are the rest of those sketches coming along, by the way?)

Also, I've figured out how to prevent people from right clicking and messing around with the movie controls so I removed that big block of text from the title screen.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Uncreativity on March 15, 2007, 01:08:48 PM
I might be able to, depending on what you need. I've actually done voice acting before (fandubbing, of course, nothing that would actually pay me in earth money). Do you want me to upload some?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 15, 2007, 01:16:44 PM
Sure!  That would be awesome! ^^;

I'll listen to them later tonight (can't listen right now).  I'm sure you would be just fine for whatever.  I mean, this isn't like a professional project or anything either.

Do you need my e-mail address to send the files?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 15, 2007, 03:01:33 PM
She would have plenty of lines!  Like I said, there are going to be parts that focus on each separate character.

I still need to come up with the script, but I assure you it isn't going to be anything TOO complex (if you're worried about too many lines).

Most likely, whatever character is currently being focused on will begin with a little scene setting type narration, and from then on the scene will be carried out normally with no narration (just as if you were watching a normal show).

I may shift focus between characters from time to time, but that will be decided as I write the script.

I hope that explained everything.    :Ecool:

I'll have a much better idea of how many lines everyone will have as the script nears completion, but right now I'm pretty sure everyone will have an equal part, in case you are worried about not getting enough lines.

But for now, I just want to make sure I can get three female voices (otherwise, the project will have to be dropped).

EDIT: And after reading your post in the cosplay topic, apparently you are on board.   :Evhappy:

Now I just need a third girl....
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 15, 2007, 05:12:45 PM
Third girl eh?  Good luck with finding that, although I have never actually tested my vocal ability ;)

I doubt I could make my high pitched voice GOOD however. :D
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 15, 2007, 05:20:31 PM
I've already sent a PM to PinkBunny requesting her voice so I just may be able to avoid resorting to falsettos  :Ewink:

And after listening to myself attempt Il Palazzo, I have decided that I cannot pull off such an important roll after all.  So that means that Il Palazzo is open!  If you are interested, let me know!  Upload your voice test on sendspace.com (//www.sendspace.com) and PM me the link.  You can say anything you want, just make it Il Palazzo...y...

I will also need a Watanabe.  That much I am sure of.  There will also be some other minor voices. I will figure those out later.

So for now, I'm accepting auditions for Il Palazzo and Watanabe.

UPDATE:  PinkBunny agreed!  Hooray!  Now I have three female voice actors!  All I need now is the men!  Send me those auditions fellows!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 15, 2007, 10:42:39 PM
Uh...I'm some what of a tech-tard  :( please help? I dunno how to do a voice file thingie...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 16, 2007, 02:19:13 AM
If you have a headset, you should be able to record voices with Window's Recorder program thingy... (dunno what it's called in English :? )

I might do samples of Watanabe or/and Il Palazzo...
Maybe my voice sucks though...

Bleh, maybe...
Do we get a script with lines of each character you need..?

Also, i will see if i can finish making the missing art for the current project...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 16, 2007, 02:39:21 AM
with windows you can use the sound recorder as explained by eh-chan before.

to get there click on start, programs, accessories, entertainment, then sound recorder and you can save those files.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 16, 2007, 05:04:35 AM

What those guys said.  Use the sound recorder, record something, save the file, then do file->new to start a new file.

You won't get a script until you are chosen to voice a character.  For auditions, just read your favorite line(s) from the manga for the character(s) you are auditioning for.  You can send the voice files through sendspace or you can send them to my e-mail address (which is now posted on my profile).

And actually, I'm thinking of maybe doing this project first.  I don't know, I have to think about it for a while.  But Excel Saga! seems like an utter joke compared to this.  I really came up with Excel Saga! because I wanted to do an Excel flash, but couldn't think of a good enough idea to do a real story.  I'll see what happens.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Uncreativity on March 16, 2007, 09:47:13 AM
I don't have time to audition this morning... I have a really crappy work schedule and I need to run errands all over the place before I go to work. I did upload a chapter of the fandub that I did. It's not the best chapter, but I'm in it a lot because I play Hitomi.


I can't upload the whole movie because it's huuuuuuuge and I'm not good enough with codecs to shrink it down to a reasonable size by myself. XD;;
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 16, 2007, 10:04:02 AM
Awesome!  I listened to a little bit of it and it sounds great so far!  (I'll listen to it better tonight)!

And as a note to the forum in general and everyone else thinking of auditioning:

I've never watched Excel Saga with the English dub.  So I really have no idea what they sound like in English (except for the brief moments during the menus of DVD # 2 and 3).  What I'm trying to say is you don't have to attempt to sound like the English voice actors.  I won't be picking people based on how close they sound to the existing actors.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 16, 2007, 10:23:52 AM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"I won't be picking people based on how close they sound to the existing actors.
That's probably the best way to go about it.

As long as a voice actor can at least convey the personality of their character, that would be the main thing.

But since Elgala has unfortunately never been given a voice, I'm particularly interested in what starcat will come up with. b^_^

Oh, and I'm downloading Uncreativity's file right now as I'm interested in previewing her voicework myself.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 16, 2007, 10:26:43 AM
I'm interested in what starcat will do with it too!  

And might you perhaps be auditioning for a role Lord il?

EDIT:  I listened fully to that clip...LOL!  I don't know what the anime is, but it was pretty funny.  It cracked me up when that other girl took the letter and then the Zelda "item get" noise played!

Creative dubbing for the win!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 16, 2007, 03:33:55 PM
Yeah, you can read some lines from the manga!  I've basically just started writing the script, and I haven't gotten to Elgala's main part yet (though she already has a bunch of lines).  But Elgala will get a little mini monologue or two so once I get to those, I'll send you the lines.

But feel free to read some lines out of the manga for now.  That would be cool!  I can't wait to hear these intepretations!

And the way things are going, it seems like Hyatt will have the fewest lines.  (but then again, I can't really seem to remember her talking for long stretches of time by herself in the manga anyway.. :Ecool: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 16, 2007, 04:59:02 PM
I think I may have a chance at this instead :D

I keep trying to do an Il Palazzo...y voice but I just can't seem to get it right but I will keep trying!  I probably sound more like Iwata or Watanabe anyway maybe I should try those two out.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 16, 2007, 08:49:57 PM
Sorry I was stupid, I got my brother to shoe me when he came over. I'm making it right now!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 17, 2007, 08:26:00 AM
YOU!  You have the absolute perfect Hyatt voice!  The slow, thought-out manner of speaking, the careful pronunciation of each syllable, the soft tone...it's just like I would imagine Hyatt!   :Hpleased:  :Hpleased:  :Hpleased:  :Hpleased:  :Hshocked:  :Hdead:

So it's decided then!  Presenting the ladies of Across:

Excel voiced by Uncreativity!
Hyatt portrayed by HerExellencyThePinkBunny!
And introducing Elgala played by starcat!


Now we still need an Il Palazzo and a Watanabe.  And there is also an additional male role for a driver.

If you want to audition for Il Palazzo and/or Watanabe, just do a reading of some lines from the manga as that character and e-mail them to me.

If you want to be the driver, your lines for auditioning are:
"WHAT THE?!?!?!?"
"I CAN'T SEE!!!!!!"
"HEY YOU!"  (emphasis on the YOU)

The girls will get their scripts once I finish, revise, and finalize it.

As for the original Excel Saga!...consider it lost in the great void of "ideas that were thought up just so I could make some kind of flash".  So I am now focusing my efforts on this new, real flash movie.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 17, 2007, 01:52:11 PM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"And might you perhaps be auditioning for a role Lord il?
"I have no tongue that could utter to one as menial as you!"
- Lord Il Palazzo, Vol. 15

How's that? :lol:  

lol. I'd jump at the chance to audition for Lord Il Palazzo. My only mic, manufactured by the inferiority of the commoners, ^_~ is unfortunately of very bad quality. .... It's a conspiracy, I tell you! The world is currupt and so is the manufacturer of my mic. :P

However, I'm going to try some recordings to see how they turn out. If I'm not satisfied with the sound quality, I'll probably have to back out. Or, if anything, I could give you something for the driver.
I'll get back to you on this by at least tomorrow.

And I'll have to say that Uncreativity has a great voice for doing this. I'm certain that PinkBunny and starcat will do an excellent job as well.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 17, 2007, 02:20:58 PM
Quote from: "Lord il"
"I have no tongue that could utter to one as menial as you!"
- Lord Il Palazzo, Vol. 15

How funny, i thought of trying out this exact quote too...

Isn't it "I have no tounge to utter words to one so menial as you!" though..?
I'm pretty sure that's the line, maybe i should look it up...

Or maybe you did that, and got it right..? :o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 17, 2007, 03:03:09 PM
You should use one of his speeches that don't make any sense!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 17, 2007, 03:48:46 PM
Chibi versions of thee ACROSS girls... Rear and side views for the project
(http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2457/acrosssiderearsmallbd1.th.png) (http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=acrosssiderearsmallbd1.png)
I posted this in my own thread here as well...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 17, 2007, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"
Quote from: "Lord il"
"I have no tongue that could utter to one as menial as you!"
- Lord Il Palazzo, Vol. 15

How funny, i thought of trying out this exact quote too...

Isn't it "I have no tounge to utter words to one so menial as you!" though..?
I'm pretty sure that's the line, maybe i should look it up...

Or maybe you did that, and got it right..? :o

*consults volume 15*

Quote:  I have no tongue that could utter such to one as menial as you!

End Quote.

So you're both wrong!  But Micki! seems to be closer than Lord Il...




Quote from: "Micki!"
(http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2457/acrosssiderearsmallbd1.th.png) (http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=acrosssiderearsmallbd1.png)

:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 17, 2007, 04:47:33 PM
6 smiling excel heads are better than 5... i take that as a compliment  :)
Now hopefully some progress can be made...

I need to make Watanabe and Il Palazzo too
They'll appear eventually
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 17, 2007, 06:06:23 PM

Those side and back profiles look terrific, Micki! :exhail:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 17, 2007, 06:10:58 PM
Quote from: "Lord il"(http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07110/ohnoes.jpg)


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 17, 2007, 06:28:05 PM
Hahaha :D

And thanks... :)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 17, 2007, 07:26:17 PM
Hmmmm.....good question!

I think I personally prefer Excel (Hyatt) sempai myself.  I have it written in as "senior" in the script, but I can easily change it.

I'm going to say do whatever feels most natural to you.

Edit:  Strangely enough, I feel Senior Hyatt sounds better than Hyatt sempai.  I think it may be the t at the end of Hyatt clashing with the s in sempai.  In Japanese, it wouldn't have this effect since it would be more of a to sound at the end of Hyatt...hmmmmm
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 17, 2007, 07:46:58 PM
I'm sorry to say this, but my mic simply isn't up to the challenge. The wire is broken internally and is causing a lot of feedback and cracking noises which is just not going to work for a decent recording. This is really disappointing. T_T
I won't get around to picking up a new one for at least a week.

Heck, I'm sure someone else could be a better voice for Lord Il Palazzo than me anyways.  :wink:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 17, 2007, 07:52:21 PM
Quote from: "Lord il"I'm sorry to say this, but my mic simply isn't up to the challenge. The wire is broken internally and is causing a lot of feedback and cracking noises which is just not going to work for a decent recording. This is really disappointing. T_T
I won't get around to picking up a new one for at least a week.

Heck, I'm sure someone else could be a better voice for Lord Il Palazzo than me anyways.  :wink:

Lenny:  He's right!

But seriously, that's a shame...did you try using a pair of headphones?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 18, 2007, 10:17:14 AM
Yay!  Script is finished and has been sent out to the girls!

It's basically like this:

Elgala:  *says lots of stuff*
Excel:  *says even more stuff*
Hyatt:  *doesn't say very much*

And I've decided on a title!

Excel Saga!  Return to Sender

And there is a new opening for the role of a young child.  Your (only) line is:

"Mommy, what's an Il Palazzo?"

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 18, 2007, 10:12:01 PM
I have special talent of making my voice sound like I'm helium with out using helium. Do you have a use for that?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 18, 2007, 10:41:57 PM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"did you try using a pair of headphones?
Yeah, I tried that, but 'tis no good.

I guess if you're still in need of a voice for a character by next Saturday, I can give it another go. But don't wait for me either.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 19, 2007, 03:10:09 AM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Quote from: "Micki!"
Quote from: "Lord il"
"I have no tongue that could utter to one as menial as you!"
- Lord Il Palazzo, Vol. 15

How funny, i thought of trying out this exact quote too...

Isn't it "I have no tounge to utter words to one so menial as you!" though..?
I'm pretty sure that's the line, maybe i should look it up...

Or maybe you did that, and got it right..? :o

*consults volume 15*

Quote:  I have no tongue that could utter such to one as menial as you!

End Quote.

So you're both wrong!  But Micki! seems to be closer than Lord Il...




Quote from: "Micki!"
(http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2457/acrosssiderearsmallbd1.th.png) (http://img408.imageshack.us/my.php?image=acrosssiderearsmallbd1.png)

:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:

But.... but... it isn't even volume 15... it is from volume 1 when Lord Il Palazzo orders a pizza... the closest thing he says in volume 15 is: Would God answer such a question?

or something to that result to the crazy priest.... Lord Il you're... WRONG! :Eupset:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 19, 2007, 05:36:44 AM
Woow!  Lots o replies!


Perhaps I can use that for the little kid if no one else wants to do that.

@Lord il

I have an exam this Thursday so technically I won't need the voice samples til the weekend at the earliest.  If you mean THIS coming Saturday, then I can still wait for your audition (since I assume that other people will audition too) and then send you your script if I choose you for the role.

@ Excel Kleinwald:

Actually, you're both right.  Now that you mention it, he DOES say that in volume one, but he also says the same exact thing in vol 15 when he is riding in the taxi with Hyatt.  The taxi driver says "Where to Mac?" or something like that.  And then Il responds as noted.  I think it was the second chapter of Vol 15.   :Evhappy:

@ The forum in general:

I've decided to use the outfits seen in the beginning of volume 14 for the girls' non-Across garb!  (And don't worry Micki!, I can draw the clothing myself!  I've already asked you for way too much!)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 19, 2007, 11:41:27 AM
@excel-kleinwald: (http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07121/excel_fall.gif)

@I'M Eh-chan!: Okay then, we'll see how things go for this coming Saturday. :wink:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 19, 2007, 11:59:43 AM
@ Lord Il: it looks deeper today down there

@ I'm Eh-Chan: is it ok if I try for Kabapu (failing that I can do an amazing Sumiyoshi  :lol: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 19, 2007, 01:02:42 PM
@ Lord il:

LOL at the pic!  Yeah, we'll see how things go for Saturday.

@ HA1L:

There's no Kabapu THIS time D:
Only Il Palazzo, Watanabe, Random Driver, Random Park-goer, and Young Child.

Oh, that reminds me, there is a role for a Random Park-goer.  If you want it, your (only) line is:


I might as well do a recap of all the roles and what to do to audition:

Just e-mail the lines to me or pm me a sendspace.com (//www.sendspace.com) link to the file(s).  Please try to get auditions to me as soon as possible.  I would like to have my actors chosen by Saturday at the latest so I can hand out the scripts (well, at least to Watanabe and Il Palazzo...as for the other random characters, your script consists of the indicated lines).  Il Palazzo and Watanabe don't have all that many lines either (I haven't counted yet but I think Watanabe has about 5 or 6.  Il Palazzo maybe has 15) compared to the girls.

And in case you were wondering, I'm estimating the finished movie will be upwards of 15 minutes long.


Why did you put THIS in bold?  I don't know, maybe it means there will probably be a sequel.  Oh, okay.

Oh, and try not to talk to yourself, it makes people think you're crazy!

Understood!   :exhail:

EDIT:  And because I can't possibly make a flash movie with having some kind of studio logo or something:

Clicky! (http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e382/NameOf_A_VGChar/flash/Excel%20Saga/studiologo.swf)

Whoever figures out my name gets a cookie.

Also, can a mod remove that poll?  It's kind of irrelevant now.

VVV New website (the www button)......woo-hoo?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 20, 2007, 07:54:48 PM
:Ecry: The link doesn't work for me...

I suppose that's karma for getting too bossy.

*adds "bothered my voice actors with too many private messages" to the list*

EDIT:  Sees the link has been fixed but keeps item on list anyways.

Also, I've decided to let you guys see what I DID complete of Excel Saga!.  WARNING:  Contains:  Non-Micki! version of Il Palazzo, poorly done character models (I never set up proper arm joints), and Numa Numa.  This is not at all an indication of what RtS will be!  Like I said, I am re-making my character models and will have REAL animation with lip-syncing (there is no lip-syncing in this one...that's just your brain playing tricks on you!)  And for some insane reason, the 4 and 5 buttons in the scene select don't work...

Click here...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (http://www.freewebs.com/ehchan/excelsagaremnants.htm)

EDIT EDIT:  *listens to voice file*  *is stunned by how closely it matches the voice I had always imagined for Elgala*

I <3 my voice actors!  They are all so wonderful!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 20, 2007, 08:32:35 PM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Click here...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (http://www.freewebs.com/ehchan/excelsagaremnants.htm)
I love that!
It's genius!
<3 <3 <3
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 20, 2007, 08:33:46 PM
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Click here...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (http://www.freewebs.com/ehchan/excelsagaremnants.htm)
I love that!
It's genius!
<3 <3 <3

EEEEEE!  Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 20, 2007, 08:37:47 PM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"
Click here...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (http://www.freewebs.com/ehchan/excelsagaremnants.htm)
I love that!
It's genius!
<3 <3 <3

EEEEEE!  Thank you!  I'm glad you liked it!
Well, I am easily entertained.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 20, 2007, 08:43:51 PM

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 20, 2007, 08:50:21 PM
@ starcat:


You're not causing any delays!

@ PinkBunny:

Easily entertained people have more fun anyways!
(< Is easily entertained as well)

@ HA1L:

*bows*  Thank you so much!  I'm so happy everyone is liking it!  Wow, I'm smiling from ear to ear right now!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 20, 2007, 08:54:33 PM
I spamming a yahoo chat room with that link.
They love it.
Yay for Il Plallazzo dancing to numa numa!
<3 <3

Edit: feed back!

10:54:26 PM  ninja_uzumakinaruto: Illpala would never dance to such a mediocre attempt at uniting the masses through music designed to permeate the mind and chronically repeat through the sheer momentum it gains by its catchy, rhythmetic, but nonsensical repertoir of German. >O

^The guy said it thinking that Excel would say that...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 20, 2007, 08:57:11 PM
\o/  YAY!

I'm so glad I posted it now!

*wonders if I should have signed it...*

EDIT:  Updated with signed version.  And the 4 and 5 scene buttons magically work now!

EDIT EDIT:  LOL at the feedback!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Uncreativity on March 21, 2007, 12:41:00 AM
.............omg. That is just... really, utterly amazing. The dancing and the trauma and the joy.

I'll dub more lines tonight, boss! But. If it's not too much hassle (and if it is I'll do it on my own!) can you make me an animation with all of the frames of Il Palazzo's vaguely frightening dance? I want to use it in an RP.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 21, 2007, 02:51:55 AM
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"
10:54:26 PM  ninja_uzumakinaruto: Illpala would never dance to such a mediocre attempt at uniting the masses through music designed to permeate the mind and chronically repeat through the sheer momentum it gains by its catchy, rhythmetic, but nonsensical repertoir of German. [color]

Well to split hairs... the song is Romanian, not German.

But anywho, the voice actors sound phenomenal! I can't wait to hear the finished product :D
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 05:01:02 AM
@ Uncreativity:

I'd best not make that animation tonight (Genetics test tomorrow!  Must study!)  But I'll make it!

@ excel-kleinwald:

Are you still auditioning for Watanabe?  I need a Watanabe!  SOMEONE AUDITION!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 21, 2007, 08:37:13 AM
Haha, nice work there..!

I feel like learning how to create flash movies myself now, because i see the posibilites...

I'll finish the additional art soon, so you can continue
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 01:05:24 PM
Awesome!  And I'm going to try a new technique for tracing in the models.  Instead of tracing with my mouse, I'm going to just draw a box and then reshape it for each body part.  I feel this will make the process a lot easier and the pieces much smoother.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 02:54:15 PM
Yeah, there is that, but that tends to be a little unpredictable (it can totally morph the shape).  Also, when I draw a pencil line, I can't be sure where exactly flash will interpret whether I drew a corner or a curve, thus if I need to tweek the shape, I may end up having to pull multiple points and it just gets too messy  :Econfused:

I find this box method makes jagged lines (like hair) so much easier than drawing it with the pencil, having flash think I drew some kind of squiggly line that intersects itself, and then having a difficult time tweaking it.

(And I'm glad you like the avy!  :Evhappy: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 03:34:10 PM
Matching avatars wooooo!  *hopes to start a new head-banging craze in the forum*

Yeah, the vectors are great though for their scalability.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 21, 2007, 04:37:06 PM
The poll has been removed as per your instruction, I'M Eh-chan!

That flash was great! I was particularly amused at Excel getting increasingly disgusted by the introduction of each new female member to ACROSS.
Changing the Lord's head size was a nice inside joke. :lol:

Oh, and the logo kicks ass.

@starcat: You were meant to be Elgala. No doubt!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 04:55:50 PM
Quote from: "Lord il"The poll has been removed as per your instruction, I'M Eh-chan!

That flash was great! I was particularly amused at Excel getting increasingly disgusted by the introduction of each new female member to ACROSS.
Changing the Lord's head size was a nice inside joke. :lol:

Oh, and the logo kicks ass.

@starcat: You were meant to be Elgala. No doubt!

Fun fact:  Mince was supposed to appear in the fourth cut-away of the Girls segment.  Her head would have been added to the ladder between Excel and Elgala (hence the larger gap) and she would have joined the other two in the front.  But I currently have no Mince drawing (which is fine since I don't need her for RtS either), but that segment was so near completion that I just put it in anyways  :Etoung:

And thanks for removing that poll!

And yes, starcat is way to modest.  She was indeed meant to voice Elgala.  Or at least voice Elgala for me since that is exactly how I imagined her voice.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 21, 2007, 05:25:16 PM
I would like to comment on Starcat's voice
I just listened to it now, i liked it alot, you'll certainly fit VERY well as Elgala's voice  8)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 21, 2007, 08:39:24 PM
Take your time.  I will take a character-by-character approach, so if I don't have Elgala lines, I can work on Excel lines instead and add Elgala later.


I threw this together rather quickly with Micki!'s assistance (he gave me the outline).  This a wire frame that will basically be used to build all the character models.  As you can see, it is quite versatile and easily posed.  I just have to take these basic shapes and mold them to each character and add details and then instant model!  This one is Excel, by the way.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 22, 2007, 01:03:02 AM

Now, remember that i said this outline should pretty much apply to any character you want to use it for... So it's not like it's exclusivley Excel's body we have here...

Also makes work alot easier, with no real differences that anyone would notice at all... (the detail on the the character models themselves, or "skins" as it's called,  pretty much makes it up for it... and hides the similarities of the outlines very well

I'm glad to see the things i make are being taken into such good use... i've never really been part of a project like this before which has evolved this fast, actually...

If the flash movie is Done, would it be possible to get downloadable versions of it..?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 22, 2007, 05:36:50 AM
Yeah, like I said, I'm going to take this outline (or outlines since each piece is a separate entity) and mold it to the other characters' shape, then skin them  :Evhappy:

And once the flash is finished, I can always send you the .swf file.  This is the file that is uploaded to the web and is the compiled movie.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 22, 2007, 08:10:06 AM
@ Eh-Chan

Bloody fantastic work there and I will get my recording for the Taxi driver to you soon for RtS

@ Starcat

It's as if you were born to be the girl herself

:: hands her a Micro-phone and Elgala Wig::

Become who you were born to be

::is now being chased down the street by Peter Jackson who has a large club::
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 22, 2007, 01:19:07 PM

Great!  Thank you!  (And I didn't necessarily say it was a TAXI driver  :Ewink: )

But yeah, I need those voices people!

EDIT:  I just finished the front view of Excel's head!


compare to this (the version used in Excel Saga!):


You can see what a difference the box-molding method makes for the new version of the head!

And here she is speaking:


Why is she saying flavor?  I don't know...maybe she's hungry?

So what does everyone think of the updated version?  I feel the update is a much better representation of Micki!'s art.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 23, 2007, 11:55:21 AM
Oooooo, F-L-A-V-O-R.....!

Perhaps Excel has been on a lengthy diet of rice cakes and tofu and finally decided it was time for a Menchi burger.  :lol: Hmm? Am I right?? Well??

The art update is incredible! Nice, clean lines.

Quote from: "starcat"Also I talk to myself. Good practice for Elgala, sort of!
I think you really are Elgala.
You're even refering to yourself in the third person.. :eltongue:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 23, 2007, 02:10:45 PM
Unfortunately Lord Il, Excel couldn't justify spending the money on the DVDs and thus never learned the recipe for Menchi burgers D:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 23, 2007, 02:20:14 PM
I dunno...............

Deprivation of flavorable foods will do things to a person after a while.
That's where the brutal consequences of improvisation takes over and...

.... stuff happens. O_O

I'll be goin to Radio Shack tomorrow to pick up a mic. ^_^
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 23, 2007, 05:46:29 PM
Yay!  That makes me want to...to...


to post a picture of plain-clothed Excel!


And then the same image from the rear!


And also, since no one else appears to be interested in Watanabe, I suppose I will have to play him.


At first, I tried to alter my voice for him, but then I decided it would be better with my "natural" voice.  Let me know what you guys think...

And I guess I also have to be the little boy since no one has said anything about that either:

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 24, 2007, 08:12:33 AM
^You sound a lot like the english voiced Watanabe.
Seriously, it's very good.

The little boy voice is good as well.

You must be both!

Plain-clothes Excel rawks. Really cute.

I'll have my audition to you by this evening.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 08:18:59 AM
Quote from: "Lord il"You sound a lot like the english voiced Watanabe.
Seriously, it's very good.

The little boy voice is good as well.

You must be both!

Plain-clothes Excel rawks. Really cute.

I'll have my audition to you by this evening.

:Evhappy:  :Evhappy: Thank you!  So now I have three voice roles in this movie!  YAY!

I'm glad you like the plain-clothed Excel!  It's funny because I have a t-shirt (not button-down) in that color and a pair of shorts in that stone color, and it's my favorite color combination of clothing, so I decided to color Excel accordingly.

I can't wait for that audition!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 24, 2007, 08:29:22 AM
Well, I'd have to say that color combo looks great.
For the most part, Excel doesn't seem to be the type to be too extravagant with what she wears, so it seems to be her kinda style.

Is anyone else auditioning for the role of Lord Il Palazzo?

It'd be cool to have a few voices for you to compare with.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 08:43:13 AM
Uncreativity says she has a friend with a good Il Palazzo voice, but I want to keep that as "Plan B" since I'd prefer to give priority to people from the forum (since this really wouldn't be happening had I not joined this forum).

Besides for that (and you), no one else has expressed interest.  Maybe people just don't know?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 24, 2007, 12:06:06 PM
Excel in plain clothes is very nice well done

plus lord Il is right you do sound like Watanabe in the anime

Now as soon as I have it all sorted I'll send you my recordings for Lord Ilpalazzo and the driver
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 12:29:48 PM
Cool!  Thanks!  (Now I'm going to have to watch the dub tonight  :Etoung: )

And also, we've gone from this:


To this:

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 01:58:14 PM
Glad you like it!

I'm working on Elgala now  :Ewink:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 24, 2007, 03:37:38 PM
You sound GREAT for Watanabe... but not so much the little boy in my opinion, too... whiny? stressed maybe? I dunno the word I am looking for.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 03:44:14 PM
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"You sound GREAT for Watanabe... but not so much the little boy in my opinion, too... whiny? stressed maybe? I dunno the word I am looking for.

Too....falsetto...y  maybe?  I'll play around with that.

And thanks again for the compliment!  I never knew I made such a good Watanabe!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 24, 2007, 04:09:39 PM
I decided to use my own normal voice once my sickness subsided (whatever it was *grumble*) and am very pleased with the resulys, I have Watanabe, Il Palazzo, and even the little boy too.

My own Watanabe impression using Eh-chan's lines, a bit softspoken I believe.

My second try with my own lines I made up of Watanabe finding a dead Hyatt.

Just a little snippet from the great Lord himself.

The little boy asking his mother about something...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 04:34:34 PM
Hmmm, those were good!  Do you think you can say something a little longer in length for Watanabe and Il Palazzo so I can get an even better idea of the sound?  And for Il Palazzo, also do a normal reading (as in not shouting, just normal talking).

But those were great!  I may definately use you for the boy at the least!

Oh, and:

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 24, 2007, 07:17:12 PM
Hrm, sorry if I was yelling, I guess I was just overdoing it because I was trying to do it in a booming voice.  You want more?  Well I guess I can give more when I get the chance to do some recording. I still hate my voice though... bleh.

And about the Elgalas? She looks high.  No offense to anyone or anything but... yeah her eyes look so droopy.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 07:28:10 PM
No, I understand yelling the "THIS WORLD IS CORRUPT!" line, but I also want to hear a normal voice (since Il does little to no yelling in my movie).

Round 2:  START!

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 24, 2007, 09:51:57 PM
Here's the voice sample.. ^^;; (http://www.sendspace.com/file/02hcrm)
I put some slight smugness into it for the Lord's character, but tried keeping it mostly natural.

And plain clothes El looks great! b^_^
That's her!! Woo!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 24, 2007, 10:01:23 PM
:Evhappy:  :Evhappy:  :Evhappy:

Your voice is quite distinct!  I like it!  I MUST HAVE IT!  *tries to grab voice*  *punches hole through laptop monitor*

Aw man, not again...

This is what lack of sleep will do to yo...*thud* *zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*

*sends script to Lord il*
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 25, 2007, 03:04:13 AM
I would like to see all characters eyes have that white shiny-spot effect... they look a little too plain atm...

The characters themselves (untill now) look fine... i sent you a few things that i think needs to be modified on the Excel version you PM'ed me about...

It's only minor stuff, but i'm into minor stuff afterall... :o

Those are some nice voice samples... the last one of Lord Il Palazzo sounded nice...

The first one of Watanabe sounded pretty nice too...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 25, 2007, 05:32:45 AM
bloody hell lord il you live up to your name

:: hands him Lord Il costume ::

become who you were born to be

::is yet again being clobbered to death by an angry peter jackson
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 25, 2007, 07:04:10 AM
Seriously??? Me..?!

Thanks! ^_^ That's pretty cool that you guys think so. I'm just starting to get over a head cold which I think is making my voice a bit weird, so that's quite a shocker! :lol:

And get some sleep, I'M Eh-chan! Your laptop will thank you. :wink:

I'll check out that script now.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 25, 2007, 08:16:55 AM
Let me know if you want to see the full script (that goes for the girls as well).  I cut out all the unimportant parts (read:  the parts where you don't appear) to make it easier to find your lines.  Also, I wanted to make it so that no one (except myself of course) would know the full script so that everyone would have something they could be surprised by (i.e. the scenes they don't know about).

*puts on ultra director arm band*  Besides!  If something like this leaked out it would be troublesome if someone stole it!


I'll see what they look like with the eye shine.  I thought that the colored outlines added such a greater dimension to the characters that they didn't even need the little white spots anymore.  But you're the artist, so I'll put them in if you want.  Also realize that the location of the spot will be mirrored on the other eye.  This is due to the technique I am using for the eye, I make one movie clip of the eye, then copy and mirror it for the other eye.  Within this movie clip are separate frames where each frame has a different position for the eye (looking left, looking right, angry, etc.) and then I tell flash to display a specific frame of the eye at any given moment (the same technique is being applied to the mouth and the hands).  But anyways, I'll post some pics later.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: excel-kleinwald on March 25, 2007, 10:41:08 AM
Lord Il *steps away from the tile with the pit*

I think you sound like an old man, not really old just kinda middle aged like the kinda person Ohno, or Asuna would like.  Yeah, you sound like a Takahata sensei to me  :P
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 25, 2007, 10:48:56 AM
 :cry:  My recording got deleted :cry:

just for that I have built a special movable pit for lord il incase people get a bit to cocky
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 25, 2007, 01:39:39 PM
Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO" :cry:  My recording got deleted :cry:

just for that I have built a special movable pit for lord il incase people get a bit to cocky

Can you redo the recording?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 25, 2007, 03:05:16 PM
it'll have to be during the week but I can
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 25, 2007, 08:32:31 PM
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"Lord Il *steps away from the tile with the pit*

I think you sound like an old man, not really old just kinda middle aged like the kinda person Ohno, or Asuna would like.  Yeah, you sound like a Takahata sensei to me  :P
*eyes the rope*
Ohno and Asuna? Er.... That's... um.. flattering..? :lol:


hmm... Like Takahata... Haven't watched nor read much Negima yet to know. But geezzze..... O.o

Quote from: "HA1L ILPALLAZZO" :cry:  My recording got deleted :cry:

just for that I have built a special movable pit for lord il incase people get a bit to cocky
Thank you................. ^_^

@excel-kleinwald: (http://xs413.xs.to/xs413/07121/excel_fall.gif)


Try to get another recording together for Eh-chan to preview, HA1L. ^^

@I'M Eh-chan!: I should have my voice files ready for you by sometime this week.
I'll try for A.S.A.P.

Also, as much as I'd like to see the full script to know what's up, I don't want to ruin it for myself either. So it's all good!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 25, 2007, 09:48:33 PM
Eh-chan needs to share my special voice with the world <3
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 25, 2007, 09:52:03 PM
Done and done.





Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 26, 2007, 01:15:04 AM
A tip:

Breasts are ALWAYS in front of the arms in such a position (except if the person is bowing to th front, but that's not the case)

I know, i got one of my female friends to stand model for me one day, there i noticed the breast-thing

What happens is, the breasts are being pressed into the body, and looking ackward, and it's unpleasant for the girl as well i hear... So in any case, Elgala's breasts have to be pushed to the front...

I'm sure it will look more correct with that fixed

I like her new mouth alot...  8)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: SWamP on March 26, 2007, 03:03:06 AM
The arms look weird...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 26, 2007, 04:03:15 AM
It's because they are located in front of the chest area, instead on the side... it's something that can easily be fixed...

Right Eh-Chan..? :shock:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 26, 2007, 05:00:00 AM
 I would like to tell you all that I'm pulling out of voice acting. the fact being aswell as I can't get the right voice again is that I haven't been well for the past few days  :cry:  and as a result (!) my voice has gotten squeaky for some reason. fortunately my sisters a nurse and she informs me plenty of bedrest.

also I'd like to point out a few things about the following pictures the one below is cleary Elgalaisque

where the one here is more lina inverse (if you get my drift)


this shows micki is right about the position of the arms (in a crude way)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 26, 2007, 06:17:40 AM
Point well taken:


The thing about this is, her upper arm is one object, her lower arm is another, so is her hand, her torso, her hip, etc...

What I'm getting at is if one part of her arm is behind her torso, the rest of that part has to be behind the torso.  So I'll keep the arm behind when in a standard position and pull one or both out in front when she needs to have her arms in front of her body.  Of course, in these cases, she won't be standing still either, so the effect won't be as bad.

I knew it looked wrong but it was getting kind of late for me and I didn't feel like posing her like the plain clothed model.  But if I put the plain-clothed model in the same position, the same effect would happen.  As you can see, her left arm is already on top there.

I believe the other alternative would be to separate her bosom from her torso and put it on a separate layer, and then put the arms under this layer but above the torso.  But I really don't think this would solve anything due to the position of her elbow.

You are right Micki! it is easily fixed.  I just have to reorder the layers a little bit.  It takes all of half a second.  And I like the new mouth too.  That triangle mouth was just giving me way too many problems.  And even this shape didn't look right until I added the tongue and the teeth.

:elannoy: <it's hard being a large-breasted chibi!>


Funny, I just got over a cold, Lord il said he was recovering from something...maybe there's a virus being spread around the internet???  Oh well, I guess someone else will have to be the driver.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 26, 2007, 07:21:45 AM
what I have is the most dreaded disease it's worse then the cold Eh-Chan

this is the dreaded MAN-FLU ::gasp::

anyway I hope you find a driver soon  :Ewink:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 26, 2007, 07:28:14 AM
That helped alot on Elgala's looks...
I feel like i should contribute more than just art for this project...  :o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 26, 2007, 07:42:51 AM
Quote from: "Micki!"That helped alot on Elgala's looks...
I feel like i should contribute more than just art for this project...  :o

You say that as if the art wasn't an incredibly huge contribution (with still more to go!).

But I still say a cameo as either the park-dude or the driver would be awesome.  It's like a rule or something.  People who contribute a lot to something have to have some kind of cameo.



I fixed the wire frame up.  It was slightly asymmetric.  Unfortunately, Excel and Elgala won't benefit from this since I've already made their front and back models D:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 26, 2007, 10:17:24 AM
It's just that the artists in a cartoon seem to be easily missed... most names people get, are the voice actors, the "director"/creator...

Simply because the voice actors can be heard, and the creator made the whole thing be...
A good example could be concept artists for movies and games... you miss them easily, even though they played a MAJOR partof the creation...

I might be wrong though, this is just my impression...

About the new Outline...
You'll use that on Hyatt, and whoever else needs to be done then..?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 26, 2007, 11:49:18 AM
Quote from: "I'M Eh-chan!"@HA1L:

Funny, I just got over a cold, Lord il said he was recovering from something...maybe there's a virus being spread around the internet???  Oh well, I guess someone else will have to be the driver.
We're just a sickly bunch, aren't we? O.o  :wink:

@HA1L: Are you certain you want to back out? The voice part for the driver wouldn't need to be anything too specific. So even if your voice wasn't completely up to par, your voice work would be the easiest to do for such a role. Just a thought.

Elgala in uniform with her arms re-positioned from the front looks far nicer and less awkward. That's the look! b^_^
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 26, 2007, 01:12:26 PM
well I might when I feel better but not till then
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 27, 2007, 07:27:43 PM
Speaking of sickness:

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 27, 2007, 10:16:46 PM
^heh.. That's cute. ^_^ That's the dozy sort of facial expression that I'd expect her to have.

I'm kinda glad you went with brown hair instead of the blue.

Although at the same time, I think many identify her with having blue hair from the anime. Either way is fine.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: SWamP on March 28, 2007, 04:34:01 AM
The hair is a "bit" long, IMO...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 07:44:50 AM
@Lord il:

Manga Hyatt blows anime Hyatt out of the water in terms of cuteness IMO.  This flash is based on the manga anyways (in terms of personalities and...Elgala) so of course I went with the brown hair.  In fact, no one said anything about Excel's hair either (I made it blond blond instead of orange blond).

@El Sargento:

Hmmm, I suppose, but I was basing it off of Micki!'s drawing anyway, and that's how he drew it.  Either way, here she is with shorter hair:


I'll let you guys decide which you prefer.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 28, 2007, 11:03:37 AM
Let it stay shorter i say...
I originally wanted it shorter too, but then there'd be traces of ugly erased pencil lines left (sometimes i press too hard... bad habit of mine) That's why i didn't edit the original drawing... I completely forgot to tell you about this, so it's good El Sargento pointed it out...  :)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 28, 2007, 11:21:02 AM
I think her breasts look weird IMO
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 11:35:33 AM
Quote from: "HerExellencyThePinkBunny"I think her breasts look weird IMO

In what way?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 28, 2007, 12:19:01 PM
They don't look normal...they look all saggy!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 12:56:30 PM
Granny boobs.

Sort of...... ^^;;

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 01:01:53 PM


Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 01:07:58 PM
Much better! b^_^
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on March 28, 2007, 01:08:51 PM
That's better!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 01:10:10 PM

I take it Excel and Elgala are fine then?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 01:27:04 PM
Plain clothes Excel has the similar sort of thing, but nothing serious.

As for Elgala.... well, I think we all can agree that she's a big girl anyhow, so no probs there. ^^; (And No! I'm not implying that she is fat! Although Excel certainly would. :lol: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 01:46:53 PM
Okay then:


(I lined it up with Hyatt)

You can also see some other minor revisions I made to this one.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 02:00:24 PM
^She looks a bit more happy and bright instead of demented and scary.  :P  

The other look suited her just as well though. lol!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 28, 2007, 02:06:28 PM
Excel still needs that shiny dot in her eye..! It feels a little "empty" and "dead" looking at a face without that shiny spot...

Try removing it from Hyatt... you'll see she'll look more dead than she already is..! (yes, that's possible, actually)
This could be used well for dying effects too btw... Remove the shine when Hyatt dies, it helps B))

Many Anime's (probably also manga's) use this, when they want to add some sort of "emptiness" to a lifeless character... they seems almost like living dead, or vampires...

Quote from: "Lord il"^She looks a bit more happy and bright instead of demented and scary.  :P  

The other look suited her just as well though. lol!

Yeah, it's just the eyebrows... it's funny at times, how much a change minor detail can cause :)

I always loved one certain Expression of Excel actually... Anyone able to guess which one, before i say it..?  :P
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 02:17:37 PM
^Not totally sure, Micki!

Would it be the dazed and confused sort of look? (When her eyes are clenched tightly closed? That's a personal fav of mine.)

I'd also like to see Excel with the eye shine.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 03:20:55 PM
@ Micki!:

Is it this one?:


Also I will add in the shine.  I just haven't done it yet for Elgala and Excel.


Haha, you don't have to tell me that her costume changes every volume!  I will make that line a little thicker though.  I think the scheme I used here was taken from a consensus among the manga covers.  But it still keeps changing there too!

For the shoulder pads, I'm going to have to add a second point where her arm comes out and then I can tilt them back down.  I think I might have to make multiple shoulder pads anyway because of the way they move with the arm.  These things are going to become quite difficult since I don't think you'll let me get away with the "flip the whole pad when the arm is straight up" method I used in the other flash.

The curls are easy to fix, I just have to change the layer order.

And I'll add in the other two points to the ribbon.

And other stuff...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 28, 2007, 04:10:45 PM

Okay, turns out if I added that second (or third, as the case may be) point to the shoulder pad, it would have overlapped with her bosom.  And we all know the response the last time that happened...

I added the other two points to the ribbon, shrunk the pads, made the stripe bigger, added the eye shine, put the curls in front of the body, moved one of her arms closer to her body to match the other arm...and I think that's it.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 28, 2007, 05:29:16 PM
Y'know, just when it seems something can't get any better... I mean, WOW!

And of course if anyone would know the details of El, it would be starcat. ^_^

Great job!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on March 28, 2007, 07:53:17 PM
this is just starting to get better and better
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 28, 2007, 11:31:30 PM
Great improvements... Helped quite alot... 8)
And yes, that's more or less the expression i was thinking of (that of Excel)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 29, 2007, 07:46:47 AM
Thanks for the compliments everyone (though they should mainly go to Micki!  He drew the originals, I just modified them.)

And I've figured out how I'm going to do the shoulder pads:

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 29, 2007, 08:29:22 AM
That solution should do the trick... but please show us versions of Excel And Hyatt doing it as well... to make absolutely sure everyone has it right...

It's not always sure that the same trick works for every character (well, maybe, maybe not)

And thanks for throwing the credit after (got me right in the eye  :shock: )
I'd really like to see a picture of all the Flash versions once done... would be nice to have around... Like: "Original Concepts = Finished Flash versions"... It's like seeing the process step by step, and i like such things...  8)

If just Rikudou could see what his fans are doing for a tribute... But does he even know this website exists..?! :o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 29, 2007, 10:35:18 AM
Quote from: "Micki!"If just Rikudou could see what his fans are doing for a tribute... But does he even know this website exists..?! :o
That's actually a good question. I'm not certain if anyone from here has tried to make contact with him to have him aware of this site.

I think it would be a good gesture on our part to somehow show him the finished flash once done. I bet he'd love it.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 29, 2007, 11:41:17 AM
Yes, and not just that... our beloved forum was mentioned a few times (or at least once, where it was recomended for fans to take a look) in the Oubliette in the Manga... therefor it has at least a slight official connection to the English version of the Manga (how little it may be, it's THERE)

Thereby giving us at least a slightly bigger chance of getting the audience we want (that being even more fans of the English Manga, and Rikudou himself, as he must follow at least a SLIGHT bit with the english versions production)

What i'm trying to say is:
It's just right, to make him see how much his foreign fanbase loves his stuff, and since this forum has it's slight connection from the past, it's more likely to make this happen ...

Maybe we should notify Carl about this project :o

Ehrr... i'm not trying to sound like if "we deserve it more than other websites"... just saying...
After re-reading my post, it sort of made it look like that was what i was saying :o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 29, 2007, 03:27:53 PM
Perhaps looking for people outside who can..? (in case we don't got anyone..?)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 31, 2007, 06:28:44 PM
Quote from: "starcat"I'd suggest making a subtitled version for Rikudou-san, though. Can anyone translate into Japanese?
Quote from: "Micki!"Perhaps looking for people outside who can..? (in case we don't got anyone..?)
If we're unable to get someone here to translate and if everyone is very serious about doing this, I can try asking some people I know from outside who are studying Japanese. The worst thing they can say is "no."

Getting someone fluent in Japanese would be great though as to ensure no errors are made.

Just to let everyone know, I've sent my voice files to Eh-chan! last night.

@Eh-chan!: Please let me know if you've received them okay.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on March 31, 2007, 08:27:22 PM
ZOMG, if Rikudou-san saw this I'd die of happiness and/or embarrassment.  Either way, I would certainly be super-honored if he took the time to watch!  *goes off and has delusions of grandeur*

*comes back*

Oh, that's right, I have a reason for posting:


Ja-ran!  I'll admit that I got dragged by the necktie into the world of Suzumiya Haruhi and spent the past few days reading the fan translations instead of working on the flash.  But now that I've read through all the releases, I can get back on track.  So here's Hyatt in her Across garbs.

Lord il, I have received your voice files, and will listen to them right away!

And Micki!, that's a super idea about showing the progression of the images.  I can show the original sketches, then the first flash versions used in Excel Saga!, then the new versions and what not.  I will decide on whether to include this once the flash nears completion.  I'm pretty sure it's going to be quite a few megabytes in size as it is, so I will see how much more that would add.

Okay then, I'm off to listen to voice files!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 01, 2007, 05:06:36 AM
That's what i had in mind, the three versions...

Anyways, to comment on Hyatt

Her head seems too low... or it's her shoulders that are too far up

Her skirt is actually more like light-blue/light-pink of some sort, not all purple... it changes from time to time... but purple is certainly not the right color :o
(picture below)

Whatever it's called, you're missing this "elevation" of some sort at her feet...
I also included it on the original sketch
It's little fun details like this which can seem important at times... Or maybe it's my perfectionism again
(same picture below again)

Her gloves change from blackish to, purple... whatever seems to fit best, you may wanna try both... You probably have other pictures  on your HDD already to get a reference of her with different colored gloves...
(once again, the picture below)

(http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/1931/hyattcorrectnessgl0.th.jpg) (http://img457.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hyattcorrectnessgl0.jpg)

Else i didn't notice any other real things yet that need to be changed/modified
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 01, 2007, 08:52:27 AM
Okay, so I did a slight re-color on her skirt and gloves and added that little thing near her feet like in your original drawing (I forgot to do that last night).


As for the head thing, I was thinking that too, but her body frame is a actually a duplicate of the plain clothed model, so I don't know what to say:


As you can see, the body shape and positions are exactly the same.  Maybe I have to play around with the collar a little bit.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 01, 2007, 09:17:26 AM
I guess it can't be halped with the neck then...

Anyways, the improvements helped, looks better and more accurate now..!  8)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on April 01, 2007, 09:37:37 AM
I think it's her chin being abit to round then again maybe not
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 01, 2007, 09:44:41 AM
Quote from: "starcat"Maybe it's the hair or the eyes or the mouth, but I think her face looks wide.

It's the two thin hair strips on the sides.  If you look closely, you can see that the face actually angles upward at the bottom right before being covered up by the hair.

And maybe her mouth.  I might make it slightly larger once I get around to making the different lip-sync shapes.

Yeah, the coloring is a nightmare.  Every cover, the colors change, the outfit changes, one cover has Hyatt with purple anime hair, the red and black on her uniform flips (same with the yellow and black on Elgala).


Thanks!  I used the old flash version for the coloring, so that's why all those purples were the same.  And like I said, I simply forgot to add the little bump at her feet.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 01, 2007, 01:37:38 PM
Quote from: "starcat"Actually, the yellow and black is fairly consistent... but the stripes on the bottom constantly change. There's one, two, none, yellow or black, yellow AND black, the back is split, solid, pointed, round...oh man Rikudou needs some consistency.

It's Elgala's taste of clothing...

She slightly modifes it everytime, to make it a little more different each time, instead of the old same clothing...  :P

Sounds like something she'd actually do...
Anyways, i guess now i should get going with Il Palazzo, and Watanabe... those seem to be what's missing..!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 01, 2007, 08:45:37 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"

It's Elgala's taste of clothing...

She slightly modifes it everytime, to make it a little more different each time, instead of the old same clothing...  :P

Sounds like something she'd actually do...
Anyways, i guess now i should get going with Il Palazzo, and Watanabe... those seem to be what's missing..!

I should just change Elgala's clothes every scene and see if anyone gets it.  Except I shouldn't cause that would mean more work.

[cough]Don't forget about the 3/4 views[/cough]
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 12:07:25 PM
Ah yes, 3/4 views... need those as well...

Since i don't like doing half work, i will probably make those in full body shots, and not only heads...

Btw, i was bored today so i drew Il Palazzo in front views... with, and without armor...
(http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/6898/ilpalazzoxv0.th.jpg) (http://img513.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ilpalazzoxv0.jpg)

what's needed, is him strecthing his arm out to one of the sides (like pointing out something, or whatever... you all know this typical pose)

And also rear views needs to be done...... and maybe 3/4... if necessary or not... might come in useful later, or for a possible second or third movie...

If anyone knows of an image of il Palazzon turning his back to you, please tell me in which volume, or give me a picture if possible... i'd preferably want to make it accurate, and not out of my mind...

The version of him, wearing the armor, has a better looking head imo... the other heds seems somewhat wide, or something... whatever is wrong, this os no big issue...

here are some pretty important notes:
It appears his armor changes form time to time... so i used a certain picture of him from Volume 1 of the manga, as a reference (The section in where excel got told he'd be gone in 3 days... or "72 hours" as he said it)

The version of him without the armor, i used the "introduction page" of Il Palazzo in Volume 1 as a reference...

Colors and such i guess you can get right be looking at all sorts of covers...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 12:30:22 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"If anyone knows of an image of il Palazzon turning his back to you, please tell me in which volume, or give me a picture if possible... i'd preferably want to make it accurate, and not out of my mind...
In the first quarter of Volume 15, it has a few good back shots without the armor and cape. If you need any scans, let me know. ^_^

Quote from: "Micki!"Colors and such i guess you can get right be looking at all sorts of covers...
Don't forget to use our own gallery of pics for reference material as well. Not necessarily the fan art though for the sake of accuracy.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 12:35:29 PM
Thanks lord Il..!
Scan's aren't needed unless it really is not problem for you to do...

Afterall i have the book myself... it's just sort of annoying, and a little time consuming when i have to hold my hand over the page, so it doesn't always close...
So damn annoying :o Since i use both hands for drawing too...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 12:42:22 PM
^I can totally understand that.

And it's never a problem. If there's anything specific you want, just yell.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 01:08:30 PM
And so i do... may i YELL for a picture of il Palazzo from behind..?
With, and without armor if possible... :P

Thanks in advance...
And i hope there isn't anything wrong with my current version of il Palazzo..!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 02:22:03 PM
^Okay, check this out, Micki!

I started going through both my manga and Newtype magazines and realized something: I could probably find something easier with the included production art in the DVDs.

Not sure if we could do much better than this...


Although, you may want to note that in the manga, the Lord's coat goes halfways between his knees and feet and is cut in the back.
Maybe the shorter coat would look better for him in chibi form? O.o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 02:28:45 PM
And i didn't really notice the coat was shorter in the manga...

I'll fix that later...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 02:35:07 PM
Actually, it's longer. :wink:

Quite a bit so too.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 02:48:30 PM
^Yeah, I just realized this after you mentioned it.

I believe that production sketch really does show extra armor. O.o
Or perhaps it's like a fastening device for the outer layer.

Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 02:57:17 PM
I guess you're refering to the shoulderpads on his regular clothing...
I too think it's additional armor, on which the outer armor is attached to...

Anyways, the changes will be a longer coat, and a slightly modified insdie-armor clothing... based on this picture...

I forgot the extra material on the DVD's had this stuff...  8)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 02, 2007, 03:20:34 PM
Kinda off topic for just a sec, but...

Oh my god... I just had an epiphany about the possible reasoning behind the armor on his shoulders!!

It's to offer himself a metaphoric protection from what he feels is carrying the weight, or more accurately, the fate, of the entire world on his shoulders. O_O

Wow.. O.o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 02, 2007, 03:27:32 PM
So, if he's not wearing them (meaning his alter-personality comes into play) it means he doesn't care for the "Fate" but only the qonquest itself..?

Sort of makes sense, in a way...

Erhm, anyways, this is off topic so let's jump back on track... :o
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 02, 2007, 04:57:40 PM

Just as a size ref, Il Palazzo's about a head taller than Excel, right?

I might trace him in tonight (at least the cloaked version, since I don't need the capeless one yet).  Either that or I start working on the side views.  I also have to go back and give all the plain clothed models better upper arms.  The way I have it now, the upper part of the upper arm tapers off in a weird way.  All I have to do is re-draw them as more cylindrical shapes like the lower arm.  This won't effect the Across versions since they have those ever useful shoulder pads anyways.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on April 02, 2007, 06:10:08 PM
wow this has sortof turned into the Ilpalazzo fan thread  :exhail: HAIL ILPALAZZO

I'm announcing I'm gonna try the voice again when I have time. My illness has gone and my voice is back to normal. I can't do recording at this time as I can't get on the pc (I like Laptops  :exhail: )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 03, 2007, 09:45:07 AM
I just made Il Palazzo's rear view, and a version of him with the arm stretched out...

(http://img49.imageshack.us/img49/7006/ilpalazzobackarmuh0.th.jpg) (http://img49.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ilpalazzobackarmuh0.jpg)

As for his arm stretching out, I made this in MS Paint... It shows the animation that i thought could be used for his erm stretching... To make the animation look as smooth as possible

(http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/8010/ilpalazzoanimationts2.th.jpg) (http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ilpalazzoanimationts2.jpg)

Orange circle indicates his arm going through his armor...
I've noticed from a side view picture once, that his armor has a "hole" just there, for his arm i guess...
So there's nothing wrong or anything, this can be done for the flash version too

Also, the orange arm shows how it's bend when he's about to stretch the arm...

Red shows what the cape will look like in the middle of this animation...

Blue arrow shows that the Cape will flip to the back side of his armor...
The black mini-cape will also appear at his back... maybe a little bit of it will still appear at the front... depends on what looks best...
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 03, 2007, 12:21:39 PM
Awesome, I'll FBF (frame-by-frame) that then.  I'll definately try to get a trace of him in tonight.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 03, 2007, 12:42:00 PM
Cool... i'm looking forward to it then...

You may want to look for other references still, where his arm is stretched out...

I didn't use any, so what we have here, is completely out of my mind... might look somewhat different in the Manga/Anime... i know i should have looked for a reference myself :o

And btw... is there anyone here who'd like to be added on MSN..?
Would be nice to have some from these forums on my list... i don't have many Excel Saga fans i can talk with there..!
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 05, 2007, 07:34:11 AM
Apologies for double posting...
Here's an enhanced version of Il Palazzo's rear and arm stretching to the side...

Actually, no shanges have been made to his rear, but i did change some of the cape's overlapping when he stretches out his arm
(http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/4297/palazzokb9.th.png) (http://img297.imageshack.us/my.php?image=palazzokb9.png)
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on April 05, 2007, 01:39:29 PM
Very nice work, Micki! Can't wait to see what Eh-chan! does with it.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 06, 2007, 12:52:03 AM
I'm looking forward to it as well...

He'll be needing the "1/3 views" of all characters though before being able to finish all animations (from all angels that is) :o I'll make those eventually...

Right now my next artwork is supposed to be Excel wearing some towel again though (on a normal A4 paper this time)... I begin to like her wearing that..!

So 1/3 views will have to wait... :Ecool:
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on April 06, 2007, 04:56:49 AM
this is getting more interesting the more it's coming along
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 09, 2007, 04:59:31 PM
I just want to let everyone know that I won't really be able to work on this for a while.  I've got exams coming up pretty soon and a bunch of other school related stuff that comes first.

So there you have it.  I'll be able to resume heavy work again probably in the summer.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on April 09, 2007, 05:05:25 PM
Then i got time to finish the remaining art i guess...
And maybe continue with the comic project too

Good luck with the exams btw
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on April 09, 2007, 08:11:18 PM
I think it begins with a c...




Cosby!  That's right, you're going to be having a week-long marathon session where you watch the Cosby Show.
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Uncreativity on April 10, 2007, 12:07:23 AM
Kinda sucks how life impedes on creativity, huh?

Well, I'm actually around again... and unemployed again! H-huzzah. I think. XD;;
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on May 21, 2007, 10:53:52 AM
I think we sort of stopped... i guess it's the missing art  :oops:
Should we continue..?

Where is Eh-Chan..?
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on May 21, 2007, 04:04:15 PM
Quote from: "Micki!"Where is Eh-Chan..?
I'm guessing he's crankin out some serious riffs on his new guitar these days. =)

@Eh-Chan: Let us know what's happening or I'll confiscate your amp. I'll do it!!
(Blast! The evil Excel emoticon isn't working!! Oh well....
I'll just have to use this instead ---> :twisted:  )
Title: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: HA1L ILPALLAZZO on May 21, 2007, 04:32:46 PM
Quote from: "Lord il"
Quote from: "Micki!"Where is Eh-Chan..?
I'm guessing he's crankin out some serious riffs on his new guitar these days. =)

@Eh-Chan: Let us know what's happening or I'll confiscate your amp. I'll do it!!
(Blast! The evil Excel emoticon isn't working!! Oh well....
I'll just have to use this instead ---> :twisted:  )

what the emoticons arn't working  :cry:
Title: Re: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 23, 2009, 05:43:35 AM
Memories, it's such a shame this kinda died...

I decided to save all the art in here, in case the host some day might die out, never know if they could come in handy sometime in the future :il_hahaha:

If Eh-Chan returns, i swear i'll draw all the remaining art in record time for him...
Title: Re: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: Lord Il on March 23, 2009, 03:04:51 PM
^That was a bump for great justice for this thread.
I'm glad you did it. ^_^
Title: Re: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: MincyMatsu on March 23, 2009, 03:10:30 PM
I miss this, once active, thread... It was so full of enthusiasm, will to create stuff, and the WIP results looked fantastic... We could have created something quite unique with this project... I shouldn't talk about it as if it was dead though, i'm far from leaving this do die...
Title: Re: My Flashes (Excel Saga!: Remnants posted!)
Post by: I'M Eh-chan! on January 27, 2021, 09:02:39 AM
An Explanation of my Absence:

To anyone still here and to posterity, I would like to explain my sudden disappearance and cancellation of the video.  I simply reached a point where I realized I had taken on too much with school and everything else going on in my life.  But instead of telling you wonderful people here, I ran away.  I convinced myself that everyone would be mad at me for failing since everyone seemed pretty excited about the project to begin with.  I realize now that if I had stayed around and explained myself, no one would have been mad and I'm sure I would have been encouraged to continue the project at my own pace and would probably even have a more complete project.

Anyways, this board was a MAJOR part of my life and I loved every moment on it.  If anyone sees this and happens to have saved a copy of my partial Excel Saga! flash, please send me a PM, since I seem to have lost it.  If you are still interested in what I've been up too, you can find some of my fiction at https://www.fictionpress.com/~noavgc (https://www.fictionpress.com/~noavgc)

I've also started to dabble in art.  You can find my work on instagram @NOAVGC_art https://www.instagram.com/noavgc_art/ (https://www.instagram.com/noavgc_art/)

I hope to hear from you again!  But for now, I'M STILL Eh-Chan!

Eh-chan, out!  :excel_fall: