It's been awhile since I pimped out all of the wacky and/or zany fanfic I've written! Most of that is because I am violently disorganized and spread said fanfic all over the internet like Johnny Appleseed plantin' seeds. Seeds of deliciousness. Eventually I'll get it all up on my website buuuuuuuut I am a lazy, lazy, lazy person when it comes to my website, so:
I have started uploading my longer/better fics to (, because if there's anything needs, it's more people who can actually write. And I have a lot of drabbles on my website (, because I likes me some drabbles.
This first fic that parodies another fic. That kind of makes me a terrible person, I'm sure, but if the first person's fic wasn't so utterly, horrifically bad, I wouldn't have to make fun of it, now would I? The story behind it is told briefly in the post with chapter one (I started off just putting this on one of my role-playing livejournals, and that's where most of the chapters are).
The title of the story is RAPE: A Fanfic About Rape (In Which There Is Rape), but other than that it's pretty tasteful. Except for the part with the rape in it.
Chapter 1 (
Chapter 2 (
Chapter 3/4 (
Chapter 5 (
Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 (
Chapter 8 ( (The final chapter!)
Dianetics Another Day
Chapter 1: What the FUK? (
Chapter 2: Until Morale Improves (
Chapter 3: Exposed and Expositioned (
Chapter 4: Party at the Shioujis' (
Chapter 5: In Which Plot Points are Stolen from South Park (
Chapter 6: The Magic Stick (
Chapter 7: Practically Clear (
Chapter 8: Kind of Cool (
Chapter 9: Party at the Shioujis' II: There Actually is a Party This Time (
Chapter 10: Xenu is My Homeboy (
Chapter 11: No Hard Feelings (
Chapter 12: Tom Cruise Control (
Chapter 13: Mission Unpossible (
You write very well Uncreativity! And I must say that I want to read more but... I hate you ending to that one :P
"A scene for whom? The minor characters? It's not as though they have feelings."
BEST LINE EVAR (or a very good line)
Quote from: "excel-kleinwald"You write very well Uncreativity! And I must say that I want to read more but... I hate you ending to that one :P
"A scene for whom? The minor characters? It's not as though they have feelings."
BEST LINE EVAR (or a very good line)
Hee, thanks~
And that's not the ending! Just a really, really bad cliffhanger. :Etoung:
OMGWTFBBQ?!?!1!1/!?/!?1eleventy-one YOU NEVAR SAID THER WAZ RAPE!
But srsly, that was awesome. I was laughing the whole way through. Your writing is all kinds of l33t, h4wt, ZOMG, and/or pwns0m (not necessarily in that like it like that way >_>)
In conclusion, I give your work:
<(^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^)> v(v-v)v <(^_^)^
6/5 Kirby's (not an average)
roflmao you haven't lost the touch Uncreativity I especislly like the cliff hanger XD
Edited the original post with a link to the seventh chapter of the rapefic! There's only one chapter left, and it's halfway done. Gosh, I'm actually gonna miss it... I hope the ending does it at least a little justice!
Do you guys think that once I'm done with this one, I should write a long, epic fic or go back to short fics?
I do still have the beginnings of that Harry Potter AU already written. (Technically it's a crossover, but Voldemort is going to be the only Harry Potter character that's even in it. Basically, the idea is Excel Saga if they were all wizards.) I might be more inspired if I don't hate the last HP book too much, but it's probably not a good sign that I've already ignored it so long...
There is one particular thing that I like about your fics, it is the fact that you know how to portray the characters, especially Excel.
Job well done, I will be kinda dissapointed when this is all done and over with because I had so much fun reading them! Good luck, and God Speed Uncreativity the ironically named member of the Excel Saga Forums.
Oh and I prefer epic fics myself but those are kinda long and I am impatient! :P
Thanks! ?
I just finished the story! I hope the ending doesn't feel as rushed as it actually was. I also know what my next fanfic is gonna be! Watch out for it. Mwahaha.
I've started writing another fanfic! It's called Dianetics Another Day, and it's a crossover between Excel Saga and Scientology. The first chapter is finally done and there are more to come!
This fic is going to be pretty different from the last one. I'm trying to use all of the characters and have a plot, which is pretty hard for me! It cheers me up a little when I think it must be hard for Rikdo, too.
I giggled insanely all the way through your first story. Can't wait to see where the new one is going! It's great so far.
Taking a little break in my big, epic fanfics to write a cute short story! ( At least, I think it's cute. Probably because I'm a bad person.
Heh, just read the short story. You're psychotic! I mean that in a good way. :D
The short story was entertaining, but uh-- I think cute isn't quite the right word.
I want dessert too!
Quote from: Inkwolf on July 26, 2007, 07:19:47 PM
Heh, just read the short story. You're psychotic! I mean that in a good way. :D
Well, I'm gonna say she's sick. And I also mean that in a good way! XD
It made me chuckle.
I've only just read the 1st chapter and the start of the 2nd.
I can't stop laughing. My sides hurt. I'm crying.
Good job, good job.
Thanks for the encouragement, guys. :ehail:
Here's chapter two ( of Dianetics Another Day!
The way I see it, there are three kinds of fanfics. There are the fanfics that genuinely want to be an extension of a beloved series, the presumptuous fanfics that think they can do a better job of writing the series than the original author, and the fanfics that serve as a substitute lovelife for an author that does not have one. I want this fanfic to be all three.
Haha, that was pretty cool... I had a whole comic of it (with pics and all) running through my head for every sentence i read :D
Well hey, if you wanna share a little of your artistic vision... >.>
I didn't say that exactly...
Although, i didn't deny either...
I personally hate to think of scenarios myself... so using the works of others really is a nice thought...
If i one day become extra ordinary bored, i will probably ask for your permission to comic-ify one of your fanfics haha :e_cool:
Meanwhile, please continue writing more fun stuff ..! 8)
Blanket permission granted! :ehail: Draw anything you want, if you want!
Noted, and will do..! O0
Chapter 3! (
Excel is back, and Kabapu talks a whole lot! END OF SUMMARY! :ehail:
Just got caught up.
QuoteMisaki's voice cut into the touching family dysfunction (or rather, the dysfunctional family touching).
Hee, hee, hee!
Great story so far, and I love how you write Excel!
Chapter 4! (
Excel's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day continues unabated! Elgala has engaged in warfare with the hobos down the river! Miwa gets her grope on! END OF SUMMARY!
It's cool, still...
How long are you planning to keep on going with this story..?
Until it's done.
Which is to say... I'm not really sure! I need a longterm writing project to keep me busy at work, so it's not like I'm in any hurry to finish.
But if you're worried about it getting to be tl;dr... well, maybe you'd best stop now? Because long fic is going to be long.
Why would i stop reading haha
No, i was curious if you had pre-planned the whole story to begin with... in which case, you'd be able to estimate how long it would be...
But i got another response... It sounds like it's something you build up as you go, so obviously (in that case) you can't know at all how long it can get...
But my curiosity will leave me hanging.. i hate liking somethign, and then having to cut out in the middle, having to wonder how it continues (like the last few episode of an Anime being cancelled, so that the edning won't ever be revealed) :o
Oh, I see what you mean. Don't worry, I'm definitely gonna finish this fic! Probably not before I go back to school in late September, but I can try! :e_pleased:
I'm not much of a pre-planner. I tend to start out with a basic premise and a vague idea of what kind of ending I want. This fic is easier than most because it's a crossover (sort of), so a lot of the plot kind of writes itself by combining the original story with the Scientology stuff.
Admittedly, part of the fic is just me kind of blowing off steam with some of my issues about the way the plot of the manga is progressing... I'm trying to reserve judgment until vol 16 comes out in English (I know what happens in it because I have a friend who reads Japanese, but not word-for-word), but a large part of the inspiration in this and the next chapter is just me saying, "This is the way Excel SHOULD have met Umi."
Boy, if I had to estimate... ten chapters, maybe? Watch me go back on that. :e_confused:
Chapter 5! (
Excel and Umi's adventures continue, while the second Excel has adventures of her own! Ms. Manager's accent is probably completely wrong! Lord Il Palazzo is Sir Not Appearing In This Chapter, but he's still in all our hearts! END OF SUMMARY!
In case you're curious, here's what I have written of future chapters:
6 - 90% (none if it is typed, though, so it'll still take a few days)
7 - 75%
8 - 10%
9 - 33%
Current projected fic length: 12 chapters
Still fun stuff...
I've been meant to ask...
You have seen parts (or all) of volume 16 right..? if you're taking inspiration from it, would you mind telling if there's any kind of spoilerish moments in your fan fic..?
Ah, good question, and I should have said something about it up front. :e_confused: I'm trying to make a point of doing it differently from the actual series; for example, Excel meets Umi in vol 16 (which isn't really a spoiler, since they're on the cover together), so I wrote Excel meeting Umi in my fic. In the fic, though, it's under completely different circumstances, so Excel treats her differently and different things happen as a result of that meeting. Except for that core, 'Excel meets Umi', there's nothing to be spoiled. And if you don't know that she's meeting Umi anyway, it's not really a spoiler; Excel will also meet people in the fic that she hasn't met in future volumes.
So I guess what I'm saying is, small parts of it are inspired by little things that happen in future volumes, but there shouldn't be any spoilers at all.
...Exceeeeeeeeept the two-Excels thing, which I think (hope?) everybody's already caught onto by now.
I will also be writing Excel and Il Palazzo's emo emo backstory later in the fic, but rest assured, I am completely making it up. :ehail:
Well, it's good to know that not all is a giant spoiler then...
But, the end kinda is..?
So, is the future to-be-done chapter even a safe read for non-vol-16 readers..? :o
...actually, what little inspiration I have for the ending of the fic isn't from Excel Saga, it's from Princess Tutu.
But yes, all future chapters should be safe. Even when 16 comes out (and SUPPOSEDLY I should have it by Monday, according to Amazon), I don't really see myself trying to incorporate anything from the English version.
Oh, that's good... almost thought it was a spoiler from Excel Saga vol 16..
Speaking of taking inspiriation from the books...
You seem to make the characters act more like they do in the anime (well, those that ARE in the anime)
Excel for instance says alot of stuff, that i couldn't imagine her manga version to say... her anime version on the other hand, it seems much more fitting...
Sort of a mix of the anime and manga actually, because she's not purely acting like any of either to be honest... Perhaps that was your intention as well to begin with..?
Weeeeeeell, not really. It's supposed to be manga-based, but I guess I ended up making it a little cracky anyway. :e_crying:
It's not that bad really...
It's moer your own style that way... Or, technically it's the style of the anmga and Anime... But since you sorta put it together that way, i think it's fair to call it your own style, haha...
I was un-aware that vol 16 is on sale btw, good you mentioned that earlier, i just ordered it at woohoo..! now there's a week or two before it usually arives...
Finally had time to catch up--still a fun read! :D I'm curious where the story's going...
Well, in the next chapter...
...wait, what happens in the next chapter.
...oh yeah! In the next chapter, Excel finally gets that weapon she as pining for in volume 10, and Elgala gets in BIG TROUBLE. :elembarassed:
I guess that doesn't quite answer the question, huh? Well, I should have the next chapter up sometime after next Wednesday (I write it at work, and I have me a fiiiive day weekend! :ehail:)
Hey, guys. I'm taking a little hiatus from Dianetics Another Day, I think. I'll probably get chapter 6 up sooner or later, because it really only needs to be typed, but I need a break so I can write some Phoenix Wright fanfic instead.
I am currently in the process of writing some short stories for a friend who role-plays Shiouji, and those are here ( The reason why I'm linking to the comment in my LJ instead of just C&Ping them here (since they're so short) is because there are VOLUME 16 SPOILERS.
I liked those...
Shiouji is one of my favorite characters :)
Fiiiiiiiiiinally, after more than a month, I finished Chapter 6: The Magic Stick (! This chapter was a little long, but the plot is still trudging along! I'm glad to finally be working on this fic again, even if it's because there's a more exciting fic I want to write after I'm done with it, eheheh. :e_confused:
EXCEL VS MIWA, ROUND ONE! "Only Lord Il Palazzo is allowed to touch me like that!" :e_angry:
FROM ROBOTS TO RICHES! "ACROSS's bittersweet success story..." :lordil:
NOT TOTALLY FORGOTTEN! We're actually going to get to do something...? :sumydrop:
Cool chapter, i liked how it ended...
Seems like she begins to develop a personality, and act less robotic...
I'm glad! ?
She's a character I enjoy in canon, too, but I wanted to give her a little more personality, which is why I changed the way she was made. I want to her to become more independent (and unlike Excel) as the story goes. :e_cool:
The fact that she begins having more of a personality, is that a part of the plot..?
Yep! I didn't want Il Palazzo to be the only bad guy, so I thought it'd be better if she was a little antonymous instead of just obeying his orders like she seems to in the manga. Also, I think it'll be fun to play with how she actually feels about things. I mean, working under the assumption that the Solarian ruler died pretty horribly, was stuck in a core, and has been passed around from robot to robot... I think if she has even a little bit of free will, she can't be too happy about the things that have happened to her, even if there's nothing she can do about it.
Just finished reading rape and it was a fairly good story, well written but you seemed to have ended it to fast. I dont think Il Palazzo would just kick Excel out I mean after that talk with Kabapu? He would also still care about his own kid...
Quote from: skycloud117 on October 06, 2007, 07:43:15 PM
Just finished reading rape and it was a fairly good story, well written but you seemed to have ended it to fast. I dont think Il Palazzo would just kick Excel out I mean after that talk with Kabapu? He would also still care about his own kid...
I figure he's just throwing a temper tantrum and they'll reconcile later, but I knew if I let myself write it, I'd end up wanting to do it all cute and squishy, and I'm not good at writing that sort of thing.
Well you can pull a ep. 25 and make it work out without it being squishy remember its your world and u can control it and shape it as u please!
Aww, 25 was squishy in its own way...
I know I have authorial control and all, but I get a little embarrassed about writing things with actual emotions. Silly, but true! I'm going to try to do a better job of that in Dianetics Another Day. :ehail:
To make up for being so slow with the last chapter, I have the next chapter!
Chapter 7: Practically Clear (
This chapter ran long, so I decided to split it into two. Hopefully I'll have the next one done soon, too!
I also don't know why I decided to do chapter titles... I really hate having to think of a new one every chapter, haha. :lordilvryannoyed:
Chapter 8: Kind of Cool (
Finally, the next chapter is done! I wish I could say the next chapter will be done faster, but I'm getting to that point where I have to start actually planning things so the fic can like... end. (By the way, my current estimate of final fic length is somewhere around 15 chapters, which probably means it'll be more like 20.)
EXCEL VS WATANABE! "Get a life, you creep!" :e_angry:
IL PALAZZO VS IL PALAZZO! "Conquest is my one desire..." :lordilannoyed:
SHIOUJI VS TOM CRUISE! "I don't care if you're in the closet, but did you have to take my mother in with you?" :icon_frown:
It's cool yet again :D
I hope Iwata will soon get on his feet again...
Epic chapter is epic. I have lulz'd a lot through your entire fanfic. :im_nabeshin:
Thanks, guys! ?
It'll probably be a couple more chapters before Iwata actually gets to do anything, but he'll be fixed in the next chapter! I'm starting to miss him too.
Chapter 9: Party at the Shioujis' II: There Actually is a Party This Time (
It might be awhile before I get the next chapter done, because I'm not entirely sure what actually happens in it, hahaha.
Excel's faces her bizarre and tragic past! :e_pleased:
Il Palazzo goes up against his own worst enemy... himself! :lordil:
And Hyatt may even actually show up briefly! :h_embarassed:
I approve yet again, i liked it :D
I like that it leaves you hanging in the end, as you'd expect in such a story...
I look forward to the next chapter, go and take your time with the plot, to make it as good as you can..!
Great work, as always. :im_nabeshin:
Keep it up. ;D
I've been pretty frustrated with my writing in chapter 10, so I think I'm gonna do it in comic form! So now the question is, do you guys wanna wait til i have all the pages done, or should I post them one at a time?
I'd prefer all at once... even if it takes some time... Because i like one big good read...
Reading it partly, only makes the fun-factor between each page fade away, because of the time to wait for the next page...
Roger! I'll put it up when it's done, then.
I was worried it would take forever, but I already have nearly four pages done. It probably helps that I'm drawing them at work, haha... :lordilsmile:
Yeah, I agree. It'll be far better to release it this way.
You're doing the drawing at work?? O_O Shameful, I say. :e_tongue:
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Oh! It just occurred to me that if anybody likes Phoenix Wright, I write fanfics for it, too. Those are here (
I also wanted to say that yeah, I'm still picking away at Dianetics Another Day. I'm actually closer to finishing chapter 11 than chapter 10, but that just means it'll be up faster!
Whew! After what feels like FOREVER, I actually have chapter 10 ready to go!
I'm going to get it up on and my website sooner or later, but I have to go to work pretty soon so there's really only enough time to show you guys. I did write a bit of an author's note I'm going to include with this chapter, which goes like so:
I knew when I started writing this story that it was going to get horribly, embarrassingly self-indulgent at some point. That point has come. Now, I'm the kind of person who will abandon a story entirely rather than embarrass herself, so in order to stop myself from hating this chapter quite as much, I actually drew it as a little mini-manga. It should be noted that I'm not the best artist, and thus the art is not the best; furthermore, I drew it at work, so the art's not my best. I also think this chapter is corny and terrible, but that's my opinion, and you're more than entitled to your own. If nothing else, the next chapter is almost entirely written and will be coming very soon!
Another thing I want to talk about is the Scientology aspect of the fic. Like many others, I've been fascinated with Scientology ever since I saw that episode of South Park. You know the one! And when I started writing this, I didn't know a lot about the subject, just a little from skimming through in Wikipedia. Due to a sudden international interest in Scientology, I've been reading a lot more and I realize my mythology is a little off just in terms of OTs and clears and such. I wish I'd started the fic now and could get it right, but I don't believe in rewriting fanfics and I wouldn't want to make you wait even longer for updates! (loev u guys)
Also (and this was just a dumb little thing that I'm sure people will wonder about), no, Xenu isn't really speaking in Japanese. I just threw it in because it was the mooniest moon-language I could think of. Even though they should technically all be speaking in Japanese. I DON'T CARE.
Finally, I just want to take a moment to hop up on the soapbox and address Scientology itself. I've been enjoying making fun of a silly religion, but the Church of Scientology itself is anything but silly. It's a dangerous cult that ruins the lives and livelihoods not just of its critics, but its members. If you want to learn more about Scientology, there are a wealth of resources online; leaked indoctrination videos on YouTube, "The Unfunny Truth" video, and tons of testimonials by ex-Scientologists. Start at and see what you find! This may not be the most important cause ever, but it is an important one, and you don't have to do much! Just learn what you can, and pass the message on! Friends don't let friends join cults!
Page 1 (
Page 2 (
Page 3 (
Page 4 (
Page 5 (
Page 6 (
Page 7 (
Page 8 (
Page 9 (
About damn time. :laugh: And I love this, you should do more mini-manga. The art was good, and I laughed several times. :elhail:
Quote from: Foggle on January 29, 2008, 03:43:36 PM
About damn time. :laugh: And I love this, you should do more mini-manga. The art was good, and I laughed several times. :elhail:
Thanks! :e_pleased: Ah, I really should draw more...
But to make up for how long it's been, here's chapter 11! (
Quote from: Uncreativity on January 29, 2008, 03:57:50 PM
Quote from: Foggle on January 29, 2008, 03:43:36 PM
About damn time. :laugh: And I love this, you should do more mini-manga. The art was good, and I laughed several times. :elhail:
Thanks! :e_pleased: Ah, I really should draw more...
But to make up for how long it's been, here's chapter 11! (
Wow, that was quick. You're a lot more productive and timely than I am. :D I'll read it later. ^_^
Today I wrote a short ficlet about Elgala. (
WARNING, THERE IS A SPOILER. It's a small and insignificant spoiler that only shows up in one chapter and in no way effects the plot. I helpfully put it in the subject of the post so you can know the difference between the spoiler and the stuff I blatantly made up. :il_hahaha:
Oh, and the next chapter of Dianetics is about halfway done. Progress is slow because once again, I didn't have my plot points planned out in advance, and because I've been distracted with an original writing project, but it should be up by the end of the month. I'm hoping to finish the fic by July, so I've only been working on it for a year. ONLY a year... :e_confused:
Just in time to go to class, Uncreativity has finished yet another chapter of Dianetics Another Day! :ehail:
Chapter 12: Tom Cruise Control (
Great writings Uncreativity :D
Writing, writing, writing.
Chapter 13: Mission Unpossible (
I'm going to shorten the rest of the fic just on the principle that otherwise I won't finish it. I'm probalby just going to drop all the plot threads that don't involve Il Palazzo and/or Tom Cruise. :il_hahaha:
AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, here's a short fic I wrote about Excel and Il Palazzo going to the beach. (
Those were both coool... :elhail:
Quote from: Uncreativity on April 01, 2007, 03:18:01 AM
It's been awhile since I pimped out all of the wacky and/or zany fanfic I've written! Most of that is because I am violently disorganized and spread said fanfic all over the internet like Johnny Appleseed plantin' seeds. Seeds of deliciousness. Eventually I'll get it all up on my website buuuuuuuut I am a lazy, lazy, lazy person when it comes to my website, so:
I have started uploading my longer/better fics to (, because if there's anything needs, it's more people who can actually write. And I have a lot of drabbles on my website (, because I likes me some drabbles.
This first fic that parodies another fic. That kind of makes me a terrible person, I'm sure, but if the first person's fic wasn't so utterly, horrifically bad, I wouldn't have to make fun of it, now would I? The story behind it is told briefly in the post with chapter one (I started off just putting this on one of my role-playing livejournals, and that's where most of the chapters are).
The title of the story is RAPE: A Fanfic About Rape (In Which There Is Rape), but other than that it's pretty tasteful. Except for the part with the rape in it.
Chapter 1 (
Chapter 2 (
Chapter 3/4 (
Chapter 5 (
Chapter 6 (
Chapter 7 (
Chapter 8 ( (The final chapter!)
Dianetics Another Day
Chapter 1: What the FUK? (
Chapter 2: Until Morale Improves (
Chapter 3: Exposed and Expositioned (
Chapter 4: Party at the Shioujis' (
Chapter 5: In Which Plot Points are Stolen from South Park (
Chapter 6: The Magic Stick (
Chapter 7: Practically Clear (
Chapter 8: Kind of Cool (
Chapter 9: Party at the Shioujis' II: There Actually is a Party This Time (
Chapter 10: Xenu is My Homeboy (
Chapter 11: No Hard Feelings (
Chapter 12: Tom Cruise Control (
Chapter 13: Mission Unpossible (
I love you!
Aww, I love you too. And Micki, too!
Group hug. :il_hahaha:
It's a cornucopia of love!
Quote from: Uncreativity on March 16, 2008, 01:14:14 PM
Aww, I love you too. And Micki, too!
Group hug. :il_hahaha:
You didn't love the exclamation mark in my name :elcry:
Micki, I... I hate to have to tell you like this, but your exclamation mark and I are having troubles. We're thinking of seeking relationship counseling.
Quote from: Uncreativity on March 17, 2008, 01:43:12 AM
Micki, I... I hate to have to tell you like this, but your exclamation mark and I are having troubles. We're thinking of seeking relationship counseling.
What..? why didn't you tell me earlier..? i know we could have figured out something, please give some time to make it up between you both..!
Dianetics Another Day: Chapter 14 (
I'm rushing the end, so there's one, maybe two chapters to go. I dunno about you guys, but I'll be glad when it's over. :il_hahaha:
So, uh, did you ever finish Dianetics Another Day?
Nah, I got bored and wandered away.
^That rhymed nicely. :il_hahaha:
I'm a poet and I didn't even know it. :e_wink:
I do miss writing fanfic a little, but I've just been swamped with school lately, and I don't really see that letting up anytime soon.
Seriously, your first story had me laughing so hard I couldn't read it all in one sitting because I thought I might die.
I wish I could've read the one you based it off of, though.
Quote from: Mad Hatteress on December 16, 2009, 02:59:17 PM
Seriously, your first story had me laughing so hard I couldn't read it all in one sitting because I thought I might die.
I wish I could've read the one you based it off of, though.
Oh man, when that fic went offline I was sad. I haven't been so sad to lose a badfic since Pikachu's Saucy Dalliance (an NC-17 ketchup bottle/Pikachu fic that I haven't seen in around a decade and yet have never forgotten) got taken off
I think I saved it somewhere, but I don't have it on this computer.
I love your fanfic too. There're the best ones in a sadly sparse section.
Your knack for satire had me giggling quite a bit when I plowed through dianetics.
When I saw you had abandoned it, I was like "I know where you aaare!" but then I remembered how I abandon most of my fics and feel guilty when I get requests for them to be finished but then still never finish them afterwards.
So you have been spared. :D