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Entertainment => General => Topic started by: E-E on July 26, 2007, 06:11:44 AM

Title: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: E-E on July 26, 2007, 06:11:44 AM
I went to see it Y-day after work... And it was awesome wall to wall laughs,
not a bad word to say about it.Well worth the 17 year wait ive had to endure.
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: MincyMatsu on July 26, 2007, 08:39:58 AM
Sounds good...

I look forward to watch this movie... if it's gonna be in the cinema or on DVD, i don't know :o
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: Uncreativity on July 26, 2007, 11:18:40 AM
I am, too. The TV show jumped the shark and jumped it hard.
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: Lord Il on July 26, 2007, 08:00:57 PM
"Spider Pig, Spider Pig. Does whatever a Spider Pig does..."


Saw a recent trailer for it at the recent Die Hard movie (Or was it Transformers? O.o). I swear, everyone was laughing their asses off at that clip.

Since Family Guy entered the scene, The Simpsons took a backseat with me. It was only last week when I watched a complete episode in close to two years. I guess it just became a bit stale after a while.

I have no doubt that this movie will try to push the envelope beyond what could be done on network television.

The question I have to ask myself is, do I watch it in the theater, or should I wait 'till it's out on DVD..
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: Her Excellency The Pink Bunny on July 26, 2007, 09:50:43 PM
I have thise channel called Current they they show random three minute 'Pods' all day long.  One was about a chalk drawing of Homer on a hill next to a drawing of a fertility symbol.  The symbol has it's penis out and is holding a club but the Homer has undies on and is holding a giant.  Locals are hoping it rains because it disrepects their symbol.  Oh and I think it's in England!
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: ElricJC on July 28, 2007, 09:48:40 PM
I saw the midnight showing the day it opened, and all I can say is it was the best time at the movies I've had in years.  I read somewhere that there are around 986 jokes and over 1,200 sight gags all jammed into it, and it's only an 82 minute long movie.  I stopped watching the series several years ago because it did feel very stale, but the movie breathed new life into the Simpsons and I'm hoping maybe it will get a second wind.  It used to be the edgy cartoon, but then Family Guy and South Park took over, now maybe it will swing back some more.  Great fun, can't say one bad thing about it.  And there were some great memorable lines I don't think I'll ever get out of my head.

"Try my all new pork burger, the Clogger!  If you're eating anything greasier, then you're in Mexico!"

Good times, good times :D
Title: Re: The Simpsons Movie
Post by: Lord Il on July 29, 2007, 07:09:24 AM
heh... I broke down and decided to see it yesterday. Oh, there were truly some good laughs to be had.

I think I secretly wanted Marge to blurt out the 'eff' word at that certain point. >_>