Excel Saga Forum

Ye Old Pub => Creativity => Topic started by: skycloud on September 11, 2007, 12:36:22 AM

Title: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 11, 2007, 12:36:22 AM

Took me about 5 hours to do, I know its a little rough but this is first fan art I have ever done. I know I could have done more shading etc but as I said took a long time lol. Tell me what you think.  :ehail:
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Randamo on September 11, 2007, 03:52:11 AM
for a first time...pretty good. I mean, lots of people just don't get their faces or outfit right. For me, i gotta look at a picture to get thing right, but after a while, im fine without it...hey, why am i talking about myself? :e_confused:....anyway
Good stuff!
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: MincyMatsu on September 11, 2007, 04:54:10 AM
for a first attempt, i think it is really cool...
The characters that look best, imo, are Il Palazzo, Kabapu and Excel...

Micki! Approves :im_nabeshin:
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 11, 2007, 07:21:49 AM
I know, I couldnt go into much detail with the faces because it was so small their was simply no room to put anymore detail.

for a first time...pretty good. I mean, lots of people just don't get their faces or outfit right. For me, i gotta look at a picture to get thing right, but after a while, im fine without it...hey, why am i talking about myself? ....anyway
Good stuff!

That was my main problem, for first time I had to look through all 16 volumes of Excel Saga to find them in a similar position or pose that I wanted them to be in. But for some things I had to make it up, especially with the Dept. of environmental security. (I know they look rather funky, but I think I atleast made Sumiyoshi look ok. Elgala and Hyatt I know look rather bad, their just isnt any kind of real pictures of them fighting like their are for Excel (That is probly why she looks so much better then them.)

Quotefor a first attempt, i think it is really cool...
The characters that look best, imo, are Il Palazzo, Kabapu and Excel...

Micki! Approves

That is all that I could ever ask for  :e_crying:

I will try out more drawings to get better and post em here, hope I can get as good as you Micki!
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 11, 2007, 07:57:39 PM
Thanks I do plan to eventually remake this. I know most kind of look Egyption but I was having a hard time just getting body pose.

Well both Lord and Kabapu and Miwa have no real lower body, there more like spiritual bodies to represent both sides of the battle.

I know I messed up alot on proportions because it is REALLY hard to get the exact right proportion when im trying to draw behind someone and cant see their whole body, Shading was also a really big problem because it just wasnt possible (for my lvl of skill yet) to shade in that small of faces and bodies, I know it would have added a great deal more depth and 3D look to it.

But I really only had a pencil and I didnt think I could shade in their suits because I used different lvls of shading just to tell the dif between their uniforms. But when I get better I will see what I can do.

Next picture I plan to draw is a Excel and Umi picture hugging each other in the costumes they wore vol. 16 at the cosplay convention.

Thanks for the complements ^^
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 11, 2007, 08:24:30 PM
Oh  :e_embarassed:

Well the one im planing is in no way going to be um.. exposing, just a sorta girl picture to try a dab into that kind of style.
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: FullmetalExcel on September 14, 2007, 11:20:41 AM
Hay i like it. FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THERE SHOULD BE MORE BATTLES IN EXCEL SAGA!!!! LIKE HYATT USING A SNIPER RIFLE! Elgala using a katana and excel with her fists.
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Inkwolf on September 20, 2007, 08:54:35 AM
You must be a Miwa fan!  :ehail:

Very cool, I can recognize all the characters. :D  And a very ambitioous scene, too! Keep drawing, I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 20, 2007, 11:11:42 AM

Took about a hour to do, made it honor of pirate day! Couldnt find a good skin color I liked so I made her tan! (which I like her tan more anyways!) Had to edit lines for paint to not cross over to other parts of the picture, hope yall like it!
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Randamo on September 21, 2007, 03:43:31 AM
like how you did the leather. very good shading.
good stuff.
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Poey on September 21, 2007, 06:24:34 PM
She has no nose!
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 21, 2007, 09:44:03 PM
You wont believe how long I stressed over finding that skin tone. I just couldnt find a proper normal skin toned so I just went for the tan look and did a LOT of mixing to find a good blend.

Yea the original only had shading to show that she had a nose and most of the shading vanished when I added color

Edit but if u look close u can see some dots for where her nose is!
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: FullmetalExcel on September 22, 2007, 10:29:45 AM
Nice. i've always thought that excel looked good with the tan look.
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 22, 2007, 07:29:15 PM
Thanks, blonde girls always look great with tans (in my own opinion)
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Lord Il on September 23, 2007, 07:51:02 AM
Quote from: skycloud117 on September 20, 2007, 11:11:42 AM

Took about a hour to do, made it honor of pirate day! Couldnt find a good skin color I liked so I made her tan! (which I like her tan more anyways!) Had to edit lines for paint to not cross over to other parts of the picture, hope yall like it!
Excel has clearly fallen victim to the ganguro look. O.o
Also, she's clearly taken some clothing color advice from Lina Inverse. ;D
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 23, 2007, 02:17:17 PM
Well I wanted to make her uniform green like her normal one. I was going to make the gloves black but Excel said she doesnt like that (vol 16) and I should have made the fraq white not red I guess
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: Lord Il on September 23, 2007, 03:39:11 PM
I would say that the red (or maybe the shade used) is a little overpowering for the rest of it.

Even though I could never see Excel as a ganguro girl, the look is, oddly enough, growing on me. ^^

As for the actual fanart, that's what I like to see is action scenes. Nice!
For a first attempt, I'd say that was pretty darn good. :ehail:
Title: Re: My first Fanart ever!
Post by: skycloud on September 23, 2007, 05:39:16 PM
Thanks and yes Ganguro grows on people. =D