Excel Saga Forum

Entertainment => General => Topic started by: FullmetalExcel on September 14, 2007, 09:51:01 PM

Title: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: FullmetalExcel on September 14, 2007, 09:51:01 PM
I have loved the X-men for all of my childhood life and i wanna see if anyone here likes the comic book.cartoons. or the movie. My fav x-men is not a x-men but the leader of the brother hood....magneto!

Who is your fav?
Title: Re: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: skycloud on September 14, 2007, 10:49:32 PM
No wonder ur always giving me the option to call the X men in the dating sim....

But I will never pick it! MWAHAHAHAHAHA  :eevil: :eevil: :eevil:
Title: Re: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: skycloud on September 14, 2007, 10:50:15 PM
...also Iceman is my fav >.>

Go Omega class mutants!
Title: Re: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: Soske on September 16, 2007, 09:51:03 AM
Psylocke has always been my favorite.
Title: Re: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: FullmetalExcel on September 16, 2007, 11:34:45 AM
QuotePsylocke has always been my favorite.
Psylocke is awesome!

QuoteNo wonder ur always giving me the option to call the X men in the dating sim....

But I will never pick it! MWAHAHAHAHAH

Why not? you could use there help right now! i know its off topic of excel saga but seeing how excel saga kinda Rips on everything, I should be able to do it too in the dating game. but not that much.
Title: Re: X-men and there awesomeness
Post by: skycloud on September 16, 2007, 09:21:46 PM
Hmm then maybe I will let them appear, if the moment is right